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Records Related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) at the National Archives

Detail of a black and white photograph of an unidentified flying object. NAID 295136808.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has established an ‘‘Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Collection," per sections 1841–1843 of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law 118-31). Unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) records received by NARA from federal agencies in accordance with the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will be accessioned into Record Group 615, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Collection. All publicly releasable records within Record Group 615 will be made available online through the National Archives Catalog within 180 days of transmission to NARA from federal agencies. NARA has issued guidance to federal agencies regarding identification, preparation, and transfer of UAP records, but has not yet accessioned records into Record Group 615. For more information about the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Collection, please see our frequently asked questions.

The National Archives has in its custody records across multiple record groups and collections related to unidentified flying object (UFO) and UAP investigations, sightings, and reporting. Record groups and collections are the highest level of archival description. Record group numbers are assigned by NARA to large organizations, such as federal departments or agencies. For example, NARA has assigned Record Group 255 to the records of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

National Archives Identifiers (NAID) are unique numbers assigned to all descriptions in the National Archives Catalog. NAIDs can be assigned at all levels of description, from record groups down to individual items.

Please explore the links below to find out more about records related to UAPs/UFOs in NARA’s holdings. Links to items in the National Archives Catalog are downloadable and can be republished with attribution to the National Archives and Records Administration.


RG 255: Records of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Photographs Relating to Agency Activities, Facilities and Personnel, 1960–1991 (NAID: 5956182)

RG 341: Records of Headquarters U.S. Air Force (Air Staff)

Project “Blue Book”, 1954-1966 (NAID: 542184)

RG 342: Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations, 1900–2003

Black and White and Color Photographs of U.S. Air Force Activities, Facilities, and Personnel, Domestic and Foreign, 1954-1980 (NAID: 542326)

Some of these materials are not available online due to donor, copyright or other potential intellectual property rights. In these instances, the link provided is only for the catalog description of the materials. Researchers must make arrangements to view these records onsite in the Moving Image and Sound Research Room at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland.

RG 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer

MAJ. GEN. JOHN A. SAMFORD'S STATEMENT ON "FLYING SAUCERS", PENTAGON, WASHINGTON, D.C. (Motion Picture 111-LC-30875);  Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection, 1964–1980 (NAID: 25061)

RG 255: Records of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Walter Cronkite and Gordon Cooper on UFOs (Sound Recording 255-PAOa-807-AAE); Sound Recordings Relating to Mission Activities, 1961–1993 (NAID: 75815065) 

An Executive Summary of the Greatest Secret of the 20th Century (Moving Image 255-GOLDIN-233); Video Recordings Documenting the Administration of Daniel Goldin, 1985–2001 (NAID: 5730762)

RG 263: Records of the Central Intelligence Agency

Moving Images Relating to Intelligence and International Relations, 1947–1984 (NAID: 592764)

RG 306: Records of the U.S. Information Agency

Production Library Audio Recordings, 1999–2005 (NAID: 118159)

Video Recordings from the ‘Foreign Press’ Program Series, 1983–1988 (NAID: 56087)

RG 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense

The Case of the Flying Saucer (Sound Recording 330.85); Audio Recordings, 1945–1965 (NAID: 109386)

Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Sighting (Moving Image 330-DVIC-653); Motion Picture Films and Video Recordings on Five Decades of U.S. Military Activities Around the World, ca. 1950–ca. 2000 (NAID: 561934)

RG 341: Records of Headquarters U.S. Air Force (Air Staff)

Project Blue Book Motion Picture Films, 1950-1966 (NAID: 61934)

Sound Recordings Relating to Project Blue Book Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Investigations, 1953-1967 (NAID: 1142703)

Moving Images Relating to “The Roswell Reports” Source Data Research Files, 1946-1996 (NAID: 566658)

Sound Recordings Relating to “The Roswell Reports”, 1991-1996 (NAID: 566843)

RG 342: Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations

Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities, 1947–1984 (NAID: 64437)

RG 517: Records of the U.S. Agency for Global Media

UFO Sighting Over Alaska (Sound Recording 517-VOAa-87-306); Sound Recordings of Radio Programs, Speeches, and Special Events, 1984–2000 (NAID: 40432506)

Science World 1030 (Moving Image 517-BBG-50046); Video Tape Programs and Worldnet Broadcasts, 1999–2009 (NAID: 74221734)

WWDC Radio Documentaries 

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs): Fact or Fiction (Sound Recording 200.1572); Radio Documentaries, 1973–1975 (NAID: 2843063)

Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection

Motion Picture Newsreel Films, October 1941–March 1957 (NAID: 98600)

MCA/Universal Pictures Collection

Motion Picture Releases of the Universal Newsreel Library, 1929–1967 (NAID: 100520)

RG 64: Records of the National Archives and Records Administration

Project Blue Book: UFO Sightings; Program Subject Files, October 1, 1985–September 30, 2002 (NAID: 28270819)

RG 181: Records of Navy Installations Command, Navy Regions, Naval Districts, and Shore Establishments

Collection of A8-2 Information,1959; Central Subject Files, 1957–1959 (NAID: 7450434)

RG 237: Records of the Federal Aviation Administration

Information Releases Relating to Unidentified Flying Object, 1986 (FAA—Japan Airlines Flight 1628) (NAID: 733667)

