Legislative Branch


The First Report of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress (December 31, 1991) presents a five-year plan for the management and preservation of the records of Congress and addresses issues related to the opening of a new National Archives building in College Park, Maryland.

The Second Report of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress (December 31, 1995) assesses the status of projects outlined in the first report, recommends new projects and issues to study, and focuses on modern committee records and the impact of technology on congressional documentation.

The Third Report of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress (December 31, 2000) updates the earlier reports and focuses on the preservation of members' papers, the development and preservation of electronic records in Congress, and research access to congressional archival information.

The Fourth Report of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress (December 31, 2006) documents the substantial progress made in addressing the trends raised in the third report. 

The Fifth Report of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress (December 31, 2012) assesses progress made in the preservation of the records of Congress and its Members since the fourth report, evaluates the effectiveness of current programs, and highlights emerging challenges. 

The Sixth Report of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress (December 31, 2018) highlights seven critical developments: the Center's acquisition of new storage space for Congress's records at the Government Publishing Office; expansion of the Congressional Records Instance of the Electronic Records Archive; preservation of committee hearing videos; preservation of social media communications; progress of the Legislative Enhanced Archival Description project; efforts to preserve data generated and stored in correspondence managements systems used by Member offices; and advances in digital curation both within Congress and at the Center. 

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