National Archives at Kansas City

Name Index to Cancelled, Rejected, and Relinquished Land Entry Files, Alliance, NE ca. 1869-1950

Alliance, NE ca. 1869-1950 (Record Group 49), at the National Archives at Kansas City

Note: For more information or to request a copy of a file, please
contact our reference staff.

Click the table headings to sort columns.

Last Name First Name Date Comments
?? ?? 1903
?? ?? 1905
?? ?? 1905
?? ?? 1905
?? ?? 1909
?? ?? 1909
?? ?? 1909 Includes Map of Telephone Line

?? ?? 1910
?? ?? 1910
?? ?? 1910
?? ?? 1910
?? ?? 1910 Includes pamphlet Entitled "Irrigation Law "For Nebraska

?? ?? 1910 This Serial Number Was Dropped From THe Series

?? ?? 1911
?? ?? 1911
?? ?? 1911
?? ?? 1912
?? ?? 1912
?? ?? 1912
?? ?? 1913
?? ?? 1913 Serial Number Dropped From Series

?? ?? 1914
?? ?? 1914
?? ?? 1915
?? ?? 1917
?? ?? 1918 See 18477

?? ?? 1918 See 18478

?? ?? 1920
?? ?? 1920 19405 - 19413

?? ?? 1920 19405 - 19413

?? ?? 1920 19405 - 19413

?? ?? 1920 19405 - 19413

?? ?? 1920 19405 - 19413

?? ?? 1920 19405 - 19413

?? ?? 1920 19405 - 19413

?? ?? 1920 19405 - 19413

?? ?? 1920 19405 - 19413

?? ?? 1924
?? ?? 1925
?? ?? 1926
?? ?? 1927 Includes Survey Diagram

?? ?? 1927 Includes Survey Diagram

?? ?? 1931
?? ?? 1931
?? ??. 1913
Aaron William M. 1910
Abbot Almon M. 1908
Abbott Almon M. 1909
Abbott Almon M. 1910
Abbott Almon M. 1911
Abbott Angeline P. 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Edwin S. Abbott

Abbott David W. 1911
Abbott Dorothy 1914
Abbott Edward L. 1900
Abbott Fay E. 1909
Abbott Fay E. 1909
Abbott James M. 1911
Abbott Richard L. 1909
Abegg Frank 1916
Abel George Washington 1909
Abel James P. 1907
Abold Edward A. 1917
Abold Edward A. 1917
Abold Edward A. 1926
Abold Louis H. 1910
Abts August H. 1908
Abts Herman A. 1910
Ace Arthur J. 1931
Acheson John C. 1916
Achey C. Peter 1915
Acker Joseph 1912
Ackerman Ben A. 1909 \

Ackerman Casper 1916
Ackerman John J. 1908
Ackerman Sanford A. 1911
Ackerman WIlliam P. 1920
Ackerman William P. 1928
Acton Armilda 1916
Acton Henry A. 1916
Acton Richard C. 1916
Adams Albert G. 1913
Adams Allen 1909
Adams Bart 1909
Adams Clair C. 1908
Adams Elias 1909
Adams Elias 1911
Adams George L. 1911
Adams George N. 1907
Adams Harvey 1919
Adams James L. 1907
Adams Jennie 1904
Adams John J. 1902 Includes Certificate of Citizenship of Father

Adams John S. 1911
Adams John W. 1907
Adams Joseph S. 1904
Adams Lauretta Francis 1919
Adams Lee 1908
Adams Merlan E. 1914
Adams Merlan E. 1915
Adams Mont. B. 1913
Adams Pietro D. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Adams Richard W. 1911
Adams S. G. 1908
Adams Samuel Ervin 1913
Adams Samuel G. 1907
Adamsen George 1909
Adamson Daniel 1919
Adamson Ira 1909
Adkins James W. 1914
Adkins James W. 1914
Adkins Jesse W. 1912
Agnew Percy W. 1901
Aickinger Charles H. 1916
Aickman Samuel N. 1910
Akin Charles J. 1911
Akin Charles J. 1911
Akin Hattie 1913
Albee Fred 1912
Albee George C. 1904
Albert Anna M. 1916
Albert Cyrus G. 1916
Albert Henry 1916
Alberts Bert A. 1913
Alberts Clarence F. 1908
Alberts George F. 1909
Alberts Mae A. 1913
Albertson Lawrence George 1922 Includes Declaration of Intention

Albright Daniel W. 1905
Albright Earl Austin 1911 See 14162

Albright Earl Austin 1911 See 14204

Albright Edna G. 1904
Alcotte Gilbert E. 1909
Aldrich Lena 1912
Aldrich William W. 1916
Alexander Elizabeth 1902
Alexander George Ira 1916
Alexander John D. 1908
Alkire Adam B. 1910
Alkire Daniel 1909
Alkire Daniel 1909
Alkire Daniel 1909
Alkire Elmer I. 1910
Allbrecht Arthur L. 1911
Allbright David W. 1910
Allee Elsie 1906
Allee Nancy H. 1907
Allen Alfred J. 1912
Allen Annie E. 1907
Allen Ceacil F. 1923
Allen Clarence E. 1920
Allen Dayton T. 1909
Allen Ethel J. 1919
Allen Flemon M. 1908
Allen Frank E. 1914
Allen Guy V. 1909
Allen Isaac A. 1914
Allen James Crawford 1901
Allen Joseph 1909
Allen Oscar G. 1920
Allen Pearle F. 1911
Allen Richard 1910
Allen Sarah E. 1903 Includes Military Discharge of Geo Allen

Allen (Morgan) Mary Estella 1904
Alley Elihu 1914
Alley John F. 1914
Alliance Anna Smith 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Allison Blake S. 1910
Allison Blake S. 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Allison J. Ned 1928
Allison Peter 1904
Allmon Charlie M. 1911
Alpers Hartwig 1908
Alsa Mable L. 1913
Alstott Frank J. 1913
Alstott John H. 1909
Alstott Mary A. 1900
Altig William H. 1909
Alyward Edward 1914
Aman Roy I. 1920
Ambrose Louis John 1928
Amende Ernest 1908
Ames Christopher Carson 1909
Ames William S. 1920
Ammon Franklin K. 1906
Amon Herbert 1921
Amon Herbert 1924
Amsberry Oscar E. 1921
Amstuz Oscar A. 1920
Amundenson Alfred E. 1916 INcludes Declaration of Intention

Amy Hannah E. 1909
ANderson George E. 1908
Anderson Aaron 1908
Anderson Arnold O. 1910
Anderson Benjamin C. 1916
Anderson Conrad A. 1913
Anderson David G. 1920
Anderson Frank B. 1916
Anderson Frank M. 1931
Anderson Fred 1916
Anderson George H. 1913
Anderson Grace R. 1913
Anderson Gus 1904
Anderson Harry 1931
Anderson Harry M. 1920
Anderson Henry C. 1908
Anderson Herbert M. 1916
Anderson Hercules V. 1915
Anderson Hiram H. 1919
Anderson Hulda Maria 1908 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Anderson James 1911
Anderson James L. 1907
Anderson John P. 1910
Anderson Joseph T. 1907 Includes Naturalization Papers

Anderson Lovic 1899
Anderson Lovic 1906
Anderson Myron 1928
Anderson Nils 1909 Includes Final Naturalization Papers

Anderson Ominus A. 1910
Anderson Peter M. 1911 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Anderson Sigurda A. 1930
Anderson Theodore E. 1903
Anderson William H. 1914
Anderson William J. 1908
Andre Frederick 1904
Andres Carl A. 1916
Andress Mamie G. 1909
Andrew Charles E. 1909
Andrews Albert E. 1909
Andrews Dudley B. 1930
Andrews George T. 1915
Andrews Ira G. 1928
Andrews Maggie 1913
Andrews Nicholas A. 1900
Andrews Sadie B. 1910
Andrews Theodore 1913
Andrews William 1910
Andrus Ethel M. 1909
Angelo Warren K. 1911
Ankenny Benjamin F. 1911
Annable Robert E. 1916
Anten George 1900
Antram John 1909
Antrim William F. 1910
Antrim Zadik F. 1902
Aplan Jens O. 1911
Applegarth Andrew J. 1906
Applegarth Andrew J. 1909
Applegarth Lewis H. 1912 See 15078

Applegarth Lewis H. 1914 See 15077

Applegate Andrew J. 1911
Applegate Holden S. 1910
Archer George 1910
Archer Hiram I. 1910
Arehart Amos 1905
Armbrust Henry 1908
Armbrust William S. 1911
Arms Albert H. 1921
Arms Henry S. 1910
Armstrong Clarence M. 1920
Armstrong Cornelia J. 1915
Armstrong Edwin M. 1907
Armstrong George Jack 1918
Armstrong Harry P. 1908
Armstrong James 1916
Armstrong Leonard 1911
Armstrong Mary B. 1911
Armstrong Merwyn D. 1920
Armstrong William W. 1904
Armstrong William W. 1910
Arner John E. 1908
Arner John E. 1908
Arner John E. 1908
Arnold Benjamin F. 1911
Arnold Charles 1908
Arnold Ed M. 1915
Arnold Ed M. 1915
Arnold Ed M. 1920
Arnold Everett L. 1904
Arnold Keith 1915
Arnold Mary E. 1906
Arnold Olie 1900
Arnold Oliver K. 1920 See 19447

Arnold Oliver K. 1920 See 19448

Arnold Ollie J. 1905
Arthur William 1903
Artlip Alva M. 1912
Arysen Charles P. 1927
Asay Madeleine 1910
Asay Margaret I. 1912
Asay Margaret J. 1908
Asche George 1910
Ash Charles A. 1908
Ash Hattie 1908 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Ashay John 1920
Ashberger Arthur 1912
Ashbrook Harry H. 1912
Ashbrook Harry W. 1910
Ashbrook Julia A. 1902
Ashbrook Julia A. 1904
Ashbrook Letcher L. 1909
Ashbrook Wilson L. 1908
Ashbrook Wilson L. 1908
Ashbrooks Harry H. 1911
Ashby George L. 1920
Ashby Harry Hardman 1920
Ashcraft Irvin 1908
Ashford Robert F. 1909
Ashten Harry 1911
Ashton Paul V. 1919
Ashurst Elizabeth 1902
Askem Jul 1908
Askine William D. 1907
Aspey Amos 1909
Asplin Carl 1909
Asplin Emil 1908
Asplin William B. 1908
Asquith Frank E. 1913 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Astlip Mark L. 1912
Astlip Mark L. 1912
Atkins Auburn Hugh 1920
Atkins Della E. 1903 Includes Military Discharge of John Atkins

Atkinson George W. 1912
Atteberry Fred M. 1912
Attebery Ellellia Shrock 1915
Attebery Fred M. 1908
Attebery Fred M. 1912 See 15360

Attebery Fred M. 1913
Attebery Fred Marshall 1912 See 15361

Attebery Oll T. 1908
Attebery Oll T. 1920
Attebury Fred M. 1911
Attebury Fred Marshall 1912
Atterbery Charles W. 1908
Atwater William G. 1916
Atwell David S. 1910
Atwell James W. 1910
Atwell Richard H. 1908
Atwill Gilbert Charles 1910
Atwood Harvey J. 1920
Augsburger John J. 1904
Augustine Frank E. 1908
Augustine John C. 1911
Aukery Benjamin T. 1905
Ault Elizabeth J. 1904
Austin Arthur L. 1916
Austin Caroline 1910
Austin Frank H. 1916
Austin Fred 1909
Austin Harmon W. 1908
Austin James Martin 1920
Austin William R. 1907
Avery Sylvanus 1904 Includes Photos

Avery Sylvenus 1910
Awtry Allie 1910
Aylward Mary 1904
Ayres Fred A. 1916
Ayres Fred Agustis 1916
Ayres Marion O. 1905
Ayres Warren O. 1903
Babbington Edward G. 1910
Babbitt Carl J. 1908
Babbitt Homer 1909
Babbitt William H. 1909
Babby Wilber 1909
Babcock Hiram F. 1909
Babcock Wallace P. 1908
Baber Eli 1912
Baboll Solon M. 1911
Baccus George L. 1908
Bacheldor Lowell E. 1920
Back Paul R. 1920
Bacon John C. 1913
Baer Barbara 1906 Includes Declaration of Intention

Baer Benard D. 1905
Baer Margaret A. 1906
Bagley Melvin F. 1908
Bailey Daisy 1912
Bailey James A. 1909
Bailey James A. 1909
Bailey James A. 1909
Bailey James A. 1909
Bailey James A. 1910
Bailey Loren D. 1908
Bailey Merle F. 1908
Bailey Timothy E. 1908
Bailey William G. 1920
Bainbridge George 1923
Baird Edward P. 1908
Baird Frederick R. 1906
Baird George E. 1912
Baird J. D. 1912
Baird Manley F. 1910
Baird Robert D. 1908
Baker Andy C. 1912
Baker Bennie J. 1909
Baker Charles A. 1908
Baker Charles O. 1909
Baker Edd C. 1910
Baker George H. 1911
Baker George H. 1911
Baker Harry 1908
Baker James I. 1908
Baker Jesse E. 1909
Baker John O. 1921
Baker John T. 1908
Baker Leon L. 1911
Baker Leon L. 1911 Includes Letter to The President of The United States

Baker Leslie M. 1918
Baker Russell Thomas 1931
Baker Samuel F. 1911
Baker William A. 1906
Balch Orlin M. 1908
Balcom George W. 1912
Balden Cornelius E. 1910
Baldridge Claude B. 1920
Baldwin Albert G. 1908
Baldwin Frank E. 1916
Baldwin Harriett A. 1900
Baldy Milton L. 1900
Balka Mucho 1920
Ball Arthur G. 1908
Ball J. Frank 19009
Ball Joseph 1915
Ballard Davis C. 1908
Ballard Henry 1911
Ballard James F. 1911
Ballard Thomas J. 1910
Ballard Wellington 1904
Ballew Silas 1907
Balliew John F. 1909
Balliew Nettie 1911
Balliew Richard R. 1904
Ballinger Charles E. 1914
Ballinger Leslie E. 1917
Ballweg Fred 1916
Baltes George 1916
Baltes George 1916
Baltes George 1917
Balzer David 1916
Bame Katherine E. 1901
Bandur John 1908
Bane John 1927
Banion Fred F. 1902
Banister Allen 1901
Banke WalterR. 1905
Banks Herbert R. 1910
Bannan Helene E. 1912
Bannan Michael 1902 INcludes Certificate of CItizenship

Bannan Michael 1904
Bannon J. Frank 1904
Bannon William D. 1925
Banta Merle A. 1920
Baquet Cicero 1905
Baquet Elmer C. 1915
Baquet Elmer L. 1903
Barager Bidwell 1907 Includes Record of Naturalization

Barb James R. 1910
Barber Peter T. 1904
Barber Peter T. 1909
Barber W. Ray 1904
Barber W. Ray 1909
Barden Chester A. 1908
Barden Chester A. 1928
Bare Clyde R. 1905
Bare Ross W. 1911
Bare Walter 1911
Barfoot Jessie 1908
Barger John W. 1910
Barger Thomas E. 1915
Barhydt Aaron G. 1910
Barkell James E. 1905
Barkell Richard J. 1899
Barkell Thomas H. 1907
Barkes Charles G. 1910
Barkes James T. 1910
Barlow Clyde T. 1909
Barlow Robert A. 1904
Barnell Alfreda 1909
Barnes Cecil Floyd 1920
Barnes James S. 105
Barnes Lanorah A. 1905
Barnes Margaret 1911
Barnes Oscar 1906
Barnes Riley R. 1920
Barnett ELijah 1909
Barnett Elijah 1905
Barnett Elijah 1909
Barnett Elijah 1911
Barnett William D. 1917
Barney Anna E. 1908
Barney Melville E. 1906
Barney Orry 1905
Barngrover Lizzie 1913
Barnhart David A. 1904
Barnhart Hugh M. 1904
Barns Walter O. 1904
Barnum Charles W. 1913
Barnum Seth 1907
Barnwell William 1901
Barr John Tyner 1928
Barrett Charles E. 1911
Barrett Clyde L. 1911
Barrett Howard 1906
Barrett Margaret M. 1909
Barrick Elwood J. 1902
Barrick Mabel C. 1902
Barry Leo M. 1911
Bartels John Helmer 1910
Bartholomew Ben 1913
Bartine (Artz) Elizabeth 1909
Bartlett Arthur M. 1908
Bartlett Charles L. 1912
Bartlett Fred 1905
Bartlett James W. 1900
Bartling Henry G. 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Bartling John 1907
Bartling John 1908
Bartling Walter B. 1903
Barton Albert 1908
Barton Andy 1900
Barton Walker 1904
Barton William J. 1920
Baschley Julius N. 1908
Baseley Tracey C. 1909
Bashford Marcus L. 1912
Bashford Mariah 1912
Bassett Leona K. 1928
Bassett Sarah C. D. 1904
Bastlin Adam B. 1911
Basye Cora 1916
Basye George L. 1907
Basye Lee 1916
Basye Lee 1918
Basye Lenna 1916
Bateman Andrew T. 1908
Bates Milton 1907
Battle John A. 1904
Battles Laben B. 1907
Battron Wesley M. 1916
Bauder George C. 1909
Bauer Carl R. 1915
Bauer Christiana 1911 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Bauer Paul G. 1920
Bauer William 1904
Bauer, Jr. Charlie 1912
Baughman Frank A. 1915
Baum William J. 1908
Bauman William 1916
Baumgard Rosa M. 1918
Baumgardner Bart 1909
Baxter Mae E. 1899
Bayard Howard 1909
Bayer Benjamin J. 1912
Bayer Paul R. 1909
Bayer Richard P. 1910
Bayles Ephraim N. 1909
Bayliff Albert L. 1908
Bayre Cora 1908
Bays Louis 1910
Bayse Cora 1904
Baysinger Frank E. 1906
Baysinger Hettie B. 1908
Baysinger Swan B. 1908
Baysinger Swan B. 1908
Baysinger Swan B. 1909
Baysinger Swan B. 1912
Beabout Homer John 1924
Beach Miles E. 1900
Beach Rufus R. 1900
Beadz Elmer F. 1914
Beal Hugh B. 1916
Beal Ralph W. 1909
Beale Edwin M. 1908
Beale Harry A. 1918
Beals Oscar H.E. 1909
Beam Elilzabeth A. 1913
Beam Hamilton D. 1910
Beam Mary S. 1912
Beam Roy E. 1908
Beaman Aaron L. 1912
Beanblossom George W. 1914
Beard Bonnie 1900
Beatty Harry G. 1912
Beatty Robert M. 1920
Beaty James 1916
Beaty Trobridge L. 1914
Beaty Wallace D. 1908
Beaver George Raymond 1920
Beaver John R. 1907
Bechtel Royal A. 1916
Beck Harry B. 1902
Beck Homer M. 1904
Beck Inez 1909
Beck John G. 1904
Beck John G. 1912
Beck John P. 1917
Beck John P. 1917
Beck John P. 1918
Beck Larry 1928
Beck Nil Eugene 1920
Beck Wilson W. 1909
Becker Charley 1925
Becker Edward C. 1909
Becker James Floyd 1909
Becker Lucy G. 1916
Becker Maggie W. 1908
Becker Peter 1905
Becker Samuel L. 1913 See 16094

Becker Samuel L. 1913 See 16095

Beckler Leslie M. 1917
Beckman Augusta R. 1917
Becrup Russell 1920
Bee Perry 1908
Beebe Cyrus M. 1891
Beebe Daniel A. 1908
Beebe Ernest E. 1907
Beebe Ernest E. 1909
Beebe Josie May 1898
Beecher William 1905
Beers Bert C. 1912
Beers Frank D. 1912
Beeson Charles G. 1909
Beeson Gertrude 1910
Beguin Jules 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Beguin Paul H. 1905 Includes Naturalization Record

Behmert David 1911
Behner George 1900 Includes Declaration of Intention

Belden John O. 1908
Belden WIlliam W. 1904
Belden William W. 1910
Belden William W. 1910
Belknap Kittie L. 1910
Bell Caroline C. 1912
Bell Charley F. 1916
Bell James A. 1907
Bell Mina 1909
Bell Prissilla 1914
Bellamy Fred N. 1910
Bellingar Eugene L. 1924
Bellinger Alva L. 1906
Bellinger Isaac 1908
Bellwood Arthur H. 1916
Bellwood Harvey H. 1916
Belsey Joseph 1919
Beltzner Roy S. 1910
Beman Olive 1908
Bendixon Minnie J. 1898 Includes Declaration of Intention

Benedict James 1905
Benedict Ralph 1908
Benedict Stephen A. 1898
Bengston John Berger 1920
Benjamin Dal C. 1915
Benjamin Ephrem 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Benn Mary J. 1902 Includes Certificate of Military Service of Henry L. Benn

Bennett Patrick 1909
Bennett Sadie C. 1910
Benschoter Clarence E. 1917
Benschoter William G. 1912
Benson Albert P. 1907
Benson Charles William 1920
Benson Harvey L. 1920
Benson Harvey L. 1920
Benson Horace M. 1906
Bentley Bertha L. 1910
Bentley Blanche M. 1908
Benton Arthur E. 1907
Bentrim Andrew F. 1905
Bents James O. 1911
Bentson Inga 1917
Bentz James O. 1908
Berg Alfred 1906 Includes Declaration of Intention

Berg Ella 1913
Berg John 1911 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Berg John 1912
Berg John 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Berg William 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Berger Grace G. 1907
Bergesen Fred J. 1905
Bergesen Fred J. 1917
Bergman Albert Gustaf 1920
Bergman Clarence G. 1920
Bergman Ernest J. 1910
Bergman Michael 1915
Bergman Michael 1915
Bergman Pauline 1914
Berkland Carl L. 1907
Berquist Carl E. 1908
Berrong George L. 1910
Berry Charles F. 1891 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Berry James B. 1911
Berry John 1911
Berry Joseph B. 1909
Berryman Troy 1909
Bert Alice E. 1910 See 12586

Berzold John B. 1912
Bess Amon A. 1920
Best Albert 1908
Betebener Ernest C. 1902
Betlinger John F. 1910
Betschen Fred 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Betts Clarence 1908
Beuschoter John 1904
Beverly Henry 1899
Bezanson Clyde E. 1911 Includes Naturalization Record

Bezanson Percy N. 1911
Bibby Ora 1908
Bickel Ed 1901
Bickford Sylvester G. 1910
Biddle Friend T. 1911
Bidler Clarence M. 1907
Bierman John H. 1910
Bieser Fred C. 1906
Bieser Harry W. 1909
Bieser John H. 1904
Bieser John H. 1909
Bieser Lora 1910
Bigelew Payson B. 1909
Bigelow Payson B. 1909
Biggle Leon H. 1907
Biglow Charley B. 1908
Bignell Raymond 1908
Bignell William 1911
Billing Henry 1909
Billing Henry 1911 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Billing Henry 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Billing Henry 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Bills Joseph 1911 Includes Naturalization Record

Bilslend Walter H. 1908
Bingham Charles E. 1907
Bingman Samuel C. 1907
Bird Ernest C. 1900
Bird Marshall P. 1904
Birdsall Charles E. 1909
Birdsall George A. 1908
Birk Jasper 1908
Birk Jasper 1911
Birmingham George F. 1916
Birney Harry 1904
Bishop Addison 1920
Bishop Alma E. 1923
Bishop Edgar O. 1901
Bishop Elizabeth J. 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Husband

Bishop Homer R. 1923
Biss George 1911
Bissell Bennieville O. 1928
Bissell Joseph O. 1910
Bissell Joseph O. 1916
Bissell Richard A. 1917
Bissell Richard A. 1920
Bissell Truby E. 1906
Bissell William A. 1908
Biting Sadie I. 1903
Bitting Benjamin 1910
Bixler George 1911
Bixler Harvey D. 1910
Bixler James 1913
Bixler James E. 1914
Bixler James Ellis 1912
Bixler (Davis) Edwin F. 1917
Bixles John W. 1909
Bizik Albert 1911 Includes Naturalization Record of Vaclav Bizik

Black Alice C. 1911
Black Anna 1900
Black Frank 1904
Black Frank H. 1908
Black Frank H. 1913
Black John W. 1908
Black John W. 1911
Black Laura 1911
Black Laura 1912
Black Ora E. 1905
Black Sada 1906
Black Walter L. 1920
Black (Davis) Evaline 1904
Blackburn Charles H. 1909
Blackburn Donald W. 1928
Blackburn Donaldk W. 1920
Blackledge Howard S. 1916
Blackmer Jewell 1915
Blackwell Albert 1910
Blackwell George S. 1908
Blackwell George S. 1908
Blackwell George S. 1909
Blackwell John L. 1919 See 19223

Blackwell John L. 1919 See 19226

Blackwell Lottie 1910
Blackwell Lottie M. 1903
Blackwelll Lottie M. 1909
Blain Eldridge T. 1909
Blain Iris V. 1911
Blain Myrtle M. 1912
Blain Myrtle M. 1917
Blair Brice 1908
Blair Julia 1900
Blair Ralph 1921
Blaisdell Edson B. 1909
Blaisdell Edson B. 1910
Blakely Albert G. 1899
Blanchard Evan Lena 1902
Blanchard Oreett R. 1906
Blanchard Randall F. 1912
Blankenbeckler Elmo D. 1927
Blanton Thomas 1914
Blanton Thomas B. 1908
Blanton Wilburn B. 1914
Blaser Gottfried 1913 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Blaser Samuel 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Blayden Lorn J. 1906
Bledsoe Gideon 1916
Bledsoe Walter 1920
Blizzard August C. 1904
Blizzard Augustus C. 1903
Blocher David 1905
Blocher Lucy E. 1906
Blood Ray W. 1905
Blood Roscoe M. 1908
Blood Roy O. 1904
Bloom Bertha 1910
Bloom William W. 1910
Blue Edith May 1910
Blundell John 1917
Blundell Thomas 1900 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Blundell Thomas 1917
Boatsman John 1910
Bock Joseph 1914
Bodle Jay 1910
Boettger Hugo T. 1909
Boffer Michael 1904
Bogue Isaac M. 1907
Boham Orna M. 1908
Boham Orva M. 1908
Bohan Hanna 1908
Bohne John 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Bohnert John D. 1915
Bohr John 1916
Boland Catherine 1910
Boland Catherine 1910
Boldman William V. 1916
Boles Edgar 1905
Boley William A. 1905
Bolinger Benjamin F. 1914
Bolinger James W. 1909
Bollman James C. 1908
Bolte Anton L. 1914
Bomgardner Arthur 1915
Bond Delos C. 1911
Bond George P. 1908
Bonney Valerian A. 1909
Bonney (Weeks) Nell J. 1908
Boodey Leslie 1909
Boon Julia T. 1911
Boon Julia T. 1911
Boone Jake 1913
Booth George F. 1909
Booth Harry B. 1920
Borden Alta May 1908
Bordin John 1889
Bording James C. 1907
Borin Frank 1907
Borky Pete 1908
Borland John M. 1907
Bos Jacob F.H. 1908
Bos Jacob F.H. 1910
Bossemeyer Fred 1920
Bossow Otto E. 1914
Bostron Gustaf Albert 1920
Boswell Edwin R. 1907
Bottaff Walter D. 1909
Bottom Grayson C. 1906
Botts Olie 1901
Boucher Hattie M. 1909
Bouck Margaret 1906
Bouck Robert H. 1908
Boudrean Effie C. 1909
Boulware Leone 1908
Boulware William W. 1915
Bourett Henry 1909
Bourne H. Bruce 1917
Bourne Richmond H. 1908
Bourquin Franklin 1922
Bourquin Roy 1915
Bourret Francis J. 1926
Bourret Mary 1911
Bourret William B. 1904
Bowdish Anson H. 1904
Bowdish Anson H. 1910
Bowen Henry E. 1909
Bowen Herbert J. 1907
Bowen John 1906
Bowers James L. 1909
Bowers John E. 1907
Bowers Raymond B. 1909
Bowers Raymond B. 1910
Bowersock Elizabeth 1907
Bowersock James B. 1909
Bowersock John M. 1907
Bowles Elizabeth B. 1911
Bowman Albert 1907
Bowman Albert 1911
Bowman Edward 1913
Bowman Elmer O. 1907
Bowman Ethel A. 1911
Bowman Henry 1912
Bowman Ida F. 1908
Bowman James D. 1910
Bowman James E. 1911
Bowman Thomas G. 1911
Bowman Walter E. 1920
Boyd C. A. 1911
Boyd Charles L. 1909
Boyd Jesse C. 10
Boyer Daniel H. 1909
Boyer Daniel H. 1909
Boyer Eliza J. 1909
Boyer Gilbert H. 1913
Boyer Leonard 1909
Boyer Olive J. 1902
Boyer Thomas A. 1909
Boyer Thomas A. 1909
Boylau Millard L. 1909
Boyle Calvin E. 1911
Boyle E. Emmet 1924
Boyle Edmund P. 1931
Boyles Ephraim N. 1909
Bracken Alfred C. 1904
Bracken Jay Holland 1910
Bradbury Daniel C. 1920
Bradden Alfred 1909
Bradden Alfred 1909
Bradden Alfred 1909
Braddock Harvey T. 1904
Braddock Harvey T. 1917
Braddock Julia Anna 1930 See 21373

