Program Development Files Folder List, 1975-1979
Environmental Protection Agency (Record Group 412)
Box 1
1100.1 General correspondence and information
1100.2 State/EPA agreements
1100.4 Emergency response plan
1130.1 Meetings - general correspondence
1130.2 Air
1200.1 General correspondence and information
1200.2 Water
1200.3 Air
1325.1 General correspondence and information - water pollution [part] (national status report on wastewater treatment at pulp and paper mills)
Box 2
1325.1 General correspondence and information - water pollution [end]
Box 3
1325.4 Air enforcement
1500.4-01 Citizen complaints - air pollution [part]
Box 4
1500.4-01 Citizen complaints - air pollution [end]
1550.1 General correspondence and information - freedom of information
1550.1-01 Air pollution
1550.1-02 Water pollution
Box 5
1550.2 Reports
2400.1 General correspondence and information
2400.2 General guidance - enforcement
2400.3-04 Final package
2400.4-03 Mobil sources
2400.5 Drinking water
2400.5-01 Manual
Box 6
2500.3-02 Resources and workdays - Zero based budgeting (ZBB)
2500.3-02 ZBB background (numbers)
2500.3-02 ZBB draft (handwritten)
2500.3-02 ZBB draft (typed)
2500.3-02 ZBB ARHM-SVAN
2500.3-02 ZBB FY 77 outputs
2500.3-03 Final ZBB package June 1978
2500.3-03 ZBB memo priority shifts
2500.3-03 H Q comments on ZBB package (May 1978)
2500.3-03 ZBB guidance
2500.3-03 ZBB (4-21-75) (typed)
2500.3-03 ZBB forms
2500.3-03 Final ZBB (4-21-78) ARHM, SVAN, Mgmt
Box 7
3115.1 Employment/employees (FY 77 affirmative action plan for region VII)
3140.1 General correspondence and information (report of National Conference on Water Treatment Systems for Small Communities April 1977)
3140.2 Technology transfer program
3140.3 Air
3300.1 General correspondence and information - legal [part]
Box 8
3300.1 General correspondence and information - legal [end]
3300.2 NPDES adjudicatory hearing
3400.02 Effluent guidelines
3460.1 General Correspondence - standards [part]
Box 9
3460.1 General correspondence - Standards [end]
3460.2 Effluent guidelines
3460.3 Water guidelines
3500.1 General correspondence and information - enforcement [part]
Box 10
3500.1 General correspondence and information [part]
Box 11
3500.1 General correspondence and information [end]
3500.2 Administration status reports [part]
Box 12
3500.2 Administration status reports [end]
3500.3 Significant regulations
3520.2 Legal proceedings
3520.3 Tax write off
3520.4 Standing air monitoring working group
3521.1 Enforcement
3521.1-01 Iowa
3521.1-02 Kansas [part]
Box 13
3521.1-02 Kansas [end]
3521.1-03 Missouri
3521.2 Iowa air quality commission
Box 14
3521.3 Iowa concurrent orders
3521.4 Iowa
3521.5 Kansas
3521.6 Missouri water (Missouri clean water commission)
3521.7 Missouri air conservation commission [part]
Box 15
3521.7 Missouri air conservation commission [end]
3521.8-01 Permit compliance
3521.9 Nebraska environmental control council
3521.10 St. Louis County dept. of community health and medical
3522.1 General correspondence and information
3522.3 Clean air amendments [part]
Box 16
3522.3 Clean air amendments [end]
3522.3-01 Section 110 (F) emergency
3522.10 Non ferrous smelter orders
3523.1 General correspondence and information (compliance and emission data summary Region VII)
Box 17
3523.1-01 Iowa inspections
3523.1-02 Kansas
3523.1-03 Missouri
3523.1-04 Nebraska
3523.2 Iowa EPA inspections (Second symposium of fugitive emissions measurement and control report)
3523.3 Kansas EPA inspections
3523.4 Missouri EPA inspections
3523.5 Nebraska EPA inspections
Box 18
3523.6 Iowa point & non point sources
3523.7 Kansas portable asphalt plants and rock crushers
3523.8 EMS-CDS converter (TRC) Iowa
3523.9 Kansas state inspections
3523.10 Missouri state inspections
Box 19
3523.11 Nebraska state inspections
3523.12-01 New source tracking sheets - Iowa coded
3523.12-03 New source tracking sheets - Kansas coded
3523.12-04 New source tracking sheets - Kansas not coded
3523.12-05 New source tracking sheets - Missouri coded
3524.2-01 Drafts - Iowa state implementation plan revisions to control air pollution [part]
Box 20
3524.2-01 Drafts - Iowa state implementation plan revisions to
control air pollution [part]
Box 21
3524.2-01 Drafts - Iowa state implementation plan revisions to control air pollution [end]
3524.2-03 Missouri
3524.2-04 Nebraska
3524.2-05 Ambient air quality standards
3524.11 St. Louis episodes
Box 22
3524.15 Stack height proposed regulations
3525.1 Iowa Reportable
3526.1 General correspondence and information
3526.4 Miscellaneous industry categories
