Records of U.S. House of Representatives Select Committees
The Center for Legislative Archives has records of the House select committees listed below. Select committees are appointed to perform a special function that is beyond the authority or capacity of a standing committee, and expire on completion of their assigned duty. For an overview of House records, please see the Guide to the Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1789-1989, which discusses the jurisdiction, history, and records created by each committee.
Each committee's link will take you to its organization authority record in the National Archives' Catalog, which provides more information. To view descriptions of the committee's records, click on the link(s) under "Role(s)" in the organization authority record.
Most of the Center's records are located at the National Archives building in Washington, DC. Detailed contact information can be found at the bottom of each description record in the Catalog.
Please contact the Center by phone at (202) 357-5350 or by email at if the committee you are looking for is not included in this list.
Ad Hoc Select Committee on Energy (1977-1978)
Ad Hoc Select Committee on the Outer Continental Shelf (1975-1980)
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (1977- )
Select Committee on Accounts (1803-1805)
Also includes Committee on Accounts (1805-1947)
Select Committee on Aging (1974-1992)
Select Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic (1879-1893)
Also includes Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic (1893-1927)
Select Committee on Assassinations (1976-1979)
Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families (1983-1993)
Select Committee on Committees (1973-1974)
Select Committee on Committees (1979-1980)
Also known as Patterson Committee; Select Committee on Committees II
Select Committee on Communist Aggression (1954)
Also includes Select Committee to Investigate the Incorporation of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia into the U.S.S.R. (1953-1954)
Select Committee on Congressional Operations (1977-1979)
Select Committee on Conservation of Wildlife Resources (1934-1946)
Select Committee on Crime (1969-1973)
Select Committee on Export Control (1961-1962)
Select Committee on Foreign Aid (1947-1948)
Select Committee on Government Organization (1937-1941)
Select Committee on Government Research (1963-1964)
Select Committee on the House Restaurant (1969-1975)
Select Committee on Hunger (1984-1993)
Select Committee to Inquire into the Alleged Abuses of the Franking System
Select Committee of Inquiry into Operation of the U.S. Air Services (1924-1925)
Select Committee to Investigate Air Accidents (1941-1943)
Select Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures (1954-1955)
Select Committee to Investigate Commodity Transactions (1947-1948)
Select Committee Investigating Defense Migration (1941-1943)
Also includes Select Committee to Investigate Migration of Destitute Citizens (1940-1941)
Select Committee to Investigate the Disposition of Surplus Property (1946)
Select Committee to Investigate the Federal Communications Commission (1943-1945)
Select Committee to Investigate the Federal Communications Commission (1948-1948)
Select Committee to Investigate Foundations and Other Organizations (1952-1953)
Select Committee to Investigate the National Labor Relations Board (1939-1940)
Select Committee to Investigate Real Estate Bondholders' Reorganizations (1934-1938)
Select Committee to Investigate the Seizure of Montgomery Ward and Company (1944)
Select Committee to Investigate the Use of Chemicals in Food and Cosmetics (1950-1953)
Select Committee on Lobbying Activities (1949-1951)
Select Committee on Missings Persons in Southeast Asia (1975-1976)
Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control (1976-1993)
Select Committee on Newsprint and Paper Supply (1947-1948)
Select Committee on Offensive and Undesirable Books, Magazines, and Comic Books (1952)
Also known as the Select Committee on Current Pornographic Materials
Select Committee on Population (1977-1979)
Select Committee on Postwar Economic Policy and Planning (1944-1946)
Select Committee on Postwar Military Policy (1944-1946)
Select Committee on Professional Sports (1976-1977)
Select Committee Pursuant to House Resolution 1, 90th Congress, 1st Session (1967)
Select Committee on Reconstruction (1867-1871)
Select Committee on Small Business (1949-1975)
Also includes the Select Committee to Conduct a Study and Investigation of the National Defense Program in Its Relation to Small Business in the United States (1941-circa 1949)
Also known as Select Committee to Conduct a Study and Investigation of the National Defense Program in Its Relation to Small Business, Select Committee to Investigate Small Business Program, Select Committee Investigating the National Defense Program in its Relation to Small Business, Small Business Committee, Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program in Its Relation to Small Business, Committee to Investigate and Study the Problems of Small Business, Select Committee to Conduct a Study and Investigation of the Problems of Small Business, and Select Committee to Study and Investigate Relationship of National Defense Program to Small Business
Select Committee on Standards and Conduct (1966)
Select Committee on Survivor Benefits (1954-1955)
Select Committee on U.S. Shipping Board Operations (1919-1921)