National Archives at Kansas City

Name Index to Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary Inmate Case Files, 1895-1931

Alphabetical by Surname - S


The National Archives at Kansas City maintains Inmate Case Files from Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary covering the time period 1895-1957. Content can vary widely from file to file. Most files include a mugshot. When requesting a copy of a case file from the National Archives at Kansas City, please include the full inmate name and corresponding inmate number. Email us at regarding inmate files of persons who entered Leavenworth ca. 1932-1957.  Upon receiving your email, staff will locate the file, complete a page count of the file (the number of pages determines the cost to receive copies), and will reply to your request within 10 business days. 


Inmate Number Last Name First Name
8102 Sabad Milton
25427 Sabas Eberisto
38538 Sabat Alfonso
9376 Sabbia Philip
36639 Sabesewitz Jack
40277 Sabin George
14773 Sabin Orson
35427 Sabo Joe
17767 Sabor Louis
33825 Sacckeri Guisippe
34035 Sacco Joseph
36057 Sackett Charles E.
9301 Sackman Albert S.
32480 Sacks Jack
35990 Sacks Paul (RN)
666 Sacra H.A.
11357 Saddler Sherman
29029 Sadilek Frank
23454 Sadler Nick
29175 Sadler Sydney H.
14891 Sadler William
27233 Sadulla Ago
11756 Saen Jesus
30202 Saenz Alfredo
16374 Saenz Antonio
22563 Saenz Federico
26767 Saenz Federico
30186 Saenz Federico
32367 Saenz Federico
30986 Saenz Felix
32525 Saenz Pedro
16119 Saenz Pedro
776 Saffer L.A.
16482 Saffley William
23554 Safford August
15769 Safford Charles Edward
30060 Safford Clarence E.
19508 Safford Clarnece
27302 Safford Henry B.
37185 Sagarnaga Ignacio
33100 Sagarnaga Ignacio
39388 Sage Frank
33082 Sager Herbert
24255 Sager Thomas E.
17245 Sago A.G.W.
25545 Sahadi George
11494 Sahras James
24472 Said Zim
24632 Saidite Frank
6810 Sailor Ren
18269 Saino T.
2224 Sainsbury Arthur
27614 Sainz Felix
29298 Sainz Sabes
27613 Sainzbeltran Felix
39158 Saitta George
26183 Sakaguchi Genosuke
38088 Sakalorus Gus
39252 Sakolic Jospeh
15859 Sala Jerome
39846 Sala Jerome
33952 Sala Stephen Stanley
38345 Saladino Andrew
34442 Saladino Frank
19651 Salais Alberto
28393 Salais Alberto
35523 Salamo Fillipo
33983 Salamoni Nicholas
6866 Salaob George
35423 Salardino Antonio
36755 Salardino Joseph
38967 Salas Charley
27809 Salas Jesus
25198 Salas Jesus
24831 Salas Jesus
39975 Salasar Joe
26779 Salazar Fruto
23861 Salazar Guillermo
19235 Salazar Inez
22626 Salazar Jesus
27259 Salazar Jose
17944 Salazar Jose
714 Salazar Jose
26044 Salazar Jose
26984 Salazar Ramon
26507 Salcido Saturino
24232 Salcido Vicente
36714 Saldana Jose
34328 Saldivar Rosalio
24219 Saldiver Jovencio
13653 Sale M.W.
17470 Salemme Joseph
6147 Sales Butler
34514 Sales Edward
25153 Sales Harry
19149 Sales Joe
25151 Sales William
31637 Sales William J.
29339 Salgado Eulalio
40336 Salinas Albino
15979 Salinas Ambrosio
31297 Salinas Apolinar
2135 Salinas Francisco
36620 Salinas Higinio
31542 Salinas Refugio
34655 Salino Peter
16006 Salisbury Henry W.
10738 Sallee Elmer E.
37476 Sallee William
39754 Salles W.R.
27114 Salley Mike
22705 Sally Zebedee
33979 Salmieri Anthony
32789 Salmo Pete
21914 Salo Arne
35308 Salonice Sonovia
40037 Salsberry Walter
35033 Salsman Joe
24484 Salter Homer
22908 Salter Rufus H.
28789 Salter Rufus Henry
15569 Salts Dexter J.
5678 Saltsgiver Richard
11639 Saltzman Robert
3107 Salvador Sam
33738 Salvatore Paul
24686 Salveto Dominick
13540 Salvito Martin J.
16865 Salvucci Natale
21213 Salwinsky Morris
29157 Saly Redjep
12906 Salzer Edward
39041 Salzman Martin M.
16359 Sam Charley
18237 Sam Charlie
1752 Sam Hillibee
35726 Samaniago Jesus
31668 Samaritano Nick
27616 Sambrano Andres
31026 Sambrano Andres
38861 Samchuk Sidor
20310 Sammon George
9405 Sammons Walter
4737 Sammy Emanuel
3849 Samphier Charles
36878 Sample Roy
31933 Sample Roy
30077 Samples Frank F.
2934 Samples Jesse H.
9325 Samples Jim
9554 Sampson Grover C.
33192 Sampson Jess
2372 Sampson John
33459 Sampson Stanley P.
25319 Sampson Stanley P.
5046 Sampson William
28200 Samson John
24157 Samson Paul B.
18567 Samudio Jesus
38541 Samudio Pedro
1607 Samuel Sampson
4285 Samuel W.H.
11070 Samuels Henry
14068 Samuels Mondella R.
5864 Samuels Will
2144 Samuels William
35181 San Long Ah
20044 San Woo Dok
27356 Sanborn Floyd
29156 Sanborn George
5033 Sanches Miquel
16176 Sanchez Agaptia
19912 Sanchez Alberto
19333 Sanchez Armado
18160 Sanchez Ascension
19343 Sanchez Ciriaco
33860 Sanchez Daniel
28613 Sanchez Daniel
32322 Sanchez Emile
19227 Sanchez Felipe
27244 Sanchez Felipe
7098 Sanchez Frank R.
10269 Sanchez Jose
25199 Sanchez Juan
34290 Sanchez Juan
34564 Sanchez Leoncio
37645 Sanchez Luis
19669 Sanchez Manuel
25868 Sanchez Manuel
30120 Sanchez Marceino
27619 Sanchez Mauro
34340 Sanchez Ramon
15980 Sanchez Ramon
21922 Sanchez V.V.
25875 Sanchez Soto Javier
35922 Sancilis Joe
7494 Sandage I.P.
16880 Sandborn Dwane E.
30136 Sandbrink Richard Norman
25885 Sandburg Sam
5130 Sanders C.H.
14083 Sanders Charles
24189 Sanders Charles
4951 Sanders Charles
14647 Sanders Earl C.
36363 Sanders Edward
20191 Sanders Ernest
30273 Sanders Frank
3359 Sanders George
10296 Sanders Harry
7115 Sanders Herman F.
14495 Sanders Hollas
11912 Sanders Horace N.
34135 Sanders J. M. Orville
299 Sanders J.A.
21676 Sanders James
18128 Sanders James
1099 Sanders James C.
24678 Sanders John
23579 Sanders Leslie
2471 Sanders Levi
31208 Sanders Milford
11007 Sanders R.L.
16369 Sanders Ray
28655 Sanders Reed
23780 Sanders Richard
23027 Sanders Robert
8094 Sanders Robert C.
14507 Sanders Roy
11972 Sanders Sam
2099 Sanders Tim
37812 Sanders Tom
4115 Sanders Will
11824 Sanders Will
12543 Sanders, Jr. Charles A.
18963 Sandford Dayton (Dr.)
22579 Sandibar Miguel
1240 Sandlin James
1241 Sandlin John
13065 Sandorph Anthony
16860 Sandoval Charles E
21103 Sandoval Francisco
11717 Sandoz Leon F.
27086 Sandretti Mike
4872 Sandridge Charlie
2264 Sandridge James
26040 Sands George
862 Sanford Edgar
19219 Sanford Howard R.
24675 Sanford L.O.
21995 Sanford Ora
19268 Sanford William
2771 Sango Dick
5359 Sango Phil
3930 Sango William
615 Sango York
32981 Sankowitz Tony
16032 Sanner John
38346 Sanphillippo Peter
10786 Sanselo George
30975 Sansone Henry
17159 Sansone James
24143 Sansone Sr. Anthony
20784 Santa Cruz Frank A.
9824 Santana Cixto
29602 Santaro Thomas
27919 Santay Henry
21803 Sante Ans Leopoldo
34872 Santi Alex
18409 Santigo Jose
23206 Santillan Manuel
28157 Santillan Manuel
13580 Santilli Vincent
33889 Santo Joseph
3704 Santos Frank
18271 Santos George
35296 Santos Louis
7199 Santovicco Petro
40188 Santucci James
24339 Santuzzi Sam
33011 Sanz Vincente
16623 Sapertnap  
29919 Saphire Harry
24338 Sapia Sam
19913 Sapien Frutoso
40345 Sapkiewicz Mike
5550 Sapp Floyd
5551 Sapp James A.
14806 Sapper Michael
38608 Saputo Vito
29769 Sara Edward Lambert
22542 Sarahas Frank
22816 Saralegui Jose
35243 Sarasin Charles
4708 Sarcoxie Rueben
37412 Sardini Roger
31417 Sarfatti David
23773 Sargent Dewey
667 Sargent E.L.
6569 Sargent Howard
9526 Sargent Howard
6559 Sargent Howard
21479 Sargenti Robert
30243 Sarkis James
22932 Sarkisian T.
23552 Sarks James
12439 Sarky John
19418 Sarli Joe
20498 Sarmiento Pablo
36389 Sarmiento Pablo G.
8076 Sartin Buster
29279 Sartin Delbert
35804 Sartwell Charles
34359 Sash Albert
24139 Sasone Frank
39263 Sass Edgar
650 Sasser James F.
33236 Sassetti Jack
5865 Satchell Newton
25648 Sato T.
5304 Satow Albert
11729 Satow Milton
22426 Satre Herman
11385 Satterwhite Timothy
40021 Sattre Barton A
29329 Saucedo Pedro
37986 Saucillo Manuel
23556 Sauer Andrew
33516 Sauer Andrew
24551 Sauer Frederick N.
24011 Sauerbrunn Arthur L.
8103 Sauers Charles
33063 Saugtion Johney
20342 Saul Harry
14532 Saul Harry
11671 Saul William
33687 Sauls J. D.
26898 Saulsgiver James William
15069 Saultz John W.
39254 Saunders Allan
27197 Saunders Alonzo
7388 Saunders Clarence
7290 Saunders Coleman
39156 Saunders Fred P
16529 Saunders George
14103 Saunders Harry L.
16162 Saunders Henry F.
10886 Saunders Henry Patten
34376 Saunders James
11032 Saunders James Lewis
6148 Saunders John
1893 Saunders John
31420 Saunders John Henry
7387 Saunders Noah
33539 Saunders Robert
21196 Saunders Vern
10047 Saunders William H.
17889 Saunders William M.
18630 Saunders William R.
27916 Saunway Theodore
26905 Saurer Andrew
25901 Sautelle Frank O.
5038 Sauter Harry
35289 Sauter Robert
17004 Savage Calvin L.
29581 Savage George
30095 Savage Glenn
17633 Savage Joe
13881 Savage John A.
5333 Savage Louie
25243 Savage Walter
7990 Savanka Mekita
36440 Savedra David
12992 Savige Harold
8145 Savignac Joseph Arthur
24337 Savignac William
25209 Saville Williard D.
9844 Savin Zevo
25963 Savona Angello
32291 Savona Angelo
40099 Savute John
34308 Sawatsky David
32720 Sawdy Clarence
31478 Sawick Alex Paul
27914 Sawyer Albert
14727 Sawyer Albert
1518 Sawyer Anthony
8255 Sawyer George
29022 Sawyer Henry A.
15563 Sawyer J.K.
13050 Sawyer Marvin
14648 Sawyers Clay R.
37859 Sawyers Clay Raymond
38195 Sax Abraham R.
19755 Sax Edgar
13827 Saxe Albin Henry
30875 Saxe Bert
38404 Saxer Joseph
11260 Saxon Felix J.
39155 Saxon Isaac
3230 Saxon John
34965 Saxon Simmie
35188 Saxon William
13741 Saxton William
39025 Saybourn Walter
37555 Sayen Arthur
28122 Sayers George B.
27231 Sayers William
26342 Sayesky Sylvester
17007 Sayle William
19574 Sayler Everett
5316 Sayles Bob
4992 Sayles Dwight
27529 Sayles Fred
9548 Sayles William
29353 Saylor Charles
17883 Saylor Samuel Leroy
14600 Saylor Thomas
29696 Saymanowski John
24299 Sberna Mike
30099 Scaccia Benjamin
7871 Scaccia Salvatore
16892 Scaife C.G.
25556 Scalabrino Pietro
1555 Scales Mathew
3897 Scales Thomas
16831 Scalise Victor
32351 Scandale Anthony
35660 Scanlon Dennis A.
18397 Scanlon Harry
22553 Scanlon Harry
22919 Scarborough John Franklin
32485 Scarborough Oliver
1982 Scarborough William E.
23607 Scardino John
33701 Scarducio Charles
18127 Scarfo Ralph
37342 Scarisci Ben
13114 Scarlett Sam
25469 Scarlotta Mike