Box 23
3526.7-01 Flu gas desulfurization
3527.1 Hazardous air pollutants (Benzene report)
Box 24
3527.2 Demolition and spraying - asbestos
3527.2-01 Iowa contractors
3527.2-02 Kansas contractors
3527.2-03 Missouri contractors
3527.2-04 Nebraska contractors
3527.4 Asbestos, beryllium, mercury
3527.7 National standards for hazardous air pollutants
Box 25
3527.8 Benzene report 6-21-1978
3527.9 Kansas NESHAPS demolition contractors
3527.10 Missouri NESHAPS demolition contractors
3527.11 Nebraska NESHAPS demolition contractors
3528.6 Audits
3528.7 Interpretative ruling - offsets
3529.1 General correspondence and information - new source pollution ( part)
Box 26
3529.1 General correspondence and information [end]
3530.1 General correspondence and information - monitoring
3530.5 Continuous monitoring guidance and policy
3530.7 RTI contract
3531.1 General correspondence and information - fuels
Box 27
3531.2 ESECA
3532.8 Power plant status
3532.9 Air pollution emission report
3532.10 PEDCO
3532.11 Grain dust control technology
3532.12 MRI grain elevator study
3532.13 Radian
3535.1 General correspondence and information - mobile source air pollution
3535.2 Unleaded gasoline [part]
Box 28
3535.2 Unleaded gasoline [end]
3535.2-01 Hearings
3535.2-02 Iowa contract
3535.2-03 Kansas contract
3535.2-4 Nebraska contract
3535.2-05 Private laboratory analysis
3535.2-06 Missouri contract
3535.3 Quarterly MSED summaries
3535.4 Tampering (motor vehicle tampering survey)
Box 29
3536.11-01 Gasoline marketing chain
3540.1 General correspondence and information - legal cases
3540.2 Warning letters
3560.1 General correspondence [part] - (fish kill Truman Dam, Lake of the Ozarks)
Box 30
3560.1 General correspondence and information [end]
3560.2 State Inspection
3560.3 EPA inspection
3560.4 Monitoring report comment
3560.4-01 Late letters
3560.5 Compliance monitoring
3560.6 National enforcement investigation center
Box 31
3562.1 General correspondence and information - water (National Accomplishments Report Dec 1976) [part]
Box 32
3562.1 General correspondence and information - water (National Accomplishments Report Dec 1976) [end]
3562.1-01 Iowa
3562.1-02 Kansas
3562.1-03 Missouri
3562.1-04 Nebraska
3562.2 Water quality management basic plan [part]
Box 33
3562.2 Water quality management basic plan [end]
3562.4 Cooling lake
3562.5 208 plan (Bi-State quality report)
3562.6 Permit compliance system
3562.7 Lead mine tailings
3562.8 Refuse act
3563.1 General correspondence and information -emergency response [part]
Box 34
3563.1 General correspondence and information - emergency response [end]
3565.1 General correspondence and information [part]
Box 35
3565.1 General correspondence and information [end]
3565.1-03 Permit meeting
3565.2 National pollutant discharge elimination system
3562.2-01 Iowa
Box 36
3562.2-01 Iowa
3562.2-02 Kansas
3562.2-03 Missouri
3562.2-04 Nebraska
3565.3 Municipal
Box 37
3565.4 Agricultural (feedlots)
3565.5 Enforcement compliance enforcement letters
3565.6 Clean water act
3565.7 Power plant
3565.8 Sewage treatment plant
3565.9 Water treatment plant
3565.10 State takeover
3565.10-01 Iowa
3565.10-02 Kansas
3565.10-03 Missouri
3565.11 Iowa operation permits
3565.12 Audits
Box 38
3565.13 301 requests
3566.01 Oil and special
3580.1 General correspondence and information - toxic
3580.1-01 Congressional liaison officer
3580.1-02 Toxic substance control
Box 39
3580.2-03 Toxic substance control
3580.7 PCB general information
3580.13-01 List of hazardous substances
3600.1 General correspondence and information - underground injection control
3620.1 Noise
3640.1 General correspondence and information - hazardous waste summary
Box 40
3640.4 Hazardous waste sites
3710.1 General correspondence and information - planning and management [part] (Iowa Consolidated environmental program plan FY 1978)
Box 41
3710.1 General correspondence and information - planning and management [end]
3710.2 Air program reporting
3710.2-01 Iowa
Box 42
3710.2-02 Kansas
3710.2-03 Missouri
3710.1-04 Nebraska
3710.3 Air and water new source review
3710.4 Water quality strategy
3710.5 FPRS - Report major air sources in violation
5200.1 General correspondence and information - congressional correspondence
5200.2 Iowa
5200.2-01 Air
Box 43
5200.3 Kansas
5200.3-01 Air
5200.4 Missouri
5200.4-01 Air
5200.5 Nebraska
5700.1 General correspondence and information - grants
Box 44
5700.6 Nebraska consolidated program grant applications
5700.8 Iowa consolidated program grant applications
5800.7 Coal fiscal power