Braddock Julia Anna 1930 See 21374

Bradford A. Denton 1908
Bradford Luther C. 1910
Bradley Eliza H. 1909
Bradley Frank O. 1905
Bradley James K. 1909
Bradley James K. 1910
Bradley Jesse 1920
Bradley Samuel T. 1920
Bradsby James 1915
Bradshaw Duane F. 1912
Bradshaw (Brush) Emma A. 1908
Brady George A. 1909
Brady Helen 1912
Brady John 1912
Brady John 1920
Brady Mary 1912
Brady Mary 1914
Brady Michael 1901
Brain Leonard J. 1906
Braman Oscar F. 1915
Braman Oscar F. 1915
Brandhoefer Ernest R. 1905
Brandt Carl J. 1916
Brandt Perry W. 1901
Brandt Sarah B. 1904
Branham Frank D. 1906
Branhoefer Bessie E. 1902 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Branson Horatio 1913
Branson Warren Albert 1917
Bratcher George 1907
Braun Henry 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

Braun Herman 1911
Braun Herman C. 1920
Brautzsch Emil 1909
Bray James N. 1920
Bray 1 of 2 Adelia 1904
Bray 2 of 2 Adelia 1904
Breininger Howard E. 1916
Breitinger George 1909
Brekke Henry I. 1916
Bremison William 1920
Brenn Harry M. 1914
Brennan Alfred E. 1904
Brennan Charles E. 1921
Brennan Charles Edward 1908
Brennan John 1909
Brennan Michael 1906
Brennan Roger 10 Includes Certificate of Military Discharge

Brennan Roger 1908
Brennan William E. 1913
Brenneman Roy 1916
Brenton Frederick 1910
Bressler Elmer L. 1916
Bretey John C. 1906
Bretey John C. 1909
Bretey Joseph H. 1908
Bretey Kate M. 1908
Brethomver Josie G. 1913
Brewer Charles E. 1908
Brewer Frederick L. 1908
Brewer Leroy 1927
Brewer Leroy 1928
Brewhaus Leonard 1923
Brickner Benjamin Harold 1926
Brickner Benjamin Harold 1927
Brickner Ralph H. 1922
Bridenstine Benjamin F. 1914
Bridges Christopher C. 1912
Bridges Natalia F. 1904
Bridges Natalie F. 1910
Briggs David H. 1912
Briggs Elizabeth 1903 Includes Military Discharge of Husband

Brigham Robert S. 1899
Bright Lizzie 1902
Brightop Austin A. 1902
Brink Charles B. 1902
Brink Leroy A. 1908
Brinkman Benjamin Harold 1912
Brinkman Charley 1904
Brinkmann Jr. Christopher 1906
Brinson John 1924
Brismon Harry T. 1904
Brittain Martha J. 1911
Brittan Charles 1918
Brittell Claude R. 1908
Britton Charles H. 1912
Broadwater Urvin 1920
Brock D. 1910
Brockhoff John A. 1906
Broderick Anna 1910
Broderick John 1910
Brodfuehrer Alvin M. 1911
Brodhead John V. 1908
Brooks Claude L. 1908
Brooks Emma C. 1903
Brooks Harvey C. 1917
Brooks James 1909
Brooks James G. 1912
Brooks James G. 1912
Brosee Nellie M. 1897
Brost Edward 1920
Brost Jr. Edward 1919
Brott Rufus A. 1909
Brower Jr. William 1916
Brown Alexander 1920
Brown Alfred C. 1905
Brown Amos W. 1908
Brown Andrew 1912
Brown Annie M. 1909
Brown Arthur W. 1902
Brown Aubry Earl 1931
Brown Charles H. 1908 \

Brown Charles H. 1911
Brown Charles L. 1910
Brown Charles W. 1931
Brown Clarence N. 1915
Brown Clyde Ira 1919
Brown Daniel J. 1913
Brown Edwin 1913 Includes water Diversion Map of Spotted Tail Creek

Brown Emery G. 1918 See 18521.

Brown Fred 1902 Includes Declaration of Intention

Brown Frederick B. 1912
Brown Frederick P. 1912
Brown George 1912
Brown Grace E. 1909
Brown Harley D. 1908
Brown Henry 1910
Brown Henry W. 1902
Brown Herbert E. 1924
Brown Hulda S. 1914
Brown Irma P. 1917
Brown Irvin 1904
Brown J. Albert 1910
Brown J. Albert 1911
Brown James 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Brown James C. 1908
Brown James L. 1909
Brown James w. 1901
Brown John D. 1909
Brown John E. 1904
Brown John J. 1911 Includes Military Discharge

Brown Joseph 1907
Brown Joseph A. 1908
Brown Joseph E. 1906
Brown Joseph E. 1907
Brown Leslie A. 1909
Brown Lewis H. 1920
Brown Lewis William 1920
Brown Lillian 1909
Brown Mary A. 1905
Brown Mary E. 1909
Brown Mary E. 1909
Brown Matilda D. 1910
Brown Matilda D. 1912
Brown Merritt L. 1908
Brown Milford 1903
Brown Mitchell J. 1911
Brown Myrtle 1907
Brown Paul T. 1908
Brown Peter 1904
Brown Prudence 1916
Brown Raymond L. 1908
Brown Richard 1908
Brown Richard H. 1928
Brown Robert 1912
Brown Robert E. 1913
Brown Robert P. 1911
Brown Sherman W. 1908
Brown Vernon W. 1914
Brown Wallace H. 1911
Brown William Gillespie 1920
Brown William H.W. 1905
Brown William O. 1917
Brown William R. 1907
Brown (Kibbe) Winifred L. 1912
Brown (Norbeck) Esther C. 1912 See 15025

Brown) Ella Haynes (Mary E. 1909
Brownfield Ormand N. B. 1914
Browning Oliver H. 1908
Browning Robert M. 1909
Browning Willbert W. 1915
Broyles Grover 1912
Broyles Prude 1911
Broyles (Murphy) Grace 1912
Brozee Stanley 1928
Brubacker Sarah 1901
Brubaker Al 1911
Brubaker Alfred 1916
Bruce Euphema 1910
Bruce Frank 1920
Bruce Jesse S. 1912
Brucker Leo 1908
Bruckner Carl F. 1915
Bruer John M. 1905
Brumbaugh Susan 1904
Brumley John 1914
Brunell Clarence F. 1910
Bruner Charles 1910
Bruner Haver 1911
Brunk Charles B. 1904
Brunkner Carl F. 1919
Bruns Hiko L. 1908 Includes Certificate of Naturalization of Father

Bruns Louis 1907
Bruns Louis 1908
Brunson, Jr. Warren Albert 1920
Brunt Clayton W. 1920
Brus Johanna 1906 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Brwon Emery G. 1918 See 185236

Bryant Claude W. 1929
Bryant Sallie R. 1903 Includes Certificate of Military Discharge of William D. Bryant

Bryant Sophronia J. 1914
Buby John W. 1910
Buchanan Sylvester 1905
Buchanan William L. 1905
Bucilowsky Barnhart L. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intetion

Buck Clifford M. 1920
Buck Victor H. 1908
Buck William A. 1907
Buckallew Noah J. 1908
Buckallew Noah J. 1908
Bucklin Irving H. 1930
Buckridge Louis E. 1916
Buelow Fred H. 1917
Bulin Joseph E. 1920
Bullington Lemuel H. 1920 See 20501

Bullington Lemuel H. 1920 See 20502

Bullock Elver H. 1915
Bullock John G. 1902
Bulman John A. 1913
Bundy Alden E. 1910
Bundy Alden F. 1908
Bunger Willilam 1911
Bunten John G. 1909
Bunten John G. 1914
Bunting John 1910 Includes Military Discharge

Bunting John Walter 1912
Bunting John Walter 1913
Burch Eva M. 1912
Burch William C. 1916
Burchard Charles Reid 1916
Burcher M. Louise 1904
Burchie Oliver M. 1920
Burdett Robert F. 1920
Burdick Jesse C. 1908
Burdick Simon A. 1908
Burdick Simon A. 1912
Burgdorff William 1917 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Burger Bert J. 1907
Burgess Azro P. 1924 See 20378

Burgess Azro P. 1924 See 20379

Burgess Harry B. 1910
Burgess William J. 1904
Burget John A. 1919
Burk Anna 1904
Burke August 1887
Burke Edward W. 1920
Burke Francis J. 1908
Burke James A. 1912
Burke John 1911
Burke John T. 1910
Burke John W. 1916
Burke Joseph Y. 1905
Burke Lawrence E. 1907
Burke Lawrence E. 1909
Burke Lawrence E. 1909
Burke Lawrence E. 1910
Burke Thomas G. 1907
Burke William 1908
Burke William H. 1905
Burkhart Thomas S. 1905
Burlington Jr. James 1920
Burnap Walter E. 1914
Burnham James J. 1910
Burns Fred 1910
Burns John 1907 Includes Declaration of Intention

Burns John T. 1930
Burns John T. 1931
Burns Robert L. 1909
Burns Robert L. 1909
Burns Robert L. 1914
Burns William 1899
Burnside Kansas J. 1920
Burnson Kornel M. 1912
Burr Edwin Marcelius 1920
Burr Jr. George Lawrence 1920
Burran John 1910
Burrelll Oliver E. 1910
Burroughs John 1899
Burroughs Ossie O. 1904
Burrows Earl L. 1903
Burry Charles 1917
Burry John 1909
burry Otis 1909
Burt Alice E. 1910 See 12590

Burton Frank 1910
Burton John C. 1914
Burton John L. 1911
Burton Ruth A. 1906
Burton Ward P. 1910
Burton Ward P. 1910
Busch Minnie 1909
Busch Sophus S. 1909
Bush Guy F. 1909
Bush Robert 1909
Bushnell Bert L. 1907
Bushnell Charles T. 1909
Bushnell Ira E. 1908
Buske Dora W. 1909
Buske Harry C. 1920
Buskirk Louisevan 1916
Buskirk Thomas 1917
Buss Jan Folkert 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Bustard John S. 1916
Butler Anna C. 1909
Butler Anna C. 1910
Butler Austin E. 1905
Butler Bessie S. 1910
Butler Braxton D. 1916
Butler Braxton D. 1916
Butler Clara J. 1902
Butler Edward P. 1911
Butler James 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Butler Joel A. 1910
Butler Joel A. 1910
Butler Joel A. 1917
Butler Michael 1910
Butler Thomas 1913
Butler Thomas 1914
Butler William 1910
Butler Shaffer Frank Butler 1926
Butrick William R. 1913
Buxton Edwin R. 1932
Buzza George T. 1908
Byers James A. 1922
Cable Archie E. 1912
Cade Clark 1912
Cady Thomas S. 1927
Cady McCarty WIlliam Cady 1924
Caha, Jr. Joshep 1904
Cahal John E. 1916
Caillier Claude V. 1909
Cain Sylvester M. 1908
Cain Vincent P. 1917
Caiu Edward A. 1910
Calder Carter E. 1909
Caldwell Guy M. 1909
Calhoun Charles F. 1912
Calhoun Etta J. 1912
Calhoun Perry H. 1909
Calkins Chester C. 1914
Calkins Frank O. 1930
Calkins George H. 1904
Calkins Ralph L. 1926
Callaham Albert E. 1908
Callahan Thomas P. 1899
Callahan Thomas P. 1904
Calligo John 1904
Camenzind Charles 1908
Cameron Amos 1911
Cameron Delbert D. 1934
Cammack Robert L. 1909
Cammenzid Charles 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Campbell Agnes E. 1907
Campbell Charles C. 1904
Campbell Elza L. 1909
Campbell Frank 1904
Campbell Frank J. 1904
Campbell Fred D. 1912
Campbell Howard R. 1914
Campbell Iyra E. 1913
Campbell John 1900
Campbell John R. 1908
Campbell John R. 1909
Campbell Joseph C. 1911
Campbell Linda J. 1912
Campbell Louis S. 1902
Campbell Niel 1908
Campbell Perry 1908
Campbell Runey 1920
Campbell Sylvanus J. 1907
Campbell Thomas J. 1904
Campbell Thomas W. 1912 See 15089

Campbell Thomas W. 1912 See 15090

Campbell William E. 1911
Campbell William N. 1911
Campbell William N. 1912
Campbell William N. 1912
Canaday Ernest T. 1910
Canaday Walter A. 1920
Canfield Sylvester C. 1906
Cannaday William R. 1920
Cannon Frances 1917
Cannon James 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Cantrell Fred 1913
Cantwell George F. 1904
Capper Howard H. 1914
Capper Howard H. 1917
Caraway Clara 1912
Card Fred 1901
Card Fred A. 1907
Carde Mary E. 1902
Carder T. Marion 1910
Carder T. Marion 1910
Cardwell Floyd 1908
Cardwell Katie 1909
Carey George W. 1910
Carle Andrew 1906 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Carle Fred 1914
Carleton Charles S. 1904
Carley Clinton L. 1908
Carlile John J. 1909
Carls Bernard A.G. 1900 Includes Certificate fo Naturalization

Carlson Agnes 1914
Carlson Andrew A. 1910 Inlcudes Certificate of Citizenship

Carlson Andrew A. 1912
Carlson Andrew A. 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Carlson August 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Carlson Edward G. 1905
Carlson John 1904
Carlson Martin 1913
Carlson Sigfrieed R. 1920
Carmean W.A. 1916 See 18072, 18074

Carmean W.A. 1916 See 18072, 18075

Carmean W.A. 1916 See 18074, 18075

Carmichael Arthur W. 1908
Carnagey Daniel E. 1910
Carnegey Daniel E. 1910
Carnell Lyman B. 1926
Carnes Frank J. 1916
Carney Thomas Edward 1928
Carney Thomas Thomas Edward 1928
Carnine Alvin B. 1909
Carnine Alvin B. 1910
Carnine Leo D. 1912
Carns Samuel M. 1904
Carns Willard S. 1910
Carpenter George J. 1924
Carpenter Hubert U. 1917
Carpenter Ida E. 1907
Carpenter Lincoln C. 1918
Carpenter Myron E. 1909
Carpenter Nathaniel F. 1919
Carpenter Nathaniel Fred 1920
Carpenter Warren 1911
Carr Harry B. 1911
Carran Francis 1908
Carrier William N. 1910
Carriker Benjamin F. 1905
Carroll Charles R. 1919
Carroll John B. 1908
Carroll Peter H. 1909
Carroll William L. 1914
Carroll William L. 1917
Carson Eliza J. 1912
Carson Ira E. 1900 Includes Military Discharge

Carstens Henry W. 1908 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Carter Ben F. 1914
Carter Charlie 1916
Carter David F. 1927
Carter Eliza 1901
Carter George R. 1901
Carter James M. 1910
Carter James R. 1916
Carter Luther 1917
Carter Margaret 1903 Includes Military Discharge of Charles W. Carter

Carter Mary 1909
Carter Pearl Jennings 1920
Carter Robert L. 1908
Carter Robert Lee 1907
Carter Russell S. 1908
Carter Samuel M. 1909
Carter Will R. 1917
Cartwright James A. 1908
Cartwright John W. 1904
Cartwright Joseph 1905
Cartwright Joseph 1911
Cartwright Lewis W. 1905
Cary Gordon H. 1928
Cary Ralph C. 1909
Casady Francis M. 1923
Case Edgar L. 1916
Case Guy E. 1912
Case John C. 1910
Case John W. 1916
Case Loren S. 1920
Case Raphael 1904
Case Raphael 1919
Case William W. 1911
Casebolt Hershel 1915
Casperson Charles D. 1910
Cassids Rose Etta 1910
Casson Oscar E. 1930
Castellaw Roy M. 1915
Castellaw Theodore H. 1914
Castle Phillip 1907
Castle Will 1901
Castor Charles 1915
Castor Job 1912
Cate Ira L. 1912
Cate Nelson B. 1911
Catlett Harold E. 1922
Catlett Thomas B. 1910
Catlin Merritt M. 1909
Catron Ethel M. 1911
Catron Issac 1904
Caudel Hugh 1911 Includes Military Discharge

Caudrel Crofford 1910
Caviness Hattie B. 1908
Cavoretto John 1920
Cawiezel Peter E. 1909
Cawley Lewis L. 1922 Includes Military Discharge

Cawthorne Charles H. 1908
Caylor James 1910
Cecil Esther 1908
Cecil Everett 1908
Cecil Frank 1915
Cecil Tobias C. 1909
Celoz Carl M. 1913
Cessna Edward O. 1905
Chalfant Lester C. 1922
Chalfant Lester S. 1917
Chalfant Lester S. 1920
Chalfant Lester S. 1922
Chaloupka Joseph 1905
Chalupa Ed 1911
Chalupa Jr. Frank 1913
Chalupsky Mathew J. 1916
Chamberlain George W. 1900
Chamberlain Mary H. 1910
Chamberlain (Murray) Katie 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Chamberlain (Murray) Katie 1911
Chambers Frank 1910
Chambers Jess R. 1909
Chambers Louis L. 1915
Chamnes Dennis 1909
Chandler Charles W. 1908
Chandler Henry J. 1907
Chapin Bert 1909
Chapin Bert 1909
Chapman Asa B. 1899
Chapman Chauncey S. 1909
Chapman Leonia B. 1908
Chapman Ralph D. 1913
Chapman Samuel M. 1908
Chapman William A. 1909
Chappell Josephine 1905
Charles Thomas J. 1905
Charles William H. 1909
Charleston Thomas 1909
Chase Charles H. 1904
Chase Justus 1908
Chase Luvina 1900
Chase Mary A. 1922
Chasek Mary Persek 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Chattle Grace 1909
Chattle Grace I. 1909
Chaurness Dennis 1910
Chavanu August W. 1928
Cheeseman Clifford E. 1901
Cheney Lloyd 1915
Cheney Sherman C. 1900
Chenoweht William O. 1920
Chenoweth WIlliam O. 1920
Cherry Clementine V. 1910
Cherry Earl R. 1910
Cherry Earl R. 1912
Cherry Eral R. 1930
Cherry Louella M. 1910
Chew Abbie 1909
Childers Charles M. 1908
Childs Alfred 1905
Childs Ray 1910
Childs Ray 1910
Chirrick Elmer M. 1913
Chitwood Cliff P. 1906
Chizek Lawrence D. 1908
Chorn Guy J. 1913
Christ Maggie 1899
Christensen Albert 1918
Christensen Hans Peter 1912 Includes Declaration of Intention

Christensen Michael 1917
Christensen William 1905
Christian John W. 1904
Christiansen George C. 1907
Christie Nellie 1909
Church Roy 1910
Church Roy 1910
Churchill Esther R. 1920
Churchill Ethel R. 1920
Churchill Florida M. 1920
Churchill Gertrude E. 1910
Churchill Glenn B. 1908
Churchill Olive 1912
Cilek John 1904
Cilek Mary 1912
Cilek Jr. Martin 1906
Civis Ruzena 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Civis Stenislav 1905 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Clammer Walter O. 1916
Claney T. Hugh 1904
Clapp George E. 1910
Clarey Thomas 1907
Clark Alice C. 1910
Clark Alton H. 1920
Clark Charles 1912
Clark Christina 1902
Clark Christina 1904
Clark Clara Belle 1904
Clark Floyd M. 1904
Clark Frank E. 1910
Clark Frank R. 1913
Clark George A. 1900
Clark George A. 1914
Clark Hattie 1914
Clark Henry E. 1909
Clark Henry E. 1909
Clark Henry E. 1912
Clark Henry E. 1912
Clark James C. 1913
Clark James W. 1913
Clark John 1909 Includes Certificate of Military Discharge

Clark Lorenzo 1908
Clark Marshall L. 1907
Clark Marshall L. 1908
Clark Ray H. 1920
Clark Richard M. 1916
Clark W.T. 1909
Clarke Charles A. 1911
Clarke Fred W. 19907
Clausen Claus 1905
Clawges Charles F. 1908
Clawges John H. 1920
Clawges John St. 1908
Clayton Edgar 1913
Clayton George Everett 1928
Clayton Henry F. 1908
Clayton Homer H. 1910
Claytor Harry L. 1912
Clearwater Noel R. 1905
Clement George Henry 1912
Clements Leonard J. 1921
Clements Leonard Joseph 1919
Clemons Josie A. 1910
Clendenen Charles H. 1916
Clendenen Charles H. 1916
Cleveland Franklin A. 1907
Cleveland Herbert L. 1916
Cleveland Lee R. 1907
Cleveland Robert E. 1920
Cleveland Zina U. 1906
Clifford Natolie I. 1910
Clifford Natolie I. 1912
Clifton John E. 1908
Cline Andrew M. 1904
Cline Merton L. 1920
Cline William S. 1916
Clinton Charles Phillip 1920
Clinton Clyde E. 1912
Cllifton (Waitman) Sadie A. 1908
Cloe John W. 1908
Clond Fred White 1919
Close Sherls R. 1913
Close Thomas D. 1913
Cloud Fred W. 1920
Clough Charles E. 1910
Clough Elsie 1910
Clouse John F. 1916
Clouse John F. 1920
Clouse William H. 1916
Clowges John H. 1908
Clugy William G. 1908
Clure Ona M. 1905
Clyde Cyrus E. 1928
Coats John B. 1904
Cobb Anna 1917
Coberley James C. 1916
Coberly Frederic F. 1908
Cochran Robert Leeroy 1920
Cockerill Hattie 1902
Coday Ben 1909
Coday Ben 1909
Codner Leonard 1909
Cody Frank D. 1911
Cody (Dunn) Julia 1912
Coe Rundle Myrta Coe 1911
Coffee Blanche M. 1908
Coffee Harry 1908
Coffee Harry B. 1920
Coffee John T. 1911
Coffee Mary E. 1903
Coffee Mary E. 1909
Coffee Rex T. 1919
Coffelt Elizabeth 1903
Coffey Daniel W. 1919
Coffey William 1914
Coffin Claire 1906
Coffman Nancy J. 1907
Coffman (Barton) Nettie L. 1913
Cogar Walter 1910
Coggshall Della F. 1907
Cogswell Percy H. 1916
Coil Franklin J. 1908
Coker Andrew L. 1908
Coker Henry Lysle 1920
Coker Henry Lysle 1928
Coker John D. 1912
Coker Rose 1908
Coker William S. 1914
Colar Frank 1914
Colbert Mason Lisle 1920
Colburn Leigh 1911
Colby Frederic Manvill 1908
Colby George F. 1912
Colby George M. 1909
Cole Amon 1930
Cole Charlie H. 1920
Cole Ella C. 1913
Cole Elmer E. 1901
Cole John 1907
Cole John 1909
Cole Richard H. 1901
Cole S. 1909
Cole Thomas 1917
Cole William F. 1911
Cole (Sherman) Ella A. 1909
Colebank Samuel G. 1911
Colebank William A. 1908
Coleman James C. 1902
Coleman James F. 1908
Coleman W. Ray 1909
Coleman W. Ray 1909
Coleman William R. 1904
Coleman (Blackledge) Anna M. 1905
Colerich John W. 1910
Colerick John P. 1911
Colerick RObert H. 1909
Colgan Mathew V. 1909
Colgrove Arthur J. 1911
Colgrove William F. 1908
Collimore William W. 1904
Collin Erick A. 1908 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Collins Archie E. 1917
Collins Clarence H. 1913
Collins Edward J. 1910 INcludes Declaration of Intentioin

Collins Harry W. 1909
Collins John R. 1916
Collins Lewis 1905
Collins Louise 1909
Collins Roy 1911
Collins Wilkie W. 1909
Collins William 1908
Collins William 1918
Colllier Charley 1908
Collopy Bridget 1910 Includes Naturalization Record

Collopy Bridget 1911
Colton Carl T. 1920
Colton WIlliam 1900 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Colville David 1905
Colwell Orlon 1922
Colyer David Jackson 1920
Combs Mattie E. 1908
Comer Guy W. 1909
Comerford Thomas J. 1909
Comette James L. 1907
Compton Harry 1912
Compton Noah 1907
Comstock Albert 1907
Comstock Mary R. 1908
Comstock WIll G. 1908 See 1017, 1019

Comstock Ward 1911
Comstock Will G. 1908 See 1017, 1018

Comstock Will G. 1908 See 1018, 1019

Comstock William H. 1909
Condon James M. 1912
Conklin George R. 1910
Conklin George R. 1910
Conklin Harry Perkins 1928
Conklin Warren 1904
Conley Patrick 1908
Conlon Bernard J. 1906 Includes Declaration of Intention

Conlon Thomas 1906 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Conn Arthur R. 1909
Conn Arthur R. 1909
Conn Francis M. 1904
Conn Thomas D. 1910
Connelly Arthur E. 1909
Connelly James P. 1916
Connelly Vincent C. 1910
Conner David 1900
Conner William 1907
Connerly Jesse 1916
Connor Arthur T. 1902
Connor Fannie B. 1906
Connor Frank 1908
Connor John F. 1907
Connors Dennis 1910
Connors Ed 1908
Connors Winifred I. 1912
Connors matt 1901
Conrad Frank D. 1921
Conrad Frank D. 1921
Conroy Martin 1908
Converse Carrie E. 1910
Converse Peter J. 1928
Converse Ralph L. 1909
Conway Leo E. 1912
Conway Leo Edwin 1918
Conway Leo Edwin 1926
Conwell Louisa 1905
Cook Clark C. 1908
Cook Everett 1908
Cook Faith A. 1910
Cook Fritz 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Cook Henry 1913
Cook James H. 1912
Cook John T. 1898 See 594

Cook John T. 1904 See 595

Cook L. A. 1910
Cook L. A. 1910
Cook Leonard C. 1917
Cook Lloyd L. 1926
Cook N. Clarence 1911
Cook R. A. 1910
Cook Robert A. 1904
Cook Sylvester 1915
Cook Sylvester 1915
Cook Sylvester 1915
Cook WIlliam B. 1909
Cook William 1909
Cook (Harter) Mary T. 1911
Cooksey Emma V. 1915
Cooksey Richie 1910
Cool Itha G. 1913
Coolbaugh Charles L. 1905
Coole Everett 1902
Cooley (Reasor) Dulce E. 1909
Coombs Joseph V. 1907
Coomes Jesse C. 1909
Coomes John W. 1909
Coomes John William 1910
Cooper Charles 1920
Cooper Ed 1912
Cooper Ed 1912
Cooper Ed 1912
Cooper Elzie A. 1909
Cooper Elzie A. 1909
Cooper Harry C. 1920
Cooper John H. 1908
Cooper Paris G. 1911
Cooper Robert H. 1913
Cooperrider Boyd C. 1909
Cope Elmo Euburtry 1918
Cope Elmo Euburty 1919
Cope Fred A. 1908
Cope George F. 1918
Cope Henry C. 1916
Copeland Helen 1906
Copeland WIlliam Max 1901
Copeland WIlliam Max 1904
Copper Howard H. 1907
Coppock Clarice 1907 See 1023

