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World War I Armistice Tribute Concert with Pershing's Own

Musicians from U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own" will perform compositions by French composers in the post-World War I period. Find an Event

Museum Selfie Day

Join people around the world taking selfies to promote museums and their holdings. Find an Event

The First Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill George Washington

Brad Meltzer investigates how some of his hand-picked troops and the governor of New York plotted against George Washington. Find an Event

Just Like Me: Vietnam War Stories from All Sides

Ron Osgood shares stories about the Vietnam War from veterans and noncombatants in a new documentary film. Find an Event

Bringing History To Life: Documenting Artifacts

John Emond illustrates the importance of documenting artifacts so their history is preserved—not lost. Find an Event

Veterans Day Transcribathon

Join us in celebrating Veterans Day with a 72-hour transcribathon focused on uncensored, handwritten reflections from World War II soldiers on war and military service.  Find an Event

“Earthrise” and “Debrief: Apollo 8” (New Date)

For the 50th anniversary of the flight of Apollo 8, we will show two documetary films: “Earthrise” and “Debrief: Apollo 8.” Find an Event

Story Time in the ReSource Room for Pre-Schoolers and Adults

The theme of this story time is Lady Bird Johnson's environmental activities. Find an Event

Frank and Al: FDR, Al Smith, and the Unlikely Alliance that Created the Modern Democratic Party

Terry Golway traces the relationship between political allies, then adversaries, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Al Smith. Find an Event

From the Vaults: Remembering Vietnam

This is the fourth in a series of films about Vietnam from the National Archives motion picture holdings.