7575 Scarola Sarafino
38479 Scartino Sam
10729 Sceerey Edward
23323 Scelis Charles
35655 Scepurek Jacob
26062 Schachtner Michael
12846 Schack Eckhard
30824 Schadow Frank T.
20047 Schaefer Harry
19562 Schaefer J.A.
21776 Schaefer Joseph
26247 Schaefer William
33190 Schaeffer Harold
30306 Schaeffer W. Tebo
7475 Schaeffer William A.
34493 Schaeffer William Tebo
21824 Schaerer Alphonzo R.
36941 Schafer Fred
7894 Schaff C.B.
27968 Schaff John
6481 Schaffer George
23935 Schaffer Howard
17040 Schaffer Joe
23415 Schaffer Morris
24193 Schaffer Roy A.
12795 Schaffner Nathaniel H.
14838 Schaler Fred
24465 Schaller Harold F.
9504 Schaller Wilbur
30045 Schallon Alfred
20806 Schallon Alfred
26537 Schallon Alfred
33231 Schaltz Paul M.
22151 Schantz William
29161 Schapiro Jacob
14115 Schapiro Nathan
11309 Scharr Wlater C.
39071 Schattgen Justin
38071 Schattgen Justin F.
40169 Schaubhut Sydney
37054 Schauble Harry C.
32413 Schaumburg Dan
36362 Schauwecker Ben
27597 Schechtel Otto
7862 Schechter Sam
21319 Scheckel Frank
10947 Schedler John
34895 Scheff Bud
17048 Schei Alvah
25720 Scheib Anthony
35913 Scheick Julius
14944 Scheiman William
15006 Schell Enos Peter
6616 Schell Frank E.
33720 Schell H. A.
26286 Schell Harvey
31081 Schell William
24621 Scheller Otto
39963 Schenaski Peter
17802 Schenck Cecil
33451 Schenck Frederick A.
20744 Schenck Roger C
16500 Schenk Joseph
32878 Scherger Arthur
10188 Schermerhorn William
34728 Schettler Frank
12554 Scheuring August
31578 Schiavone Jerry
27018 Schietaert Frank
23036 Schiff Gustave
23993 Schiffert Walter J.
34038 Schiffman David
37789 Schiischcoff Chris
9373 Schillare Conrad
40173 Schiller Aaron
13070 Schiller Emil
13522 Schiller Ernest J.
30693 Schiller Morris
35097 Schiller Walter
13366 Schilling Francis Xavier
35767 Schilling William C.
4152 Schillings John
33203 Schimer Ralph
31587 Schindler Norvin
35462 Schipper Charles
38460 Schipper Jake
27374 Schiro Tony
30374 Schlegel Harwin A.
37219 Schlegel Herbert
34680 Schley Eric
7419 Schlichter Albert
36936 Schlicta John
23997 Schlimer Hyman
36687 Schlink Edmund
22535 Schlink Hilarius
35271 Schlink Lewis J.
14029 Schloss Morris F.
18926 Schlossman Nick
6229 Schmick W.H.
12323 Schmidt Carl
16991 Schmidt Charles
8794 Schmidt Charles F.
20259 Schmidt Emil W.
11295 Schmidt Fred W.
25276 Schmidt George
20218 Schmidt Harry J.
9969 Schmidt Henry
2613 Schmidt John H.
20825 Schmidt Joseph
15770 Schmidt Julius
8827 Schmidt Peter
8077 Schmidt R.L.
14206 Schmidt Richard
22477 Schmidt Rudolph
31449 Schmidt Rudolph A.
23650 Schmidt William
33583 Schmit Peter
21121 Schmitt Albert
39371 Schmitt Albert Joseph
35444 Schmitt Arthur
11275 Schmitt Charley
34868 Schmitt Francis
8231 Schmitt Harry
35446 Schmitt Peter
37480 Schmitz Andrew
28706 Schmitz Frank Anthony
36301 Schmitz William H.
16689 Schmuck Carl Raymond
14579 Schneider Charles J.
12020 Schneider Gustave A.
19116 Schneider John
17854 Schneider Louis
14325 Schneider R.J.
12675 Schneider Raymond F.
14825 Schnell Carl
28912 Schnieder Edward
38349 Schnoll Louis
35969 Schnuettgen Louis A.
12298 Schnug William
10374 Schoberg Joseph H.
36950 Schock Jacob H.
14151 Schoeffel George B.
23946 Schoen Herman
22423 Schoen Herman W.
28212 Schoenbaum Martin
28770 Schoenecker Henry
34689 Schoenicker Harry J.
8465 Schoenle Albert
8515 Schofeild Harry H.
39454 Schoffen Raymond
27331 Scholer Dave
27060 Scholl Frank
39970 Scholz Hugo
6809 Scholze Walter E.
32568 Schooler Dave
12621 Schooler David
27428 Schooley W. O.
12012 Schoonover Robert E.
35218 Schopflin Frank
13490 Schornack Frank
11391 Schouweiler Henry J.
28549 Schowalter Harry
28105 Schrack Paul
38537 Schrader Alfred
10594 Schrader John E.
30958 Schrager Daniel D.
30959 Schrager Rudy N.
13765 Schram Abraham Henry
14841 Schrandt Fred
32823 Schraufnagle Frank
37634 Schreck Millard
32094 Schreck Otto
39228 Schreeder Albert J.
26776 Schreiber William
12301 Schreiner Harry
20743 Schreiner Louis
40388 Schreiner Louis
19707 Schreves George
18914 Schrieber Herman
17327 Schriever Otto L.
6619 Schrifogie Henry L.
18188 Schrimpf E.W.
9103 Schrimsher James
14548 Schriver Fred M.
270 Schrock Louis L.
18283 Schrock W.D.
13835 Schroder Benjamin F.
14184 Schroeder Arthur
40401 Schroeder Carld
21119 Schroeder Clay L.
35372 Schroeder Earl
34386 Schroeder Edward
31810 Schroeder Urban
3542 Schroeder William J.
29057 Schroud Joseph
14197 Schtopshire William H.
38932 Schubert Adolph
11570 Schubert Manuel
28123 Schuchardt Ruben
12387 Schucklya Joe
15508 Schudde Theodore
31483 Schuemacker Edward George
28334 Schuessler August
14908 Schuett Herbert
37237 Schuiling Leo H.
31806 Schuler Arnold
23021 Schuler George
37407 Schuler Steven
33433 Schuler Wallace
32972 Schullo George
16490 Schult Ora G.
6250 Schulte John F.
10160 Schulte Richard
30047 Schulthis Arthur
14486 Schults Stanley
34681 Schultz Albert E.
20996 Schultz Arthur
12919 Schultz August
40287 Schultz August
5895 Schultz Bert
17158 Schultz Charles
13502 Schultz Edward G.
32821 Schultz Edward W.
2568 Schultz Harden J.
6277 Schultz Herman
9670 Schultz John
31161 Schultz John
15351 Schultz Louis
8624 Schultz Mel
34084 Schultz Philip
35576 Schultz Reynold
40132 Schultz Robert C
35443 Schultz William
9320 Schultz William
13523 Schultze, Jr. Ehrich H.
12066 Schulz August F.
38241 Schulz Robert J.
18026 Schumacher Arnold
35447 Schumacher Henry
33737 Schuman LeRoy
39326 Schuman Louis
14689 Schuman Wilhelm
29293 Schunke Jim
13092 Schur Ernest
15622 Schustek John
13685 Schuster Andrew
427 Schuster William
21595 Schuttenhelm Harry
28781 Schuyler John F.
20812 Schwab Arthur E.
22555 Schwade Fred W. W.
12648 Schwaer Erwin
18803 Schwarts Nathan
12993 Schwartz Albert
28548 Schwartz Harry
23100 Schwartz Harry F.
35865 Schwartz Julius
16396 Schwartz Leo
31117 Schwartz Leo
39294 Schwartz Leopold
16681 Schwartz Louis C.
22883 Schwartz Nathan H.
39015 Schwartz Steve
12228 Schwartz Walter
5476 Schwartz William B
37003 Schwartzbach A. T.
8071 Schwartzberg Clarence
23848 Schwarz Harry
30972 Schweer Lawrence H.
10514 Schweitler Max
6544 Schweizer Charles
11580 Schwibbe Charles
30712 Schwiem Harold Floyd
19359 Schwindemann Joseph
33421 Schwob Henry
8078 Schwulst Frank
18985 Schyley A.E.
14905 Sciara Camelo
33655 Scobee John
32587 Scofield Arthur
31309 Scola Angello
8208 Scolardi Paridi
26079 Sconyers Thomas W.
23045 Sconyers Thomas W.
30850 Sconyers Thos. W.
21589 Scoortes Demetrics
4208 Scott Albert
2537 Scott Albert
5174 Scott Alex
3178 Scott Alex
40371 Scott Bejamin
11369 Scott Bill
7876 Scott Brand
20077 Scott Bud
5590 Scott C.
17589 Scott C.E.
2754 Scott Charles
22394 Scott Charles
25776 Scott Charles
32086 Scott Clarence
14688 Scott Cleon A.
24918 Scott Curtis
29063 Scott Dan
34159 Scott Elijah Claud
17063 Scott Ell
38937 Scott Elmer E.
6729 Scott Ernest
234 Scott Eugene
16373 Scott Finis
20600 Scott Frank
33379 Scott Frank
10450 Scott Frank D.
7716 Scott Franklin B.
3207 Scott George
30 Scott George
17867 Scott George
29406 Scott George Allison
17507 Scott George C.
3177 Scott Harper
8405 Scott Henry
11170 Scott Henry
9781 Scott Henry B.
20662 Scott Herbert
27874 Scott Herbert R.
29248 Scott Herman
27458 Scott Howard
15393 Scott J.W.
22613 Scott James
31553 Scott James
33540 Scott James
15333 Scott James
12430 Scott James
1769 Scott James M.
22775 Scott Jim
35027 Scott Joe
31847 Scott Joe
17517 Scott John
34838 Scott John
17888 Scott John F.
34956 Scott John James
1498 Scott John M.
35545 Scott Kenneth (RN)
8905 Scott Leon
10825 Scott Leonard
39485 Scott LeRoy
2992 Scott Linn
27001 Scott Luther
7790 Scott Mike
3671 Scott Monroe
13904 Scott Noble L.
22769 Scott Pete
2370 Scott Philip
12994 Scott R.S.
1788 Scott Robert
24612 Scott Robert
11306 Scott Robert D.
6632 Scott Robert E.
37599 Scott Rollye
39928 Scott Roy H
27690 Scott Roy J.
5106 Scott Sam
27937 Scott Sampson
31473 Scott Theodore R.
532 Scott Thomas
6247 Scott Thomas W.
4861 Scott Tom
10925 Scott Walter
19448 Scott Walter J.
20328 Scott Wilbur G.
17621 Scott William
9913 Scott William
25206 Scott William
9598 Scott William
6595 Scott William
19281 Scott William A.
3737 Scott William M.
35507 Scoville James J.
11244 Scowell William H.
29471 Scrimminger Albert
2497 Scrivener E.H.
9238 Scrivens William H.
20797 Scruggs Almer
16467 Scruggs George E.
416 Scruggs John
34381 Scruggs John
26543 Scruggs Marshall
32656 Scruggs Otis
556 Scruggs Red Cloud
17681 Scruggs Will
4917 Scruggs William
12940 Sctroschan William A.
15840 Scuell Coresucie C.
27883 Scull Arthur
14418 Scullion Thomas
790 Scully John
39784 Scurlock Ertle
14434 Scurlock Joseph
11492 Scutkowski Thomas
5053 Seabolt Toy
9350 Seaboy William
6401 Seabright William A.
11029 Seader Charles W.
1824 Seale J.F.
14396 Seals Lawrence R.
27531 Seals Marcus
1365 Sealy Joe
26741 Seaman Seneca L.
22082 Seamer Leo
15486 Seamon Sol
13043 Searles Horace M.
34049 Sears James
4796 Sears Jitty
39482 Sears Joseph Samuel
29675 Sears Paul
24390 Sears Rich
7226 Sears Wesley L.
8871 Searway Francis E.
8673 Seat Leon
24372 Seaton A.R.
1166 Seaton Green
16136 Seaton Harrison L.
1167 Seaton Jim H.
39247 Seaton Red
15623 Seay Chester
19800 Seay Chester
27129 Sebastian Anthony
33050 Sebastian Anton
30764 Sebastian James Carl
25876 Sebille Conrado
557 Seboe Samson
33768 Seccer Vetere
2862 Sechler Robert H.
8771 Secker Albert E.
1879 Secondyne Joseph
14454 Secore William
33407 Seda Jose M.
24135 Sedano James
31627 Sedden Ralph
17279 Sedgwich William A.
25540 See 58031  
25533 See 76974  
24913 See New # 57934  
25352 See New #46774  
24389 See New #47936  
24212 See New #53726  
24215 See New #57653  
24948 See New #58534  
24323 See New #58916  
24594 See New #59242  
24033 See New #59470  
25314 See New #59578  
24441 See New #60085  
24682 See New #61093-L  
24880 See New #63492-L  
24620 See New #65650-L  
25368 See New #66728  
24491 See new #70992  
25271 See new #72024  
25397 See New #8686LA  
15133 Seech Michael
20628 Seed Charles W.
13373 Seeger Christ
13218 Seel Hilman E.
1215 Seeley Adam
4161 Seeley Clarence
21856 Seeley Frank
36738 Seeley Thomas