Coppock Clarice 1908 See 1022

Coppock Clarice 1910
Coppock Omer S. 1899
Corcoran Steven 1915
Corder Jess 1910
Corder M. Rosa 1908
Cordis Harry Herman 1915
Corkery (Herr) Kate 1910
Corkill Mary S. 1908
Corl Frank P. 1909
Corll John J. 1909
Cornell Charles H. 1917
Cornell Louis D. 1904
Cornish Kenneth A. 1920
Cornwell Ulysses S. 1908
Corrington Benton 1903
Costello William H. 1908
Costerisan Charles E. 1917
Costleberry Mac 1910
Costley Ervin E. 1908
Cottrell Joseph L. 1917
Couch Harry 1902 Includes Declaration of Intention

Coufal Edward A. 1905
Coulson Berl J. 1914
Coulson William J. 1907
Coulter John 1907
Counts Floyd J. 1910
Coupons John 1910
Coupons Joseph 1911
Coupons Peter 1910
Coursey William C. 1907
Courtsey Harry P. 1907
Covalt John 1912
Covalt Joseph K. 1924
Covert Julius M. 1910
Covey Charlotte 1902
Cowan Christina E. 1912
Cowan Ralph D. 1920
Cowdrey Zada 1917
Cowen Clarence 1917
Cowles Hall 1915
Cowles John C. 1915
Cowlin Mathew 1908
Cox Alice M. 1904
Cox Alice M. 1910
Cox Calvin M. 1906
Cox Charles L. 1908
Cox Edward M. 1907
Cox John P. 1912
Cox Theodore H. 1932
Cox William E. 1918
Coxon William 1910
Cozad Mary E. 1911
Cozad Ralph E. 1904
Crabill George M. 1904
Crabill Martha A. 1904
Crabtree Kindall 1912
Crabtree Kindall A. 1912
Craft Frank 1912
Craig Dan H. 1913
Craig Le Roy 1912
Craig Waller W. 1921
Crain William R. 1916
Cramer Lloyd L. 1916
Crane Charles 1905
Crane Clark E. 1920
Crane E.E. 1905
Crane Forest L. 1904
Crane John M. 1909
Crane William S. 1910
Craor Norman 1909
Crapsey Theodore A. 1911
Crapsey Theodore A. 1914
Craton John E. 1928
Craton John E. 1929
Craton Mary A. 1908
Cravath Mary Smethen 1914
Cravens Seth T. 1920
Crawford Annie T. 1907
Crawford (Becker) Emeline 1905
Cray William C. 1907
Creed James 1910
Creglow Jay D. 1908
Crew Carl C. 1896
Crilly Harry P. 1910
Crismond William G. 1915
Crites Frederick A. 1925
Crites Frederick A. 1926 See 20765

Crites Frederick A. 1926 See 20766

Crites Lyda L. 1908
Crmak Antonin 1913
Croff Milton E. 1907
Crofutt Henry W. 1911
Crofutt Ira 1910
Crofutt Joseph F. 1911
Crook Guy Jepsey 1920
Crosby James Glassbrener 1920
Crosly Fernando W. 1910
Cross Aideth D. 1904
Cross Arthur R. 1926
Cross Benjamin D. 1913
Cross Frank 1911
Cross Frank 1919
Cross Fred T. 1915
Cross Joseph B. 1908
Cross Joseph B. 1912
Cross Joseph B. 1912
Cross Lewis M. 1907
Cross Richard L. 1920
Crouch Bertha 1908
Crouch Charles C. 1906
Crowell Jacob 1903 Includes Declaration of Intention

Crowley Thomas 1910
Crownovek Lowell G. 1920
Cruickshank George 1920
Cuddy John H. 1913
Cuddy John H. 1913
Cue Alfred M. 1903
Culbertson Ross 1916
Cullers Amos C. 1910
Cullison Phelon C. 1908
Culver Fred E. 1909
Cumbow Fred A. 1919
Cummings Frank J. 1910
Cummings Frank J. 1910
Cuningham Harry A. 1907
Cunningham Andrew J. 1911
Cunningham Harry R. 1913
Cunningham Harry R. 1917
Cunningham Henry B. 1911
Cunningham James H. 1916
Cunningham James Henry 1920
Cunningham Jess 1920
Cunningham John 1910
Cunningham Mat 1909
Cunningham Myrtle 1909
Cunningham Roy H. 1906
Curler Henry W. 1913
Curran John 1910
Curran Leo J. 1927
Curran S. P. 1904
Currens Margaret S. 1909
Currie Edwin A. 1913
Currie Edwin A. 1914 See 16657, 16658, 16659

Currie Edwin A. 1914 See 16657, 16658, 16660

Currie Edwin A. 1914 See 16657, 16659, 16660

Currie Edwin A. 1914 See 16658, 16659, 16660

Currie Edwin A. 1926 See 20745

Currie Edwin A. 1926 See 20746

Currier SophiaH. 1902
Curry Clyde L. 1914
Curry James Ivan 1920
Curry Michael 1914
Curtis Ambrose C. 1912
Curtis Charlotte 1902
Curtis Frank A. 1905
Curtis Frank C. 1909
Curtis Fred H. 1908
Curtis George 1903
Curtis George J. 1914
Curtis Harley 1902
Curtis John 1910
Curtis John H. 1909
Curtis Loren C. 1912
Curtis Wilbur F. 1917
Curtiss Paul W. 1920
Cushing Mabel 1904
Cushing Richard 1905
Cuthbertson Hugh P. 1920
Cutler Arthur 1910
Cutler Arthur 1914
Cutler Clark 1908
Cutler Walter A. 1910
Cutshall Lee O. 1918
Cutshall Lee O. 1918
Cutshall Lee O. 1924 See 20398

Cutshall Lee O. 1924 See 20399

Dagger William M. 1919
Daggy James H. 1910
Dahlin George H. 1919
Dailey Albert 1916
Dailey Charles A. 1912
Dailey John E. 1910
Dailey John E. 1910
Dailey (Pease) Leda B. 1909
Daily Albert 1916
Dake Arthur A. 1912
Dalbey James W. 1909
Daley Agnes Mary 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Daley John D. 1911
Daley John D. 1913
Daley Percival H. 1911
Dalon Samuel H. 1908
Dalton Charles S. 1921
Dalton Daniel 1920
Dalton Francis E. 1915
Dalton Robert J. 1914
Dalton Samuel H. 1909
Daly John M. 1906
Dalyrimple George F. 1910
Dalyrmple George F. 1910
Dam John C. 1911 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Damboske Roman 1909
Dancer John F. 1921
Danforth Frank D. 1906
Daniel Charley Luther 1919
Daniel Isham W. 1908
Daniel Isham W. 1908
Daniel Melvin J. 1920
Daniels Charlotte 1911
Daniels Cloyd Almond 1905
Daniels Henry 1911
Daniels John H. 1904
Daniels Lot 1909
Daniels Thomas J. 1909
Daniels (Hayes) Elizabeth 1917
Dark W.B. 1917
Darling Edward J. 1908
Darnell John H. 1915
Darnell Julie O. 1907
Darnell Ralph 1910
Darrach John 1911
Darram Harry 1909
Daugherty James 1929
Daugherty John 1929
Davasher Cashier J. 1910
Davee Harvey 1916
Davenport Alvin 1908
Davenport Fred L. 1906
Davey Willard B. 1909
Davey Willard B. 1909
David A. Devoe 1909
Davies Harry 1914
Davies Ivor H. 1912
Davies Walter N. 1912
Davil Ralph 1902
Davis Archie E. 1908
Davis Benjamin M. 1905
Davis Bern 1904
Davis Bertie E. 1913
Davis Charles M. 1905
Davis Clyde L. 1910
Davis Edith M. 1905
Davis Emeline 1904
Davis Ernest L. 1908
Davis Ethel 1902
Davis Eugene Burton 1930
Davis Fred W. 1910
Davis George 1910
Davis George L. 1915
Davis George W. 1909
Davis Guy 1907
Davis Henry J. 1909
Davis Henry J. 1911
Davis Henry J. 1911
Davis Ida M. 1913
Davis James 1901
Davis Joe 1925
Davis Joseph H. 1907
Davis Lee H. 1922
Davis Louis C. 1906
Davis Lucien C. 1906
Davis Luther C. 1917
Davis Major S. 1910
Davis Marion F. 1916
Davis Martha E. 1905
Davis Mary E. 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Husband, Elisha Davis

Davis Minnie M. 1929
Davis Miriam F. 1916
Davis Nellie L. 1906
Davis Perry 1909
Davis Perry 1909
Davis Reuben A. 1917
Davis Rosetta 1917
Davis Sylvanus Miner 1908
Davis Sylvanus Miner 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Davis WIlliam H. 1909
Davis William H. 1911
Davis William W. 1909
Davis Zelta 1905
Davison Blanche 1908
Davison Herbert Henry 1932
Davison Susie E. 1916
Dawson Cecil John 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Dawson James W. 1904
Dawson John L. 1908
Daxon Isabella 1913
Day Curtis T. 1920
Day James F. 1921
Day Maude 1916
Dayley Joseph H. 1910
Days Teddy 1905
Deal Eliza E. 1901
Deal Eliza E. 1911
Deal Frank 1913
Dean Daniel 1914
Dean Daniel 1914
Dean Don S. 1911 See 12995

Dean Don S. 1911 See 12996

Dean Frances A. 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Henry H. Dean

Dean Henry J. 1908
Dean Henry T. 1904
Dean Henry T. 1909
Dean Henry T. 1910
Dean Henry T. 1912
Dean Milton B. 1911 See 14087, 14088, 14089

Dean Milton B. 1911 See 14087, 14088, 14090

Dean Milton B. 1911 See 14087, 14089, 14090

Dean Milton B. 1911 See 14088, 14089, 14090

Deatley Stewart C. 1914
Deavers Maud 1901
DeBano Frank 1908
DeBano John E. 1914
DeBano Margaret S. 1908
DeBano Michael 1919
DeBano Michael 1919
DeBelly Car 1928
DeBelly Carl 1917 See 18242

DeBelly Carl 1917 See 18246

DeBelly Sophie 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

DeBock Louie 1908
DeBock Nellie 1908
DeBolt Arthur L. 1913
DeBolt Arthur L. 1924
DeBord Bertha J. 1917
DeBord George T. 1910
DeBord Warren Booth 1923
Decker Edgar 1916
Decker John Milo 1929
Deckrell Roy F. 1911
Dedman Tollie 1925 See 20641

Dedman Tollie 1925 See 20646

Deerson Albert J. 1911
Deerson Maggie 1910
Deeter James T. 1910
Deeter James T. 1910
Deford William 1911
DeFrance Frank 1910
DeFrance Frank 1912
DeFrance Jefferson D. 1904
Degen Sal L. 1908
DeGraff Edward S. 1910
DeGraff Richard L. 1903
DeGraff Richard L. 1906
DeHaven Margaret E. 1910
DeHaven Margaret E. 1917
Deimer Henry S. 1914
Deimer (Harris) Lillian E. 1908
DeKelso Viness 1908
DeKeyzer Cyriel 1920
Delatour John M. 1904
Delatour Sarah S. 1901
Delong Lee H. 1914
Delsing Ella 1911
Delsing William 1905 includes Certiicate of Naturalization

Delsing William 1912
Deluhery John 1910
Deluhery John 1910
Deluhery John 1910 See 11788

Deluhery John 1910 See 11789

Dembowski Joe 1909 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Deming George W. 1920
Demmer George E. 1908
DeMott Parks E. 1924
Den Rachie M. 1902
Denney Frank M. 1929
Dennis Delia 1912
Dennis Ed S. 1902
Dennis Granville 1902
Denton Dolphus A. 1909
Denton Eddie 1916
Denton Edwin W. 1916
Denton Frederick A. 1912
Denton Hiram L. 1908
DePorter Felix 1916 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Deputy Joseph H. 1908
Derby George B. 1912
Derby Roy H. 1909
Dermody James 1916
Derr Lemuel 1907
Derr Lyle 1914
Desjarlais Edmond J. 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention\

Desjarlais Edward J. 1910
Desjarlais Eugene C. 1910
Desper Joseph F. 1909
Desper Joseph F. 1910
Detamore Theodore W. 1928
Deuel Earl Wilbert 1920
Devare Marion E. 1916
Devasher Tollie E. 1917
Devasher William J. 1912
DeVault Mildred H. 1911
Devoll Jennie M. 1900
DeVries Garrett C. 1920
Deweese Isaac William 1920
Dewerse Isaac William 1920
Dewey Donald E. 1920
Dewey Laurin 1907
Dewitt Chester 1920
Dewitt John 1921
Dewitt Thomas 1927
Dewitt William J. 1904
Dewitt William J. 1910
Dewitty Jesse 1915
Dewolf Harry B. 1912
Dexter Benjamin J. 1912
Dexter David 1912
Dexter David H. 1912
Diamond Earl W. 1910
Dibble Richard W. 1915
Dickey Henry J. 1900
Dickey Isaac D. 1912
Dickey James 1908
Dickey James M. 1901
Dickinson Ora G. 1907
Dickinson (Posvar) Ida K. 1912
Dickson John H. 1903
Dickson Margaret 1904
Diefenbacher Joseph R. 1906
Diehl Catharine R. 1907 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Diehl Frank A. 1908
Diehl Ward A. 1911
Diehl Ward A. 1916
Diermeyer Rachel 1902
Dietlein George J. 1916
Dietleir Raymond J. 1908
Dietrich Harry H. 1911
Dietz Christ 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Dilbert Joseph D. 1916
Dilley C. Robert 1917
Dilling George A. 1904
Dilling George A. 1909
Dilling George A. 1914
Dillman Henry 1912
Dillman Louis 1912 Includes Naturalization Record

Dillman Louis 1912 Includes Naturalization Record

Dimick Robert F. 1903
Dimond Ethel E. 1917
Dineen Mary 1916
Dineen Michael J. 1916
Dineen William F. 1911
Dineen William F. 1916
Dirks Philip C. 1909
Dise Edwin G. 1906
Dishman Walter H. 1899
Dittman Mathew G. 1919
Dix Arthur 1909
Dix Arthur 1911
Dixon Grace B. 1908
Dixon Harvey J. 1909
Dlugi Thomas 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Dlugi Thomas 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

Doane Charles R. 1912
Doane Milton S. 1916
Dobson Iva C. 1910
Dobson Iva C. 1913
Dobson Iva C. 1914
Dobson John N. 1913
Dobson John N. 1914
Dodd Aaron A. 1904
Dodd Clyde C. 1910
Dodge Freeman 1904
Dodge John J. 1904
Dodge Leah V. 1905
Dohma Frederick 1908
Dohma Frederick 1912
Dohrman Lewis 1901 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Dolan Alma A. 1913
Dolberg George 1920 Includes Declaration of Intention

Dole Clarence A. 1909
Dolph William A. 1920
Dolson Charles H. 1908
Dolson Clarence L. 1920
Dolson Clarence L. 1921
Dolson Guy A. 1913
Donahoe Michael 1908
Donahue Nellie 1904
Donahue Thomas 1908
Donahue Thomas 1910
Donahue Thomas 1910
Donley Bert 1904
Donley George M. 1908
Donley Ida 1904
Donley John 1904
Donley (Hanna) Sadie Donley 1904
Donley (Hanna) Sandie Donley 1908
Donnafield Charles H. 1916
Donnelly Felix 1909
Donnelly Hayes 1909
Donner Herbert A. 1904
Donovan James M. 1897
Donovan James M. 1920
Dooley Fred A. 1909
Dooley Fred A. 1910
Dooley Fred A. 1910
Dooley Fred A. 1911
Dooley Thomas P. 1911
Doolittle Samuel 1912
Doolittle Samuel 1912
Doolittle Samuel 1912
Doolittle Samuel 1912
Doorne Ira R. Bonde 1916
Doos Lina 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

Dorsch William E. 1928
Dorsch Willie 1916
Dorsch Willie E. 1917
Dory William 1920 See 19493

Dory William 1920 See 19494

Dotson Clinton L. 1909
Dotson Richard Waldo 1909
Doty Lou 1913
Dotz Philander 1910
Doudna Harry D. 1920
Doudna Richard J. 1909
Dougherty John 1908
Douglas Clarence D. 1913
Douglas Clarence Delbert 1920
Douglas Frank A. 1908
Douglas Frank A. 1909
Douglas George E. 1908
Douglas George E. 1910
Douglas George E. 1910
Douglas Harry L. 1920
Douglas James 1904
Douglas John D. 1900
Douglas John W. 1909
Douglas John W. 1909 Includes Certificate of Military Discharge

Douglas John W. 1912
Douglas Roy E. 1912
Douglas Roy E. 1912
DOuglass William 1905
Douglass Franklin 1906
Douglass George E. 1914
Douglass Miriam E. 1916
Douglass Warren 1927
Douglass William 1903
Dover Frederick J. 1908
Dover James D. 1908
Dow Luke 1910
Dow Merle Lee 1925
Dowd Andrew W. 1899
Dowd Thomas J. 1904
Dowell Martin 1907
Dowling John T. 1911
Downer Winfred W. 1913 See 16122, 16143

Downer Winfred W. 1913 See 16122, 16144

Downer Winfred W. 1913 See 16143, 16144

Downing Edward W. 1906
Downing George A. 1904
Downing George H. 1922
Downs Hiram 1923
Downs Thomas 1912
Dowson William 1912
Doyle Marshall V. 1904
Doyle Thomas 1908
Dozier Lee H. 1909
Dozier Lee H. 1926
Dragoo Martha 1913
Dragoo Mary 1912
Dragoun Anton 1911 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Drahos Joseph L. 1916
Drain Elmer 1905
Drake Clayton E. 1909
Drake Edwin D. 1917
Drake Elmer 1914
Drake Fred N. 1907
Drake Henry W. 1910 See 11094

Drake Henry W. 1910 See 11096

Drake Herman A. 1909
Drake Hugh H. 1920
Drake William R. 1909
Drake William R. 1910
Draper Edwin R. 1920
Draper George H. 1916
Draper Jacob F. 1908
Draper Joseph C. 1910
Draper Thomas R. 1920
Dravosavac Smilena 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Dray James W. L. 1905
Drbal Joseph 1913
Dredge Lewis E. 1906
Dreffein George A. 1906
Drennen Allen M. 1928
Dressler Herbert R. 1920
Driscoll Frederick 1910
Driscoll Robert E. 1902
Driscoll Robert E. 1913
Drishaus Roland A. 1948
Drishel Artimus 1910
Drook Dolpha 1911
Druery Harrsion W. 1903
Drumm Charles 1920
Drumman R. F. 1910
Drury Charles T. 1910
Drury Charles Thomas 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Dryhmann Harry B. 1907
Dual Richard H. 1911
Dubs Ludwig 1916
Dudgeon Allen 1917
Dudley George Wilford 1918
Duer Eugene V. 1912
Duff John 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Duffin Ellen 1916
Duffin Irene 1911
Duffin Irene 1911
Duffin Irene 1911
Duffin Johanna 1907
Dugger William C. 1912
Dugger William L. 1911
Duke JOhn S. 1904
Dumand Arthur C. 1916
Dunbar E.N. 1910
Dunbar Frank N. 1915
Duncan Albert A. 1920
Duncan Charley 1910
Duncan Earl C. 1910
Duncan George W. 1912
Duncan Gerald C. 1920
Duncan James C. 1917
Duncan Jess H. 1912
Duncan Jesse H. 1907
Duncan Sylous J. 1903
Duncan William H. 1921
Duncan William W. 1916
Duncanson Charles R. 1917
Dungan Mary E. 1904
Dunkin James W. 1901
Dunkin Roy W. 1912
Dunlap Nelson C. 1909
Dunlap Willis A. 1902
Dunn Edward D. 1908
Dunn George 1912
Dunn Orthello M. 1907
Dunn R. M. 1908
Dunn R. M. 1909 .

Dunn Richard E. 1911
Dunn Richard M. 1910
Dunn Thomas 1902
Durand Leroy E. 1916
Durand Leroy G. 1920
Duree Jacob 1910
Durham (Morris) Ella 1908
Durnal Harry 1914
Durnal Harry 1928
Durnal Samuel S. 1905
Duskin Martha C. 1908
Duspiva Anton O. 1916
Duzal Frank 1905
Dworak Charles F. 1908
Dye Luther E. 1905
Dyer Alice 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

Dyer John B. 1920
Dykes John 1917
Dykes Lucious 1908
Dykes Lucious 1909
Eacritt John A. 1916
Eagle Ira David 1920
Eagleton John P. 1927
Earl David 1904
Earley James Albert 1909
Early Bertram F. 1909
Early Everett J. 1920
Earnest Eugenia 1903
Earnest Eugenia 1904
Earnest John 1915 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Earnest Joseph W. 1904
Earnest Thomas 1904
Earnist Samuel 1911
Eastburn Frank 1907
Eastman Harry O. 1916
Eatherton William W. 1929
Eaton Albert H. 1928
Eaton Clinton F. 1910
Eaton David 1908
Eaton James R. 1911 See 14038

Eaton James R. 1911 See 14039

Eaton James R. 1912
Ebener Frank J. 1910
Eberger Ed H. 1916
Ebert Ernest W. 1911
Ebert Louis J. 1910
Ebert Louis J. 1910 Includes Naturalization Record

Eby Rex A. 1920
Eby Rex A. 1931
Eby Walter L. 1913
Eckhardt Carl 1920
Edeburn Warren W. 1908
Edgell Carl Carso 1909
Edgell Joseph A. 1909
Edgerton Charles G. 1907
Edmisten Jesse N. 1928
Edson Edith 1908
Edwards Austin 1916
Edwards Charles 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

Edwards Charles R. 1907
Edwards Charlie A. 1919
Edwards Clyde E. 1909
Edwards Earl L. 1908
Edwards Fred 1908
Edwards George W. 1910
Edwards Harvey H. 1916
Edwards JOhn S. 1920
Edwards Jesse B. 1907
Edwards John W. 1910
Edwards Mahala F. 1912
Edwards Mary E. 1908
Edwards Samuel 1904
Edwards T. Joseph 1907
Edwards William 1910
Effert William 1895 Includes Declaration of Intention

Egan Constant 1912
Egan Daniel 1907
Egan Elizabeth 1921
Egan Nellie 1909
Egan Nellie 1909
Egan Nellie 1909
Egan Patrick H. 1910
Egan Walter 1909
Egart John 1911
Egbers Bernard 1904
Eggers William L. 1911
Eggert Karl 1909 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Eggert Wiliam D. 1907
Eggleston Benjamin F. 1909
Eggleston Clarence L. 1905
Egleston Trowbridge C. 1910
Egleston Trowbridge C. 1910
Egleston Trowbridge C. 1911
Ehlers Fritz 1916
Eibler Luther Murphy and Rose B. 1911
Eichenbarger Rudolph 1906
Eichthaler Anna 1909
Eichthaler Annie 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Eickhuff Peter C. 1910
Eidson Preston 1907
Eikenberry Charles 1910
Eikenberry Charles 1910
Eipper A. Evelyn 1916
Eisenbarger Floyd H. 1916
Eitzmann George S. 1920
Elder Bert 1911
Eldred Edgar E. 1908
Eldred Edgar E. 1909
Eldred Levi R. 1909
Eldred Levi R. 1909
Eldsberry John E. 1928
Eleson Herman Fay 1920
Eleson Loyd 1906
Eliss Frank 1916
Elkener John T. 1908
Eller Esther Rosina 1919
Ellerston E. Irving 1916
Ellinger Jacob 1907
Elliott Alexander G. 1909
Elliott Alva L. 1914
Elliott CLyde 1909
Elliott Charles A. 1904
Elliott Clyde 1909
Elliott Clyde 1924
Elliott Frank 1904
Elliott Frank 1904
Elliott Frank L. 1905
Elliott James O. 1909
Elliott John 1908
Elliott Lloyd F. 1908
Elliott Rebecca J. 1904
Ellis Everett 1909
Ellis Frank W. 1906
Ellis George H. 1920
Ellis Harvey J. 1916
Ellis Jesse 1910
Ellis Jesse 1918
Ellis William 1911
Ellis Wirt 1919
Ellsbury Franklin J. 1912
Ellsi Theodore 1899
Ellsworth Albert R. 1913
Ellsworth Estel E. 1928
Ellsworth Estell E. 1928 Includes Military Discharge

Ellsworth John B. 1906
Ellsworth Joseph H. 1909
Elsass John F. 1903
Elsass Phillip 1907
Elsatch Charles 1909
Elsea Earnest 1910
Elsea Earnest 1910
Elsenpeter Marie V. 1908
Elwood J. W. 1922
Elwood John F. 1915
Elwood Otis R. 1909
Elwood Robert Chet 1915
Ely Gilbert H. 1917
Ely Raymond T. 1917
Emanuel Jonnie M. 1926
Embree George K. 1920
Embree Henry J. 1909
Emerson Seldon K. 1909
Emerson Seldon K. 1909
Emery Gilbert W. 1909
Emery Harry W. 1909
Emery James G. 1910
Emery John A. 1927
Emery Stanley V. 1920
Emmett Buxton Francis 1920
Emmons George M. 1910
Emmons George M. 1910
Emmons George M. 1910
Endicott Lewis E. 1918
Endicott Sylvester B. 1909
Endsley Charles W. 2904
Enes Raymond 1910
Enfkvist Andrew J. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Engkrist Andrew John 1909
Englehorn Hattie 1901
Engler Frank J. 1927
Engles Eric 1919
Engles Lawrence R. 1916
Engstrom Gust 1909
Enix John 1910
Enlow Jess F. 1909
Enlow Jesse P. 1912
Enlow William 1917
Enochs Roy H. 1913
Erb George 1913
Ericksen Hazel Isabel 1920
Erickson Carl P. 1920
Erickson Frank E. 1905
Erickson Hazel Isabel 1920 See 19996

Ericson Emil Albin 1920
Erp Daniel H. 1903
Erway George G. 1902
Esau John C. 1917
Eschenko Daniel 1917
Eschliman Samuel 1912
Esmond Larry 1903
Esmond Larry 1906
Essex Ernest J. 1910
Essex William 1910
Estee Grace 1901
Estes Edmund W. 1908
Estes Elmer E. 1912
estover Burton L. 1909
Etter Charles H. 1921
Etter Edward J. 1907
Eucker Elizabeth 1909 includes Declaration of Intention

Evans Charles H. 1908
Evans Eurah S. 1916
Evans Fred M. 1920
Evans George 1905
Evans George 1909
Evans George A. 1909
Evans George A. 1909
Evans George W. 1909
Evans Griffith 1908 Includes Military Discharge

Evans MIland 1927
Evans Miland 1929
Evans Ora B. 1908
Evans Robert E. 1908
Evans Robert E. 1910
Evans Stella 1918
Evans Stella 1920
Evans Thomas K. 1908
Evans Walter E. 1911
Evans William H. 1915
Evans Willie B. 1912
Eveland James H. 1919
Eveland James H. 1930
Eveland Millard F. 1919
Evelyn Edward Clement 1912 Includes Declaration of Intention

Everett Edward H. 1914
Everett F.F. 1909
Everett Fred L. 1912
Everett James 1908
Everett James 1917
Everett Lee A. 1912
Everson Clarence 1920
Evert William M. 1908
Evey Ed 1909
Ewing Carl B. 1908
Ewing Emerson E. 1913
Eyerly Floyd 1920
Eytchison Purly B. 1910
Eytchison Purly B. 1911
Faden Emerson 1904
Faden Howard F. 1929
Faes Roy E. 1912
Fagan Bert 1910
Fagan Rachel A. 1902
Fahnestock Harry 1910
Failor Joseph A. 1906
Fairchild Homer G. 1909
Fairchild Jesse Glenn 1920
Fairchild Lydia 1908
Fairfield Joseph H. 1908
Fallanshee James E. 1917
Farley Edward 1916
Farley John 1909
Farley John 1909
Farmer Charles E. 1910
Farr Fred F. 1920
Farrell John C. 1907
Farrell Joseph E. 1920 See 19975

