Major Collaborative Archival Initiatives
For collaborative projects that will significantly improve public discovery and use of major historical records collections.
FY 2023
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
$330,253 to support the People, Religion, Information Networks, and Travel (PRINT) project to create a curated digital repository of 2,700 letters written by Anabaptists, Quakers, and Pietist refugees to the American Colonies (1630-1730) from five repositories in the United States and Europe. The PRINT project will transcribe (and translate where necessary) the letters; normalize the descriptive metadata; and create visualizations and educational resources. (RM-103482)
FY 2022
Norman B. Leventhal Map and Education Center
Boston, MA
$229,048 to support a two-year project, in partnership with the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon, to create the ARGO (American Revolutionary Geographies Online) portal of geographic depictions of North America (1750 -1800) curated from dozens of repositories. (RM-103387)
Brown University
Providence, RI
$250,000 to support a two-year project called “Divided America,” which will digitize, and make available online, approximately 238,000 pages of material from small- to medium-sized issue-focused conservative groups between 1948 and 1999 and make them accessible through the Brown Digital Repository. (RM-103389)
History Colorado
Denver, CO
$250,696 to support a two-year project to process and describe 253 linear feet of the Mazzulla Collection and digitize approximately 50,000 items from the collection. Fred Milo Mazzulla (1903-1981) was born in Trinidad, Colorado to Italian immigrants and became an amateur western historian, photographer, and writer, amassing a collection of more than 250,000 photographic images of the American West. (RM-103390)