4900 Seely John L.
1156 Seery Isaac F.
36935 Segal Nathan
33644 Segal William
31289 Segelsky John
34779 Seguin Julius
21726 Segurson Raymond
7093 Seibert Christian O.
11869 Seick William H. A.
22795 Seidel Charles
10203 Seifert, Jr. Charles
26702 Seifort Julius
34384 Seifried Charles Edward
18591 Seigel A. Paul
34145 Seigel Dave
36658 Seigler Philip F.
16783 Seigrist William F.
17772 Seiler Edward
30866 Seiler John A.
33582 Seils Otto
27998 Seimer Elton
20217 Seiracki Martin
6824 Seiser James
31855 Seitz Arthur
9835 Seitzof Merron
27274 Selbmann Edward
198 Selby Robert
24711 Selby Thomas B.
13862 Selegan Lazar
8571 Self Ceceil
11261 Self Lee
12864 Self Leroy W.
30611 Selkirk George B.
33841 Sell Ben
18875 Sell Lester J.
20689 Sellers Charles M.
12438 Sellers Wilson C.
38076 Sellman John
29835 Sellman William
8860 Sellowitch Meyer
7646 Sells Mahlon
22537 Sellwood Stephen
24293 Selly Arthur
25412 Selph Dewey
24707 Semarano Afuilino
25636 Semingson Tom
33520 Semith John
12997 Semprevivo Sam
39965 Semren John
5931 Semrow John M.
22095 Sencino Stefan
36987 Seneca Paul
31313 Seneca Paul
1792 Seneker Robert A.
26592 Senior Charles
13544 Senior Charles B.
21899 Senteney H.L.
25190 Sepulveda Victor
12525 Serafini Clem
24262 Serano Lopez
11415 Serba Stanley
29118 Serchia Dominic
3555 Serego Joe
12884 Sereseres Anastacio
11846 Serianni Salvatore
17183 Serncnik Felix
39355 Serosky Joseph Matthew
21112 Serpa Sully
22308 Serradell Esteban
39314 Serrano Arthur
19910 Serrano Damian
16355 Serve Nick
29720 Service Hilliard A.
31532 Service Raymond H.
7380 Sesco Walter
37121 Sessions J. Harold
24076 Sessums Wesley
18441 Setfried Walter P.
26270 Setter James
36256 Settle Estus M.
38310 Settle Forrest
30594 Settle J. T.
19171 Settle W. Paige
11409 Settles Shirley
22464 Setty Homer
14527 Seubert Edward
17610 Sevensma Arthur
3167 Sevenstarr Larkin
7634 Sever Charles A.
863 Sevier Louis
13052 Sewell J.A.
10068 Sewell John
13090 Sewell L.J.
349 Sewell Sam F.
6695 Sexton Albert
10615 Sexton Enoch J.
1100 Sexton Esias
18100 Sexton Everett
35120 Sexton Jim
27688 Sexton Leonard William
2250 Sexton Roy
32127 Seymer Oliver
15316 Seymore Charles
2176 Seymore James
17041 Seymour Charles E.
30380 Seymour Roland
17970 Seymour Thomas
33408 Sgitcovich Mike B.
38704 Sgro Joe
38748 Shackelford Guy H.
9231 Shackelford John Graves
19790 Shackels Albert
15613 Shackles Albert
37299 Shackovitz Frank
11901 Shadden Raymond
37781 Shaddox Earl Joe
3027 Shade Tom
19929 Shadow Frank T
27171 Shadrick J. Arthur
34879 Shadrick Leo
34886 Shadrick Walter
38375 Shady Bob
34391 Shafer David
20301 Shafer Frank
23446 Shafer Harry
11424 Shafer Luther
2633 Shaffer Harvey
3037 Shaffer John
13339 Shaffer Wincle
38162 Shaffner Claude
24085 Shaffner Fred G.
14175 Shaffner Paul C.
11545 Shaffner Sam
11016 Shafford Reuben H.
38989 Shafrer Noble R.
39093 Shailer J.E.
35680 Shake John
16330 Shaker John
23903 Shamberg Yale
20274 Shamp Delano R.
18226 Shampaigne Edmond
23110 Shampaine Edmond
7758 Shanahan William
6983 Shandea Charles
10568 Shands Ernest
6514 Shangrau Martin
33178 Shangreau Antoine
19822 Shangreau Bat
33177 Shangreau Bat
29043 Shank A. Bruce
18945 Shank Harm
7210 Shank J.E.
36937 Shank John
20828 Shank William
38730 Shanke Olen Chick
533 Shankles Jim
28862 Shankles Will
25339 Shanklin Daniel J.
15353 Shanks George
27727 Shanks H. M.
16308 Shanley Eugene F.
11798 Shannon Frank
9101 Shannon Frank
11376 Shannon Harvey
16753 Shannon J.
26419 Shannon Joseph
38360 Shannon Louis
18773 Shannon Mark
34711 Shannon Richard
30025 Shannon Robert
1410 Shannon Russell
6042 Shannonhouse E.H.
12508 Shaper Victor
34791 Shapero Herman
26814 Shapiro Albert
18166 Shapiro C.J.
9399 Shapiro David
24298 Shapiro Jack
39513 Share Phillip
20233 Sharkey Frank
35391 Sharkey George
15676 Sharkey Graham P.
33250 Sharkey John
18229 Sharkey Tom
27028 Sharp Aubrey
5222 Sharp George
16044 Sharp H.R.
22683 Sharp Henry
18659 Sharp Herbert
28695 Sharp Homer
40246 Sharp James Jr.
5857 Sharp John
24257 Sharp John A.
14567 Sharp Milton Dale
33341 Sharp R. E.
8907 Sharps Carl
9430 Sharum James E.
34544 Shaskey Thomas
20532 Shattuck Loren
6829 Shattuck Rufus
37890 Shattun Peter
37513 Shaver Louis
27153 Shaver William
2802 Shaw Albert
28349 Shaw Bennie L.
23453 Shaw Charles
21251 Shaw Charles
16958 Shaw Ed
27460 Shaw Edward
16416 Shaw Edward
28269 Shaw George L.
12386 Shaw Granville W.
10889 Shaw Harold
34375 Shaw Henry
12683 Shaw James
3036 Shaw Jim
22700 Shaw leo M.
18938 Shaw Quon
1063 Shaw R.S.
14889 Shaw Ray Edward
33035 Shaw Robert
20735 Shaw Victor
2874 Shaw W.H.
26197 Shaw Wilburn
6854 Shea Daniel
9750 Shea Dennis
15293 Shea Frank
8564 Shea George
26131 Shea James
33029 Shea Lawrence
26605 Shea Leroy
25974 Shea Martin
25857 Shea Maurice
35706 Shea Patrick
8024 Shea Raymond L.
22836 Shea Tim
15294 Shea Timothy
16012 Shearer Charles
14972 Shearer Harold R.
26596 Shearer Ralph
1825 Shears James
31760 Shears James H.
9682 Sheckler Charles J.
10540 Shedde John
5374 Sheean Clarence E.
14585 Sheedy Timothy
20000 Sheegreen Frank
5048 Sheehan B.B.
15501 Sheehan Edward
7411 Sheehan George
14360 Sheehan James
14540 Sheehan James
18314 Sheehan James B.
15224 Sheehan James R.
1153 Sheehan Martin M.
13005 Sheehan W.H.
27993 Sheehy Fred
5554 Sheehy Jerry
23583 Sheeley Merritt
35776 Sheets Edmond
1135 Sheets Jeff
26720 Sheets Samuel L.
21117 Sheets Samuel Lee
31521 Sheetz John W.
1505 Sheeves Lonnie
23425 Sheffield Albert
695 Shelby Tom
9720 Sheldon Dan
31892 Sheldon John L.
10511 Sheldon William
12111 Shell Dan
11311 Shell Earle
7629 Shell Edward M.
21444 Shell Roy A.
11686 Shellaberger Logan R.
30141 Shellenberger H. R.
476 Shelley Frank
477 Shelley William
1271 Shelley William
11516 Shelton A.B.
4609 Shelton Anthony
7035 Shelton Arden C.
27026 Shelton Bernard
20318 Shelton Byron J.
27024 Shelton Carl
30871 Shelton Clarence
23734 Shelton Claud
22016 Shelton Dillard
27025 Shelton Earl
6986 Shelton Frank
4043 Shelton George
8061 Shelton Isaac
6770 Shelton Jack
3148 Shelton James
22517 Shelton Joseph
29377 Shelton Joseph H.
17708 Shelton M.L.
5210 Shelton Temple
40260 Shelton Tom
37506 Shelton Virgil
2042 Shemmy Henry
3348 Shenen George
9351 Shepard Andrew
37705 Shepard Earl
8182 Shepard Frank
14025 Shepard Harry
8786 Shepard Herbert
31674 Shepard Hugh
36175 Shepard Joseph T.
7907 Shepard Lerenzo
16801 Shepard Raymond B.
6224 Shepard Richard B.
35470 Shepard William
8873 Shepherd Benjamin B.
12362 Shepherd George W.
3976 Shepherd J.A.
16803 Shepherd James W.
970 Shepherd T.L.
37770 Shepherd William
21002 Shepler Lloyd
16890 Shepley William
20830 Shepley William
36156 Sheppard Boyd R.
38097 Sheppard Earl C.
20033 Sheppard Joseph
10819 Sherbet George M.
23312 Sherfield Lee
7524 Sherherd W.L.
19411 Sheridan Arthur
13140 Sheridan Don
31160 Sheridan Thomas
25096 Sheridan Thomas
26650 Sherlock Charles
34641 Sherlock Charles Patrick
14375 Sherman Blatchford
7945 Sherman Charles
33318 Sherman Dwight
8446 Sherman Fred
16920 Sherman Heiney
21937 Sherman Jack
3300 Sherman John
6149 Sherman John
14508 Sherman Robert
423 Sherman William
30750 Sherman William P.
15270 Sherrard Lawrence M.
39581 Sherrill Clarence
30657 Sherrill Harry
13320 Sherrill Roy D.
23046 Sherry John W.
23856 Sherwin Charles
39572 Sherwood E.R.
18038 Sherwood Erick
18317 Shetler Art
17138 Shetter Howard
31576 Shetterly Edgar M.
18247 Shetters John
4521 Shetters John
29538 Shevlin Walter
37136 Shiblin Anton
40286 Shichich Louis
12136 Shield Robert L.
9141 Shield Thunder Bull  
3532 Shields Andrew
22821 Shields Bernard
34801 Shields George
19367 Shields George H.
8291 Shields Harry
39311 Shields Harry Edwards
16444 Shields Hollis
32384 Shields J. A.
6249 Shields James
8879 Shields Merlin
26513 Shields Oscar
16321 Shields Sammie
22968 Shields Samuel
3950 Shields Wilmot
17380 Shimbo Peter
39551 Shimer Ralph
13972 Shimizaki Joe
13973 Shimizu Kay
29615 Shinault Joe L.
35818 Shindorf Fred
13397 Shingleton Clarence
5944 Shinkle Hiram W.
16124 Shinkle Ray
20739 Shinn Lawrence
19891 Ship Thelma E.
23359 Shipley Frank
12083 Shipley Gordon C.
18790 Shipley Jess
651 Shipley Louis
1705 Shipman Gus
35735 Shipman H. E.
1706 Shipman Lem
36361 Shipp Homer
28659 Shipp Julis Talcott
22954 Shippey Benjamin F.
15407 Shipporeit Richard O.
14229 Shirey John
4937 Shirley Charles F.
21010 Shirley Danny
19739 Shirley Frank
37236 Shirley Jack
6700 Shissler Fred B.
38322 Shivers Orvelle
9270 Shleeve John
19440 Shleeve John
22593 Shmayer Everett S.
4323 Shoals Jim
5889 Shoals Joe
668 Shoals Will
4811 Shoals Wilson
15399 Shob Joe
4738 Shobert James
15831 Shock Frank H.
16120 Shockey Richard S.
14790 Shockley Albert
19938 Shockley Richard
30334 Shockley Richard
4815 Shoemake Coleman
11148 Shoemaker Albert
38163 Shoemaker Francis H.
9344 Shoemaker George
15439 Shoemaker Luther
17949 Shoemaker Nathaniel
11817 Shoemaker W.B.
30783 Shoemaker William
28026 Shoemaker William
39518 Shoen Otto
20520 Shoenhoff John Patrick F.
7922 Shofner F.E.
19450 Sholtlz J.R.
20022 Shomo C.W.
11891 Shook Frank
26064 Shook George E.
10050 Shook Harry
22134 Shook Homer L
35653 Shoop Absalom
31416 Shopke Frank
15467 Shoptaugh George W.
17473 Shoptaw Roscoe D.
21233 Shore Alfred M.
6981 Shores Bert R.
2452 Shores Bruce
819 Shores Bruce
1707 Shores J.H.
2880 Shores Wallace W.
17557 Short Bernard
18917 Short Edward G.
7743 Short George
2195 Short H.J.
21038 Short Henry
31991 Short Henry
32462 Short John
20510 Short L.L.
20722 Short Lee Roy
17991 Short Lewis C.
10106 Short William
8136 Shorter Albert S.
17572 Shorter Alexander
6150 Shorter Edward
39367 Shortridge Freeland
5837 Shotwell Alf
1842 Shotwell Charles M.
15506 Shoulder Reuben
11368 Shoulderblade Ray
32850 Shouse Roy
747 Showman Bob
19380 Shrader Milton
10798 Shreeve George S.
5932 Shreeves John W.
30467 Shreve Garland R.
16173 Shrewder Sam
11592 Shrewdwe Sam
36796 Shrieves Joe
6287 Shriner Alonzo F.
38951 Shroyer Thomas
10027 Shroyer Webb
5766 Shrum George
25647 Shuaishi S.
22639 Shuck Clarence
37971 Shuey Charles E.
3499 Shuey J.M.
19928 Shufelt Theo. Fred