Farrell Joseph E. 1920 See 19976

Farrell Thomas E. 1920
Fauble Don W. 1917
Faulkner John Clark 1911
Fay Ed 1913
Fay Elmer W. 1920
Fay Louis 1913
Feagins Arthur 1910
Feagins Cary 1909
Feagins Cary 1909
Feagins Chase 1909
Feather Calahan R. 1910
Feight Amy M. 1906
Felek Miles M. 1917
Felver Samuel N. 1920
Fender Paul 1919
Fendrich Anna G. 1910
Fendrich Mary 1905 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Fenner Rosell 1904
Fenner Rosell 1904
Fenner Rosell 1905
Fenton Carl 1907
Fenton Carl 1908
Fenton James E. 1907
Ferdig Fred 1911
Ferdig John J. 1910
Ferdig John J. 1910
Ferguson Arthur L. 1911
Ferguson Arthur L. 1911
Ferguson Charles F. 1903
Ferguson Courtland B. 1916
Ferguson Courtland D. 1909
Ferguson George W. 1905
Ferguson Hamlin F. 1911
Ferguson John H. 1916
Ferguson Lucy 1909
Ferrel Otis W. 1912
Ferris George 1911
Ferris Ora M. 1916
Ferry Vesta 1916
Fesler William H. 1909
Fetherson Mary 1923
Fey (Frey) Michael 1902 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Fichter James W. 1917
Fickes Howard C. 1913
Fiedler Frank J.W. 1909 Includes Naturalization Record

Field Nelson 1910
Fielding Fred 1927
Fike Ernest E. 1908
Fike George W. 1908
Finch Edgar T. 1921
Findley Rose May 1906
Finigan Augustus J. 1916
Finigan Catherine 1916
Finigan William F. 1916
Fink John 1909
Finke Albert 1918
Finkey Orion M. 1907
Finkle Albert J. 1910
Finley Lester 1908
Finley Mary B. 1912
Finley Orion M. 1916
Finn Frank E. 1908
Finn James L. 1908
Finnegan Jack 1910
Finney Edward 1905
Finney James D. 1916
Finney James William 1918
Finney Walter V. 1916
Fischer Paul W. 1908
Fiscus Roy 1916
Fiscus Roy 1919
Fish Burritt E. 1910
Fish Clyde N. 1904
Fish Gabriel 1901
Fish Maud 1914
Fish Nelson C. 1913
Fish Ralph L. 1920
Fish Warren K. 1916
Fisher Allen G. 1904
Fisher Allen G. 1913
Fisher Alonzo 1911
Fisher Benton A. 1909
Fisher Bessie V. 1910
Fisher George 1910
Fisher George W. 1908
Fisher George W. 1909
Fisher James C. 1912
Fisher John G. 1908
Fisher John G. 1909
Fisher John G. 1909
Fisher Ralph W. 1904
Fisher William A. 1913
Fisher William W. 1910
Fitch Jessie J. 1912
Fitzgerald Frank P. 1908
Fitzgerald James A. 1908
Fitzgerald James Pemperten 1920
Fitzgerald John J. 1928
Fitzgerald Joseph M. 1910
Fitzgerald Thomas 1910
Fitzpatrick Daniel 1919
Fitzpatrick David 1919
Fjeld Frederick 1910
Flaherty Anna B. 1909
Flaherty Edward B. 1909
Flanagan' Joseph 1903
Flanigan George 1904
Flecker Peter A. 1910
Fleek Gerald T. 1928
Fleener Elmer A. 1921
Fleenor Elmer A. 1917
Fleenor Sydnor J. 1909
Fleet Elmer 1908
Fleet Wheedon C. 1908
Fleming Andrew C. 1907
Fleming Janet 1914
Fleming Janet 1920 Includes Certificate Of Citizenship

Fleming John 1899
Fleming Robert J. 1904
Fletcher John M. 1909
Fletcher Joseph B. 1908
Fletcher WIlliam H. 1909
Fletcher William H. 1909
Flood Nathaniel S. 1907
Flood William S. 1909
Florea Ted V.H. 1926
Flori Catherine 1910
Flower Lorenzo F. 1916
Flower Luie C. 1916
Flower Sr. Thomas 1920
Flueckiger (Tonn) Hellena 1902 Includes Declaration of Intention

Flurny Charles W. 1910
Flurry John J. 1910
Flynn Harry H. 1921
Flynn Louise 1920
Flynn Louise 1921
Flynn Wade 1909
Flynn Wade 1909
Fobes Andrew 1909
Fobes Andrew 1910
Foeckathorn Cyrus J. 1917
Fogland Ervil Paul 1920
Fogle Charles S. 1909
Fogle Charles S. 1909
Fogle Emma E. 1908 Includes Military Discharge

Fogle Virgil J. 1909
Foley Catherine 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Husband and Naturalization Record

Foley Elbert J. 1920
Folger Frederick 1914
Forbes Harold William 1920
Forbes William T. 1904
Ford George 1910
Ford George W. 1919
Ford George W. 1920
Ford James R. 1908
Ford Jennie G. 1906
Ford John A. 1920
Ford Logan 1905
Ford William 1899
Fordham Nellie E. 1908
Forney Stanley E. 1911
Forrer Frank 1920
Forsberg Andrew 1913 Includes declaration of Intention

Forsberg Manley 1910
Forshay Arthur 1910
Forshing Elmer Theodore 1920
Forster Clifford P. 1904
Forstrom Karl M. 1909
Foss John A. 1908
Fossey Elden R. 1920
Foster Angeline 1909
Foster Charles V. 1916
Foster Hollister 1911 Includes Military Discharge

Foster Mabel 1909
Foster Paul M. 1911
Foster Welber H. 1902
Foster (Anderson) Jessie 1911
Foust Chester N. 1916
Fouts Theodore L. 1931
Fowle Leonard I. 1905
Fowle Leonard I. 1906
Fowler James C. 1909
Fowler Robert A. 1913
Fowler Robert A. 1913
Fowler Spencer M. 1904
Fowler Spencer M. 1913
Fox Diana 1902
Fox George M. 1908
Fox George W. 1906
Fox Harold M. 1905
Fox Henry F. 1905
Fox Lester V. 1927
Fox Mary E. 1902 Includes Military Certificate of Service of Charles W. Fox

Fox Orval L. 1910
Fox Orval L. 1907
Foye Carolyn 1911
Frame Elgin R. 1920
Franc Nellie Sarah 1908
Francis Ruth N. 1902
Francis Ruth N. 1908
Franklin Agnes 1914
Franklin Charles 1910
Franklin Charles E. 1904
Franklin Edward E. 1913
Franklin Floyd C. 1931
Franklin Joseph T. 1909
Franklin Lillie B. 1908
Franklin Lillie B. 1908
Franklin Loren H. 1908
Franklin Loren H. 1915
Franklin Loren H. 1915
Franklin Marcus A. 1916
Franklin Maud 1909
Franklin Nelson A. 1900
Franklin Robert I. 1912
Franklin Robert L. 1908
Franklin Sarah E. 1900
Franklin Thomas B. 1928
Franklin Wayne R. 1950
Franklin William S. 1904
Franson Herman E. 1916
Frapke (Reed) Hanna 1904
Fraser Roderick 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Frasier Earnest 1912
Frates Harry A. 1916
Frazer Alexander 1901 See 13928

Frazer Alexander 1901 See 13929

Frazer Gilbert 1909
Frazer Gilbert 1910 See 12150

Frazer Gilbert 1910 See 12151

Frazier Donald 1920
Frazier William D. 1910
Fredricks Almeda R. 1907
Fredrickson Nelse 1913
Freeland Albert M. 1907
Freeman Hattie T. 1908
Freeman Louis A. 1915
Freeman Patrick 1900 Includes Declaration of Intention

Freeman Thomas W. 1910
Freese John 1906
Freese Nina A. 1908
Freese William G. 1911
Freese William G. 1916
French Ernest 1920
French Norman 1912
Frey Richard J. 1916
Fricke Henry 1908 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Fricke Minnie 1908
Friel James E. 1907
Friend Louie A. 1910
Fries Frank 1911
Fritsch George W. 1910
Fritz George 1909
Fritz Johan G. 1905
Fritz Martin J. 1909
Frolkey Reginald J. 1920
Fry Charles B. 1910
Fry Horace H. 1920
Frymira Henrietta 1907
Fuchser Ernest 1919
Fugate Arthur 1911
Fugate Elbert M. 1908
Fugate Robert M. 1908
Fugate Zach T. 1909
Fugate Zach T. 1909
Fugate Zora 1919
Fugate Zora A. 1920
Fulcher Clarence Leslie 1923
Fuller Alice 1911
Fuller Arthur H. 1913 ]

Fuller Charles H. 1908
Fuller Charles H. 1909
Fuller Clyde B. 1920
Fuller Myrtle M. 1912
Fuller Perry 1909
Fuller Walter E. 1908
Fuller William H. 1906
Fulleton Ormond 1912
Fulton Mary J. 1911
Fulton Roy 1913
Fuqua Frank C. 1904
Fuqua Frank C. 1904
Fuqua Monroe A. 1904
Fuqua Monroe A. 1904
Furlow Zack 1906
Furman Evan J. 1908
Furman Howard G. 1908
Furman James L. 1906
Furman Nellie B. 1909
Furman Nellie B. 1912
FUrnas Charles E. 1909
Furnas David 1909
Furr Asa C. 1910
Gable William H. 1911
Gadams S. 1909
Gadbois Dyas 1905
Gadd (Airheart) Beatrice 1910
Gaddis Frank W. 1910
Gaddis George D. 1911
Gaines John W. 1904
Gallagher James 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Gallant Jesse 1918
Gallant Jesse S. 1920
Gallatin Dent Eugene 1920
Gallatin WIlliam H. 1904
Galligan Edward W. 1912
Galloway Clyde W. 1907
Galten Ulysses Grant 1903
Galvin John 1909
Gamble Laura 1912
Gamble William O. 1910
Gamety Alma A. 1909
Gammon Charles T. 1920
Ganser Fred W. 1910
Ganser Fred W. 1911
Ganser Lillie G. 1909
Gard David A. 1908
Gard Edwin 1912
Gardner Charles H. 1913
Gardner Charles Ray 1917
Gardner Joe R. 1911
Gardner Lucinda 1905
Gardner Perry E. 1910
Gardner Ulysses G. 1920
Garey Leon Rex 1920
Garlick George P. 1905
Garner Frank L. 1910
Garner Frank L. 1911
Garr Pamela 1905
Garretson George A. 1906
Garretson William H. 1907
Garrett Ebenezer 1905
Garrett Herbert R. 1906
Garrett Roy J. 1908
Garris John A. 1917 Includes Declaration of Intention

Garton George A. 1904
Gartside Glen 1908
Gartside WIlliam H. 1912
Garvey John L. 1904
Garvey Victoria 1910
Garvey Victoria 1913
Garwood Ernest 1925
Gashen Godfred 1905
Gasseling John 1908
Gasseling John 1912
Gasten Walter G. 1909
Gaston Joseph 1916
Gatch Charles E. 1913
Gatch Ethel May 1909
Gatch Sarah J. 1909
Gates Delia 1919
Gates George L. 1920
Gattwinkel Alfred 1911 See 13764

Gattwinkel Alfred 1911 See 13765

Gauley Robert 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Gault Allen F. 1907 See 1976

Gault Allen F. 1907 See 1978

Gault Gilbert L. 1911
Gault Tervil H. 1909
Gaumer John 1913
Gaunt Harry E. 1909
Gaunt Jas. E. 1910
Gaunt Oscar R. 1920
Gayhart Adelaide 1904
Gayhart Lou F. 1908
Gayheart (Serres) Hattie 1905
Gebauer Erna 1909
Gebauer Julius 1909
Gebauer Julius 1909 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Gebauer Oscar 1909
Gebauer Paul Gustav 1920
Gehlen Fred 1908
Gehrett Thomas S. 1904
Geiger Thomas H. 1910
Geigley Amanda E. 1912
Geis Ivan 1904
Geis John T. 1909
Geis John T. 1910 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Geiser Bernard A. 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Gemmill Harry 1912
Gennell David E. 1909
Gentle John 1912
Gentle Willis G. 1908
Gentry James R. 1920
Gentry William G. 1912
Geodert George p. 1913
George Ernest C. 1909
George Henry R. 1914
Gerber Gottlieb 1909
Gerber Lena 1908 Includes Naturalization Certificate of Gottlieb Gerber

Gerber Lena 1910
Gerdes George C. 1920
Gerhard Alexis Edward 1918
Gericke Louis A. 1928
Gering Ralph W. 1914
Gerlach George L. 1911
Germiquet John A. 1905
Gerstenberger Lloyd A. 1920
Getken Tomma 1904 Includes Naturalization Papers of Husband

Getter Benjamin O. 1912
Getter Marcus C. 1909
Getter Marcus L. 1909
Gibbs Alice N. 1921
Gibbs Elizabeth 1904 Inlcudes Certificate of Naturalization

Gibbs George 1910
Gibbs Winnie C. 1905
Gibson Anna 1907
Gibson Anna 1909
Gibson Florence L. 1925
Gibson Florence L. 1925
Gibson Lawrence E. 1910
Gibson Margaret A. 1903
Gibson Sarah E. 1911
Gier George D. 1922
Gifford Ernest C. 1905
Gilbaugh Charles B. 1912
Gilbert Cornelia R. 1908
Gilbert Edward 1910
Gilbert George R. 1907
Gilbert Harold E. 1914
Gilbert James E. 1912
Gilbert James E. 1912
Gilbert James M. 1900
Gilbert Rex L. 1908
Gilbert Rex Llewellen 1909
Gildeau John 1924
Gildersleve Charles E. 1909
Gill Paul 1926
Gillespie Clarence H. 1909
Gillespie Edward 1920
Gillespie George A. 1909
Gillespie Getrude 1909
Gillespie Holly B. 1909
Gillespie James A. 1909
Gillespie Lucy Sisco 1919 See 18722

Gillespie Viola 1920 See 19950

Gillett Alzina 1902
Gillett Willis E. 1900
Gilley Jasper P. 1909
Gilliard Earl 1912
Gillilan Charles Leslie 1920
Gillis John 1912
Gillmor Emery 1904
Gillmor Rosina 1904
Gillmore Roy 1907
Gilman Fred 1903
Gilman Henry A. 1915
Gilmore Samuel E. 1914
Gilmore William R. 1905
Gilshannon Fannie E. 1909
Gilshannon Thomas A. 1912
Gipson Charles 1910
Girvin James 1928
Gisher Frank 1910
Gladson Ambrose B. 1920
Gladstone Paul 1905
Glaser Loyd 1908
Glasgow James M. 1919
Glass Lloyd 1930
Glau Herman A. 1908
Glau Herman A. 1909
Glau William 1910 Includes Naturalization Record of Wilhelm Glau

Glaze Charles 1908
Glaze George W. 1908
Gleason Dessie 1910
Gleason Dessie 1910
Gleissner Hermann 1908
Glendy Robert E. 1911
Glendy Robert E. 1910
Glenn Joseph 1909
Glenn Joseph 1910
Glenn (Rhoades) Phoebe Jane 1913
Glensdale Charles O. 1907
Glenz Joseph 1912
gleston Trowbridge C. 1912
Glick Anthony 1904
Glover Andrew Frederick Gildersleeve 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Gobel Fred 1914
Gobel John 1913
Gobel Mary 1914
Gobin Clyde Ernest 1928 See 21153

Gobin Clyde Ernest 1928 See 21187

Goble Drewery 1911
Godbey John C. 1910
Goddard Clint 1925
Goddard Earl L. 1909
Godfrey William G. 1927
Godsey Gilbert I. 1916
Godwin Rachel 1904
Goebel Ernest 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Goedde Mary 907
Goering Herman 1916
Goff Gaius Halsey 1916
Goff Louis B. 1916
Goff Peter 1916
Goforth William H. 1909
Golden James C. 1912
Golden Mary 1916
Golden Michael 1904
Golden Patrick F. 1910
Golden Patrick F. 1910 Includes Declaration of Intentioin

Golden Willard O. 1919 See 18664

Golden Willard O. 1919 See 18668

Golden Willard R. 1917
Goll Louis 1904
Goll, Jr. Fred L. 1916
Gollaher Charles E. 1919
Gompert Gerhard 1908
Gompert John G. 1910
Gompert Willie 1913
Gompert Willie 1913
Gonden Peter 1908 Includes Military Discharge

Goodenberger Rosa May 1912 See 15479

Goodenberger Rosie May 1912 See 15489

Goodenberger Walter H. 1912
Gooderham Edward W. 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Goodin John Wesley 1920
Goodman Cecil J. 1916
Goodman Charles 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Goodnough A.H. 1911
Goodnough George 1909
Goodnough George 1910
Goodnough John H. 1911
Goodrich Edward 1914
Goodrich Orie L. 1920
Goodro Daniel Floyd 1915
Goodspeed Hiland W. 1909
Goodspeed Hiland W. 1910
Goodwin Ammon B. 1908
Goodwin Ammon B. 1909
Goodwin Lilburn A. 1910
Goodwin Rachel 1909
Goodwin Sr. Zadock 1905
Gookin Walter C. 1906
Goolman Sr. J. I. 1910
Goosic Henry L. 1916
Gorden Peter 1909
Gordon Arthur 1904
Gordon S. Monterey 1916
Gordon Thomas 1901
Gorin Robert L. 1912
Gorman John J. 1920
Gormley Harriett 1932
Gorr Harry G. 1919
Gorr James O. 1903 See 3444

Gorr James O. 1904 See 3445

Gorr Lovene A. 1913
Gorr Lovene A. 1913
Gorton Frank 1908
Goss William 1905
Gottschalk. Henry 1916
Gould Bert B. 1907
Gould Howard 1924
Grabbert Nathaniel Fred 1930
Grabbert William F. 1924
Grabeal Joseph F. 1918
Grabeal Pleasant E. 1918
Grace Jasper A. 1921
Grady John 1909
Graf Henry 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

Graham Alexander 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Graham Alexander 1911
Graham Alfred W. 1907
Graham Delilah R. 1900
Graham Donald A. 1920
Graham James L. 1910
Graham Kate 1924
Graham Ray 1910
Graham Robert 1914 Includes Record of Naturalization

Graham Robert 1918
Graham Samuel D. 1904 INcludes Naturalization Papers

Graham Thomas G. 1915
Graham W. Ray 1914
Graham W. Ray 1915
Graham WIlliam 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Graham William F. 1909
Graham William F. 1911
Graham William W. 1909
Granger Guy L. 1920
Grant Edward 1916
Grant George 1914
Grant Margery 1910
Grant Roy A. 1908
Grantham Thomas V. 1908 See 2475

Grantham Thomas V. 1908 See 2476

Grantham Thomas Y. 1913
Grassinger Eugene F. 1921
Graves Annie 1900
Graves Henry H. 1904
Graves Ray W. 1911
Graves Ray W. 1911
Graves True 1907
Gray Charles C. 1909
Gray Clinton E. 1909
Gray Edna 1910
Gray Lola Oran 1909
Grayel Peter J. 1928
Grbleny Franaseck 1910 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Green Adelbert 1912
Green Calvin W. 1904
Green E. Clifton 1906
Green Elbridge V. 1908
Green Eli 1907
Green Elmer E. 1913
Green Hanford 1908
Green Hanford 1910
Green Hanford 1911
Green Harvey J. 1908
Green Herbert 1906
Green Hiram 1910
Green Iva 1905
Green Jay 1908
Green Jesse E. 1905
Green Lloyd P. 1916
Green Lucretia 1901
Green Martin 1919
Green Myrtle M. 1909
Green Susan E. 1902
Green Thomas 1908
Green Thomas H. 1911
Green Wesley J. 1908
Greenwood Harry 1906
Greer Joseph R. 1912
Greer William S. 1910
Greg Arthur Dixon 1919
Gregg Adam 1910
Gregg Caleb J. 1908
Gregg Claude Marshall 1917
Gregg Edward T. 1909
Gregg William T. 1912
Gregoire Joseph J. 1910
Gregoire Justice W. 1910
Gregory Jamaes D. 1918
Gregory James D. 1911
Gregory Lee 1909
Grewell Charles T. 1905
Grewell Mary J. 1911
Grey Lolacran 1909
Grieser John C. 1913
Griffen Jane 1907
Griffie Wayne 1930
Griffis John A. 1912
Griffith Charles 1913
Griffith Thomas M. 1917
Griffith Wallingford 1918
Griffith Wilford 1902
Griffitts Mary D. 1907
Griffy Tol 1905
Griggs Earl E. 1931 Includes Military Discharge

Grimes Charles O. 1909
Grimes Henry H. 1910
Grimes Sidney A. 1910
Grimm Arthur C. 1914
Grimm Claus 1916
Grimm Douglas H. 1908
Grimm John 1905
Grimm Joseph E. 1914
Grimshaw George A. 1920
Groat (Rugel) Flora Ellen 1917
Groff Arthur P. 1916
Grofutt Clarence E. 1907
Gross Frederick W. 1909
Gross Harry L. 1913
Gross Harry L. 1913
Gross Philip O. 1914
Gross Sallie R. 1906
Grossman Benjamin F. 1932
Grotjan Earl 1916
Grotzky Otto 1914
Grove Phillip 1920
Grover Anna Pearl 1907
Grover Anna Pearl 1910
Grover Merl O. 1914
Grover Mort G. 1915
Grover Nellie L. 1909
Grover Nellie L. 1909
Grubb William L. 1907
Gruenther Harry Lowes 1920
Grunnere Sheridan A. 1915
Grupner Alfred O. 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Guberlet Dathrina 1905 Inlcudes Declaration of Intentiom

Gueck Edwin J. 1916
Gugleman William 1908
Gum Frank 1905
Gumaer Myrta A. 1919
Gummere Sheridan A. 1910
Gumpert Herman 1904 Inlcudes Certificate of Citizenship

Gunderson Gunder A. 1910
Gurnsey Phineas B. 1909
Gurnsey Phineas B. 1909
Gustafdsen Swan 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Gustafsen Roy Henry 1920
Gutberlet Otto 1920
Guth Nellie M. 1918
Guthrie Lee A. 1909
Gye Henry 1911 Includes Account of Gye's Assault on John P. Hazzard

Gyles RIchard H. 1908
Gyssler Ed 1915
Haack Albert 1915
Haack Martha 1913
Haack Otto F.W. 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Haag Peter 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Haagensen Gustaves 1903 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Haas Agnes 1910
Haas Margaret 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Haas William 1916
Habegger J. Arnold 1904 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Hack Anna V. 1908
Hacke George H. 1904
Hackney Frank S. 1911
Hadley John B. 1912
Hadsell Maggie 1897
Hagaman Sylvia 1909
Hagel (Kraft) Lena 1909
Hagenknapp Richard 1907 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Hagerty John D. 1908
Hagerty Mayme E. 1908
Hagerty Michael H. 1910
Hagerty Michael H. 1910
Hagerty Norine 1903
Hagerty Norine L. 1909
Hague Issac Lee 1918
Hague John 1909
Hahesy Frank W. 1909
Hahn Edward G. 1904 \

Hahn William E. 1905
Hain Raymond H. 1920
Haines Fred O. 1917
Haines G. Turner 1917
Haire George A. 1900
Haislup Alva R. 1913
Hajsky Vaclav 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Halcomb Benjamin F. 1919
Halcomb Benjamin F. 1931
Haldeman Martha E. 1912
Hale John A. 1910
Hale John A. 1910
Hale William 1907
Haley Charles E. 1916
Haley Edward H. 1904
Haley John H. 1902
Hall Albert 1905
Hall Albon B. 1919 See 18620, 18621

Hall Albon B. 1919 See 18620, 18622

Hall Albon B. 1919 See 18621, 18622

Hall Albon B. 1919 See 19274, 19275

Hall Albon B. 1919 See 19274, 19276

Hall Albon B. 1919 See 19275, 19276

Hall Alfred W. 1920
Hall Amanda J. 1902
Hall Brush 1909
Hall Cassie D. 1902
Hall Cassie D. 1909
Hall Charles W. 1908
Hall Eugene A. 1913
Hall Frank G. 190
Hall Frank L. 1908
Hall Frank W. 1912
Hall Fred E. 1904
Hall Fred E. 1904
Hall George W. 1908
Hall Irby C. 1909
Hall Irby C. 1910
Hall John H. 1911
Hall John M. 1907
Hall Roy A. 1908
Hall Sadie 1911 See 14143

Hall Walter 1919
Hall William Thomas 1910
Hall (Fickell) Sadie 1911 See 14142

Hallett W.E. Scott 1916
Halley Tullius C. 1909
Hallgren Otto W. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Halloren Francis Arthur 1920
Hallowell James W. 1908
Halstead Francis C. 1912
Halstead John T. 1920
Halstead Rodger A. 1908
Hamaker Ann 1904
Hamaker David W. 1909
Hamaker David W. 1910
Hamaker R. S. Q. 1924
Hamann Carl 1925
Hamann John 1926
Hamann, Jr. John 1927
Hamilton Alfred H. 1908
Hamilton Charles D. 1914
Hamilton Earnest 1905
Hamilton Edward 1912
Hamilton Frank A. 1922
Hamilton Frank A. 1922
Hamilton George A. 1906
Hamilton James E. 1901
Hamilton Lucy 1926
Hamilton Marvin 1911
Hamilton Ottis W. 1916
Hamilton Robert W. 1914
Hamilton William 1912
Hamilton William F. 1909
Hammarley Daniel J. 1913
Hammond Earl Floyd 1916
Hammond Harry 1919
Hammond WIlliam Henry 1920
Hampton Albert J. 1910
Hampton Albert J. 1912
Hampton Charlie C. 1919 See 19246

Hampton Charlie C. 1919 See 19247

Hampton Dallas A. 1910
Hampton Edna A. 1913
Hampton Glee Joseph 1923
Hampton Radolphus M. 1911
Hampton Russell R. 1906
Hampton Thomas 1910
Hampton Willie D. 1907
Hamson Ethel B. 1908
Hanawald Noton 1910
Hanawald Porter 1908 See 2644

Hanawald Thomas 1901
Hancock Clifford W. 1911
Hancock Clifford W. 1912
Hand George J. 1916
Hand George J. 1918
Hand George J. 1918
Hanel Frank 1922
Haning William H. 1911
Hank John H. 1917
Hankins Dick 1899
Hankinson John B. 1908
Hankinson John B. 1909
Hanks Frances C. 1922
Hanks Frances E. 1922
Hanks Jerry J. 1912
Hanks John H. 1912
Hanks William R. 1917
Hanley James H. 1917
Hanna Charles 1908
Hanna Charles 1909
Hanna Harold L. 1920
Hanna John C. 1907
Hanna John C. 1908
Hanna Neil 1926
Hannah Charles 1920
Hannawald Martin 1908
Hannawald Noton 1909
Hannawald Porter 1904
Hannawald Porter 1908 See 2635

Hanne Fred G. 1908
Hannold Ernest W. 1908
Hannold Thomas J. 1908
Hanrahan Daniel 1907 Includes Naturalization Record

Hanrahan Robert 1904
Hans Emil 1908
Hans Leslie 1920
Hansen Charles J. 1915
Hansen George 1928 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Hansen George 1933
Hansen George F. 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Hansen Hans K. 1908 Includes Naturalization Record

Hansen Martin 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

Hansen Vernon L. 1920
Hanson Alfred 1906
Hanson Anna S. 1909
Hanson Nels 1929
Hansted Percival H. 1931
Hanway John L. 1909
Happersett William 1921
Hapworth Horace 1909
Harder Marie 1908
Hardin Thomas R. 1911
Hardin Vance M. 1925
Hardman Boon 1919
Hardy Francis M. 1913
Hardy Gilderoy M. 1904
Hare Charlie A. 1909
Hare Donald N. 1899
Hare George A. 1908
Hare Thomas O. 1914
Hargis David H. 1915
Hargis Rosa E. 1917 \

