Petition from the Society for the Preservation of National Parks Against Granting San Francisco the Hetch Hetchy Valley
The Society for the Preservation of National Parks submitted this petition to Congress in order to urge them to defeat the Raker Bill, a bill to grant San Francisco the right to dam the Hetch Hetchy Valley. Led by John Muir, the Society believed that natural wonders should remain unspoiled. They connected their argument to issues of health. In this letter, the Society's leadership, including Muir, encouraged Congress to save the beautiful Valley so that the entire nation could enjoy the land for healthful pleasure and rest.
Petition from the Society for the Preservation of National Parks Against Granting San Francisco the Hetch Hetchy Valley, June 27, 1913; Committee on Public Lands; Petitions and Memorials (SEN 63A-F26); Records of the U.S. Senate, Record Group 46; NAID 7268060