26460 Shufelt Theodore
1911 Shull John
34494 Shulse John M. Jr.
15824 Shumacker Morriss B.
21259 Shumaker Ben
21258 Shumaker Jesse
36344 Shumaker John H. Jr.
37550 Shuman Scott
37399 Shumkus George
274 Shun Kah O
32760 Shun Lam Kui
8451 Shupe William
18332 Shurgin Samuel
9146 Shutts Harry L.
11871 Shy William
39564 Shydlowski William
36680 Sias Bertrum M.
15981 Sias Enrique
35316 Sias Jesus
22208 Sias Jose
8348 Sibben John W.
10717 Sibert F.M.G.
31817 Siciliano Giovanni Antonio
11004 Sickafoose Frank O.
20783 Sidebotham George C.
40370 Sideria Sam
34365 Sidey Maxwell
2678 Sidwell George
29917 Sieber Earl
37909 Siebert Anthony
35349 Siebert Otto A.
34364 Siedlecki Stephen
29358 Siedlik Walter
10443 Sieg Charles R.
16666 Siegel Fred
7660 Siegel William
7687 Sieh Max C.
34526 Sieland Joe
39313 Sieman Jack
5163 Siemens Paul
7120 Sierakowski Jesse
23868 Sierra Ernesto
22587 Sierra Jose Maria
21810 Sierre Erneste
34394 Siersdorfer Edward Louis
27273 Sievy Joseph
2249 Sifax Calvin
27627 Sigala Andres
19228 Sigala Antonio
38228 Sigmon Ernest
35654 Sigmund Joseph
9472 Signa A.
11328 Sigrist Oscar
11287 Sikes W.A.
35441 Sikorski Leo
31597 Silago Jim
28584 Silagy Rudolph Jr.
26874 Silas Edd
6583 Silberman Joseph J.
26996 Silberman Sam T.
19330 Silknitter H.C.
16448 Silourer Harry
13964 Silva Luis
19032 Silva Manuel
21858 Silva Manuel
12436 Silva Paul
6210 Silva Priscilliano G.
14873 Silva Tony Perry
19645 Silva Victor
17839 Silva Victor
18320 Silve Joe
24 Silverberg Gustava
23822 Silverberg I. A.
35869 Silverman Joe
24647 Silverman Louis
7576 Silverman S. Joseph
37930 Silverman Sam
23484 Silverman Sam
40374 Silvers Samuel
6261 Silverstein Louis
6409 Silvertham William Jackson
8614 Silvey C.J.
1862 Silvey Clinton
27169 Silvey Jeff
26609 Simchuck Walter
7463 Simer Jesse W.
36067 Simes Joseph
38874 Simkin Isadore
17930 Simkins George
23435 Simmonds Clendes
15581 Simmonds Roy Howard
3441 Simmons Alfred
6446 Simmons Arthur
10288 Simmons Ben A.
17415 Simmons Fain B.
14180 Simmons Frank
20297 Simmons Fred
2911 Simmons George
418 Simmons George
13876 Simmons George
23168 Simmons George
28108 Simmons Horace
20674 Simmons James
32209 Simmons James Leo
29008 Simmons John Thomas
28604 Simmons Joseph Y.
18345 Simmons Leonard O.
23845 Simmons M. C.
2594 Simmons Merrit M.
13051 Simmons Ralph
27780 Simmons Riley
28523 Simmons Roy N.
27723 Simmons Virgil
28878 Simmons William Harrison
32261 Simms Allen
33855 Simms Andrew
39033 Simms Claude
29027 Simms Dennis
26684 Simms Elmer L.
20657 Simms Elmore Leroy
685 Simms F.G.
7551 Simms Frederick
11034 Simms George
8018 Simms H.B.
10489 Simms James
38246 Simms Joe
7395 Simms John
11737 Simms Louis E.
10135 Simms Raymond
8392 Simms Samuel
10325 Simms Walter
35152 Simms William
27052 Simon Benjamin
7655 Simon David J.
35661 Simon Fred
26114 Simon Hugh L.
10059 Simon Jack
3416 Simon James
953 Simon James
37221 Simon Joe
1617 Simon John
20890 Simon Nicholas Jr
3306 Simon Robert
20551 Simon Sam
3305 Simon Simon
15828 Simon Steve
37415 Simonich John
37589 Simons Abe
15601 Simons Frank E.
28228 Simons Glynn
2384 Simons Kerry
11197 Simons Lawton
13298 Simons Leo
38142 Simons Lou
21315 Simons Paschal
7724 Simons Phil
39338 Simons Robert L.
31766 Simons Sam
14230 Simons Tobe
8603 Simons W.J.
39372 Simonson Manley Leroy
14322 Simonson W.S.
38791 Simpkins Lloyd
5145 Simpson Ashley
36966 Simpson Bob
28963 Simpson Charles
30503 Simpson Fred
36771 Simpson George
20314 Simpson George
6494 Simpson George
22992 Simpson James
5099 Simpson James
25325 Simpson James Preston
26240 Simpson John Dewey
26019 Simpson Joseph
31863 Simpson Joseph
38848 Simpson Lem
23487 Simpson Leo
9599 Simpson Levi
23486 Simpson Mayo
18243 Simpson Mayo
1865 Simpson Newt
25667 Simpson Newt
32301 Simpson Odus
12138 Simpson Oscar E.
26083 Simpson Otis F.
27645 Simpson Ray
27821 Simpson Robert
11994 Simpson Robert
29667 Simpson Son
3621 Simpson T.B.
12766 Simpson William
25590 Simpsosn Hazel
30381 Simroy John
15345 Sims Albert S.
5849 Sims Alva T.
141 Sims Doc
14477 Sims Earl C.
26039 Sims Edgar
25076 Sims Fred
12582 Sims Herbert L.
34003 Sims J. J.
17145 Sims Jack
32662 Sims Jess
14058 Sims Manuel
28479 Sims Paul
19759 Sims Robert
26734 Sims Robert
534 Sims Sidney
36860 Sims Sylvester
15921 Sims W.H.
4189 Sims Will
4615 Sinay William B.
13141 Sinclair Archie
14441 Sinclair Jack R.
26566 Sinclair Lawrence
28923 Sindamano Roxie
20178 Sing Chin Hin
28686 Sing Jim
20267 Sing Jim
37064 Sing Kayaun
20157 Sing Leo Quong
21987 Sing Tom
23147 Sing Yee
30756 Sing Yee
9209 Sing Joe  
10377 Singer William
39663 Singerman Hyman J.
17817 Singh Bhan
17947 Singh Jean
20499 Singh Kishan
21429 Singh Nick
39626 Single John
19214 Singleton Ben F.
28619 Singleton Clifford L.
37494 Singleton Frank W.
22905 Singleton J. H.
16269 Singleton J.H.
40124 Singleton Sherman W
25470 Singleton Victor
34127 Singrey Lavern
22702 Singstock John J.
22843 Sink Jacob
34279 Sinko Dave
32040 Sinks Arlie O.
7765 Sinnett Albert L.
40084 Sintilla Frank
11276 Sioux Louis
2879 Sipes Charles
38508 Siporin Nate
26614 Siporin Nate
23455 Siquerez Felipe
20192 Siquieras Jesus Cadena
6867 Siragusa Calegero
7061 Sireman William
22743 Sirna Sam
21465 Sirois James F.
29012 Sisa Contantino
19894 Sisco Clarence
36198 Sisco William
1753 Sisemore William
300 Sisk James
32858 Siska Paul
11312 Sisley Bert
35295 Sisney J. C.
18095 Sissell Everett
35070 Sissell Everett
1216 Sisson Dallas
11780 Sisson Homer
24493 Sisson John Henry
1217 Sisson Monroe
5186 Sisson Monroe
29552 Sisson Oscar
24499 Sisson Oscar
26756 Sitarich Jack
864 Sites William
15134 Sith Frank T.
15938 Sitterle Charles
22633 Sitterlee Charles
31476 Sitterlee Charles C.
19275 Sittidan Joe
901 Sitzler Andrew
902 Sitzler John
4339 Sivils Solomon
6830 Six James F.
30085 Six Feathers Albert
4055 Sixkiller J.B.
1258 Sixkiller Ute
7698 Sizemore Harrison
31326 Sizemore Harry T.
2662 Sizemore William
425 Sizemore William
30089 Skaggs Beryl E.
26090 Skaggs Fred
2585 Skaggs James
32916 Skaggs Jerry
18721 Skaggs Tom
36939 Skaj John J.
34746 Skar Harry
36618 Skeans W. A.
36954 Skeldon William
8592 Skelton Abram
5793 Skelton Alfred
26668 Skelton Cape
30272 Skelton John
9071 Skelton Louis
24641 Skene Roy C.
983 Skidmore Turner
14110 Skiles James C.
20330 Skilken Alexander
31951 Skillman Bert
39453 Skimkus James
4109 Skinner Brock
30257 Skinner Clifford C.
1057 Skinner John
14089 Skinner William
29508 Skinner Willie Lee
20960 Skipitar James
22418 Skipper R. W.
13429 Skipper William
29748 Skipworth J. Price
4673 Skirvin F.M.
17626 Skirvin Mike
13822 Skjerseth Paul E.
27312 Skladzien Frank
32980 Skradski Mirko
7784 Skubic Joseph
21925 Skullie Jack E.
26130 Skunk January
21865 Skuras James
21862 Skuras Pete
36782 Skwarik Joseph
8963 Sky, Sr. John
4289 Skyes B.T.
18796 Slack John W.
39102 Slack Oral A.
17009 Slack Oscar R.
34661 Slack Paul
6523 Slade Charles C.
30440 Slaght Walter
10030 Slanger Fred J.
37919 Slate Leo S.
37920 Slate Morris L.
28070 Slaten Carl Frederick
28069 Slaten John Ralph
5933 Slater Andrew
23781 Slater Raymond
19057 Slater Tom
6675 Slaton Jesse
7309 Slaton William A.
33594 Slattery Fred
5349 Slattery John
13437 Slaughter Cleveland
19798 Slaughter Coney C.
3463 Slaughter Dudley
28464 Slaughter Elliott
8256 Slaughter Fred
34510 Slaughter Fred
35996 Slaughter James
31875 Slaughter John
9600 Slaughter John
22668 Slaughter Joseph P.
8721 Slaughter Preston
17331 Slaughter Richard L.
10051 Slaughter Robert
12105 Slaughter Wesley
4210 Slaughter Will
909 Slaven John
23461 Slavens Raymond
32666 Slavens Robert H.
38980 Slawson Dodd
36349 Slayd Earl
37393 Slayton Edward
16080 Slaytor Arthur
17803 Sledd James H.
19817 Sledge A.W.
20352 Sleete C.W.
32917 Sleeth R. S.
20402 Sleightholm Donald E.
12351 Slein Louis
14679 Slein Louis
31273 Slick Harry
6545 Sloan Artie
11664 Sloan Frank
35837 Sloan Fred
13025 Sloan George
22157 Sloan Herbert
954 Sloan Nate D.
15896 Sloan Sam
22734 Sloane D.
39440 Sloane George
34185 Slobidian Moe
28696 Sloby John
36731 Slocum Herman
21273 Slocum Mose
9945 Slodkiswicz Anton
36697 Slone Frank
30758 Slone J. W.
30455 Slone Thomas H.
16721 Slone William E.
23631 Slooter Frank
3540 Slosson Frank
13142 Slovik James
19849 Slowe Richard
30947 Slowe William
12615 Slusarski John
26106 Slusher Wiley
16885 Slusser Harry
9915 Slye John
23006 Smale Edward
28092 Small Calvin
26716 Small Charles Robert
32228 Small Harry
21889 Small John
34011 Small Omer G.
971 Smalley Adie
10344 Smallwood Eddie
6330 Smallwood Henry
25780 Smallwood Jesse
8808 Smart Alexander L.
2185 Smart Ceasar
21280 Smart E.L.
38612 Smart Harry
1708 Smart Joe
25818 Smart John
32227 Smart John
5870 Smashed Ice James
7442 Smedley William
36097 Smeeton Walter
4286 Smelcer Nem
10553 Smelser Herbert S.
2831 Smelser Michael C.
17092 Smilanich Max
15334 Smilanich Max
30532 Smiley Frank
23945 Smiley Frank
39674 Smiley John Lawrence
35010 Smiley Rimer Garcie
15373 Smilich Louis
15046 Smiljanich Joe
16956 Smith Albert
35796 Smith Albert
10141 Smith Albert R.
20146 Smith Alden C.
9938 Smith Alexander Hetzel
14069 Smith Alfred
26881 Smith Alfred
16536 Smith Alfred E.
38359 Smith Alfred E.
30847 Smith Alfred O.
13222 Smith Alvin B.
77 Smith Andy
2532 Smith Andy
39974 Smith Arbie L.
6946 Smith Archie
30312 Smith Archie E.
29608 Smith Arnold N.
21148 Smith Arthur
32948 Smith Arthur
16341 Smith Arthur Bennett
8219 Smith Arthur J.
34569 Smith Aubrey
27550 Smith Aubrey
34516 Smith Avery
3741 Smith Belcher
5735 Smith Ben
6454 Smith Bennie
28363 Smith Bert
18580 Smith Bill
5858 Smith Bill
3889 Smith Bill
38781 Smith Bill
8822 Smith Bob
11521 Smith Bob
40066 Smith Bob
2995 Smith Bud
2996 Smith Burrell
29041 Smith C. D.
38129 Smith C. H.
36121 Smith C. J.
34091 Smith Carl
1309 Smith Carl
39576 Smith Cass Raymond
32842 Smith Cecil
38206 Smith Charles
3656 Smith Charles
4374 Smith Charles
7215 Smith Charles
17515 Smith Charles
24899 Smith Charles
29928 Smith Charles
29205 Smith Charles
30076 Smith Charles
31775 Smith Charles
21736 Smith Charles
9737 Smith Charles