Hargis Ross R. 1909
Harlan Ora V. 1918
Harmon Lale L. 1920
Harn James D. 1909
Harnas Oscar E. 1922
Harned Miles M. 1910
Harnel William C. 1909
Harney Charles E. 1913
Harns James S. 1914
Harns Theodore C. 1905
Haroff Milton E. 1908
Harper Alphonso O. 1920
Harper Frederic R. 1909
Harper Joseph R. 1909
Harrah Gus 1907
Harrell Lemon 1908
Harring Newell A. 1912
Harrington Elmer Murph 1924
Harrington James W. 1908
Harrington Michael 1900
Harrington Thaddeus B. F. 1917
Harris Albert S. 1921
Harris Archie R. 1920
Harris Arthur F. 1909
Harris Caroline M. 1911
Harris Caroline M. 1911
Harris Charles 1900
Harris Daniel D. 1908
Harris Frank 1917
Harris Harry S. 1908
Harris John 1909
Harris Lillie E. 1910
Harris Martha J. 1903
Harris Mary A. 1910
Harris N. R. 1911
Harris Perry 1908
Harris Roy 1914
Harris William 1911
Harris (Allmon) Cleone 1916
Harris (Crane) Mae 1917
Harrison Arthur A. 1910
Harrison Clara Agnes 1925
Harrison Elliott 1908
Harrison Fred A. 1913
Harrison John A. 1916
Harrison Napolean B. 1909
Harrison Napoleon B. 1908
Harrop Clarence A. 1913
Harrsi Addie E. 1904
Harry George A. 1907
Harry George A. 1914
Hart Fred M. 1909
Hart George P. 1916
Hart Julia E. 1910
Hart Nathaniel 1920
Harte Elvin A. 1908
Harter Mary T. 1911
Hartman Florence 1908
Hartman Harry A. 1909
Hartman Ralph 1920
Hartranft Jacob N. 1908
Harty Clyde 1920
Hartzell George W. 1908
Hartzell James O. 1909
Harvey Flora 1911
Harvey Francis T. 1910
Harvey George F. 1916
Harvey George W. 1906
Harvey Howard C. 1909
Harvey John 1909
Harvey John J. 1908
Harvey Joseph C. 1912
Harvey Robert A. 1913
Harvey William 1901
Harvey Windfield S. 1909
Harvey Winfield S. 1909
Harwood Justus T. 1910
Hasbrouck Benjamin L. 1910
Hascall Anna E. 1912
Hascall Roy D. 1904
Hasek Henry 1906 Includes Declaration of Intention

Haskin Charles H. 1915
Haskins Mary V. 1920
Haskins William J. 1928
Haskinson Wilbert S. 1910
Haspen France C. 1909
Hassan Dorcas A. 1903
Hatch Bert 1911
Hatch Charles 1920
Hatch Earl 1920
Hatch Fred W. 1904
Hatch George W. 1899
Hatcher Oscar Cornelius 1919
Hatfield Chauncey 1920
Hathaway Elmer 1908
Hathorn Henry 1917
Hauk Charles S. 1913
Haun Otto 1904
Hausauer Mathilde 1912
Havens Fred L. 1902
Haver Curtis C. 1910
Haverland Lee 1918
Havlik John 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Hawarth Richard G. 1907
Hawk William L. 1909
Hawkins Lewis H. 1913
Hawkins Ralph M. 1920
Hawkins William L. 1910
Hawks Antoinette M. 1911
Hawlett Clyde J. 1910
Hawley Custer H. 1907
Hawley G. Harry 1910
Haworth McConnet P. 1910
Haworth Paul F. 1920
Haxton Bertha E. 1911
Hay Joseph O. 1928
Haycraft Brady L. 1921
Haycraft Luke M. 1927
Hayden Archibald A. 1911
Hayes Aillene 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Hayes Charles H. 1923
Hayes Clarence Flagler 1920
Hayes Edward 1912
Hayes Elisha H. T. 1906
Hayes Frank A. 1923
Hayes Fred M. 1904
Hayes Fred M. 1910
Hayes Gilbert 1928
Hayes Grover C. 1919
Hayes Henry 1905
Hayes James 1920
Hayes Lloyd B. 1905
Hayes Park 1901
Hayes William 1912
Haynes Ella 1908
Haynes Patrick H. 1908
Hays Jacob W. 1910
Hazelton Eugene G. 1898
Hazen Clifford C. 1920
Hazen Willard W. 1920
Headley Earnest A. 1911
Hearm Patrick 1908
Hease Carl Alvin 1925
Heaston Walter H. 1922
Heath Herbert C. 1908
Heath Robert G. 1908
Heatherington John 1917 Includes Military Discharge

Heber Alex 1903 Includes Declaration of Intention

Heberlee Ralph M. 1904
Hedgecock Albert 1903
Hedgecock Albert 1904
Hedges John 1919
Hedquest Eric 1893 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Hedrick Bessie H. 1919
Hedrick Harry E. 1910
Hedrick John N. 1908
Heesacker Martin T. 1910
Heesacker Mary 1910
Heesacker Minnie 1914
Heffron Francie E. 1928
Heffron Francis E. 1920
Heffron Thomas Joseph 1920
Hegman (Blackwell) Lottie 1903
Hehnke John 1911
Hehnke Peter 1920
Hehnke Peter 1920 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Heigh David 1915
Heil Gottleib Fred 1917 Includes Declaration of Intention

Heilman Madison C. 1907
Heiss WIlliam Henry 1928
Heisser Frank 1907 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Heist Leovia F. 1914
Heldt Sean 1911
Helfrich Carl E. 1920
Heller August H. 1920
Heller Dora E. 1912 Includes Declaration of Intention

Heller John S. 1908
Heller Joseph 1905
Heller Lucy A. 1903
Helm W. Le Roy 1912
Helm Walter 1907
Helman Charles F. 1913
Helmer Odell 1908
Helpbringer Fred T. 1916
Helser James E. 1916
Henderson Dick 1918
Henderson Fied J. 1910
Henderson Harry C. 1910
Henderson Harry C. 1912
Henderson Harvey C. 1910
Henderson John 1908 Includes Naturalization Record

Henderson John 1909
Henderson John 1909
Henderson John W. 1911
Henderson Loss 1920
Henderson Oscar 1924
Henderson Ralph W. 1913
Henderson Raph E. 1914
Henderson Samuel 1908
Henderson William W. 1910
Hendren Roy O. 1911
Hendrick Eugene C. 1909
Hendricks George P. 1908
Hendricks John 1906
Hendricks Thomas W. 1907
Hendrickson Hans Peter 1914
Hendrickson Nels 1910
Hendrickson Nels 1910 Includes naturalization Certificate

Hendrickson Nils 1910
Hendrix Elmer J. 1907
Hendrix Lulu 1917
Henley Gada R. 1913
Hennessy Ernest C. 1913
Henning William H. 1910
Henry James M. 1909
Henry James M. 1910
Henry Troy M. 1909
Henry Walter G. 1909
Henry William G. 1909
Henry William H. 1913
Hensley James F. 1914
Hensley James F. 1916
Hensley John G. 1913
Henson Jackson H. 1909
Hentrick Frank 1904
Herb George 1915
Herbert Alice 1900
Herbert Charles A. 1908
Herbert Ernest 1906
Herbert Ernest A. 1910
Herbert George Fanklin 1901
Herbert Michael J. 1900
Herbert William F. 1908
Herbert William F. 1909
Herendeen Elbert C. 1910
Heritier Robert 1907 Includes Declaration of Intention

Herman Charles E. 1905
Herman Charles G. 1905
Herman Woodie F. 1912
Herman Volklandt WIlliam Oscar Herman 1909 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Herndon George H. 1910
Herniman William R. 1910
Herniman William R. 1911
Herniman William R. 1912
Herniman William R. 1913
Herr David M. 1913
Herr Eva J. 1908
Herren (Converse) Myrtle A. 1911
Herrick Lida M. 1904
Herrick Samuel 1905
Herrick Samuel 1927
Herriman William A. 1920
Herring Elizabeth 1907
Herring Elizabeth 1910
Herring Elizabeth 1910
Herring Henry F. 1910
Herring Henry T. 1907
Herring Newell A. 1910
Herring Walter 1908
Herring Walter 1910
Herrington Carl F. 1926
Herrington Carl F. 1927
Herrmann Arthur 1908
Herrmann Arthur 1908
Herrmann George M. 1906 Includes Naturalization Paper

Herron Edison 1917
Herron Ernest 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Hershman Frederick O. 1920
Hertwig (Goetzman) Texa L. 1907
Hertzog Turner E. 1924
Herzberg Herman 1910
Herzberg John F. 1914 Includes Declaration of Intention

Heskett Jay J. 1909
Hess Henry 1922
Hesseltine Dora A. 1908
Hesseltine Dora A. 1909
Hesseltine Nelson 1915
Hester Cecil E. 1916
Hester Cecil E. 1916
Heston Louie C. 1916
Hetrick Thomas 1905
Hettrick Matilda 1902 Includes Declaration of Intention

Hewett Leon E. 1904
Hewitt Edward S. 1904
Hewitt Lawrence L. 1916
Hewitt Willard C. 1917
Hewitt (Wakefield) Myrta 1905
Hewson C. Clarence 1903
Heywood Charles F. 1904
Heywood John D. 1905
Hiatt James J. 1931
Hibbe Ray S. 1920
Hibberd Delbert Louis 1920
Hiber Frank F. 1920
Hickey Jacob Edward 1911
Hickman William E. 1908
Hicks Abson 1912
Hicks Edith L. 1912
Hickstein Ferdinand 1918
Hiersche Rudolph 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Higgins Thomas 1920 See 19342

Higgins Thomas 1920 See 19343

Higgins Thomas E. 1928 See 21143

Higgins Thomas E. 1928 See 21144

Higgs Herbert M. 1911
Higgs William J.M. 1912
Higgs William T.M. 1905
Highron Harry L. 1913
Higley Fred A. 1910
hilds Ralph A. 1908
Hilker Fred C. 1927
Hill Albert F. 1904
Hill Albert F. 1911
Hill Albert W. 1909
Hill Benjamin James 1920
Hill Charles L. 1911
Hill Daniel E. 1907
Hill Elmira 1909
Hill Elmira 1910
Hill Fay C. 1908
Hill Fay C. 1909
Hill Fay C. 1910
Hill Forest 1910
Hill Gust 1907 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Hill Horton P. 1912
Hill Jesse L. 1907
Hill John W. 1904
Hill Martha A. 1909
Hill Merlin I. 1930 See 21377

Hill Merlin I. 1930 See 21385

Hill Robert E. 1908
Hill Sandford 1909
Hill Sandford 1909
Hill Sanford 1909
Hill Virgil E. 1907
Hill William E. 1904
Hill William M. 1909
Hillebrand Albert F. 1910
Hiller Amelia 1908
Hiller Amelia A. 1907
Hiller Amelia A. 1909
Hiller Anastasia 1908
Hiller Anastasia 1910
Hilliard Eliza V. 1909
Hillie George F. 1910
Hills Dan B. 1901
Hills Daniel R. 1904
Hills George 1919
Hills George A. 1910
Hills Ina M. 1899
Hillstrand George 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Hilt Charles J. 1920
Hilton James F. 1913
Himmellright Allen 1921
Himmelright Allen 1928
Hinch Rebecca 1909
Hinds Jesse C. 1915
Hines Thomas 1904
Hinkle Clarence A. 1917
Hinman Benjamin S. 1915
Hinman Gertrude M. 1905
Hinshilwood Archie J. 1919
Hippe Frederick D. 1908
Hirsch John B. 1912
Hirsh John B. 1911
Hisel Alvin H. 1926
Hisel George 1926
Hiskett Ernest J. 1902
Hiskett Ernest J. 1911
Hiskett Ernest J. 1912
Hiskett Mary 1913
Histed Bertie C. 1908
Hitchcock Fred G. 1913
Hitchcock William 1908
Hite Henry H. 1916
Hite Levi N. 1916
Hitshew Joseph 1909
Hixson Lisle C. 1920
Hoag Benjamin S. 1905
Hoage George N. 1913
Hoagland Frank H. 1910
Hoagland Frank H. 1910
Hoagland Frank H. 1911
Hoagland Frank M. 1909
Hobart Garrison H. 1905
Hobbs Henry Hollie 1923
Hobbs Lucy E. 1903
Hockett Daisy 1906
Hodge Andrew J. 1904
Hodges Herman W. 1908
Hodges Margaret M. 1908
Hoerstemann Otto L. 1920
Hoevet Floyd A. 1909
Hoff Enoch 1903
Hoff Jacob 1916
Hoffer Albert Leo 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

Hoffert Phebe K. 1913
Hoffland Anna K. 1908
Hoffland Leonard G. 1907
Hoffman Frank S. 1921
Hoffman Henry 1904
Hoffman Millard J. 1927
Hoffman Richard F. 1914
Hoffman Richard F. 1920
Hoffman Richard F. 1921
Hoffman William R. 1920
Hogle Enoch 1903
Hogle George W. 1903
Hogue Euretta 1904
Hogue Euretta 1907
Hogue Euretta 1911
Hogue John 1930
Hoke Edwin Franklin 1920
Holaday Roscoe 1912
Holbrook Martin 1920
Holcomb Earl A. 1928
Holcomb Wilbur A. 1913
Holdeman Frank Eriven 1932
Holden James A. 1917
Holden James W. 1909
Holden Robert G. 1907
Holenberg Ernest P. 1911
Holladay Armand C. 1932 Includes Military Discharge

Hollandsworth Mary Frances 1908
Hollenbeck Fannie 1913
Hollenbeck Matt 1913
Hollenbeck Matt 1913
Hollender George L. 1912
Hollers George C. 1920
Hollers Roy Lee 1927
Hollers Roy Lee 1928
Hollers Sollie E. 1912
Hollers Sollie E. 1920
Hollibaugh Charles T. 1910
Hollibaugh Charles T. 1910
Hollibaugh Clarence G. 1910
Hollibaugh Ralph D. 1902
Hollibaugh Ralph D. 1905
Hollingsworth Jesse B. 1914
Hollingsworth John P. 1916
Hollinrake Henry 1907
Hollinrake John J. 1908
Hollis Thomas 1904
Holloway Albert 1917
Holloway Henry C. 1905
Holloway John F. 1910
Holloway Orville 1910
Hollowey John F. 1910
Holly James F. 1910
Holmes James F. 1910
Holmes Joseph W. 1914
Holmes Orval O. 1910
Holmes Peter C. 1916
Holmes Roy Elwin 1909
Holmes Thomas H. 1913
Holmgren Albert O. 1911
Holton Oscar I. 1909
Holtz Wilhelm 1904 Includes Record of Naturalization

Homan David E. 1916
Homan David G. 1920
Homan Marcus 1911
Homer Belle J. 1903 Includes Military Discharge of Peter Homer

Honeycutt Windell 1928
Honley John Samuel 1929
Hood Fred A. 1907
Hood Fred A. 1913
Hood Levi C. 1905
Hood (Murray) Eva 1903
Hood (Murray) Eva 1906
Hooker Joe 1915
Hooker Joseph 1914
Hooper Alexander A. 1903 INcludes Declaration of Intention

Hooper Clifford L. 1920
Hooper Mary A. 1909
Hoover Fred M. 1909
Hoover Lou C. 1912
Hoover (Chapman) Leonia B. 1909
Hopkins Aubry Earl 1917
Hopkins Charles E. 1902
Hopkins Chester A. 1908
Hopkins David W. 1904
Hopkins Ellmer E. 1909
Hopkins Glenn W. 1913
Hopkins Robert W. 1913
Hopkins Robert W. 1913
Hople John 1913
Hoppe B. Frank 1918
Hoppe Harold Osa 1925
Hopper Leonard 1908 Includes Naturalization Record

Horce Lawrence 1920
Horlacker Calvin G. 1913
Horn Carl 1918
Horn James H. 1911
Horn John H. 1920
Horner Harrison 1904
Horner Herbert A. 1910
Horning King S. 1920
Horr Arthur T. 1908
Horsnell George L. 1907
Horton Enoch R. 1916
Horton Harry V. 1910
Horton Lewis W. 1909
Hoskins Frank H. 1907
Hoskins William E. 1912 Includes Letterhead of F. Gilman & Co.

Hotchkiss Elmer E. 1908
Hough Eva J. 1908
Hough Harry 1912
Hough Harry H. 1912
Hough Lena 1914
Hough Lenna 1914
Hough Nora A. 1905
Houlette Lewis D. 1908
Hourigan William 1904
House Mary E. 1917
Housh Justin R. 1906
Housley Hattie 1901
Houston Phillip M. 1906
Hover Jonathan E. 1912
Hovorka Tracey 1904
Howard Albert J. 1905
Howard Albert J. 1913
Howard Claremont R. 1924
Howard George E. 1906
Howard Henry H. 1910
Howard Henry J. 1911
Howard Henry J. 1911
Howard John H. 1910
Howard John Merle 1920
Howard Mirtie 1911
Howard Oliver S. 1917
Howard Walton C. 1911
Howard Walton C. 1913
Howard William N. 1915
Howard William S. 1908
Howe John 1909
Howell George C. 1911
Howell, Jr. Evan J. 1909
Hower Estella M. 1915
Howerton Lock P. 1907
Howerton Ralph A. 1908
Howlett Alva F. 1910
Howsare Marshall 1910
Hoy Clarence C. 1907
Hoyt Amos W. 1904
Hoyt Charles A. 1923
Hoyt Charles A. 1923
Hoyt Frank 1918
Hoyt Wililam L. 1904
Hoyt William L. 1912
Hrasky Charles 1906
Hubbard Charley A. 1906
Hubbard Emma J. 1903 Includes Certificate of Military Service Of Evan B. Hubbard

Hubbard George E. 1910
Hubbard George E. 1910
Hubbard George E. 1912
Hubbard George E. 1912
Hubbard Harvey L. 1910
Hubbard Hazel E. 1913
Hubbard Hazel E. 1919
Hubbard Henry 1909
Hubbard Henry B. 1910
Hubbard Joseph H. 1912
Hubbard Samuel R. 1917
Hubbell Ella J. 1904
Hubbell M. C. 1909
Hubbell M. C. 1910
Hubbell M. C. 1910
Hubbell M. C. 1910
Hubbell M. C. 1910
Huber Fred 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Huber Fred 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Huber John 1911
Hublits Harvey 1920
Hucke Adam 1900 Includes Record of Naturalization

Hudson Arthur Leon 1920
Hudson Hugh A. 1904
Hudson Wheeler 1927
Huffer John F. 1908
Huffer John F. 1909
Huffman John S. 1904
Huffman John W. 1906
Huffman Lee E. 1911
Hufty Jesse S. 1907
Hufty Olive M. 1909
Hughes Dan W. 1906
Hughes Edgar P. 1904
Hughes Edna 1909
Hughes George L. 1920
Hughes Grover 1910
Hughes Harry 1908
Hughes Harry 1910
Hughes Joseph W. 1902
Hughes Lizzie 1904
Hughes Mary F. 1905
Hughson Clarence C. 1910
Hughson Clarence C. 1911
Huley Clarence Walter 1919
Hulig Twistam H. 1914
Huling George E. 1914
Hull Bert R. 1908
Hull Bert R. 1917 See 18405

Hull Bert R. 1917 See 18407

Hull George M. 1919
Hull Mary E. 1908
Hulme Clarence 1916
Hulse Elija 1904
Hulse Marion S. 1911
Hulshizer Raymond Wilmer 1928
Humbert Earnest Edward 1898
Humbert James 1911 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Hume Harry L. 1910
Hume Harry L. 1911
Hummel Frank 1910
Humphreys Clide E. 1914
Humpreys Grace 1903
Hungerford Ara L. 1910
Hungerford Arah L. 1910 See 11315

Hungerford Arah L. 1910 See 11316

Hungerford Jesse H. 1916
Hungerford Mark D. 1910
Hunsaker Frank E. 1914
Hunsaker Marvin W. 1910
Hunsaker Mary 1907
Hunsaker Mary 1909
Hunsaker Ralph Jay Preston 1905
Hunsaker Thomas E. 1908
Hunt Hayden A. 1906
Hunt John 1912
Hunt John 1912
Hunt Joseph W. 1922
Hunt Philip H. 1918
Hunt William 1908
Hunter Arthur R. 1908
Hunter Clide 1907
Hunter James A. 1908
Hunter James D. 1905
Hunter Myron E. 1928
Hunter Richard C. 1906
Hunzicker Fred S. 1908
Hunzicker Fred Simon 1908
Hunzicker Otto S. 1907
Hupp Jennie L. 1907
Hurch Eleanor 1892
Hurley Margaret 1909
Hurley Timothy 1906 Includes Declaration of Intention

Hurst George M. 1922
Hurst George M. 1928
Husby Ivan Johnson 1910
Huss Frank J. 1914
Hussey Elmer S. 1909
Huston Benjamin 1907
Hutchins Sherman C. 1914
Hutchins WIlson R. 1906
Hutchinson Albert D. 1913
Hutchinson Albert D. 1913
Hutchinson Albert Dever 1920
Hutchinson Charles S. 1906
Hutchinson Frances M. 1914
Hutchinson James 1917
Hutchinson John 1908
Hutchinson Ross 1912
Hutchinson Ross 1913
Hutchinson Stanley R. 1912
Hutchinson Sylvan R. 1920
Hutcinson Frances M. 1914
Hutrim Jacob F. 1904
Hutton Charles W. 1908
Hutton Cora 1911
Huxtable Charles A. 1910
Huxtable Charles A. 1910
Hyde John B. 1911
Hyser Frank 1912
Ibach Arthur E. 1908
Iddings Charles O. 1904
Iddings Frankie 1908
Iddings Laura A. 1907
Imel Isaac N. 1912
Immerzoets Noe 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention of Frederick Fjeld

Inbody Roy M. 1916
Ingersoll Otho A. 1907
Ingles George W. 1920
Ingles William 1908
Inglis Richard N. 1901
Ingraham Mary A. 1904
Ingraham Reginald 1906
Ingram K. Clinton 1920
Insley Sarah F. 1912
Irby Columbus F. 1910
Irby Floyd 1920
Irby James J. 1910
Irby James J. 1911
Irby James J. 1911
Irelan Willima 1906
Ireland Fred M. 1915
Ireland Roy M. 1908
Irons Thomas 1917
Irving Myrtle 1903
Isbell Nathaniel H. 1910
Isbell Nathaniel H. 1910
Isenhour Frank E. 1912
Ishman John William 1904
Israel Frank O. 1906
issack Harry E. 1928
Ivins Orville R. 1904
Ivins (Grover) Myrtle L. 1904
Izer Curtis T. 1907
Jack John 1905
Jacksom Carl F. 1929
Jackson Gertrude 1915
Jackson Howard 1920
Jackson Jessie R. 1920
Jackson John J. 1920 See 19384

Jackson John J. 1920 See 19385

Jackson Louis 1909
Jackson Otto W. 1917
Jackson Richard J. 1928
Jackson Thomas 1912
Jackson Walter H. 1905
Jackson Wiliam B. 1906
Jacobs Charles 1907
Jacobs Edward 1908
Jacobs Harry T. 1920
Jacobs Jacob 1900 Includes Declaration of Intention

Jacobs Jacob 1909 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Jacobs Jacob 1910 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Jacobs John George 1910
Jacobs Julia 1903
Jacobs Phoebe E. 1909
Jacobs William Andy 1909
Jacobs William K. 1906
Jacobson Arnold 1917
Jacobson Marinus 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

Jaeger Henry H. 1920
James Cathrine 1907
James Henry E. 1910
James Louis C. 1909
James Sterling R. 1917
James Thomas J. 1910
James Walter 1908
James William 1920
Jameson Charles C. 1902
Jameson Charles C. 1902
Jameson Charles C. 1902 See 19082

Jameson Charles C. 1902 See 19083

Jameson Charles C. 1908
Jameson Charles C. 1914
Jameson Edward B. 1920
Jameson Effie 1905
Jameson Harry 1909
Jamison John C. 1911
Jancik (Kubo) Barbara C. 1901
Janes Henry H. 1910
Jansen Frank 1923
Jarmon Marcellas 1910
Jarrett Ross R. 1910
Jasperson Olivette 1896
Jeffers Charles W. 1904
Jeffers Glenn 1900
Jeffers Newton V. 1916
Jefferson Frank W. 1916
Jeffords Max A. 1910
Jeffries Moses M. 1909
Jehsen Andrew 1917 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Jellison Bert 908
Jellison Bert 1908
Jellison John 1909
Jellison John 1909 Includes Military Discharge

Jenkinson Jr. G. B. 1932
Jennings Burton C. 1902
Jennings Charlie A. 1909
Jennings Francis M. 1909
Jennings Francis N. 1909
Jennings K.M. 1912
Jensen Amanda N. 1902
Jensen Andrea J. 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

Jensen Andrew E. 1916
Jensen Anton 1908 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Jensen Hans 1919 See 19154

Jensen Hans 1919 See 19155

Jensen James 1903 Includes Declaration of Intention

Jensen John 1910
Jensen Jorgen 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Jensen Marie M. 1912
Jensen Orville Charles 1926
Jensen Peter W. 1903 Includes Declaration of Intention See 115

Jensen Peter W. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention See 113

Jensen Peter W. 1910
Jensen Soren 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Jensen Thomas 1908 Includes Final Certificate of Naturalization

Jenson Walter B. 1917
Jepson' Charles R. 1910
Jesen William P. 1908
Jesse Clara E. 1902 see 1462

Jesse Clara E. 1904 See 1460

Jesse Frank E. 1909
Jesse Frank S. 1919
Jesse James A. 1911
Jesse William H. 1904
Jessup Delia A. 1914
Jessup Frank P. 1909
Jessup James 1907
Jessup James 1916
Jessup James 1919
Jessup James J. 1909
Jira Frank 1907 1

Joder Wilmot D. 1916
Johannsen Charles J. 1928
Johansen Anders C. 1920
Johansen Jacob O. 1920
Johansen Pearl A. 1904
John Clement M. 1919
Johns Alvin D. 1917
Johns Alvin D. 1921
Johns Arthur H. 1907
Johns Ernest E. 1917
Johns Ernest E. 1928
Johns Raymond H. 1910
Johns Roy H. 1919
Johns Theodore 1909
Johnson Adam K. 1904
Johnson Agnes 1904
Johnson Albert Faye 1920
Johnson Albert R. 1910
Johnson Albert S. 1920
Johnson Alfred 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Johnson Alfred 1916
Johnson Alfred N. 1928
Johnson Alvin G. 1908
Johnson Andrew F. 1902
Johnson Andrew N. 1906
Johnson August W. 1920
Johnson Axel T. 1912 Includes Declaration of INtention

Johnson Bror Robert 1916
Johnson Carl V. 1904
Johnson Chris 1902 Includes Declaration of Intention

Johnson Clarence Henry 1918
Johnson Clyde 1912
Johnson D.C. 1933
Johnson Doyle C. 1913
Johnson Edna M. 1908
Johnson Ellen E. 1910
Johnson Ernest George 1916 Includes Declaration of Intention

Johnson Foster 1918
Johnson Francis M. 1905
Johnson Frank L. 1908
Johnson Frank R. 1913
Johnson Frank W. 1907
Johnson Frank W. 1912
Johnson Fred A. 1908
Johnson Fred Hans 1920
Johnson George E. 1916
Johnson Harry 1916
Johnson Hazel L. 1910
Johnson Henning A. 1916
Johnson Ira C. 1910
Johnson Jennings B. 1920
Johnson John A. 1911
Johnson John A. 1947
Johnson John E. 1912 INcludes Naturalization Record

Johnson John E. 1917
Johnson John Emil 1907 Includes Declaration of Intention

Johnson John P. 1913
Johnson John W.E. 1916
Johnson Leroy S. 1917
Johnson Lewis 1904
Johnson Louie 1916
Johnson Louis P. 1920
Johnson Luther R. 1904
Johnson Millard F. 1904
Johnson Morris A. 1911
Johnson Nels A. 1907 Includes Certificate of CItizenship of Father

Johnson Oris 1909
Johnson Oris J. 1909
Johnson Orris J. 1910
Johnson Orris J. 1911
Johnson Oscar D. 1915
Johnson Osce W. 1921 Includes Military Discharge

Johnson Robert 1914
Johnson Rosell 1915
Johnson Rudolph A. 1916
Johnson Sever 1904 Includes Naturalization Papers

