National Historical Publications & Records Commission

The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers

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Marcus Garvey, courtesy New York Public Library


University of California, Los Angeles

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Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr., (1887 –1940) was a Jamaican political leader, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator who was a staunch proponent of the Black nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements, to which end he founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL).  He founded the Black Star Line, part of the Back-to-Africa movement, which promoted the return of the African diaspora to their ancestral lands. This is an edition of the documentary record of the Garvey movement, based on the papers of the U.N.I.A.-Central Division and documents in foreign archives and in United States government archives, among them the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Thirteen volumes completed.

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