10858 Smith Charles
23001 Smith Charles
20753 Smith Charles
22074 Smith Charles
16754 Smith Charles
558 Smith Charles
19522 Smith Charles
16580 Smith Charles
25328 Smith Charles E.
10458 Smith Charles F.
9601 Smith Charles H.
631 Smith Charlie
30930 Smith Charlie
9052 Smith Charlie
21503 Smith Chester A.
1864 Smith Ckickalee
24848 Smith Clarence
31233 Smith Clarence
21039 Smith Clarence
39971 Smith Clarence
31872 Smith Clarence
15169 Smith Clarence F.
27586 Smith Clark B.
29033 Smith Claud A.
32638 Smith Claude
37576 Smith Claude
31176 Smith Claude D.
17881 Smith Cleveland
6325 Smith Clifford A.
18116 Smith Clinton
29304 Smith Clinton E.
37501 Smith Columbus
15358 Smith Curtis F.
37069 Smith Curtis Hayden
3559 Smith D.C.
14690 Smith Dan
28508 Smith Daniel
5285 Smith Daniel A.
18217 Smith Daniel R.
583 Smith David
16226 Smith Delbert Lionel
27183 Smith Dennis L.
13096 Smith Doc
8875 Smith Doc
18006 Smith Donald Ives
25061 Smith Dr. Stephen E.
9685 Smith Dwight Clinton
5013 Smith E.
32681 Smith E. Dick
36116 Smith E. O.
2045 Smith E.D.
2948 Smith E.O.
14756 Smith Earl
11486 Smith Earl
36154 Smith Earl
19200 Smith Earl J.
15422 Smith Earl V.
1863 Smith Ed
5128 Smith Ed
22547 Smith Ed
23443 Smith Eddie
19444 Smith Eddie
25727 Smith Edgar
9304 Smith Edward
27126 Smith Edward
18873 Smith Edward
26431 Smith Edward
35531 Smith Edward
22654 Smith Edward A.
37322 Smith Edward A.
25790 Smith Edward C.
35356 Smith Edward C.
27212 Smith Edward L.
9549 Smith Edward W.
23537 Smith Edwin
6226 Smith Effie
10330 Smith Ellis
27579 Smith Elmer
17632 Smith Elmer
39227 Smith Elmer J.
38859 Smith Elmer J.
31250 Smith Emanuel
18115 Smith Emmett J.
616 Smith Ernest
37511 Smith F. B.
24625 Smith Farrant
16335 Smith Floyd M.
37628 Smith Floyd Otto
13350 Smith Floyd S.
19400 Smith Ford Vernon
36532 Smith Forrest
23669 Smith Frank
21123 Smith Frank
16598 Smith Frank
17168 Smith Frank
6669 Smith Frank
36522 Smith Frank
29006 Smith Frank
28598 Smith Frank
25034 Smith Frank
7492 Smith Frank
20049 Smith Frank
4484 Smith Frank
7213 Smith Frank
7359 Smith Frank
10578 Smith Frank
10607 Smith Frank
14224 Smith Frank
28467 Smith Frank
12756 Smith Frank J.
17054 Smith Frank J.
31152 Smith Fred
25128 Smith Fred
29483 Smith Fred
35369 Smith Fred A.
11097 Smith Fred C.
31539 Smith Fred D.
28552 Smith Fred H.
20344 Smith Fred K.
26942 Smith Fred P.
10298 Smith Frederick C.
30170 Smith Frederick Wayne
16290 Smith George
632 Smith George
5214 Smith George
4487 Smith George
4010 Smith George
33295 Smith George
26175 Smith George
11706 Smith George
5839 Smith George
16148 Smith George
15791 Smith George
15260 Smith George
8132 Smith George
12406 Smith George
13201 Smith George C.
10611 Smith George E.
21215 Smith George Thomas
18230 Smith George W.
32063 Smith Gordon
35962 Smith Grant
21774 Smith Harold
21828 Smith Harry
20128 Smith Harry
26790 Smith Harry
15335 Smith Harry
21643 Smith Harry B.
38304 Smith Harvey
25726 Smith Harvey
6151 Smith Harvey A.
478 Smith Henry
8221 Smith Henry
25309 Smith Henry
17847 Smith Henry
6014 Smith Henry
27196 Smith Henry
3943 Smith Henry
7311 Smith Henry
32017 Smith Henry
5363 Smith Henry
7089 Smith Herbert
10122 Smith Herbert
39839 Smith Herbert D.
17651 Smith Herman W.
8931 Smith Hiram
40053 Smith Homer
19719 Smith Howard
18459 Smith Howard
18482 Smith Howard
17774 Smith Howard
28193 Smith Howard
14158 Smith Howard H.
37192 Smith Hugh
3141 Smith I.A.
5535 Smith Ike
4713 Smith Ira
199 Smith Ira
23122 Smith Ira O.
18550 Smith Isaac W.L.
33764 Smith J. S.
16640 Smith J. Sidney
36421 Smith J. W.
13666 Smith J.D.
39146 Smith J.H.
5499 Smith J.R.
1803 Smith J.T.
2060 Smith J.W.
1900 Smith J.W.
38213 Smith Jack
34518 Smith Jack
11449 Smith Jack A.
13067 Smith Jacob
17778 Smith James
34953 Smith James
17899 Smith James
11180 Smith James
31954 Smith James
113 Smith James
301 Smith James
22401 Smith James
2539 Smith James
32691 Smith James
31489 Smith James
25680 Smith James
28737 Smith James
23115 Smith James
30609 Smith James
6965 Smith James
22848 Smith James E.
10482 Smith James G.
8119 Smith James H.
34027 Smith James J.
35357 Smith James R.
20121 Smith James W.
23133 Smith James William
12417 Smith Jerome B.
32955 Smith Jess
4651 Smith Jim
39422 Smith Jim
3196 Smith Jim
2838 Smith Jim
3884 Smith Joe
5846 Smith Joe
1942 Smith Joe
4530 Smith Joe
37234 Smith Joe
19210 Smith Joe
11081 Smith Joe
5294 Smith Joe
22640 Smith Joe E.
4245 Smith Joe Z.
12841 Smith Joel
26135 Smith John
6152 Smith John
2559 Smith John
32429 Smith John
4629 Smith John
11581 Smith John
12240 Smith John
10364 Smith John
11900 Smith John
17044 Smith John
23839 Smith John
4712 Smith John
381 Smith John
417 Smith John
7499 Smith John
32866 Smith John
38173 Smith John
37660 Smith John
34472 Smith John
34986 Smith John
25576 Smith John
19139 Smith John D.
7074 Smith John E.
11359 Smith John Gordon
7814 Smith John H.
2593 Smith John H.
1259 Smith John J.
21193 Smith John L.
31459 Smith John L.
28640 Smith John W.
2219 Smith Joseph
7529 Smith Joseph
9118 Smith Joseph
16007 Smith Joseph
30000 Smith Joseph
32849 Smith Joseph
33543 Smith Joseph
955 Smith Joseph
39996 Smith Joseph
14595 Smith Joseph F.
40319 Smith Joseph Richard
2902 Smith Juney
9498 Smith L.G.
32282 Smith Lamarr H.
28689 Smith Lawrence
28599 Smith Lawrence
1652 Smith Lawson
12316 Smith Lawson
16351 Smith Lee
35359 Smith Lee
33702 Smith Lee
20593 Smith Leo
535 Smith Lewis
21986 Smith Lewis
39937 Smith Lionard
27768 Smith Louis
31923 Smith Louis
29189 Smith Louis
31001 Smith Lucius
24117 Smith Luther
32785 Smith Luther
20209 Smith Luther
39602 Smith Luther Austin
27385 Smith Luther G.
415 Smith Marion
24430 Smith Marlin
21278 Smith Mart
9024 Smith Martin
35096 Smith Maurice
18850 Smith Maynard
31798 Smith Meinard
9836 Smith Mike
40295 Smith Mike L
24109 Smith Morris
23137 Smith Myron D.
23138 Smith N. B.
20723 Smith Neil B
13210 Smith Nelson
22596 Smith Nelson R.
19188 Smith Nicholas A.
18240 Smith Noah Powell
25008 Smith Norman
30705 Smith Norman
35987 Smith Norman
39812 Smith O,D.
28498 Smith O. M.
18509 Smith O.B.
12403 Smith O.G.
3377 Smith Ona
32019 Smith Orin
18443 Smith Oscar W.
17374 Smith Otas
28866 Smith Otis
14150 Smith Otis
17451 Smith Otis
25349 Smith Ova Herman
8001 Smith Pat
33730 Smith Paul
32481 Smith Paul
21113 Smith Paul
26366 Smith Paul L.
22265 Smith Paul P.
20645 Smith Perry A
25766 Smith Perry A.
20869 Smith Pete
8430 Smith Peter J.
4281 Smith Philip
16535 Smith Philip A.
15905 Smith R.H.
3570 Smith R.S.
32505 Smith Ralph
26306 Smith Ralph J.
20801 Smith Ray
34808 Smith Raymond
27891 Smith Rex C.
7426 Smith Richard
13230 Smith Robert
1449 Smith Robert
1218 Smith Robert
15799 Smith Robert
11962 Smith Robert
25994 Smith Robert
20965 Smith Robert E.
20764 Smith Robert H.
36590 Smith Roy
20447 Smith Roy F.
9939 Smith Rudolph
32112 Smith Rufus
12976 Smith Rufus M.
4232 Smith S.S.
30879 Smith Sam
34077 Smith Sam
18343 Smith Sam
31218 Smith Sam Price
24378 Smith Samuel
26686 Smith Samuel
20315 Smith Samuel
1047 Smith Samuel
7083 Smith Samuel
10111 Smith Samuel D.
4643 Smith Sandy
15061 Smith Sherman
5575 Smith Sidney
26109 Smith Stanley
23316 Smith T.C.
16342 Smith Theodore
8385 Smith Thomas
35980 Smith Thomas
9754 Smith Thomas
40273 Smith Thomas E
35403 Smith Thomas H.
28985 Smith Thomas L.
4692 Smith Thurman J.
617 Smith Tilden
5263 Smith Tom
18278 Smith Tom
31387 Smith Tom
9215 Smith Tom
15400 Smith Tony
3608 Smith Tony A.
11269 Smith U.J.
31491 Smith W. C.
31268 Smith W. Lee
28127 Smith W. M.
22952 Smith W. S. D.
17083 Smith W.G.
4079 Smith W.H.
17122 Smith W.P.
19303 Smith W.V.
8394 Smith Wallace
13192 Smith Walter
200 Smith Walter
6860 Smith Walter
39548 Smith Walter
22171 Smith Walter
38013 Smith Walter H.
31929 Smith Walter L.
26316 Smith Walter M.
39098 Smith Werdyn
5524 Smith White
7211 Smith Will
5580 Smith Will
4795 Smith Will
9417 Smith Willard
27747 Smith William
27450 Smith William
11176 Smith William
11720 Smith William
15629 Smith William
20335 Smith William
29113 Smith William
26038 Smith William
35136 Smith William
33605 Smith William
36379 Smith William
31866 Smith William
40089 Smith William
13810 Smith William
5685 Smith William
1804 Smith William
4895 Smith William
1366 Smith William
30101 Smith William
3220 Smith William
23682 Smith William
6881 Smith William
16946 Smith William
20012 Smith William
19991 Smith William
22925 Smith William A.
26671 Smith William H.
3572 Smith William M.
24056 Smith William R.
24475 Smith William T.
22361 Smith William W
22489 Smith Willie
36195 Smith Willie
14167 Smith Willie
4264 Smith Willie J.
5804 Smith Wilson
5059 Smith Wilson
22602 Smith Winthrop W.
37594 Smith Wm. (Murph)
6003 Smith, Jr. Charles M.
6954 Smith, Jr. George F.
6002 Smith, Sr. Charles M.
15282 Smithers Edward R.
34410 Smitt Karl B.
4936 Smock Thomas W.
1539 Smoke Louis
33547 Smolich John
22420 Smothers Everett
9916 Smothers John
24328 Smtih Clyde A.
33757 Smutney George
2610 Smyth Patrick J.
8442 Smythe Edward
8949 Smythe O.W.
14980 Snadford Dayton
31986 Snadon Prince
9129 Snavely John H.
35967 Snedegar Thomas S.
34943 Snedeker Garland L.
24116 Sneed Alvin
11187 Sneed David
21680 Sneed John Beal
30290 Sneed Millard
17115 Sneel Oscar J.
21173 Snell Bert
1136 Snell Charles
34419 Snell Clayton
4053 Snell Sam
23251 Snellenberger Reuben
28622 Snelson J. J.
23288 Snider George
35063 Snider Isaac
38548 Snider Joe
38549 Snider Lewis
5984 Snoddy Henry
715 Snoddy John
12281 Snodgrass Broad
37341 Snodgrass James J.
1921 Snodgrass John B.
34380 Snodgrass W. S.
16183 Snook Fred W.
23602 Snook H. C.
18611 Snooks Ben
20167 Snooks George
18610 Snooks Oliver
39658 Snopek Theodore
8843 Snow George
37636 Snow Joe
37612 Snow Wilbert W.
11752 Snow William
5283 Snowden Horace
7025 Snowden Howell
25340 Snowden James
10493 Snowden John H.
1687 Snowden Joseph
1350 Snowden Little
652 Snowden Littleman
201 Snowden Mathew
1002 Snowden Mathias
9602 Snowden William
22689 Snowden Worthy
2040 Snowden (Female) Mary
37103 Snyde Joe Jr.
24853 Snyder B.P.
31679 Snyder Bernard
29162 Snyder Bernard