Johnson Susie J. 1908
Johnson Theodore A. 1906
Johnson Thomas E. 1909
Johnson Thomas J. 1909
Johnson Victor E. 1906
Johnson Walter L. 1909
Johnson William 1900
Johnson (Hatch) Vinnie M. 1912
Johnson (Roberts) Ella G. 1906
Johnson Jr. Nelson C. 1920
Johnston Clarence E. 1920
Johnston George F. 1910
Johnston George J. 1904
Johnston James L. 1923
Johnston John C. 1908
Johnston Robert C. 1921
Jolliff Logan E. 1920
Jones Archie B. 1916
Jones Archie I. 1912
Jones Carl A. 1900 Includes Declaration of Intention

Jones Charles M. 1917
Jones Charles S. 1916
Jones Clarence P. 1921
Jones Clark W. 1908
Jones Clark W. 1914
Jones Clark W. 1915
Jones Clark W. 1917
Jones Edgar P. 1911
Jones Edward 1912
Jones Evan I. 1909
Jones Evan J. 1908
Jones Frank C. 1907
Jones Fred W. 1908
Jones George 1909
Jones George W. 1869
Jones George W. 1904 Includes Certiifcate of Military Discharge

Jones Glenn E. 1909
Jones Glenn E. 1913
Jones Henry 1909
Jones Henry M. 1923
Jones Howard A.T. 1911
Jones Howard D. 1914
Jones Jerry L. 1910
Jones John H. 1912
Jones John J. 1916
Jones John L.B. 1912
Jones Le Roy 1913
Jones Lee C. 1914
Jones Lemuel 1928
Jones Leslie V. 1907
Jones M. J. 1912
Jones Philip T. 1910
Jones Robert Linus 1932
Jones Russell B. 1928
Jones Samuel W. 1910
Jones Theo. R. 1910
Jones Walter R. 1908
Jones Walter R. 1910
Jones William E. 1912
Joneson John E. 1906 Includes Naturalization Papers of Nils P. Johnson

Joraleman Martha 1900
Jordan Cornelius 1909
Jordan Dan 1908
Jordan Fred D. 1908
Jordan James Ralph 1926
Jordan John C. 1913
Jordan Josiah R. 1908
Jordan Katie A. 1902
Jordan Mary Helen 1930
Jordan Michael Dennis 1905
Jordan Sarah 1911
Jordan William W. 1908
Jordan Willis V. 1916
Jorgensen Hans Jakob 1886
Jorgensen Jens C. 1921 See 20077

Jorgensen Jens C. 1921 See 20089

Jorgensen Jorgen 1911
Jorgenson Carl C. 1920 Entries 19370 - 19373

Jorgenson Carl C. 1920 Entries 19370 - 19373

Jorgenson Carl C. 1920 Entries 19370 - 19373

Jorgenson Carl C. 1920 Entries 19370 - 19373

Joseph George W. 1909
Joseph George W. 1910
Joy Clara E. 1910
Joy Cyrus C. 1906
Joy Cyrus C. 1910
Joy Reuben A. 1908
Joyce Michael 1907 Includes Naturalization Certifiacte

Judd Carl A. 1913
Judd Harold B. 1916
Judd Joseph G. 1906
Judkins William L. 1904
Judkins William L. 1909
Judson Rollin B. 1914
Jump Joseph S. 1931
June Frank 1920
Jungek Charles J. 1907
Jurgens Herman 1916
Jurgens Otto 1909
Jurgensen Max 1913
Kaasch Clara 1914
Kaasch Frank 1914
Kaasch Peter 1914
Kaash Peter 1914
Kadlacek Antone 1900 INcludes Declaration of Intention

Kadlecek Fran 1908
Kadlick Mike 1907
Kaer Kate 1920
Kaer Kate 1929
Kahn Add J. 1905
Kaiser Fred E. 1908
Kaiser Fred E. 1909
Kaldahl William Paulse 1917 Includes Declaration of Intention

Kaldal Karl F. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Kamann Gottfried 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Kamann John H. 1916
Kamerer John L. 1907
Kanaly Laurance A. 1914
Kanaly Lawrence A. 1914
Kane James F. 1905
Kane John H. 1920
Kane Patrick 1900
Kanno Vassel J. 1903
Kaper Joseph 1906 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Kaper Joseph S. 1910
Kapke (Reed) Hannah 1904
Kaplan Frank B. 1915
Karls Robert 1908
Karpf Henry C. 1916
Karpf Louise H. 1910
Kaschke Carl W. 1920 Includes Military Discharge

Kaspar Vaclav 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Kasparek Frank 1908 Includes Declaration of Intentio

Katen John 1909
Kates John 1907
Kates Joseph J. 1917
Kauffman David F. 1907
Kaufman Dennis 1921
Kay Emma Dull 1912
Kay John L. 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Kay John L. 1910
Kay John Long 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Keane Henry S. 1913
Kearby John W. 1923 See 20275

Kearby John W. 1923 See 20276

Kearney Charles M. 1911
Kearns John 1904
Kearns Michael 1909
Kee William M. 1910
Keebaugh Clyde A. 1913
Keebaugh J. Eugene 1910
Keehn Belle 1899
Keel Robert L. 1906
Keel Valonia M. 1920
Keely Avery E. 1910
Keenan George J. 1911
Keenan John J. 1913
Keenan Willima J. 1909
Keenen John J. 1913
Keenen Philip 1909
Keeney Jesse 1908
Keicher Hugh 1916
Keil Mata Alma 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

Keimig Adam 1911
Keimig Anna 1912
Keimig Walter 1913
Keimig Walter 1914
Keimig William 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Keintop William F. 1914
Keiser Louisa O. 1908
Kelby Samuel 1909
Kellam Frank B. 1909
Kellam Frank B. 1910
Keller Alice M. 1904
Keller Joseph E. 1909
Keller William H. 1911
Kelley Charles W. 1907
Kelley Charles W. 1910
Kelley Charles W. 1911
Kelley Charles W. 1911
Kelley Edward F. 1916
Kelley James E. 1918
Kelley John E. 1909
Kelley Thomas 1909
Kellner Edward A. 1911
Kellog C. W. 1926
Kellog Francis I. 1902
Kelly Albert 1910
Kelly John E. 1902
Kelly Thomas R. 1920
Kelly William 1909
Kelly William H. 1919
Kelly William J. 1905
Kelly (Lovekin) Pearl M. 1910
Kelsey George H. 1909
Kelsey James 1906
Kelsey James R. 1927
Kemp Chantal J. 1906
Kemp Francis M. 1910
Kemp Jessie 1912
Kenan Barney Walter 1922
Kendall Guy 1908
Kendrick Eugene C. 1909
Kendrick Henry G. 1901
Kendrick M. Pauline 1915
Kennady Walter L. 1909
Kennedy Earl D. 1909
Kennedy Hugh 1906
Kennedy James M. 1916 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Kennedy James W. 1912
Kennedy John 1907
Kennedy Lawrence A. 1911
Kennedy Nannah 1906
Kennedy Nellie 1907
Kennedy Rollie D. 1905
Kennedy WIlliam H. 1900
Kennedy William 1910
Kensler Albert J. 1910
Kent Ellen 1904
Kent Ellen 1917
Kent James E. 1916
Kent Walter R. 1909
Kent Walter R. 1910
Kenton William J. 1906
Kenyon Charles E. 1916
Kenyon Henry C. 1918
Kenyon John 1908
Kenyon Walter C. 1909
Kepler Silas L. 1928
Keplinger Margaret R. 1909
Keppler Eva 1908 Includes Naturalization Papers of Father

Kercher John H. 1926
Kerr John M. 1908
Kerr Joseph P. 1911
Kerr William H. 1911
Kess Anna B. 1916
Ketcham William E. 1909
Kewer William S. 1912
Key Eliza A. 1900
Kible Bessie I. 1912
Kidd James E. 1918
Kidd Sarah 1916
Kidder Thomas B. 1909
Kieley William 1909
Kientop William F. 1911
Kiester William H. 1910
Kile Joseph S. 1915
Kiley Lilliam M. 1911
Kilgore Delmer L. 1910
Kilgore John B. 1910
Kimberley Alfred H. 1907
Kimberley Cornelia J. 1911
Kinart James William 1930
Kincaid Josephine 1907
Kincaid Josephine 1908
Kincaid Lora 1908
Kincaid Robert E. 1912
Kincaid Robert R. 1910
Kincaid Robert R. 1910
Kincaid Robert R. 1912
Kincaid Sophronia 1910
Kincaid Sophronia 1911
Kindree Joseph W. 1920
Kines Mary 1902
King Asher 1917
King Blanche A. 1912
King Delia L. 1916
King Dorothy Wyeth 1907
King Edward D. 1920
King Elmer F. 1929
King George J. 1909
King John 1901
King John 1911
King John M. 1915
King John M. 1920
King Lawrence e. 1906
King Mac 1917
King Mahala 1902 Includes Certificate of Military Service of Charles H. King

King Mark 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

King Martin 1910
King Oliver C. 1907
King Patrick 1909
King Patrick 1912
King William E. 1909
King William O. 1927
King William Oliver 1921
King (Wyeth) Dorothy 1908
Kingery Alvin W. 1905
Kingery Alvin W. 1912
Kingsley Harvey A. 1930
Kinion May E. 1909
Kinnamon Phillip H. 1913
Kinner John 1901
Kinner John 1904
Kinney Addie 1905
Kinney Addie 1913
Kinney Anna 1904
Kinney Mary E. 1909
Kinney Thomas 1910 Includes Military Discharge

Kinney Thomas F. 1912
Kinsley Ernest 1904
Kinsley Noah J. 1907
Kipp Charles 1912
Kirchner Joe H. 1916
Kirk Scott 1921
Kirlin John S. 1912
Kirlin John S. 1912
Kirsch Frederick D. 1920
Kirschman' George W. 1908
Kiser Foster 1919
Kiser Jesse R. 1905
Kishpaugh Alvie E. 1910
Kisner Floyd A. 1926
Kisner Henry H. 1910
Kissack Harry E. 1928
Kistler Henry 1911
Kistler Henry 1920
Kitchen Margret 1902
Kittel Andrew 1920
Kittell George H. 1909
Kittell Millard J. 1919
Kittleman Garhart 1916
Klabuher Max 1908
Klatt Willie O. 1911
Klawitter Paul 1912
Kleckure William J. 1920
Kleernan Clark 1902
Kleich Emma 1908
Kleich Joseph 1908 Includes Declaration of Intentio

Klein Louis H. 1915
Klemke Metha Martha 1921
Kleutsche Roy B. 1907
Klingman Charles E. 1920
Klingman Lloyd R. 1920
Kloninger Adolph 1920
Knapp Henry 1918
Knapp Henry N. 1906
Knapp Maurice E. 1905
Knapp Richard C. 1915
Knapp Wilbur 1917
Kneisler Andrew C. 1920
Knepper Ruby R. 1909
Kniest Agnes A. 1917
Kniffin Warren G. 1904 Includes Military Discharge Certificate

Knight John W. 1908
Knight Joshua 1913
Knori Samuel 1908 Includes Certificate of Citiizenship

Knori Samuel 1908
Knori Samuel 1909
Knori Samuel 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Knorr Fritz 1916
Knorr Henry 1916
Knotts Louis E. 1910
Knowlton Ira D. 1917
Knox Frank John 1920
Knox WIlliam V. 1909
Knudson Knude B. 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Knudtsen Lars 1909
Knuth Carsten 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

Koch Conrad H. J. 1909
Koch Elmer O. 1920
Koch John Heinrich 1914
Koch Louis 1914
Kochendorfer Gottlob 1914 Includes Declaration of Intention

Koenig Frank H. 1900
Koenig John J. 1909
Koenig John J. 1910
Koenig John J. 1911
Koff Dela R. 1904
Koke Henry 1910
Koke John James 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Koons Eddie C. 1909
Koonts WIley 1908
Kopp Lawrence A. 1908
Korbel Joseph 1905
Kork Frank 1910
Kortz Laura 1910
Kortz Laura I. 1902
Kosack Paul 1911 Includes Naturalization Record

Koske John S. 1914
Kosmicki Thomas J. 1914
Kottal Joseph M. 1917
Kottel Blanche D. 1919
Kovarnik Jacob 1909
Kovarnik John 1904 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Kraft Carl C. 1928
Kraft Emma 1921
Kraft Henry 1913
Kraft Henry 1914
Kraft Mary 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Krajicek Louise 1909
Kral Joseph 1912 Includes Naturalization Record

Krall Joseph 1911 Includes Naturalization Record

Kramann Wilhelmina 1908
Kramer George W. 1908
Krassman Ernest H. 1916
Krause Anna 1910
Krause Herman J. 1908
Krause Herman J. 1909
Krause John H. 1904
Krause John H. 1908
Krause John H. 1915
Krause (Davis) Helen G. 1912
Krauss Fred C. 1916
Krautz Albert L. 1910
Krecji Rose 1908 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Krejci Mary 1908
Kreman Henry 1909 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Kremer John B. 1924
Krenek Norbert A. 1904 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Kretzler Emma 1909
Kreycik James S. 1918
Krickbaum Loyd M. 1922
Kroll Charles F. 1910
Krumm George W. 1908
Krupkenberg Henry W. 1907
Kruse John F. 1903
Kryanowski Anna 1910
Krzyzanowski Anna 1910
Krzyzanowski Seagfread J. 1910
Kubelak Thomas J. 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Kubiak Frank 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

Kubo Bessie L. 1908
Kubo Bessie L. 1908
Kubo Joseph 1910
Kubo Joseph 1910
Kubo Joseph 1910
Kubo Joseph 1911
Kubo Joseph 1911
Kubo Victor 1912
Kuchera Fanny 1908
Kuchera Harry J. 1913
Kuchera Mary 1899 Includes Declaration of Intention

Kucherce Fanny 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Kuhl Albert 1911
Kula Joseph 1911
Kummer Paul James 1921 Includes Military Discharge

Kurth Mary Louisea 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Kushmaul Art G. 1908
Kushmaul Art G. 1908
Kushmaul George 1910
Kuska Emil A. 1910
Kutz Fred 1911
Kyckelhahn Arthur R. 1916
Kynett Margaret A. 1911
La Follette Loyd E. 1909
La Follette Robert N. 1909
La Rue Clyde 1921
Labau Charles H. 1914
Labertew Charles 1911
Lacey Joseph D. 1910
Lacey Joseph D. 1910
Lachmond Paul M. 1901
Lackey Alice A. 1912
Lackey Alice A. 1912
Lackey George 1910
Lackey Hamilton 1908
Lackey Lawrence 1911
Lackey Mary 1911
Lackey Wensel C. 1912
Lacy Sara 1908
Lacy Sara 1911
Lacy William J. 1908 Includes Certificate of Naturalization of Father

LaFevre Alice M. 1905
LaFollette Loyd E. 1909
LaFollette Loyd E. 1909
Lafollette Robert N. 1909
Lake Earl R. 1920
Lake Walter C. 1904
Lakehardt Jossie 1910 See 12287

Lakin Isaac B. 1904
Lamb Herber C. 1916
Lamb Mayme C. 1920 See 19356, 19377

Lamb Mayme C. 1920 See 19356. 19376

Lamb Mayme M. 1920 See 19376, 19377

Lamb Nellie M. 1907
Lamberson Charles E. 1910
Lamberson Lawrence G. 1915
Lamberson Sera S. 1910
Lambert Hezekiah 1903 See 3311

Lambert Hezekiah 1904 See 3310

Lambert Leroy 1916
Lambert Mabel 1906
Lamberton Charles E. 1910
Lambertz Adda L. 1912
Lamm Loretta 1916
Lammers Dora S. 1919 See 19173

Lammers Dora S. 1919 See 19174

Lammert Henry W. 1904
Lammon Glenn E. 1908
Lamont Elmer F. 1912
Lamont Samuel M. 1901
Lamphear Edward m. 1913
Lamphier Clara 1904
Lampke August 1907
Lance Vernon Jacob 1932
Land Earl Pearl 1922
Land William A. 1909
Land William A. 1910
Landes Jr. Russell E. 1923
Landon Nellie M. 1907
Landreth George 1916
Lane James A. 1928
Lane John F. 1907
Lane Martha J. 1912
Lane Nelson B. 1911
Lane Pete 1915
Lanferman Harry T. 1909
Lang Ambrose N. 1905
Lang John 1905
Lang Robert J. 1911
Langdon Anthony E. 1907
Langeheder William 1916
Langehill Archie 1920
Langet (Mudgert) Fyrne 1913
Langford Albert 1911
Langford Bert 1909
Langford Elmer 1911
Langford Mary E. 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Langford Norma E. 1908
Langford Sarah A. 1905
Langholf Edward F. 1909
Langholf Evaline C. 1917
Langholf Evaline C. 1917
Langholf Evaline C. 1920
Langston Daniel M. 1912
Lansberry WIlliam A. 1909
Lapp August 1925
Laravea' Lewis 1911
Larkin John A. 1909
Larkin John B. 1906
Larsen Hans P. 1910
Larsen Louis 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Larsen Lucetta 1909
Larsen Lusetta 1909
Larson Arthur L. 1920
Larson Gus A. 1926
Larson Hans P. 1909
Larson Hilmer N. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Larson Jens 1916
Larson John A. 1912
Larson Lenus C. 1917
Larson Peter 1905 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Lash Charles 1904
Lashley Emma 1902
Late Nelson P. 1912
Late William B. 1911
Latham Arthur Charles 1916
Latham Edwin M. 1909 See 9479

Latham Edwin M. 1909 See 9480

Latham Francis E. 1926
Latta William C. 1908
Lattin Albert H. 1918
Lattin Vernon E. 1924
Laubhan Hannah 1908
Laudrigauz Dennis 1904
Laue John A. 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Laue Pet 1915
Laue Robert 1905
Laue (Bruns) Mary 1914
Laughlin Augustine H. 1909
Laugholf Edward F. 1909
Laughton Charles R. 1912
Lavender Mark C. 1916
Lavezzoli Tony 1920
Lavnbarg Philip S. 1911
Law Thomas 1909
Lawler Elizabeth 1908
Lawler Ray 1904
Lawless John 1918 Prospecting Permit

Lawrence Daniel R. 1913
Lawrence Emery L. 1911
Lawrence Ira J. 1909
Lawrence Jane B. 1912
Lawrence Lester E. 1910
Lawrence Lester E. 1911
Lawrence Lester E. 1911
Lawrence Louie 1919 See 19207

Lawrence Louie 1919 See 19208

Lawrence Pearl 1910
Lawrence Sandy A. 1910
Lawrence William 1910
Lawrence William 1910
Lawrence William E. 1908
Lawrence William E. 1909
Lawson Walter J. 1919
Lawson William M. 1921
Laycock Ralph S. 1905
Laycock Ralph S. 1912
Layne John W. 1907
Leach Andrew 1928
Leach Earnest S. 1909
Leach George C. 1927
Leach Thomas J. 1909
Leach (Jones) Esther F. 1917
Leafgreen Harry A. 1920
Leahy John 1916 Includes Declaration of Intention

Leap Stanley P. 1920
Leary Fred G. 1920
Lease Asher W. 1909
Lease George W. 1910
Leathers John W. 1909
LeBlanc Ernest 1908
LeBlanc Syfroid 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Lebo George A. 1908
Lech Tony 1919
Ledingham William 1916
LeDuc Frank 1911
Lee Clarence M. 1914
Lee Edward F. 1912
Lee Edward Thomas 1919
Lee Ethel 1905
Lee Frank 1906
Lee Frank 1909
Lee Frank 1912
Lee George 1911
Lee George R. 1905
Lee Henry J. 1910
Lee Matilda M. 1916
Lee Robert S. 1919
Lee Roy F. 1920
Lee Walker M. 1913
Lee Walker M. 1913
Lee Willis H. 1921
Lee (Carpenter) Ethel 1911
Lee (Fox) Hattie G. 1912
Leebrick Charles H. 1912
Leech John B. 1916
Leedom Boyd S. 1918
Leeds Mary J. 1902
Leeling Carrie W. 1900
Leeper James M. 1912
Leeper, Jr. Joseph E. 1912
Leetch Evan R. 1932
Leetch Mathew 1927
LeFevre Kate B. 1905
Lefler Charles M. 1916
Lefler Lewis 1907
LeFleur George Henry 1928
Legan Thomas 1900
Leggett James L. 1908
Leggett William F. 1912
Lehman Eles. E. 1920
Lehman George G. 1908
Lehman Nicholaws G. 1911 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Leigh Charley C. 1908
Leinbach Bessie 1907
Leinbach Oliver K. 1907
Leishman Alvin A. 1906
Leistritz Edward V. 1920
Leith Annie E. 1909
Leith Thomas 1908
Lemaine Louis 1908
Lemaster Samuel W. 909
Lembke Nellie G. 1924
Lemley Burnice E. 1911
Lemley David W. 1908
Lemmons Anna 1905
Lemmons Anna 1905
Lemon William N. 1917
Lenehan Delia 1908
Lenehan Edward 1913
Lenehan Edward 1913
Lenhart Paul 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Leonard Alvah E. 1913
Leonard Glenn E. 1914
Leonard Glenn E. 1915
Leonard Jesse Fremont 1922
Leonard Mary O. 1908
Leross Edd S. 1908
LeSage Armand J. 1920
Lester Abraham 1909
Lester Roy E. 1914
Letionois Charles Ernest 1910
Lever Clarence E. 1912
Lever Julian T. 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Levi Elmer H. 1913
Levy Isaac B. 1907
Lewis Albert W. 1915
Lewis Andrew B. 1901
Lewis Arthur 1913
Lewis Basheba 1912
Lewis Basheba 1913
Lewis Burna A. 1919
Lewis Charles E. 1906
Lewis Charles W. 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Lewis Corwin 1909
Lewis Corwin 1909
Lewis Corwin 1910 See 11808

Lewis Corwin 1910 See 11809

Lewis Ella 1904
Lewis Freeman 1905
Lewis Henry E. 1909
Lewis Henry H. 1906
Lewis Henry S. 1906
Lewis Henry S. 1910
Lewis Joseph A. 1912
Lewis Rosa C. 1916
Lewis Tranmar Shelton 1904
Lewis William 1910
Lewton Floris C. 1908
Libby Grace F. 1930
Lichte Henry 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Lichte Hugo 1910
Liddle Roy 1908
Liedtke John M. 1908
Lienbach Maud 1907
Lif Anna E. 1905
Liffick Bert 1921
Lijeberg Swan Walfred 1911 Includes Certificate of Naturalizatioin, See 14138

Lilley Wilford 1901
Lillis Thomas J. 1908
Lilljeberg Swan Walfred 1911 See 14137

Lilly James G. 1908
Lilly Joab 1906
Lilly Samuel C. 1908
Lilybarger Henry 1908
Lincoln Elery R. 1912
Lincoln Elery R. 1914
Lindaman Anna 1904
Lindberg Alfred 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Lindberg Alfred 1910 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Lindeman Daniel W. 1910
Lindemann Harry 1911
Linder Benjamin 1910
Lindgren Herman E. 1908
Lindsey Frank B. 1911
Lindsey Frank B. 1912
Lindsey Frank B. 1914
Linebough Lewis 1916
Linegar Mary 1912
Linegar Walter A. 1911 See 13329

Linegar Walter A. 1911 See 13330

Lingel William P. 1909
Lingel William P. 1909
Linn Willie 1910
Linton Alexander M. 1911
Liptrop George W. 1909
Liska Fannie 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Liska Mary H. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Lisko William W. 1906
Littell Hiram B. 1905
Littlejohn David 1909 Includes Military Discharge of John G. Leisy

Lively Clarence R. 1912
Livingston Earnest 1909
llen Sarah A. 1902
Lloyd Frank 1908
Lloyd Oscar C. 1911
Lochman Alvin 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Lockhart Elizabeth G. 1908
Lofstedt Oscar 1900 Includes Declaration of Intention

Loftus Joseph L. 1908
Logan Clyde 1911
Logan Emmett M. 1913
Logan Frank C. 1915
Logan Frederick P. 1910
Loghry Walter C. 1916
Loghry Walter C. 1916
Loibl Byran J. 1922
Loibl Fred 1916
Loibl Fred 1921
Loibl Max 1909 See 9814

Loibl Max 1909 See 9815

Loiselle Walter E. 1913
Long Harry 1916
Long John G. 1904
Long Oliver W. 1916
Long Robert L. 1911
Longacre Florence 1908
Longacre Walter A. 1908
Longeor Minnie M. Manchester 1904
Longford Albert 1904
Longo Andrew J. 1920
Longtane Philip 1910
Longtire Silver 1920
Lonsdale Thomas H. 1909
Lookhart Elmer 1922
Loomer Sheldon M. 1903
Loomis Clementina 1900
Lord William Ralph 1912
Lorne James 1912
Losey Bessie E. 1909
Losey Bessie E. 1909
Losey William J. 1908
Losinger William A. 1910
Lotspeich Albert M. 1905
Lotspeich Henry A. 1905
Lotspeich Ralph E. 1920
Lotspeich Sophie G. 1911
Lotspeich William E. 1907
Lotspeich William E. 1911
Lotspeich William E. 1912
Lotspeich William E. 1914
Louck Catherine 1922
Loucomer George 1910
Loudern Hannah 1922
Louromer George 1909
Loux Charles 1910
Love Daniel B. 1928
Love Samuel A. 1905
Love Sarah S. 1907
Lovejoy Warren S. 1910
Lovelace Oscar 1916
Lovington Robert L. 1908
Lowe Clark S. 1920
Lowe Claud 1910
Lowe James 1909
Lowe James 1912
Lowe Reuben T. 1913
Lowe Stephen F. 1910
Lower George H. 1910
Lowery Emery C. 1912
Lowery (Curry) Martha M. 1921
Lowhead Orma B. 1909
Lowley Stephen 1904
Lowry James A. 1899
Lowry John K. 1905
Lowry John M. 1904
Lowry Lincoln 1902
Lowry William F. 1910
Luark James T. 1913
Lucky Bennie E. 1920
Lucore George F. 1913
Ludeman Henry 1901
Ludington Robert J. 1926
Luenicka Edward 1906
Luft George B. 1904 Includes Photos

Lugenbeel Maude 1912
Lukehardt Jossie 1910 See 12250

Lukens Alva G. 1922
Lukens George O. 1917
Lukens George O. 1917
Lukens John E. 1908
Lukens John E. 1913
Lukens Mamie 1913
Lulaw John F. 1907
Lullon Macy Y. 1910
Lumley David W. 1909
Lund Charles D. 1913
Lund Daniel 1904
Lund Maria 1913
Lundeen N. Alfred 1912
Lundmark John 1910
Lundmark John 1910 See 10982, 11003

Lundmark John 1910 See 10983, 11003

Lundsgaard Chris R. 1920
Luollen James C. 1910
Lusche Arthur 1916
Luth Vernon C. 1910
Luth Vernon C. 1916
Lutz Dell E. 1910
Lybarger Henry 1910
Lynch George 1913
Lynch James 1901
Lynch Richard 1917
Lyon Ora 1909
Lyon Ora D. 1909
Lyon Oscar D. 1901
Lyon Sylvester C. 1916
Lyon W. Ernest 1905
Lyon Walter W. 1916
Lyon William Howard 1928
Lyons Anna 1909
Lyons Anna 1910
Lyons Benjamin 1911
Lyons Daniel F. 1911
Maack August H. 1903
Maack Carl T. 1909
Maack Edward H. 1909 See 8267

Maack Edward H. 1909 See 8268

Maack John F. 1909
Macarey Leora L. 1903 Includes Military Discharge of Harkew E. Macarary

Macbeth William James 1925 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Macek John F. 1920
Macholan Anna 1903 Includes Declaration of Intention

Mackey Charles M. 1904
Mackey Harry 1904
Mackey Lewis H. 1908
Maconbrey George S. 1907
Macumber George 1909
Macumber Wray 1911
Madden John D. 1909
Madden Mertie L. 1915
Madden Peter 1908
Madden Peter 1907
Madden Peter 1915
Maddox William 1909
Mader August 1904
Mader August 1910
Mader August 1918
Mader Johanna 1905
Mader John J. 1908
Madison Fred 1928
Madison Jamaes C. 1913
Madison James L. 1913
Madison Matt 1904 Includes Final Papers of Naturalization of Father, Niels Madison