RG 255: Records of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Gemini VII Air-to-Ground Transcript Volume I; Source Files on Project Gemini, 1961–1974 (NAID: 559951)

RG 341: Records of Headquarters U.S. Air Force (Air Staff)

Records of Investigations of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) Relating to the Office of Special Investigations, 1948–1968 (NAID: 45484701)

Project Blue Book Administrative Files, 1947–1969 (NAID: 595175)

Copies of the Case Files of the 4602D Air Intelligence Service Squadron on Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), 1954–1956 (NAID: 23857158)

Roswell Report Source Files, 1987–1996 (NAID: 17618564)

Air Intelligence Reports, 1948–1953 (NAID: 23857122)

Project Blue Book Artifacts, 1952–1969 (NAID: 23857160)

Sanitized Version of Project Blue Book Case Files on Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects, 1947–1969 (NAID: 23857160)

Case files on Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), 1953-1960 (NAID: 23857159)

RG 342: Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations

AFR 80-17/OCAMA-TAFB Sup Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO); Publications Record Set, 1975–1975 (NAID: 26421022)

Obsolete During 1969: 4600 Air Base Wing Supplement 1 to Air Force Regulation 80-17, Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), 10 January 1967; Superseded, 15 April 1969; Headquarters Publications Record Set, January 12, 1968–December 30, 1971 (NAID: 41049902)

REL-2-4-1 UFOs 1965; General Records, 1951–1965 (NAID: 24899425)

5: 2, Community Relations, 1970; Correspondence Records Related to Informational Newsletters, Division and Unit Newspapers, and Community and Media Relations, January 13, 1970–December 28, 1970 (NAID: 38222946)

Decimal Files, 1948–1952 (NAID: 23129262)

Jimmy Carter Library

White House Staff Photographers Collection, January 20, 1977–January 20, 1981

Jimmy Carter's Presidential Photographs, January 20, 1977–January 20, 1981 (NAID: 173341). Contact sheets available online allow researchers to identify specific images of interest by contact sheet number and image frame number.

Frank Moore - Receives 9000 letters concerning UFO incidents in conjunction with National Enquirer article (NAID: 179066)

Frank Moore - Receives 9000 letters concerning UFO incidents in conjunction with National Enquirer article (NAID: 179067)

Gerald R. Ford Library

Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, 1948–1973

Ford Press Releases, January – April 1966; Press Releases Chronological Files, 1964-1973 (NAID: 642075)

Ford Press Releases - UFO, 1966; Press Releases Subject Files, 1965–1973 (NAID: 642076)

Ford Speech and Press Releases Logs, 1966; Speech and Press Release Logs, 1948–1973 (NAID: 642078)

Fifth District Weekly Radio Reports, 1966; Weekly Radio Reports, 1949–1973 (NAID: 642083)

Ford Broadcasts, 1965-1966; Broadcasts Files, 1949–1972 (NAID: 642085)

William J. Clinton Library

Records of the White House Office of Records Management (Clinton Administration), 1993–2001

Subject Files on Outer Space, 1993–2001 (NAID: 1127712)

Subject Files on the Federal Government, 1993–2001 (NAID: 1127609)

Alphabetical Files, 1993–2001 (NAID: 7408735)

Subject Files on National Security and Defense, 1993–2001 (NAID: 1127710)

Records of the National Security Council Records Management Office (Clinton Administration), ca. 1993–ca. 2001

Presidential Records Series (PRS) Files, ca. 1993–ca. 2001 (NAID: 7388808)

NSC (National Security Council) Records Management System, January 20, 1993–January 20, 2001 (NAID: 26457815)

  • Related to Flying Saucers or UFOs LPWJC 2006-0474-F​

Presidential Electronic Mail from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS), January 20, 1993–January 20, 2001

Automated Records Management System (ARMS) Email from the White House Office (WHO) Bucket, January 20, 1993–January 20, 1993 (NAID: 26444785)

Automated Records Management System (ARMS) Email from the Default Bucket, January 20, 1993–January 20, 2001 (NAID: 26444787)

Automated Records Management System (ARMS) Email from the Office of Policy Development (OPD) Bucket, January 20,1993–January 20, 1993 (NAID: 26444780)

Records of the National Security Council (Clinton Administration), 1993–2001

Emails, 1993–2001 (NAID: 24194021)

Cables, 1993–2001 (NAID: 24194018)

Tape Restoration Project (TRP) Emails, January 20, 1993–January 20, 1993

Tape Restoration Project (TRP) Email from the Default Bucket, 1994–2000 (NAID: 26444833)

Records of the Office of Agency Liaison (Clinton Administration), 1993–2001

Correspondence, 1993–2000 (NAID: 7262140)

Records of the Office of Scheduling (Clinton Administration), 1993–2001

General Files, 1993–2001 (NAID: 7431993)

Digitized and born-digital records related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) in the National Archives Catalog are available in bulk downloads produced from the Catalog records at Bulk Downloads for Records Related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs). The downloadable zip files containing image, video, and PDF files are linked from this web page, along with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format files containing metadata for each record.


Text reads, "Summary: (Unclassified) Unidentified Flying Objects Reporting


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