Draper Manuscripts

Ferrotype/tintype portrait of Lyman Draper (1815-1891), an American historical collector and librarian. Courtesy Wisconsin Historical Society.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Additional information at http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/military/draper/
A microfilm edition of the papers of Lyman Copeland Draper (1815-1891), a lifelong student of early American history. The collection as a whole covers primarily the period between the French and Indian War and the War of 1812 (ca. 1755-1815). The geographic concentration is on the "Trans-Allegheny West," which included the western Carolinas and Virginia, some portions of Georgia and Alabama, the entire Ohio River valley, and parts of the Mississippi River valley. Military records and information are pervasive throughout the Draper Manuscripts. Particular strengths include the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, especially those actions which occurred in the West. The Guide to the collection specifically indexes Revolutionary War pension applicant information. Other strengths are Native American conflicts and westward explorations in which the military played a role, such as the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
123 reels plus calendars and documentaries.
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