Madsen Neils 1907 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Madsen Robert C. 1909
Madura Amiel J. 1906
Magill John A. 1919
Magill John F. 1920
Maguire Dennis 1910
Maguire Hugh 1900 INcludes Declaration of Intention

Maguire John A. 1910
Maguire Peter 1910
Mahan Merle 1916
Mahoney Frank 1904
Maicka Fredericka 1900 Includes Naturalization Record of Father, Louis Maika

Maika Reinhold A. 1909
Mailes Albon Edgar Amos 1910
Mailes Frederick A. 1910
Mailey Perry S. 1908
Main Nelson W. 1899
Mainch Lawrence Earl 1911
Mair Glenn W. 1920
Mair Mary T. 1903
Makinney James 1905
Malek Rudolf 1912
Malek Rudolph 1910
Malek Rudolph 1910
Malek Rudolph 1912
Malek Rudolph 1912 Includes Declaration of Intention

Malkey Sarah Grace 1920
Mallery Bruce 1928
Mallison Joseph 1909
Mallory Charles A. 1915
Malloy Coot C. 1908 Various Entries

Malloy William F. 1909
Malm John 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Malone James A. 1921
Maloon Harvey 1909
Maloski Adolph H. 1907
Malsworth Eugene J. 1912
Malterner Silas N. 1899 See 3690

Malterner Silas N. 1904 See 3689

Manchester Powell G. 1910
Mangan Pat 1908
Manion John J. 1910
Manion William G. 1910
Mann Earl A. 1919
Mann Henrietta J. Judd 1924
Mann John E. 1914
Mann Lydia B. 1913
Mann Mann 1909
Mann Walter L. 1909
Mann Walter L. 1909
Manning James E. 1920
Manning Minnie B. 1910
Manning Patrick H. 1909
Manning Patrick Henry 1909
Manning William J. 1908
Manning William J. 1908
Maple Grover C. 1908
Mapps James W. 1910
Marble James T. 1909
Marbut Thomas Fiske 1920
March Fred Leslie 1928
Marchant Albert 1929
Marchant Albert 1919 See 18645

Marchant Albert 1919 See 18649

Marchant Bertha 1909
Marchbanks Levica 1902 Includes Military Record Of Nimrod Marchbanks

Marcus William 1905
Marcus L. Gettes Marcus L. 1908
Marcy Clarence S. 1908
Marcy Ida I. 1908
Marcy Sr. Orrin J. 1908
Margel (Kimberley) Sarah 1907
Margrave Anna 1901
Margrave Charles J. 1911
Margrave Charles T. 1910
Margrave Charles T. 1911
Margrave John H. 1901
Margrave John W. 1904
Margrave Nancy E. 1911
Margrave William C. 1916
Margraves William C. 1918
Marion Frank W. 1908
Mark Elbridge D. 1932
Mark George 1912
Mark George 1912
Markham John R. 1910
Marking John 1913
Marlatt Glen LeRoy 1920
Marlatt Ira Everett 1920
Marlatt Wilson H. 1926
Marlin John C. 1910
Marlin Otis F. 1906
Marlin William 1909
Marlin William 1909
Marlin William 1910
Marn Ross O. 1921
Marquis Roy 1907
Marrill Orlando E. 1907
Marsh Arthur 1916
Marsh Elmer A. 1910
Marsh Elmer L. 1908
Marsh Francis 1912
Marsh Fred L. 1924
Marsh Fred Leslie 1920
Marsh Loyd E. 1910
Marsh Myrta E. 1912
Marsh Ola 1907
Marsh Thurman L. 1916
Marsh William C. 1916
Marshall J. LeRoy 1916
Marshall John W. 1913
Marshall Morris E. 1910
Marshall Walter J. 1920
Marshman Richard E. 1920
Mart Maud E. 1914
Martens Earnest 1911
Martens Ernest 1911
Martens Wilhelm 1906 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Martens Wilhelm 1913 Includes Certificate of Naturalizatioin

Martens William L. 1916 Includes Naturalization Record of Wilhelm Martens, Father

Martin Charles M. 1905
Martin Claude 1914
Martin Frank J. 1909
Martin Frederick 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Martin Henry G. 1912
Martin I. Truman 1905
Martin John 1909
Martin John B. 1910
Martin John Franklin 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Martin John S. 1910
Martin Joseph 1908
Martin Melvin Blake 1926 See 20734

Martin Melvin Blake 1926 See 20735

Martin Samuel 1917
Martin Walter 1908
Martin Walter 1910
Martin Walter D. 1920
Martin William 1908
Martin William A. 1906 See 8718

Martin William A. 1909 See 8719

Martindale Daniel J. 1906
Martindale George 1906 See 592

Martindale George 1908 See 590

Martindale Jessie Earnest 1909
Martindale Lenna Ellen 1909
Martindale Ora 1910
Martinson Charle 1907
Marts John C. 1911
Marts McClellan 1909
Martway Frank 1909
Maryott Frank R. 1909
Maryott Frank R. 1910
Maryott Frank R. 1915
Maryott Frank R. 1915
Maryott Miles J. 1911
Maryweather Moses W. 1905
Masek Joe 1919
Masek Rudolph 1912
Mashek James 1908
Mason Claire E. 1911
Mason Edward 1912
Mason Estella C. 1904
Mason Fred D. 1910
Mason James T. 1911
Mason John Frederick 1922 Includes Declaration of Intention See 20227

Mason John Frederick 1922 See 20226

Mason Lillian B. 1904
Mason Lillian B. 1911 See 13270

Mason Lillian B. 1911 See 13271

Mason William 1905
Mason (Sundstrom) Victoria 1910
Massey Elizabeth 1902
Massey Samuel T. 1916
Masteller Edd B. 1917
Masters Clarence E. 1904
Masterson Albert F. 1905
Mastrude Eda 1909
Mastrude Rudolph O. 1907
Matejka John 1909 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Mathers Albert N. 1910
Mathews Charles T. 1911
Mathews Charles W. 1912
Mathews Charles W. 1914
Mathews Clarence E. 1914
Mathews Cora B. 1905
Mathews David N. 1910
Mathews David N. 1911
Mathews Eugene 1908
Mathews James 1904
Mathews Thomas G. 1908
Mathews Vernon A. 1903
Mathson Matt 1909
Matsen William H. 1907
Mattingly Ellsworth A. 1909
Mattingly Roe 1910
Mattingly Roe 1910
Mauk Edward W. 1908
Mauk Edward W. 1909
Mauk Hugh F. 1909
Mauk John H. 1909
Mauk Lulu M. 1909
Maupin Elwood Forest 1920
Mawdsley William 1922
Maxfield Deborah 1902
Maxfield John Clyde 1921 See 20073

Maxfield John Clyde 1921 See 20074

Maxson Lyle E. 1915
Maxwell Benton 1928
May Frank A. 1916
May Fred W. 1928
May Joseph H. 1908
May Walter 1904
Mayer August 1906 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Mayer Ross H. 1909
Mayfield Frank 1904
Maynard Alexander G. 1907
Maynard (Wilcox) May 1912
Mayo Charles P. 1904
Mayoue Joseph 1908
McAleer James W. 1909
McAllister Blanche 1910
McAllister Edith 1907
McAndrew Mary L. 1908
McAninch Harry E. 1916
McArtee Carl G. 1910
McBall William 1910
Mcbeth Frank 1912
McBride Charles M. 1906
McCabe Frederick A. 1910
McCabe Frederick A. 1911
McCabe Frederick A. 1912
McCabe Fredrick A. 1911
McCabe Fredrick A. 1911
McCabe Fredrick A. 1911
McCaffree Harry A. 1916
McCain William M. 1914
McCall Bell 1908
McCall Jenas V. 1920
McCall Myrtle G. and Harry O 1910
McCall Zenas V. 1912
McCandless Harry P. 1920
McCandless Raymond B. 1920
McCann Henry 1911
McCann James 1907 Inlcudes Certificate of Citizenship

McCann Philip 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

McCann William H. 1913
McCarney Tillman 1919
McCarthy Charles S. 1909
McCarthy Charles Stewart 1907
McCarthy John M. 1920
McCartney Edward A. 1909
McCarty Ed 1907
McCarty Edith B. 1913
McCarty Edna P. 1913
McCarty Nelson C. 1914
McCarty Norris 1907
McCarty Norris 1910
McCarty Ruth A. 1914
McCarty Ruth A. 1915
McCarty William E. 1911
McCarty William E. 1913
McCaulay George 1916
McClarey James A. 1910
McClarey James A. 1910
McClarey James A. 1910
McClellan William 1909 Includes Certificate of Naturalizaiton

McClelland Elmer E. 1928
McClintic Charlie E. 1908
McCluskey Roy A. 1916
McCollom Charles L. 1910
McCollough Herbert J. 1899
McCollough William S. 1916
McCombs Edward 1909
McComsey Corance N. 1907
McComsey Ida E. 1909
McComsey Ida E. 1910
McComsey John F. 1910
McConahy Floyd 1911
McConkey Alfred R. 1911
McConnell John F. 1908
McConnell John F. 1908
McConnell John F. 1909
McCool Keith 1911
McCool Robert E. 1911
McCorkle Mathew S. 2908
McCorkle Vasco Young 1909
McCormack George W. 1908
McCormick Charlotte L. 1910
McCormick John F. 1912
McCormick Sam 1913
McCormick Vera 1917
McCormick WIlliam P. 1904
McCowen Charles D. 1909
McCOy Fannie 1904
McCoy Arthur Guy 1912
McCoy Elmer M. 1916
McCoy Stanley O. 1920
McCracken Elizabeth J. 1927 See 20871

McCracken Elizabeth J. 1927 See 20885

McCracken Forest 1909
McCrady Lulu 1911
McCray Austin H. 1907
McCray Milton E. 1917
McCreary Adelaide G. 1909
McCrory William N. 1920
McCue Albert F. 1913
McCue Albert F. 1913
McCullom Hugh G. 1908
McCullough David R. 1916
McCullough John 1926
McCullough Margaret E. 1912
McCullough Margaret E. 1916
McCullough William S. 1916
McCully Clyde W. 1928
McCumber Wray 1912
McCurdy Oscar K. 1910
McDerby Floyd O. 1909
McDermet Ralph B. 1928
McDermott Mary A. 1916
McDonald James A. 1908
McDonald John A. 1901
McDonald John A. 1904
McDonald John J. 1909 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

McDonald John L. 1923
McDonald Joseph V. 1916
McDonald Merrill E. 1916
McDonald William W. 1918
McDonough James P. 1909
McDonough Mamie 1904
McDowell Earl 1919
McDowell Milton B. 1920
McDowell Milton B. 1923
McDowell Milton F. 1920
McDowell Mina O. 1912
McDowell Thomas 1917
McElhaney George n. 1914
McElroy James H. 1918
McElvain Nancy J. 1905
McEndree David L. 1912
McFadden James 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

McFall Frank 1911
McFarland Ann 1905
McFarland JOhn 1904
McFarland John 1911
McFarland John 1912
McFarland Lloyd M. 1911
McFarland Milton Henry 1919
McFarland William P. 1904
McFarlin Bennett S. 1908
McFarlin Bennett S. 1908
McFeron Clarence A. 1904
McFeron Hattie C. 1915
McFeron James L. 1908
McGannon David 1904 Includes Declaration of INtention

McGathy John W. 1901
McGee Harry Raymnd 1932
McGee Mable 1909
McGee Mable 1909 See 8734

McGee Mable 1909 See 8735

McGill George B. J. 1908
McGinley William J. 1919
McGinnis Frances E. 1912
McGinnis Frank 1912
McGinnis William C. 1925
McGinnis (Suiter) Ato 1912
McGlenn James L. 1910
McGonigle McB. 1908
McGowen Martin F. 1911
McGrath Mike 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

McGraw Clarence F. 1913
McGraw Rebecca E. 1908
McGregor John M. 1912
McGrew Charlie H. 1907
McGuire Charles F. 1922
McGuire Edgar 1909
McHenry Bert 1904
McHowe Asa M. 1908
McIlvain Daniel V. 1909
McIntire Edna M. 1900
McIntosh James H. 1910
McIntosh John Andrew 1931
McIntosh (Marls) Emily E. 1914
McIntyre Barbara 1902
McIntyre Catherine 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

McIntyre Henry 1910
McIntyre James E. 1903
McIntyre James J. 909
McIntyre Lee 1910
McKee Gardner 1899
McKee John W. 1908
Mckee Leslie 1914
McKelore James 1910
McKelvey Emma A. 1904
McKelvey Mary 1910
McKelvie James 1912
McKelvie James 1913
McKeon Allen Jay 1900
McKibber Clement C. 1917
McKibleen Ralph Jay Preston 1909
McKillip Crystal 1922
McKinney Alexander 1904
McKinney Walter H. 1916
Mckinney Elmer 1905
McKinnon Haarry O. 1918
Mckinnon Anna 1900
Mckinnon Norman M. 1914
McLain Fred S. 1909 See 10089

McLain Fred S. 1909 See 10090

McLain Howard P. 1909
McLaine Albert L. 1917
McLane Frank W. 1909
McLane George 1906
McLarey James A. 1909
McLarey James A. 1910
McLaughlin Albert C. 1911
McLaughlin Alfred C. 1922
McLaughlin Alfred C. 1924
McLaughlin Charles F. 1909
McLaughlin John Williams 1910
McLaughlin Lee V. 1922
McLaughlin Malachi 1921 See 20045

McLaughlin Malachi 1921 See 20052

McLaughlin Malachi 1922
McLaughlin William 1911
McLaughlin' Lee 1907
McLean John W. 1928
McLean William H. 1920
McLeod Susie p. 1912
McMahon (Nolte) Amanda 1909
McMans Joseph R. 1912
McManus Francis W. 1912
McMaster Daniel R. 1908
McMillan Charles 1926
McMillan Joe 1912
McMillan John Archie 1910
McMillan Mernie 1908
McMillen Andrew J. 1917
McMullin Patrick 1913
McNamara Henry d. 1913
McNamee Claude H. 1919
McNeal John 1902
McNeal Maxine M. 1917
McNeal Virgil LeRoy 1920
McNees Arthur R. 1912
McNeil Angus 1900 Includes Declaration of Intention

McNeish George 1901
McNulty Edward J. 1928
McPankey Alfred R. 1911
McPherson Elzy M. 1914
McPherson Elzy M. 1914
McPherson Elzy M. 1915
McPherson Harry W. 1907
McPherson Mary A. 1925
McQueen Clarence A. 1908 \

McQueen Clarence E. 1909
McQueen Norman 1910
McQueen Robert R. 1907
McQueen William B. 1900 INcludes Certificate of Citizenship

McRae William F. 1914
Mcreary Frank A.. 1909 See 8796

Mcreary James C. 1909 See 8799

Mcreary James C. 1909 See 8799

McVay George W. 1908
Mead Alda I. 1912
Mead William T. 1911
Meade Thomas 1905
Meahls Carl H. 1912
Mears (Russell) Edith 1910
Mechler William 1911
Mechler William 1913
Meckem Anton 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Meckem Anton J. 1900
Meckem Anton J. 1910
Meckem Anton S. 1908
Meckem John 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Meckerron (Westover) Alice V. 1910
Mecum Daniel 1921
Medaris Charles R. 1910
Meechem Adam J. 1909
Meeds Manfred Francis 1903
Meeds Oliver 1904
Meehan William H. 1919
Meehan William H. 1919
Meek Charles H. 1910
Meek Clarence C. 1909
Meek Clarence E. 1909
Meek Davis S. 1914
Meek Roy C. 1919
Meeker Ivor 1920
Meguete Henry 1910
Meier Edward G. 1912
Meier Edward G. 1912
Meier Edward J. 1916
Meier Gottfried 1912 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Meier Walter W. 1920
Meier Walter W. 1928
Meiklejohn Darwin E. 1910
Meinig Wihlemine 1906 Includes Declaration of Intention

Meints John 1898
Meis Clinton 1906
Melious Edna 1908
Melius Fred L. 1905
Melius Harry D. 1908
Melius Helen 1900
Melton Byrd A. 1919 See 19212

Melton Byrd A. 1919 See 19213

Melvin Elmer 1901
Melvin George E. 1908
Melvin Isaac E. 1915
Mendenhall Nels 1919 See 18685

Mendenhall Nels 1919 See 18692

Mendenhall William H. 1909
Mercer Walter L. 1908
Mercer Walter L. 1909
Merchant Wallace 1909
Meredith George A. 1904
Meredith Nettie A. 1909
Merk Henry 1910
Merman Lawrence W. 1920
Merow Louis N. 1908
Merriam James G. 1916
Merrihew William E. 1910
Merrill Henry R. 1910
Merriman Halsey C. 1895
Merritt Fred H. 1908
Merritt Wilber F. 1905
Messenger Wallace 1905
Messersmith Frank E. 1926
Messersmith George W. 1917
Metcalf Clarence E. 1912
Meth Orval W. 1926
Mets Victor 1917
Metz George A. 1908
Metz John A. 1908
Metzger William A. 1918 See 19062

Metzger William A. 1918 See 19063

Metzler Albert R. 1914
Meyer Earl L. 1920
Meyer Frank L. 1905
Meyer Henry 1907
Meyer John F. 1904
Meyers Frank 1909
Meyers James V. 1910
Meyers Lincoln 1909
Meyers Theodore W. 1915
Meyers Thomas 1908
Meyers William N. 1912
Michael John S. 1912
Michaelson Oscar M. 1905
Michalski Minna T. 1900 Includes Declaration of Intention

Micheel Harry W. 1919
Michel Elizabeth 1911
Michel Ernest G. 1912
Michelson Nels 1910
Michelson Nels 1910
Michener William A. 1910
Middlestaadt (Brubaker) Mary 1915
Middleton Charles S. 1909
Middleton Clair F. 1913
Middleton Clair F. 1915
Middleton George W. 1909
Middleton George W. 1909
Middleton George W. 1909
Middleton George W. 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Miers Bert 1910
Miers Bert 1910
Miesch Ernst K. 1906
Mikklesen Jens 1908
Milan Herbert E. 1920
Miledge Aaron 1910
Miler Alva 1914
Milhalm Albert N. 1917
Milican Sherman 1909
Millard Edgar B. 1919
Millard Ferris R. 1919
Miller Albert L. 1910
Miller Anna M. 1906
Miller Benjamin F. 1914
Miller Benjamin L. 1909
Miller Charles A. 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Miller Charles F. 1908
Miller Charles F. 1909
Miller Charles H. 1905
Miller Charles R. 1918
Miller Clarence F. 1918
Miller Earle M. 1928
Miller Ed 1909
Miller Elmer S. 1916
Miller Emanuel J. 1909
Miller Fred L. 1917
Miller George J. 1922
Miller Gertrude Jaustus 1903
Miller Glen 1918
Miller Guy W. 1910
Miller Harley L. 1920
Miller Harrison 1920 See 19524, 19525

Miller Harrison 1920 See 19524, 19526

Miller Harrison 1920 See 19525,19526

Miller Harry C. 1908
Miller Harry L. 1908
Miller Henry Edgar 1917
Miller Herman 1930 Includes Record of Naturalization

Miller Jacob M. 1905
Miller James Walter 1928
Miller Jens H. 1916
Miller Jerome 1910
Miller Jesse M. 1906
Miller John F. 1909
Miller John G. 1929
Miller Joseph L. 1910
Miller Joseph L. 1910
Miller Joseph L. 1910
Miller Joseph L. 1910
Miller Julian L. 1921
Miller Lawrence 1912 Includes Declaration of Intention

Miller Lester C. 1909
Miller Lester C. 1909
Miller Lester C. 1910
Miller Luella 1910
Miller Manley M. 1917
Miller Mary A. 1910
Miller Mary M. 1903 Includes Military Discharge of Peter Miller

Miller Minerva 1909
Miller Niels P. 1920
Miller Otto 1907
Miller Ralph A. 1907
Miller Ray W. 1920
Miller Robert W. 1909
Miller True 1904
Miller True 1910
Miller True 1913
Miller WIlliam F. 1908
Miller Walter H. 1907
Miller Warren A. 1909
Miller William Anthony 1919 See 19106

Miller William Anthony 1919 See 19107

Miller William S. 1910
Miller Worth M. 1912
Miller Sr. Herbert A. 1907
Millett James A. 1908
Millett Stephen C. 1907
Millett Jr. James A. 1911
Millhouse Clarence F. 1921
Milligan Austin E. 1914
Milliken George L. 1901
Million John 1910
Million John O. 1911
Mills Boyd P. 1907
Mills Carl C. 1921 See 20095

Mills Carl C. 1921 See 20096

Mills Ernest W. 1912
Mills Frank F. 1909
Mills Ira 1919
Mills James H. 1907
Milmine Edward K. 1924
Milnes Charles H. 1908
Miner George 1923
Mines James W.L. 1909
Minnick WIlliam 1917 See 18316

Minnick William 1917 See 18315

Minor Walter L. 1909
Minshall Jess 1901
Mischke Frank T. 1913
Mishler Jacob L. 1907
Mitchell Charles C. 1904
Mitchell Charles C. 1911
Mitchell Charles E. 1917
Mitchell Frank P. 1911
Mitchell Jennie V. 1914
Mitchell John 1904
Mitchell John R. 1909
Mitchell John S. 1908
Mitchell Robert H. 1922
Mitshew Retta 1904
Mittau Asa H. 1908
Mitton Edward W. 1908
Mitton Edward W. 1908
Mitton Edward W. 1909
Mitton Elmer A. 1908
Mizell William R. 1913
Mizner Jess 1911
Modesitt Carl L. 1913
Modesitt Carl L. 1929
Modisett Ai. M. 1907
Modisett Albert R. 1911
Modisett Albert R. 1913
Modisett Albert R. 1914
Modisett Albert R. 1916
Moe William E. 1909
Mohney Fairy A. 1910
Mohr Ernest 1920
Mohr Francis M. 1920
Mohr Fritz 1902 Includes Declaration of Intention

Moline Alfred 1909
Molking George A. 1902
Moll Nettie L. 1918
Mollring Clemence W. 1900
Mollring Edward D. 1898
Monahan William J. 1930
Monette Melvin H. 1904
Mong Leslie H. 1921
Mong Montgomery 1916
Mong Ray E. 1920
Mong William 1916
Mong William 1927
Monnich Gerhard 1910
Monnier George H. 1920
Monroe Clarence D. 1909
Monroe Frank D. 1908
Monroe Sarah S. 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Husband, Francis H. Monroe

Monsen George S. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Montague Isaac 1910
Montgomery Edward Leo 1923
Montgomery John F. 1904
Montgomery William 1907
Montgomery William W. 1910
Montmorency Frederick Luther 1920
Montz Martin 1908
Moody TOm 1909
Moomaus Leonidas Austin 1909
Moon Effie M. 1909
Moon George H. 1912
Mooney Frank D. 1909
Mooney Jack 1908
Mooney James S. 1908
Mooney William Oscar 1926
Mooney William Oscar 1927
Moore Albert C. 1909
Moore Alphonsus I. 1909
Moore Alphonsus I. 1910
Moore Anna B. 1905
Moore Bertha 1908
Moore Clarence E. 1911
Moore Clarence E. 1912
Moore Dewey 1919
Moore Georgia A. 1904
Moore Harry Francis 1921
Moore Harry S. 1904
Moore Herman W. 1912
Moore James C. 1908
Moore James T. 1908
Moore Jesse L. 1926
Moore John L. 1908
Moore Lee 1913
Moore Mary T. 1908
Moore Oscar 1916
Moore Roy E. 1919
Moore Ruby P. 1915
Moore Stuart B. 1908
Moore Stuart B. 1910
Moore Walter R. 1923
Moore William E. 1914
Mooseau Louis N. 1892
Moran Bert J. 1905
Moran Bertha 1906
Moran F. John 1910
Moran Hugh 1910
Moran Hugh 1910
Moran John 1910 See 13143, 13903

Moran John 1911
Moran Nellie 1907
Moran Nellie 1918
Moran Patrick 1922
Morava Anthony 1907
Moravek Anna 1909
Moravek Henry W. 1909
Morehead Jerry A. 1905
Morey James O. 1927
Morey Philo H. 1910
Morford John T. 1905
Morgan Anna T. 1910
Morgan Benjamin F. 1907
Morgan Charles H. 1910
Morgan Clarence E. 1911
Morgan Criss M. 1906
Morgan Criss M. 1914
Morgan Dan K. 1917
Morgan Eugene 1914
Morgan George E. 1909
Morgan Joel R. 1908
Morgan Joel R. 1912
Morgan Joseph Hobart 1920
Morgan Lewis 1932
Morgan Lydia T. 1903 Includes Military Discharge of Edwin W. Morgan

Morgan Martha A. 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Richard Morgan

Morgan Mathew A. 1915
Morgan Sylvester E. 1909
Morgan Walter L. 1912
Morgan William Edward 1929
Morgan William H. 1911
Morgan William R. 1907
Moria John W. 1909
Morley' Lewis N. 1909
Morrell Emmanuel 1911
Morrill Frederick 1908
Morris Benjamin F. 1916
Morris Benjamin V. 1908
Morris Charles W. 1914
Morris Clyde E. 1912
Morris Edward 1909
Morris Francis M. 1908
Morris Francis M. 1908
Morris John 1904
Morris Thomas H. 1910
Morris Thomas T. 1911
Morris William 1910
Morrison Ernest A. 1908
Morrison James 1908
Morrison John W. 1912
Morrison Ralph 1920
Morrison Samuel E. 1917
Morrison Virginia L. 1908
Morrissey James Phillip 1920
Morrissy Isabell E. 1903 Includes Decaration of Intention

Morrissy Will 1903
Morrow Anna 1912
Morrow Lavinia 1912
Morrow Thomas 1912
Morrow William 1912
Morrow William 1916
Morse Charles N. 1905
Morten Bruce B. 1917
Mortion James E. 1908
Mortman John 1908
Morton Clark H. 1913
Morton Frank I. 1908
Morton John W. 1907
Morton William 1910
Moscrip Max 1920
Moseley John 1908
Moseley John 1909
Mosely George M. 1910
Moser Anthony 1922 See 20168

Moser Anthony 1922 See 20172

Moses Paul R. 1898
Mosher Philip 1918
Mosier Guy Alfa 1910
Mosier John W. 1910
Mosler Christian P. 1904
Moss Benjamin 1913
Moss Roy P. 1917
Moss Wesley 1910
Moss William G. 1925
Mosser John W. 1908
Mosser John W. 1908
Mottscshall Beryl 1916
Moulton Abra W. 1901
Moulton Arba W. 1907
Mount William 1910
Mounts Laura E. 1916
Mourer Samuel A. 1913
Mourer Valentine F. 1914
Mowry Bert J. 1910
Moyer Harry L. 1910
Moyer Lulu E. 1909
Moyer Lulu E. 1909
Moyer Torrence Calvin 1920
Mracek Louisa 1904
Mracek Louisa 1912
Mranek Charles 1908
Mudge Blanche 1905
Mudge Dewitt E. 1906
Mudge Orville 1912
Mueller Joseph 1906 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Mueller Louis 1920
Muellers Bernard J. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Muhr John L. 1904
Muhr Verda L. 1914
Muhr Walter A. 1913
Mulcahey Francis 1904
Mullen James 1909
Mullen James C. 1910
Mullen Mayme 1910
Muller Franz J. 1909
Mullis Glenn L. 1909
Mulloy Coote C. 1900 See 7581