38840 Snyder Charles
33149 Snyder Charles
5469 Snyder Ed
21886 Snyder Edward D.
9369 Snyder Edward G.
27283 Snyder Frank
29801 Snyder Frank C.
38643 Snyder Fred R
12716 Snyder George A.
34734 Snyder Harry
34659 Snyder J. B.
31174 Snyder Lawrence
30370 Snyder Lee
29708 Snyder Leonard
37188 Snyder Louis
15855 Snyder Oakley N.
30403 Snyder Raymond
35371 Snyder Ted
24237 Snyder Victor
22862 Snyder Willard
36284 Snyder William
30371 Snyder William Walter
22378 Snyger Charles
33013 Sobalesky John
31807 Sobania Samuel
37784 Sobanski Walter
40172 Sobberi John L
33970 Sobel Irving
26356 Sober Raleigh R.
36811 Soberaniz Genaro
12539 Sobol John
18163 Sobrino Hester
23548 Soda Dominick
38080 Soell Ira
17697 Soelman Harry
31356 Sofie Joseph
22881 Sohl Fred
11907 Soikkel John
34534 Sokal William
35086 Solazzi James
35422 Soldano Frank (RN)
22813 Solder Jack
1754 Soldier Jack
2018 Soldier Robert
5885 Soldier Stephen
8275 Soldier Stephen
33986 Solensky Jacob
34044 Solinsky Abe
6509 Solis Francisco
19027 Solis Genaro
29015 Solis Julian
12348 Sollar Fred
33209 Sollars John
9990 Sollins Jack
24883 Sollis Fred
8756 Soloman Jake
26563 Soloman Leonard
15423 Solomon Arnold
28595 Solomon Daniel
16680 Solomon Fred
10548 Solomon Fred J.
12147 Solomon Jacob
35780 Solomon James R.
20865 Solorio Berlselano
24638 Soloski Edward
11118 Somers Frank
39873 Sommerhauser Pete J.
30252 Sommers Benjamin James
15582 Sommers Charles
15354 Sommers Fred W.A.
34604 Sommers George
39880 Sommers Pete
3043 Sommers W.E.
16407 Somondy Samuel
38979 Son Anthony A.
536 Son Frank
40243 Sonderleiter Kenneth
37471 Sonnen H. G.
21847 Sonnenschein Louis
6470 Sonner Emil
8709 Sontelieu Steven E.
31318 Sonzinsky Max
7232 Soo Charlie
18423 Soo Lem
20264 Soo Quen
25094 Soon Choy
14283 Sooter Herman V.
13193 Soper Anson
39616 Soper Omar
6046 Soper William J.
27611 Sopsay Phillip
13315 Sorchy Paul
12325 Sorenson Andrew
17538 Sorenson Earl L.
22453 Sorenson Nels
14401 Sorenson Ralf
39733 Soria Rafael
19596 Sorlien Henry
1422 Sorrell Jack
9925 Sorters Charles G.
35049 Sosa Jose
28432 Soss Glenn D.
40447 Sossaman Hugh W
15448 Sothern Sam T.
6993 Sothern William
33238 Sotlich Matt
25538 Soto Catarino
16743 Soto Ezequial S.
36005 Soto Joel
15983 Soto Manuel
19336 Soto Pablo
24234 Soto Pablo
24235 Soto Vicente
35180 Sou Charley
36311 Soughers Jesse
18501 Soule Ed
21648 Soule James B.
8606 Soulier Frank
7204 Sound Sleeper Joseph
26836 Sourlokulos Paul
8310 Sours John
12693 Sousa Antone Pecheco
27041 Sousa Larry
26517 Sousley James Oliver
30709 Southeimer Goldie
16599 Souther Charles R.
5717 Southerland A.J.
7870 Southerland Earl
25839 Southerland John
4426 Southerland Lol
1943 Southerland Lol
32260 Southerland Sampson
14234 Southern Benjamin H.
18084 Southern Elmer
15459 Southern Hubert E.
5628 Southern Paul
10275 Southwell Jeremiah M.
26742 Southwick Chester E.
17939 Southwood Arthur R.
15024 Southworth Fred
28597 Southworth Guy
11822 Sova Noel
9769 Sovern George
35608 Sowall Jake
31389 Soward Arthur
9137 Sowers George H.
36355 Sowers Louis J.
17002 Sowers Wade F.
31037 Soza Francisco
38103 Soza Francisco
6899 Spadara Francesco
34414 Spade Henry
2127 Spade Watt
2010 Spade William
865 Spade William
37329 Spadorcia Tony
12042 Spaers Walter
7987 Spafford Albert E.
8462 Spagniolo Michele
8355 Spain Daniel A.
17980 Spain Leo K.
37394 Spain Loren
14536 Spain Theodore W.
25514 Spainhower G.
29454 Spainhower Grant I.
27720 Spall Jackie
29260 Spall Stephen J.
14541 Spangler Aud
16100 Spangler Erwin
31179 Spangler Harland
13704 Spangler John E.
27146 Spangler W. C.
1260 Spaniard Dick
12622 Spanier Fred
35765 Spann Harry
34275 Spann W. A.
34304 Spannare Charles I.
9312 Spanos James
9313 Spanos Nicholas
13680 Spanovich Vass
12005 Sparkman J.R.
27742 Sparkman Roy
19533 Sparks Albert
10229 Sparks Allison
39895 Sparks Claude E.
20969 Sparks Earl S.
32827 Sparks Earl S.
6564 Sparks Frank
35109 Sparks Hickey
320 Sparks Island
2820 Sparks Island
3399 Spates D.D.
14910 Spath A.J.
26585 Spaulding Joe
3319 Speake F.H.
4063 Speaker Arch
31248 Speaker Buddy
14414 Spear Charles W.
18242 Spearman G.T.
18944 Spearman John
22246 Spearman Ray M.
33147 Spearman Willie
12185 Spears A.L.
36133 Spears Emory L.
37303 Spears Harry
9977 Spears Jim
12179 Spears John M.
16581 Spears Paul T.
27449 Spears Robert V.
25635 Spears William
4718 Speciale John
17493 Speck Harry C.
27329 Speck Jessie Clarence
16527 Speckman Paul
40152 Speckman Paul
36655 Spector Hyman
12958 Spector Isador
33610 Spede William
13194 Speed George
7940 Speelman Ward D.
34231 Speer Dr. Arthur M.
15339 Speer Earl
14898 Speer Selwyn
23574 Speers Cliff
36485 Speights Dexter
2892 Spellman Michael J.
30802 Spence Dr. Samuel E.
5953 Spence E.J.
12027 Spence H.C.
15410 Spence Jessie
10300 Spencer Andrew J.
6227 Spencer Arthur S.
32901 Spencer Byron F.
36022 Spencer Carl
6646 Spencer Carl M.
12838 Spencer D.
27362 Spencer David C.
37885 Spencer Dee
37053 Spencer Floyd
19352 Spencer George
36555 Spencer Gus
20843 Spencer Harry
23243 Spencer Harry
27973 Spencer Harry
15881 Spencer Harry B.
1903 Spencer Henry
36238 Spencer Henry
956 Spencer James
7006 Spencer James
38449 Spencer John C.
28261 Spencer L. L.
20663 Spencer Luther
6354 Spencer Obe
40048 Spencer Ray
17667 Spencer Tom
23598 Spencer W. T.
27340 Spencer Walter H.
14948 Spencer William George
15190 Spera Gusafetta
11026 Sperling Paul W.
20557 Sperling Thomas
33999 Sperlutto William
22558 Speyer Alex
1540 Spibuck Ernest
36551 Spica John
38287 Spicer Arla
30365 Spicer Bert T.
8193 Spicer E.H.
24672 Spicer H.H.
27182 Spicer Sherman
36882 Spicer Sherman
23686 Spickerman Harry
24586 Spicuzza Mike
10763 Spidle George
14564 Spieler Charles P.
27034 Spienelli John
25017 Spiers Frank
21380 Spight Walter
30019 Spiker Willis Dean
18262 Spikes Carl
17782 Spikes Jimmie
38829 Spiler Vernie James
34529 Spilker Charles A.
11231 Spillers William H.
37792 Spillman Charles
20248 Spillman Gilbert
39370 Spillman Jack
7283 Spillman Thomas
30775 Spillman William E.
36047 Spinella Frank
19766 Spinelli James
8338 Spinelli John
28304 Spinneli James
31965 Spino Francis
20244 Spire Vernie E.
37114 Spitz Charles
37763 Spitzengel John G.
31331 Spitzengel Joseph
39336 Spivak Harry
3735 Spivey William B.
35632 Spolarich Marko
3846 Spoon Jim
30886 Spoonemore Charles
6560 Spoonhunter Roy
21474 Spotswood Charles
38889 Spotted Horse David
18018 Spotted Horse Frank Black
6522 Spotted War Bonnet Samuel
4081 Spotts S.J.
39203 Spradley Bill Jr.
12514 Spradlin Gordon William
114 Spradling James
7021 Spradling Sam
5035 Spraggins Frank
2638 Sprague B.H.
33811 Sprague Harry
19108 Sprague James E.
31660 Sprague Manville H.
13581 Sprague Myron
17003 Sprague Victor H.
8326 Sprank John B.
33115 Sprating Deforest
26304 Spratlen Clifford A.
7107 Spregue Frank
6447 Spriggs George
10914 Spriggs Jesse R.
15882 Spriggs Preston
19765 Spring Dominic
28316 Spring Dominick
33632 Spring Dominick
39147 Springer C.G.
32806 Springer Frank
33676 Springer Harry
38225 Springfield Jessee Lee
28311 Springs Yuel
1401 Springstead George W.
12945 Springsteen Bert L.
2812 Springwater Cole
559 Springwater Columbus
30313 Sprinkle Francis Lloyd
34842 Sprinkle James Estel
12118 Spritz Morris
31060 Sproule Stewart G.
26457 Sprouse Floyd
7465 Sprouse John
9161 Sprouse John
20190 Sprout George Moran
30131 Spruce Andrew D.
21061 Spry Denver
10599 Spudvilas John
30940 Spurgeon Ellis
30726 Spurgeon Kenneth
28360 Spurlock Everett O.
11657 Spurlock Jeff
34772 Squier William
32311 Squire Luther Artemus Martin
11789 Squires Clarence
36772 Squires Daniel Benjamin
2910 Squirrel  
39799 Squirrel Joe
1402 Squirrell James
35480 Squirrell Joe
13509 Srba Leo A.
38272 Sroufe Amos
40078 Sroufe Ernest
25816 St. Clair Albert
27798 St. Clair Frank
36027 St. Clair Ralph
37305 St. Cyr Clarence
9403 St. John Lawrence J.
13144 St. John Vincent
25219 St. Lawrence Joe
21538 St. Louis Felix
38402 St. Louis J. B.
39866 St. Onge Joe
12512 Staats Clarence W.
34229 Stabile Joseph
28913 Stabile Leo
34826 Stablier Rosario Samuel
16986 Stabs By Mistake Peter
26458 Stacey Grant
33284 Stacey William F.
12471 Stachar Allie D.
33558 Stachlik Frank
17175 Stachowicz Frank
11815 Stack William
1436 Stacy A.G.
36502 Stacy Guy Elmer
38376 Stacy Jack
7056 Stade Earl
39884 Stadler Anthony J.
36988 Stafford August
33653 Stafford Claud
23268 Stafford Dave
18090 Stafford Elmer E.
30172 Stafford Fred
14071 Stafford Grant E.
34149 Stafford Harry L.
17106 Stafford Jackson H.
21627 Stafford Jesse C.
8327 Stafford Pete
16085 Stafford W.M.
25475 Stafford William
18134 Staggers Edwaard B.
21457 Staggs Clark
28935 Staggs S. H.
27167 Staggs Stonewall
33934 Stahl George
18213 Stahl Joe W.
29524 Stahl Lawrence
15465 Stahmke Paul F.
26515 Staigers James
20874 Stain Harry
30498 Stakovitz Steve
11863 Stakowski Peter
13946 Stalder Ernest B.
22784 Staley Parker L.
24796 Staley Roy C.
26694 Stallard Clyde
2575 Stallcup John
39246 Stalling Wm. Tracey
33336 Stallone Joseph
17208 Stallworth Ernest
19430 Stallworth Leonard
22770 Stallworth Leonard
30128 Stallworth Leonard
10095 Stamates Thomas
38198 Stamatopolous James
31820 Stamm John
26341 Stamp Ernest W.
17880 Stamps Alphonso
35302 Stamps C. W.
31460 Stamps Will
9845 Stanach Mike
22311 Stanage Robert
19878 Stanchfield Clark T.
8686 Stancil Henry L.
35196 Stancoff Peter
5702 Standifird William B.
5873 Standing Bear Richard
30361 Standing Buffalo Jesse
39002 Standing Buffalo Jesse
31615 Standish George John
28114 Standlee W. H.
28747 Standley Harold Arthur
31811 Standley John Harlan
36166 Standridge Medlock Cannon
29952 Stanfield Cecil
1469 Stanfield Pender
35464 Stanfield Tom
23843 Stanfield Tom
4506 Stanfill James
35245 Stanford George
10896 Stanford John W.
3474 Stanger Earl
8395 Stanierro Rocco
29403 Stanley Arthur W.
2395 Stanley Benjamin
18142 Stanley Claud
26871 Stanley Fred
32466 Stanley George P.
31215 Stanley Harold
8550 Stanley J.E.
6991 Stanley James G.
23735 Stanley John
654 Stanley John
2505 Stanley John T.
6047 Stanley Nathan Y.
38744 Stanley Paul
14309 Stanley Richard M.
