Sunshine Week: 15 National Archives Stories About Making Access Happen
By Angela Tudico | National Archives News
WASHINGTON, March 16, 2023 — The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) marked Sunshine Week 2023 with a program about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) at NARA and videos that share how the agency advances this year’s theme, “Make Access Happen.”
The theme is particularly meaningful for the National Archives, as it has been part of the agency's strategic plan since 2014.
All year long, NARA’s Office of Government Information Services (OGIS), the federal FOIA Ombudsman, works toward this strategic goal to make access happen by assisting the public with FOIA requests and identifying ways to improve FOIA compliance.
The National Archives, as a whole, makes access happen every day in a number of ways, from digitizing records to putting next generation finding aids online to connecting with researchers.
Sunshine Week , March 12-18, is celebrated annually and promotes the importance of open access to public information. As Sunshine Week comes to a close, the National Archives is looking back at stories that explore the ways in which the agency connects the public with records. Find out more in the pieces below.