12971 Stanley Robert G.
3879 Stanley Sam
21780 Stanley Stewart Parker
5489 Stanley W.O.
32273 Stanley Wilbur
25805 Stanley Wilbur
18355 Stanley William
36760 Stanley William
26463 Stanley William M.
7530 Stans Joseph
22661 Stansberry Allen B.
34847 Stansbury Chester
3347 Stansbury John L.
4999 Stanton Alfred
14090 Stanton Arthur W.
28846 Stanton Edward L.
27444 Stanton F. W.
32962 Stanton Fred
16624 Stanton John A.
28721 Stanton John Michael
21425 Stanton William
25294 Stanton William B.
2546 Stanwatie Joseph
14740 Stanwood Leo
30928 Staples Alonzo
35859 Staples James
7131 Stapleton E. Dale
25668 Stapp Budd
8856 Stapp Dan
28625 Stapp F. A.
18793 Star George
15507 Star Philip
38879 Staranek James
31227 Starbeck H.
39211 Starbeck Herman
21588 Stargos Nicholas
14812 Stark Leo
8497 Stark Louis J.
28868 Stark Paul J.
38200 Stark Stanley
29115 Starkey James
1892 Starkey S.L.
3864 Starkey William
4074 Starkowski Joseph J.
20661 Starks Edward
3816 Starks Junius
40052 Starks Walter
14748 Starling Henry
10189 Starling J.J.
23140 Starling Leonard
5886 Starlings J.J.
2746 Starnes B.W.
39122 Starnes Charles J.
30950 Starnes Chas. J.
35113 Starnes L. C.
37272 Starnes Telfair
39905 Starns Gilbert
3003 Starr B.D.
1280 Starr Bob
2978 Starr Charley
19045 Starr Chester J.
23759 Starr Frank
35286 Starr Herbert A.
28486 Starr Jack
1329 Starr John
10308 Starr Joseph M.
3289 Starr Milo
38384 Starr Nolan J.
3780 Starr W.H.
1776 Start G.W.
13705 Stasch Roman
33136 Stasiak Thomas
38329 Stassi Joe
36415 Stassi Marion
11882 Stasso Antoine
19718 Staten Grover
28678 Stathakis Diogenes
21485 Stathas John
24567 Statkiewicz John
7121 Statler Louis C.
38805 Staton George
18752 Statpm Arnold
36418 Statzel Leland
23438 Staub Dolph
36570 Staub Dolph H.
33233 Stauber Mike
37022 Staufer Elmer
6448 Staunton William
25762 Stavarow Andrew
16030 Stawart Glenn
16464 Steadman Fred
2263 Steadman Tim
20811 Steahle Edward
25893 Stearns Jack
14577 Steavens Billie
28067 Stebic John
8823 Stebler Ben
7841 Steck George V.
22218 Steckler Alvin A.
15752 Stedman Alfred
37778 Steed I. H.
18286 Steed W.J.
19942 Steel Frank
37548 Steele Andrew
11270 Steele Arthur
28782 Steele Austin D.
25768 Steele James R.
8789 Steele Lee F.
37013 Steele Lincoln D.
5753 Steele Newt
13603 Steele Thomas
26396 Steen William O.
32194 Stefani Ernest
26409 Stefano Giacone
24717 Steffan Gust
20158 Steffan Louis Elia
38177 Steffes Jerry
25057 Steffin Joseph
15328 Steffler Fred
22216 Steffler Fred
22779 Steffy Ralph
20277 Stegall Ed
13667 Stegall O.P.
18250 Stege William R.
17176 Steger Louis
24272 Steggall Cecil
35709 Stegman Theodore
33850 Stegmeier Joe
39494 Stegmeier Jospeh
38254 Steigleder Ray E. E.
27318 Steigleder Roy L. A.
22263 Steiman Max
40170 Stein Asia
37690 Stein Bernard
14122 Stein George
16254 Stein Harry
30337 Stein Jack
36161 Stein Nathan
7826 Stein Robert
27415 Stein Walt
40443 Stein Walter P
10104 Steinard Otis
17516 Steinberger Bob
7397 Steinbrook Louis F.
14899 Steiner A.F.
11154 Steiner Victor
32968 Steinfeld Sam
7130 Steinfeld Samuel
39617 Steinfeldt Walter
9468 Steinhardt Julius
13831 Steinhoff Joe
32875 Steinhurst George R.
25610 Steininger James
7572 Steinman E.H.
40141 Steinz Frank
29034 Stejanow Ark
29697 Stekanos William
24843 Stell Aubrey T.
27700 Stella John
17757 Stelmok William
18373 Stem Joe
23028 Stem Joe
28788 Stem L. J.
28059 Stemme William
18284 Stemmes George
39354 Stempek Wm.
12109 Stempin John
7636 Stempion Vojcech
12366 Stempion Vojcech
13143 Stenberg Sigfried
15897 Stencar Frank
24054 Stene Henry
38645 Stenner Donn
25750 Stennett Sherman F.
8526 Stenzel Arthur
40014 Stepanovich Bernard
39348 Stepanovich Pete
9763 Stephanous Frank
9764 Stephanus Thomas
25937 Stephen John
38602 Stephens Alva
39466 Stephens Edmond
4964 Stephens Frederick E.
26227 Stephens Gabriel
31496 Stephens Gabriel E.
29443 Stephens George H.
22762 Stephens Gristle
2663 Stephens Harry
38038 Stephens Henry O.
37696 Stephens Ike
5212 Stephens J.D.
6066 Stephens John J.
1192 Stephens Joseph
1608 Stephens Louis
37164 Stephens Lucian
30944 Stephens Oscar M.
23017 Stephens R. L.
24062 Stephens R.L.
9936 Stephens Rice
35481 Stephens W. A.
40245 Stephens W.N. (Bill)
10440 Stephens Will
7230 Stephenson C.B.
29921 Stephenson E. E.
24876 Stephenson F.G.
12535 Stephenson Fred
39390 Stephenson Raymond
19205 Stephenson Roy
6712 Stephenson Sidney W.
33490 Stephenson Theodore
3766 Stephenson W.J.
17579 Stephenson William
34318 Stephenson Willie
26000 Stephney Amos R.
19848 Stepner Charles
26224 Stepner Charles
23156 Stepner Charles
2517 Stepney Jonas
9266 Stepp Harry T.
13055 Sterick Steve
24065 Sterk H.B.
23677 Sterling Clifford
35927 Sterling John
19684 Sterling Joseph
36296 Sterling Paul W.
4493 Sterling W.E.
5994 Sterling William
27696 Stern Charles
31548 Stern Charles
17927 Stern George A.
24730 Stern Jake
21490 Stern Louis
34005 Stern Nathan
13079 Sternberg Gustave
11222 Sterner Arthur
17766 Sterner Arthur
27271 Sterner Arthur E.
35849 Sterns Jacob
27604 Sterns Stanley
33252 Sterny Max
25695 Sterrett T.J.
3497 Stetler Bob
34881 Stetler Joseph
12371 Stetson Frank
35074 Stettler Raymond
26615 Stettner Martin
10185 Steven James B.
7507 Stevenin A.E.
30600 Stevens Battista
37629 Stevens Bob
6243 Stevens Charles A.
11979 Stevens Charles A.
35875 Stevens Clarence
30355 Stevens Clarence H.
34288 Stevens Duncan
4190 Stevens E.A.
35350 Stevens Earl A.
18470 Stevens Edward M.
29920 Stevens Edwin M.
16919 Stevens Ernest
21472 Stevens Floyd A.
6091 Stevens Frank
30957 Stevens Fred
1101 Stevens George
8542 Stevens Harry
2609 Stevens Isaac J.
2328 Stevens Jim
7531 Stevens John Peter
39229 Stevens Joseph
12019 Stevens Joseph C.
34970 Stevens Leroy
18186 Stevens Louis
30079 Stevens Louis
26084 Stevens M.E.
31436 Stevens Norman W.
34784 Stevens Owen B.
4263 Stevens R.L.
31508 Stevens Roy
249 Stevens Stanwitty W.
3601 Stevens Thomas
2325 Stevens Tom
18069 Stevens Walter C.
20582 Stevens Walter C.
24024 Stevens William
30727 Stevens Wm. A.
21481 Stevenson Albert F.
26164 Stevenson Aleck
25306 Stevenson Elwood
29566 Stevenson George W.
22682 Stevenson Graham
3056 Stevenson Guy
16384 Stevenson Herschel
24811 Stevenson Jack
2498 Stevenson James
2495 Stevenson John
31415 Stevenson John
16824 Stevenson John Cordie
14657 Stevenson John M.
33859 Stevenson Sebe
31843 Stevenson Thomas
39222 Stever Louis A.
14015 Steveson Elbert M.
15924 Stevic Thomas R.
5794 Stevson Monroe
1058 Steward D.W.
13501 Steward Ernest J.
11778 Steward Faut
34679 Steward Willard M.
5667 Stewart A.N.
3361 Stewart Addison
7377 Stewart Alfred
17547 Stewart Allen
4550 Stewart Bert
36920 Stewart Carl
10908 Stewart Champ Scott
15213 Stewart Charles
30683 Stewart Darrel
2813 Stewart Dennis
21443 Stewart Earl R.
9947 Stewart Elisha
22939 Stewart Ernest
10913 Stewart Frank
17549 Stewart Fred H.
18170 Stewart G.H.
23264 Stewart George
25166 Stewart George
2331 Stewart H.G.
7788 Stewart Harold I.
31158 Stewart Harry
26789 Stewart Harry
4645 Stewart Henry
33815 Stewart Herman A.
23788 Stewart James
33528 Stewart James
35390 Stewart James
15993 Stewart James
19620 Stewart James
9387 Stewart James
6184 Stewart James
832 Stewart James
24199 Stewart James H.
14670 Stewart Jim
18260 Stewart John
22086 Stewart Lloyd
5291 Stewart O.
16620 Stewart Oliver F.
32242 Stewart Otis Ora
38117 Stewart Ralph William
37380 Stewart Ray
36923 Stewart Raymond
15714 Stewart Raymond
9603 Stewart Richard
9232 Stewart Robert
26816 Stewart Robert
14059 Stewart Robert C.
16538 Stewart Roy
36907 Stewart Sam
24121 Stewart Sam
31437 Stewart Sam
30844 Stewart Sam
9626 Stewart Samuel
22343 Stewart Thomas
3299 Stewart W.B.
12532 Stewart W.W.
24406 Stewart Walter
702 Stewart Walter
10490 Stewart William
18908 Stewart William
10327 Stewart William
15586 Stewart William H.
4787 Stewart William H.
12457 Stewart William M.
39675 Stewart Wm. Edward
4606 Stibblefied G.W.
39588 Stice Ben
14278 Stich Carl H.
30400 Stich John
26943 Stickens Harry
30331 Stickens Harry
4299 Stickley Ben
3531 Stidham Coon
16714 Stieler Carl
38739 Stiff James
36136 Stiffler Gerald
27509 Stigall Owen
34206 Stiles Craig
7193 Stiles Francis
17147 Stiles Henry A.L.
3764 Still Cook
1261 Still Cook
14680 Still Frank J.
419 Still John
19096 Stillman Sid
18042 Stillwell Albert
32460 Stillwell Albert
1403 Stilson Nathan S.
38697 Stilts Hobart
1071 Stilts Jim
28065 Stimac George
15418 Stimich Mike
8581 Stine James
12711 Stine Lester F.
28439 Stinebaugh Allen
40123 Stinebaugh Glynne
13527 Stines Frank
23072 Stines George
5022 Stinscom Morris
11864 Stinson Dan
14872 Stinson David F.
8149 Stipkovic Steve
30848 Stirman Jack O.
9163 Stites Jesse R.
382 Stitler Charles
6576 Stitt Claude D.
10060 Stitt Zellie
1673 Stittgen Barney
12125 Stivers James G.
30147 Stockard Pearlie L.
33159 Stocker Karl
31104 Stockinger Andrew
24600 Stockland William
38044 Stockstill Dewey
29108 Stockton E. L.
1967 Stockton J.W.
11946 Stockwell Elmer
20 Stockwell James
37875 Stockwell Leonard
31577 Stockwell Volna A.
2703 Stocton W.R.
37883 Stoddard Roy F.
29709 Stoddard Warren C.
9988 Stodgel Frank
29975 Stodolski Walter S.
27031 Stoffel Charles
21980 Stoffon John
26516 Stohr John Benjamin
7067 Stojanic Savo
31645 Stoka Dominick
16631 Stoka Doninik
35069 Stokely Gurie
23730 Stokenberry Sam
30895 Stokenberry Sam
21334 Stokes Abbott
15543 Stokes Albert
18111 Stokes Albert
23000 Stokes Asbury
11594 Stokes Beeler
37512 Stokes Bruce
1728 Stokes E.S.
27397 Stokes Edward
31867 Stokes Edward
16856 Stokes Frank
18522 Stokes Fred
16169 Stokes Fred
36770 Stokes Shedrick
18613 Stokes Shedrick
11119 Stolia Ille
16584 Stolicker Edward C.
10085 Stoll William H.
38154 Stolley Earl
37375 Stollhans Henry
29804 Stoltenberg Emil
11913 Stomackin Albert
27435 Stombaugh Harold
26893 Stone Alfred
32564 Stone Alfred G.
6008 Stone Benjamin
24487 Stone C.L.
15079 Stone Charles
14530 Stone Charles
20614 Stone Charles Edward
30685 Stone Chester
20084 Stone Chester M.
34278 Stone Daniel
12665 Stone E.B.
17751 Stone Enrigue R.
15317 Stone Frank
36017 Stone Fred
22162 Stone Fred
22869 Stone Fred A.
2652 Stone George
2489 Stone Green
28990 Stone Henry
21985 Stone Howard
18396 Stone Jack
17858 Stone Jodie
18948 Stone John L.
23111 Stone Joseph
26138 Stone Joseph
19079 Stone Lewis
34897 Stone Marion
4151 Stone N.L.
12931 Stone Peter
15594 Stone Robert
30275 Stone Robert
8646 Stone Robert C.
23015 Stone Roy
25055 Stone Sam
14386 Stone Samuel H.
35160 Stone William
28769 Stone William
33575 Stone William M.
38960 Stone Zack
7824 Stoneberg Lorne
27548 Stonecipher Lonnie
27512 Stonehouse James
23648 Stonehouse James
6814 Stoner Harry
12408 Stoner James
11191 Stongberg Lorne
15914 Stonies Pete
13201 Stopa Anthony J.
29958 Stopa Louis
19638 Stopani Charles
12576 Stophlet Robert
27721 Stopka Frank
2538 Stopp Gilbert
18664 Stoppel Alex
15387 Storen Michael Francis
13604 Storey Edward
37950 Storey Eugene
27506 Storey William
8534 Stork Frederick
20928 Storks J. Wesley
9050 Storm O.P.
25982 Storm Ralph J.
2068 Stormes Dolph
37517 Storms George
34572 Storms Guy A.
26582 Storms Harvey
39215 Stortz John
34937 Story Dr. Z. M.
17617 Story Ed
38726 Story F.G.
31962 Story LeRoy
18117 Story Moses
5116 Stot Edward
344 Stott J.R.
37196 Stouard James Preston
3730 Stout Alonzo
11419 Stout Alvin H.
26866 Stout Archie
39558 Stout Barney
40086 Stout Charles
9777 Stout Claud
11263 Stout Earl H.
34999 Stout Fred
345 Stout Guy
14520 Stout Henry L.
12014 Stout John L.
36416 Stout Kenneth Plato
2722 Stout W.H.
2721 Stout W.W.
20635 Stout William F
14489 Stovall Lonzo
19433 Stovall Melvin
9728 Stover Bob
19875 Stover Bob
17218 Stover Fred H.
2973 Stover George
21024 Stover James S.
710 Stover John
32299 Stover L.P. (Dock)
4440 Stover Medicine
78 Stowe M.A.
40372 Stowe Peter
38316 Stowe William
32668 Strada Bossie
20897 Strada Browsie
32956 Strahan C. E.
33396 Strain Buck
5866 Strain Dug
20604 Strait Ernest
12236 Straley Lavern
17181 Stranchkowski John
38858 Strang Fred
22154 Strassburg Edward A.
6929 Stratakos Nicholas
30442 Stratford Charles H.
14649 Stratford, Jr. Howard
8556 Stratton Clyde
18415 Stratton George W.
24544 Stratton Harry F.
33030 Stratton Jim
22541 Stratton John M.
17388 Stratton John Willis
9021 Stratton Richard
7604 Stratton Robert
22332 Stratton Roosvelt
8419 Straum William
9765 Straus Joseph
25763 Strauss Gustave
8585 Straw Roll
23584 Strawder Ora
35461 Strawn Henry M.
29899 Straws Alger C.
12490 Strawser Thomas
39272 Strebar Jake
13587 Stredwick Herbert
26310 Streepy Blair
20134 Street Albert
39145 Street Hugh
12196 Street Price
235 Street Squire B.
8801 Street W.R.
20094 Streeter James
7525 Streeter Matthew E.
22278 Streets Richard
37874 Stremme Cecil
10646 Strength Ernest
22752 Strength Ernest
36908 Strength Ernest R.
15086 Stresack Marcas
39631 Stressinger Al
39364 Stretch Warren
21488 Strewder Joe
6781 Stricker Aaron
21163 Strickland Hugh
38713 Strickland Jay C.
1020 Strickland John
32966 Strickland Marvin
24988 Strickland Otto E.
25438 Strickman Charles
18056 Strigel Joe
16766 Strinatter Edward S.
14084 Stringer Arley R.
9880 Stringer Liberty
1971 Stringer William
12565 Stringfellow William E.
8529 Striplin Charles W.
7923 Stripling Ira W.
36364 Strobel Ehrhart A.
12897 Strode G.M.
32422 Stroh John K.
21539 Strohmayer Jack J.
12395 Strokes John
15126 Strom Clarence T.
25594 Strom Edward
36182 Stromer Maurice E.
7412 Strong Charles H.
23149 Strong Dan A.
28681 Strong Eddie
79 Strong J.T.
23980 Strong James W.
30831 Strother Bob
13270 Stroud E.J.
703 Stroud Frank
25745 Stroud Marion E.
8154 Stroud Robert F.
17431 Stroud Robert F.
27527 Stroud Robert L.
27384 Stroud William Clyde
31565 Stroup Kenneth D.
4463 Strouse Walter A.
1137 Strout Cornelius
7908 Struble Edward
19563 Struble Milton R.
13381 Struble Roy
6001 Struckmeyer Frederick C.
31086 Struekans Gerhard
21573 Strukel Matt
16673 Strum George
10821 Strzelecki Joseph
38517 Stuart Allen
21717 Stuart Daryl H.
26144 Stuart Dorrell
18670 Stuart Frann N.
81 Stuart Ham
33 Stuart Harvey
3595 Stuart Horace
80 Stuart Jim
15123 Stuart M.E.
25224 Stubakin Edward
37846 Stubblefield Oscar
36091 Stuber Ed
29180 Stuber Francis P.
5213 Stuchul R.S.
1946 Stucky Tom
1947 Stucky, Jr. John
1948 Stucky, Sr. John
26107 Studebaker Charles
20684 Studer George
24088 Stufflebean P.E.
30214 Stull Jasper
9726 Stull Jesse
26018 Stultz Ralph
27716 Stump Ray
11485 Stump Raymond
34880 Stumpf Philip
21460 Stumpff William
31279 Stunz Harold M.
11201 Stupar Nick
7001 Sturgis J. Ward
13418 Sturgis Joy F.
34987 Sturgiss Robert W.
7688 Sturm Forest
5478 Sturtevant Judson
14588 Stutler Robert
21854 Styer K.B.
14435 Subarton George
7174 Subert John
25525 Subia Jose
36979 Subnovich Eli
36571 Sudbrack Irvin
5340 Sueata A.B.
15178 Suess Max
38927 Sugar Andrew J.
25073 Sugar J.
115 Sugar Thomas
13847 Sugarman Abraham L.
9455 Sugg Charley
11799 Suggs Henry
17815 Suglian Jack
17824 Suhlson I.O.
18523 Suiet James
2940 Suits J.
10419 Sula Joseph
27003 Sulentic George
4539 Sullivan Albert
31183 Sullivan Cecil
32443 Sullivan Clifford
25494 Sullivan Con
22201 Sullivan Dan
18272 Sullivan Daniel
32437 Sullivan Daniel
33280 Sullivan Daniel
12792 Sullivan Daniel H.
21181 Sullivan David W.
11841 Sullivan Dennis F.
31949 Sullivan Ed
9102 Sullivan Frank
30020 Sullivan Frank
23899 Sullivan Frank
23507 Sullivan Frank
2052 Sullivan Frank B.
1268 Sullivan Fred E.
8469 Sullivan George
35508 Sullivan George L.
38907 Sullivan George L.
27065 Sullivan Gregory
32993 Sullivan Harrey
15836 Sullivan Harry
22969 Sullivan Jake
7766 Sullivan James
16207 Sullivan James I.
24595 Sullivan James Otis
27181 Sullivan Jeff
12275 Sullivan Jessie
24585 Sullivan Joe
24584 Sullivan John
5134 Sullivan John
5384 Sullivan John
1219 Sullivan John
17821 Sullivan John L.
18626 Sullivan John T.
31109 Sullivan Joseph
4540 Sullivan Luther
23332 Sullivan Nicholas
8747 Sullivan Patrick
500 Sullivan S.J.
14320 Sullivan Thoams R.
29857 Sullivan Thomas F.
6209 Sullivan Walter
4541 Sullivan Wes
39711 Sullivan William
25284 Sullivan William
25651 Sullivan William
9901 Sullivan William
26560 Sullivan William H.
28535 Sullivan William J.
39013 Sulllivan H. E>
36654 Sultan Sam
29988 Sumeriski Louret
560 Sumker John
19830 Summer Watson
4249 Summerfield Swimmer
7009 Summerhays Edgar J.
29232 Summers Anderson
10600 Summers Charles M.
25675 Summers Corbin
21282 Summers Frank
5623 Summers George
924 Summers Henry
36975 Summers Herbert
33871 Summers Jack W.
29447 Summers Joseph
10843 Summers Joseph E.
34387 Summers Michael
27784 Summers Robert C.
27205 Summers Roland
17129 Summers W.H.
19414 Summers William W.
6018 Summerset Willis E.
29073 Summons Morris J.
32029 Summons Morris J.
17312 Sumpka Lee
37602 Sumpter George
5638 Sumpter Harve
32335 Sun Chu Git
17423 Sun David
25426 Sun Ho
37620 Sunday Leroy
16876 Sundberg Theodore
16471 Sunderland Thomas A.
14974 Sunny Thomas D.
37006 Sunseri Joseph John
1541 Sunshine George
31794 Supantich Matt
25315 Super Speros
39024 Supermoeller Will
35918 Sur Harry J.
20223 Surdick Charles
28564 Surdyka August
31690 Suresco Simon
14973 Surfield Edward
34645 Surine Robert E.
6191 Surrels William
16327 Surwald Edward
8982 Suslak Sigmund
31271 Sussman Elmer
31269 Sussman Harry
34034 Sutcliffe Joseph D.
229 Sutherland William H.
12353 Sutten Ralph
29109 Suttles Curtis
38875 Sutton Abe
17252 Sutton Albert S.
25334 Sutton Clarence
27064 Sutton Gale T.
33051 Sutton Harry
23904 Sutton Jim
35061 Sutton Roy M.
35018 Sutton William
6654 Suzuki Kurataro
15275 Svelich Frank
35867 Svenson Carl A.
6760 Swafford Charles G.
37607 Swafford H. S.
11768 Swafford John
30735 Swafford R. S.
4354 Swafford Roy
11667 Swafford William L.
10123 Swailes John
22004 Swain Ernest
9550 Swain Lee
7084 Swain Leon
3594 Swait Andrew
38270 Swalley Floyd
19206 Swalley Floyd
18047 Swan Bryam E.
28703 Swan Byram E.
22062 Swan Edward
26117 Swan Henry
35138 Swan John
23079 Swan Vernon R.
38962 Swanberg Iner
18366 Swanger Walter L.
10706 Swank Lester R.
4952 Swanner Henry C.
26289 Swanson Arthur
11120 Swanson Charles
18813 Swanson Edward
38503 Swanson Frank R.
3843 Swanson Lee
30607 Swanson Roy C.
7812 Swanson Rudolph
16990 Swanson Sanford R.
27748 Swanson Swan
9361 Swanson Theodore
22656 Swanston William F.
7227 Swanwick Hans
22502 Swartz Ernest E
16764 Swartz Henry C.
9043 Swartz Horace
25761 Swartz John S.
17188 Swartz Roy Raymond
20458 Swatzlander W.E.
37179 Swayne Gordon Bennett
3067 Sweany John E.
40328 Swearingen Carroll
12043 Sweatman W.L.
32590 Sweeney Edward
22182 Sweeney Elmer D.
20442 Sweeney Frank A.
25316 Sweeney Henry P.
5568 Sweeney J.W.
31139 Sweeney James
6911 Sweeney Joe
3906 Sweeney Joseph
18381 Sweeney Pat
906 Sweeney Phil
40300 Sweeney Raymond J
7300 Sweeney Richard T.
26235 Sweeney Robert
8648 Sweeny Daniel
25415 Sweeny Theodore W.
15283 Sweet Elston B.
4215 Sweet Isom
7977 Sweet Oliver B.
260 Sweet William
24528 Sweezey Claude
29808 Sweigart Laurel
38504 Swenson Elmer
17426 Swenson George G.
13030 Swertfager Earl W.
35194 Swetoslaiski Leo
15315 Swettenberg Louis
28673 Swiatkowski Edward
38204 Swiatkowski Edward
11847 Swiatlowski Joseph
22079 Swiden Charles
12936 Swift J.A.
1102 Swift Joe
5773 Swift John H.
36712 Swift Minot
27841 Swift Bear Philip
6516 Swift Bear Phillip
30043 Swiger Carmen E.
1709 Swindall Duncan
10434 Swindell Lon
13512 Swinford Joaguin A.
10074 Swisher Albert G.
38699 Swisher J. W.
36615 Swishur Ernie
3767 Swiss Henry
19408 Switzer Yale
29489 Swyder Sam
8016 Sykes Charles
4162 Sykes J.W.
9747 Sykes Steven B.
37579 Sykes Wesley Pope
13836 Sylkas Louis
32766 Sylvan John M.
17328 Sylver Dominic
34197 Sylver Leon
33300 Sylvester Frank
9683 Sylvester Otto
8456 Sylvester Sam
2441 Sylvia Emanuel S.
21248 Symonowicz John
31069 Symons Mark
11499 Sypher Charles
13613 Sypherd Harvey C.
28556 Syran Frank
16671 Sysel Canal
15519 Sysel Cenek
35637 Syvaoja Alex
35635 Syvaoja Jonas
35546 Szabo Thomas
23279 Szaroleto James
22012 Szczepanski Anthony
34186 Szeck Otto
34187 Szeck Paul
33131 Szejback Ludwig
40112 Szekeres Rudolph
7258 Szidlowski Peter
28421 Szostek Frank
17765 Szrak Paul
7579 Szustersky Vallryian