Mulloy Coote C. 1904
Mulloy Coote C. 1904 See 7854

Mulloy Coote C. 1909
Mulloy Coote C. 1910
Mulloy Eleanor Arabella 1910
Mulloy Francis C. 1910
Mulloy Mary A. 1910
Mulloy Robert K. 1909
Mulloy, Jr. Coote C. 1904
Munkres Alice 1903
Munkres Ira Thomas 1902
Munkres Ralph 1911
Munn Charales 1914
Munroe Edward F. 1908
Munroe George A. 1909
Munson Frank 1904
Munson Samuel C. 1907
Murdock Charles 1910
Murdock Katie 1908
Murphy Alvah W. 1912
Murphy Clara R. 1903
Murphy Daniel A. 1908
Murphy Dennis 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Murphy Earl J. 1914
Murphy Frank 1910
Murphy James P. 1910
Murphy James P. 1910
Murphy James T. 1918
Murphy Kate M. 1898
Murphy Leonard 1911
Murphy Luther 1910
Murphy Maggie 1912
Murphy Maggie J. 1909
Murphy WIlliam J. 1920
Murphy William H. 1906
Murray John 1910
Murray John 1910
Murray Kate 1910
Murray Mark R. 1916
Murray Michael 1908
Murray Robert B. 1916
Musfelt John 1918
Musfelt John 1923
Musil Edward E. 1904
Musolf Herman W. 1920
Musser L. B. 1912
Mutchile Clarence E. 1920
Muth George 1919
Mutz Joseph B. 1908
Muzzey Alvah W. 1912
Myers Albert S. 1909
Myers Archie Z. 1917
Myers Archie Z. 1928
Myers Ernest G. 1912
Myers Homer S. 1917
Myers James V. 1906 See 3104

Myers James V. 1906 See 3105

Myffeler (Robins) Fern 1907
Myrick Harvey E. 1927
Nagle Janos F. 1910
Nagle Nora A. 1908
Nagle William S. 1910
Nagle William S. 1913
Nakuda Annie 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Nash Otto 1912
Naslund Ralph O. 1920
Nass Clarence M. 1913
Nation Dave 1910
Nation Earl D. 1910
Nation Edgar M. 1915
Nation Jeff D. 1914
Naviaux WIlliam A. 1909
Neeland Esther J. 1905
Neff B. Landis 1902
Neighbors Thomas F. 1920
Neill Anna Mary 1915
Neill Ben E. 1909
Nejezchleba Josep 1916
Nelligan John 1905
Nelson Amos W. 1909
Nelson Fred 1908
Nelson Harry 1911
Nelson James 1909
Nelson Marie 1910
Nelson Maurice A. 1920
Nelson Nels C. 1909
Nelson Ole 1912
Nelson Oscar C. 1912
Nelson Oscar E. 1928
Nelson Oscar E. 1932
Nelson Roy H. 1923
Nelson Susan J. 1908
Nelson Susan J. 1916
Nelson Sylvia 1912
Nelson Theo L. 1928
Nelson Theodore W. 1916
Nelson Walter C. 1920
Nerud Joseph 1909
Nerud Joseph R. 1911
Nesbit John F. 1916
Neterval Frank J. 1911
Nettleton William C. 1908
Neville Henry W. 1910
New Ethel N. 1900
New Fred 1900
Newberry Chenia A. 1913
Newberry Joseph H. 1906
Newbigging John Thomas 1920
Newbold Clarence R. 1912
Newbrough Samuel A. 1917
Newby Harry W. 1911
Newby Harry W. 1911
Newby Harry W. 1913
Newcomb Edwin P. 1909
Newcomb Edwin P. 1909
Newcomb Horatio G. 1903
Newell Fred 1908
Newell Fred 1911
Newell Fred 1912
Newell James W. 1904
Newell Lewis E. 1928
Newell WIlliam D. 1921
Newell WIlliam D. 1922
Newell William W. 1914
Newell (Stewart) Mabel E. 1911
Newkirk James Rhiley 1907
Newman Grace S. 1929
Newman Hattie B. 1908
Newman Joy 1908
Newton George P. 1920
Newton Howard D. 1917
Newton John 1909
Newton Kate E. 1910
Newton Lucius T. 1911 Includes Department of Interior Circular No. 224

Newton Ray 1908
Newton Rose E. 1909
Newton William H. 1909
Newton William H. 1910
Nichols Fred E. 1908
Nichols Oscar E. 1911
Nichols (Baxter) Etta M. 1912
Nicholson Alvin W. 1909
Nicholson Alvin W. 1911
Nicholson Alvin W. 1912
Nicholson Everett 1928 See 21148

Nicholson Everett 1928 See 21151

Nicholson James H. 1912
Nicholson WIlliam S. 1909
Nicholson William S. 1909
Nicholson William S. 1914
Nickell Arthur 1912
Nickle George A. 1911
Nickle George A. 1912
Nicola Amos Z. 1910
Nicola Amos Z. 1910
Nicola Amos Z. 1912
Nicola Benjamin 1911
Nicola Zalmon 1906
Niehus Henry 1907 Includes Naturalization Papers

Niehus Henry 1913 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Niehus Hilda T.K. 1907
Nielsen George L. 1926
Nielsen George L. 1927
Nielsen Jens Christian 1933
Nielson Jacob Johannes 1912
Nielson Jens P. 1914
Nielson John N. 1908
Niemann Herman 1912 Includes Declaration of Intention

Niethmann Sarah 1909
Nietmann Louis W. 1909
Nighswonger James Earl 1911
Nihswonger Harvey L. 1908
Niles William C. 1920
Nilson Ellen 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Noab Walter L. 1920
Noble ALexander M. 1908
Noble Alexander M. 1906
Noble Edgar L. 1914
Noble Edgar L. 1919
Noble Ida B. 1908
Noble John H. 1915
Noble John H. 1922
Noble Vinson 1914
Noe R. D. 1908
Noe WIllie C. 1915
Noe Willie C. 1915
Noetzelmann Amy 1927
Nolan James 1904
Nolan John 1909
Nolan John E. 1920
Nolan Michael D. 1920
Nolan Nora B. 1907
Noland Orlina W. 1910
Nolte Amanda 1908
Nolte Emma 1905
Nolte Emma 1909
Nolte Emma 1909
Nolte Henry A. 1903
Noonan Charles E. 1908
Noonan John 1906
Noonan Nelson H. 1909
Noonan Nelson H. 1910
Norbeck Esther 1912 See 15023

Norden Albert 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Nordin Nellie 1917
Nordin Peter 1908 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Nordin Peter 1909 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Nordvik Sigvald 1910
Noreisch Gustav 1913
Norey Sol R. 1912
Norman Albert A. 1914
Norman Bettie 1912
Norman Calvin 1919
Norman Harry 1915
Norman Nels 1908 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Norman Nels 1909
Norman Peter 1915
Norman William M. 1904
Norris Carl A. 1916
Norris Elizabeth S. 1900
Norris Thomas A. 1910
North George H. 1914
North Henry K. 1908
Northness Henry 1910
Northness Lenard Owen 1913
Northness Peter J. 1909
Nortnass Charles H. 1904
Nortnass Nells P. 1911
Norton Arthur E. 1920
Norton Arthur G. 1920
Norton George B. 1908
Norton John 1909
Norvell Walter T. 1916 See 17948

Norvell Walter T. 1916 See 17951

Novotny Rosa 1908 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Novotny Sylvester L. 1920
Novotny Jr. Frederick 1911
Nowacek James J. 1908
Noyer Ralph R. 1907
Noyes James A. 1908
Nunn Charles A. 1906
Nunn Lee 1911
Nunn Walter Arthur 1920
Nuthier Paul Q. 1908
Nutts Joseph W. 1913
Nye Alice M. 2903
Nye Calvin B. 1907
Nye Louquessa M. 1914
Nyffeler Joseph 1910
O'Bannon Dick 1913
O'Bannon Oscar 1912
O'Brien Jack 1904
O'Brien Maurice J. 1909
O'Brien Maurice J. 1910
O'Brien Samuel L. 1920
O'Brien William P. 1926
O'Bryan Beatrice 1917
O'Connell Daniel E. 1926
O'Connell Emma 1910
O'Connell Henrietta 1912
O'Connell Michael J. 1906
O'Connell Michael W. 1924
O'Connell Michael W. 1924
O'Connor Fred L. 1913
O'Connor Hattie May 1901
O'Connor Mary 1912
O'Connor Roger 1925
O'Day Margaret 1902 Includes Military Certificate of Service of THomas O'Day

O'Dell Charles H. 1917
O'Dell John 1913
O'Donel James S. 1909
O'Donovan Robert J. 1909
O'Keefe Everett B. 1920
O'Keefe WIlliam L. 1920
O'Mara John 1908
O'Mara Walter T. 1920
O'Mara William 1911
O'Neal Roy Elvin 1909
O'Neil Patrick H. 1908
O'Neill Edward J. 1918
O'Neill John J. 1908
O'Neill Patrick F. 1913
O'Neill Philip 1912
O'Neill Thomas 1910
O'Rourk Patrick H. 1907
O'Rourke Frank L. 1908
O'Rourke Mary L. 1900
O'Rourke Sinon F. 1919
O'Rourke Thomas 1910
O'Shea Matilde 1911
O'Shea Michael 1913
O'Shea Peter 1912
Oakes Benjamin F. 1904
Oberwetter Clara Belle 1909
Oberwetter Clara Belle 1913
Oberwetter Clara Belle 1913
Oberwetter Fred C. 1908
Oberwetter Fred C. 1909
Oberwetter Lewis 1907
Oberwettter Henry 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Obrist Frank H. 1905
Odell Ross E. 1911
Odell Ross E. 1911
Oden John 1914
Oellien William 1916
Ogden Clarence Leroy 1923
Ogg Ona Cecil 1908
Ogg William 1914
Ogle Clara Ethel 1918 See 19059

Ogle Clara Ethel 1918 See 19060

Ohler Irene 1907
Ohlheiser Paul V. 1920
Ohnestoge Edward 1907
ohnson Cecil L. 1909
Ohrlund Floyd O. 1920
Ojendyk Emil 1916
Ojendyk William F. 1916
Olcott Ben 1910
Olds Abel W. 1908
Olds Alfred K. 1900
Oldswager Henry 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Olesen Andrew 1906
Olinger Clarence 1916
Oliver Cliff 1896
Oliver Cliff 1909
Oliver John E. 1901
Oliver Oscar M. 1910
Ollrog Frank H. 1911
Olsen Anna 1911
Olsen Anna 1911
Olsen Anna 1911
Olsen Anna 1911
Olsen Anna 1911 Includes Declaration of INtention

Olsen Anna 1912 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Olsen Arthur F. 1909
Olsen Bernt 1909 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Olsen Elmer 1928
Olsen Frank W. 1920
Olsen Lars 1909
Olsen Lars 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Olson A. Mary 1908
Olson Amos A. 1905
Olson Axel 1912 Includes Declaration of Intention

Olson Elin 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Olson Lars 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Olson Ole 1920
Olson Oliver 1908
Olson Peter 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Oltmanns John 1912
Olton Oscar I. 1909
Oney Edward C. 1920
Onklin Fred M. 1909
Operlies Louis Clark 1908
Opp Anthony 1904
Orcutt Archie E. 1913
Ormesher Frank 1908 Includes Declaratioin of Intention

Ormsby Sebina 1902 Includes Declaratioin of Intention

Orndorf Bryan J. 1928
Orr Andrew John 1901
Orr Joseph 1920
Orr Leo R. 1924
Orr Sylevester E. 1903
Orr William F. 1912
Orris William N. 1909
Orris William N. 1910
Ortensen George 908
Osantoski Frank 1909
OSborn Harry S. 1916
Osborn Edgar M. 1910
Osborn Edson F. 1921
Osborn George H. 1920
Osborn George M. 1920
Osborn George W. 1900
Osborn George W. 1906 See 2187

Osborn Leslie E. 1917
Osborne Andrew M. 1906
Osborne Louis E. 1912
Osborne Robert M. 1905
Osborne Robert S. 1907
Osborne Robert S. 1909
Oskins Clyde J. 1920
Osterling Nils Maltha 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Osterling Nils Mathe 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Ostram Emma 1910 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Otte Christian J. 1910
Otto Walter J. 1917
Ouderkirk Harmon L. 1908
Ouderkirk Harmon L. 1908
Ouderkirk Miletus H. 1925
ourrett James F. 1916
Outsen Howard 1920
Overbye Andrew Anderson 1911
Overbye Anthony 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Overbye Christ A. 1912
Overbye Oscar 1913
Overbye (Warrenberg) Cora V. 1910
Overman Allen K. 1920
Overton Frank W. 1919
Owen James P. 1909
Owens Roy T. 1931 Includes Military Discharge

Ozmun Edgar B. 1904
Ozmun Lewis E. 1907
Paces Joseph V. 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Packard Jacob H. 1905
Packard Ray 1911
Packard Robert Henry 1921
Packard Roy 1911
Packard William H. 1913
Paden William 1906
Pafflin Fay 1912
Pageler John 1910
Paige Fred L. 1909
Paine Merl 1910
Paine Sherman E. 1912
Painter John 1918 Includes Declaration of Intention

Paisley Ira 1913
Paisley John M. 1905
Paisley Pearl E. 1909
Palacek Anton F. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Palmer Charles C. 1909
Palmer Clark 1904
Palmer Clark 1911
Palmer Mary J. 1908
Palmer Millard H. 1910
Palmer Samuel B. 1905 INcludes Copy of Military Discharge

Palmer William 1913
Pape Otto C. 1914
Papst John F. 1921
Parberry G. A. 1908
Parchen Emma 1905
Parchen Henry M. 1920
Pardey Francis H. 1901
Park Thomas C. 1920
Park Warren D. 1913
Parker Belle 1908
Parker Charles E. 1905
Parker Florence L. 1928
Parker John R. 1920
Parker Joy Christopher 1920
Parker Meuel 1902
Parker Samuel A. 1910
Parkin Jane 1909
Parks Eshter 1912
Parks Esther 1913
Parks Henry S. 1911
Parks John F. 1910
Parks Nora 1914
Parks Philip H. 1910
Parks Wilson H. 1908
Parks Wilson H. 1917
Parks Wilson H. 1926
Parks (Shankman) Esher 1910
Parmenter John A. 1909
Parmenter John A. 1909
Parmer Hanson 1908
Parriott Delbert 1909
Parriott Richard 1918
Parriott Roy R. 1908
Parrish Clarence C. 1916
Parrish Don 1918
Parrish Edith 1925
Parrish George T. 1911
Parrish James 1909
Parrish Juanita 1913
Parrish Millie 1901
Parrish Samuel F. 1908
Parrish Theodore 1925
Parshall Ruby A. 1911
Parsmore John C. 1912
Parsons Chester B. 1904
Parsons Clara R. 1914
Parsons Esther E. 1909
Parsons Issacher A. 1905
Parsons James Elmer 1927
Parsons John A. 1906 Includes Naturalization Papers

Parsons Joseph C. 1904
Parsons Martie A. 1911
Parsons Palmer C. 1904
Parsons Susie T. 1911
Parsons VIrgil 1910
Parsons Virgil 1910
Parton Edwin H. 1908
Party Frank 1908
Pate Walter R. 1912
Pate Walter R. 1916
Patmore Martha 1910
Patmore Martha 1912
Patmore Martha 1913
Patmore Martha 1914
Patmore Martin 1902 Includes Certificate of Cititzenship

Patrick Albert O. 1918
Patrick Amanda E. 1910
Patrick Edith L. 1909
Patsch Frank 1911 Includes Naturalization Papers

Patterson Anna C. 1907
Patterson Charles H. 1914
Patterson Kate 1904
Patterson Mark M. 1900
Patterson Stephen E. 1909
Patton Charles F. 1910
Patton Charles M. 1907
Patton Ernest C. 1925
Patton Ernest Carl 1926
Patton Hugh W. 1910
Patton John H. 1908
Pattow Verne Oliver 1920
Paty Frank 1909
Paub Samuel S. 1908
Paul Amy M. 1908
Paul Josef 1889 Includes Declaration of Intention

Paulson Carl A. 1911 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Paup Harry G. 1904
Pawley Leroy A. 1904
Pawley Wayne 1924
Paxton Earl B. 1907
Paxton Ivy G. 1927
Paxton Ivy G. 1927
Payne Eugene 1901
Payne Henry 1901
Payne Henry H. 1909
Payne James A. 1916
Payne John G. 1913
Peabody William 1909
Peak Clyde J. 1920
Pearson Nathan T. 1910
Pearson Rufus C. 1907
Pease George W. 1910
Pease James V. 1916
Peaslie Jessie R. 1904
Pebley Charles D. 1912
Pebley Maggie 1912
Pebley Maggie 1912
Peck Clyde A. 1910
Peck Francis E. 1910
Peck Julia A. 1911
Peckinpaugh Everett I. 1916
Pedersen Niels 1912 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Pedersen Willie 1926
Pederson Elmer R. 1912
Pederson Elmer R. 1915
Pederson Hans C. 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Peebles Seth G. 1914
Peek Alfred 1931
Peer John A. 1907
Peirson Albert H. 1929
Peirson Nelson G. 1901
Pender Jasper Loyed 1916
Penniston Charles H. 1899
Pepper Mary E. 1907
Perchaluk Rudolph Elias 1915
Perchaluk Rudolph Eliasz 1916
Perkins Arthur L. 1916
Perkins Guy C. 1908
Perkins Malinda 1913
Perkins Walter H. 1904
Perrigo James M. 1908
Perrin Leroy D. 1912
Perry Claibourne G. 1920
Perry Iver 1920
Perry Margaret 1910
Perry Rexford A. 1928
Perry Robert A. 1907
Perry Robert A. 1910
Perry William 1910
Peslin Joseph A. 1908
Peter Edwin T. 1910
Peterman Charles A. 1912
Peters Edwin T. 1913
Peters Henry 1908
Peters Herman A. 1904
Peters Joe W. 1914
Peters John H. 1911
Peters Peter H. 1911
Peters Thomas V. 1909
Petersen Fred 1912 Includes Naturalization Record of Father P.U. Petersen

Petersen Fred J. 1913
Petersen Hans F. 1907
Petersen Henry H. 1913
Petersen Irven 1927
Petersen James 1910
Petersen Jens 1910
Petersen John C. 1904 Includes Declaration of INtention

Petersen Nancy E.C. 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Petersen Nancy E.C. 1906 Includes Declaration of Intention

Petersen Peter K. 1916
Petersen Thorvald 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Petersoen Octavia 1900
Peterson Ada M. 1915
Peterson Arthur C. 1912
Peterson August 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Peterson August 1909
Peterson August 1909
Peterson August 1909
Peterson Carrie 1907
Peterson Charles 1908
Peterson Charles G. 1906
Peterson Charles G. 1909
Peterson Charles G. 1909 See 8916

Peterson Charles G. 1909 See 8918

Peterson Charley 1908
Peterson Christian T. 1909
Peterson Clara L. 1904
Peterson Clarence W. 1910
Peterson Clifford A. 1918
Peterson Floyd 1920
Peterson Frances M. 1908
Peterson Frederick Charles 1931
Peterson George H. 1911
Peterson George W. 1926
Peterson Gust M. 1920
Peterson Hans 1904
Peterson Hans 1904
Peterson Hans P. 1905 Includes Naturalization Record

Peterson Harry L. 1909
Peterson Henry J. 1909
Peterson John B. 1917
Peterson John C. 1902 INcludes Declaration of Intention

Peterson Larsen M. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Peterson Martin B. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Peterson Peter 1904 Includes Certificate fo Citizenship

Peterson Peter 1908
Peterson Peter T. 1909
Peterson Victor 1911 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Peterson Victor E. 1914
Petker George G. 1905 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Petrick Charles H. 1907 Includes Declaration of Intention

Petterbaugh George W. 1910
Pettiford James A.J. 1914
Pettipiece Albert 1909
Pettipiece Albert 1917
Pettit Lewis A. 1911
Petty Jacob P. 1911
Pfeifer Christian 1907
Pfisterer Fred 1910
Phelan John Bernard 1916
Phelan John R. 1911
Phelps Bertha E. 1905
Phelps Clyde H. 1910
Phelps Jacob E. 1909
Phifer Frank Lewis 1920
Philipi Harve 1903
Phillips Arthur E. 1910
Phillips Bert 1913
Phillips Charles E. 1914
Phillips Charles L. 1911
Phillips Clarence A. 1924
Phillips Fred J. 1907
Phillips Louis G. 1910
Phillips Mose A. 1907
Phillips Nathaniel 1910
Phillips Ora 1909
Phillips William H. 1909
Phillips William H. 1909
Phillips William H. 1910
Phillips William H. 1910
Phillips Willilam H. 1910
Phillips Winfield S. 1909
Phinney Julian E. 1905
Phipps Boydon 1905
Phipps Maggie E. 1922
Phipps Raymond L. 1920
Piatt James J. 1916
Piatt Walter Albert 1901
Pickard Eugene B. 1911
Pickens Charles 1927
Pickerel Herman A. 1920
Pickerel Lester C. 1910
Pickerel William J. 1910
pickerill William G. 1910
Pickering Almon A. 1920
Pickering Vera A. 1913
Pickering William T. 1917
Pickett Frederick 1912
Pickett William E. 1908
Pickett (Bullock) Bessie 1910
Pickeus James M. H. 1920
Pickrel Earl J. 1910
Pickrel John B. 1908
Pidcock Hiram E. 1908
Piedmore Bertha A. 1901
Pierce Douglas O. 1904
Pierce Edwin F. 1901
Pierce George A. 1905
Pierce Jacob R. 1901
Pierce James B. 1913
Pierce John A. 1904
Pierce John D. 1907
Pierce John Raymond 1915
Pierce Marion A. 1905
Piersen Halleck Ernest 1910
Pierson Ralph Will 1911
Pilkington Frances E. 1910
Pilkington John 1909
Pillion Thomas E. 1901
Pilster Jay A. 1912
Pilster John A. 1905
Pilster John A. 1910
Pilster John A. 1913
Pilster John A. 1913
Pilster Sadie J. 1909
Pinch Frank C. 1904
Pinderton Floyd V. 1909
Pinkal Adolph 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Pinkal Julius 1909 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Pinney Bailey G. 1904
Pinney Bailey G. 1908
Pinney Lillian M. 1909
Piper Frank E. 1911
Piper Kenneth 1931
Pipkin Melvin 1920 See 19972

Pipkin Melvin 1920 See 19973

Pisacka Charles 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Pisel William H. 1916
Pitcher Harvey N. 1910
Pitman B. Franklin 1922
Pitman B. Franklin 1922 See 20138

Pitman B. Franklin 1926
Pitman Benjamin F. 1922 See 20139

Pitmon Richard I. 1912
Pitster Henry H. 1904 INlcudes Certificate of CItizenship

Pitt Victor 1923
Pitt Wallace 1903
Pitt Wallace 1904
Pittman Cecil 1916
Plank Pearl 1899
Platt Daws H. 1917
Platt Harlan S. 1909
Platt Stillman G. 1919
Platz Mary 1909 Includes Naturalization Papers Of H.R. Platz

Platz Paul P. 1909
Platz Sophie M. 1908
Platz William G. 1909
Playford George I. 1930
Playford George I. 1931
Pleasants William W. 1906
Plew Joseph H. 1923
Ploussard Nick J. 1928
Plumer John H. 1910
Plumer William 1905
Plummer Bert 1908
Plummer Cecil O. 1908
Plummer Eli 1908
Plummer Eli 1911
Plummer Frank A. 1910
Plummer George 1910
Plummer Joseph J. 1911
Plunkett John F. 1914
Poage George B. 1914
Poague George Burton 1918
Pochon Louis 1904 Includes Certificate of CItizenship

Podlesak Berta 1910
Poggeupohl Paul 1909
Points Philip 1916
Points Phillip E. 1906
Poland Harvey A. 1907
Polhemus Charles S. 1920
Polk Ishmael C. 1908
Pollack Henry W. 1921
Pollard George E. 1905
Pollard Lulu F. 1924
Pollard William G. 1901 Includes Naturalization Record

Polley Elsie D. 1908
Polley Elsie D. 1908
Polley Elsie D. 1909
Polley Harry C. 1907
Pollock Daniel J. 1909
Pollock Dwight V. 1910
Pollock Henry W. 1919
Pollock Henry W. 1920
Polnicky Paul B. 1928
Polzer Joseph 1917
Pomperene Joel Dewitt 1920
Pond Charles L. 1906
Ponstler Robert B. 1910
Pontsler Robert B. 1910
Pool Thomas J. 1911
Pool Thomas J. 1911
Poore Robert S. 1907
Poparod Cornel 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Pope F.H. 1908
Pope Hulda J. 1909
Popeshil Vlasta 1913
Popp Wililam 1909
Popp William 1905
Porchet Wilmer L. 1915
Porter Edgar C. 1909
Porter George B. 1905
Porter Justin E. 1909 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Porter Rolly E. 1906
Porter Sarah A. 1905
Porter (Meridith) Genevieve 1901
Pospeshil Rudolph 1913
Posvar Ida K. 1908
Potmesil Frank 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship of Father

Potmesil James 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship of Father

Potmesil Joseph 1907 Includes Declaration of Intention

Potmesil Joseph 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Potmesil L. John 1906 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Potmesil Rose 1905 Inlcudes Certificate of Citizenship of John Potmesil

Potmesil Sylvia 1908 Includes Certificate of Citizenship of Father

Potorff Leonard 1913
Potter James F. 1928
Potts Joe Z. 1909
Poul Joseph 1921 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Poulsen Carl G. 1921 Includes Declaration of Intention See 20051

Poulson Carl G. 1921 See 20050

Poulson John F. 1904 Includes Naturalizaiton Papers

Powell Arthur C. 1913
Powell Clarence L. 1911
Powell Curt 1910
Powell E. Erwin 1927
Powell Frank E. 1910
Powell Frank E. 1910
Powell Livingston H. 1916
Powell Lon 1905
Powell Newman J. 1916
Powell Tressis M. 1904
Powell Willis J. 1908
Power Gerry 1904
Powers Fred 1910
Powers John 1908
Powers John 1909
Powers Thomas S. 1909
Powers Thomas S. 1910
Powler Ernest L. 1910
Prater Thomas 1920
Predmore Alexander L. 1908
Predmore Bene W. 1901
Predmore Malva E. 1901
Preston Della I. 1908
Preston Della I. 1915
Preston Dellie I. 1910
Preston Emory 1909 See 8537

Preston Emory 1909 See 8592

Preston Frank T. 1909
Preston George W. 1908
Preston John 1899 Includes Declaration of Intention

Preston Katie 1897
Preston Maude E. 1906
Preston Robert 1909
Preston Walter R. 1909
Preston Walter R. 1909
Preston Walter R. 1909
Preston Walter R. 1913
Preston (Ammerman) Eva L. 1917
Preuss Carl Leopold 1908 Includes Naturalization Record

Price Andrew G. 1911
Price Gloen 1917
Price Lydia E. 1904
Price Mary E. 1902 INlcudes Military Discharge of Husband, Abner Price

Price Sylvester J. 1908
Price WIlliam H. 1908
Prickett Clarence 1909
Prickett Clarence E. 1909
Prickett Henry K. 1911
Prime Benjamin J. 1924
Prince Frank C. 1920
Pritchard Harry T. 1908
Pritchard Harry T. 1910
Prochaska Cecilie 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Prochazka Charles 1905 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Prochazka Frank 1905 includes Declaration of Intention

Proctes Harry E. 1911
Proctor Carl W. 1928
Proctor Harry E. 1911
Proctor Harvey E. 1912
Proper James C. 1908
Prouty Eston H. 1909
Prouty Loyd W. 1909
Provost Edward Clement 1922 See 20176

Provost Glenn Cleo 1922 See 20177

Pruitt Grover C. 1916
Pruitt William K. 1919
Pruold Charles Harrison 1920
Prusia Benjamin 1904
Puddy Anna Grace 1902
Pugh Joseph H. 1908
Pullen Dick 1909
Pullen Frederick E. 1909
Pullen Frederick E. 1910
Pullman Charles 1904
Pullman Elizabeth 1908
Pullman Philip 1909
Pullman Phillip 1906
Pulman Philip 1909
Pumbaugh Amos S. 1911
Pummel Theadford W. 1924
Purcell Clarence 1902
Purdy Elizabeth S. 1909
Purscell John E. 1910
Purscell John E. 1910
Pusard Eric W. 1908 Includes Final Certificate of Naturalization

Pyle Ancil 1912
Pyle Charles R. 1912
Pyle Sibyl 1912
Pyle William H. 1909
Pyles Willis F. 1920
Quackenbush Harry O. 1911
Quantock Simeon J. 1906
Quigley Anthony C. 1909
Quigley Ivery C. 1909
Quigley Ruth 1919
Quigley William B. 1917
Quinn Jennie 1910
Quirt Joseph 1912
Rabbett Carl J. 1908
Rabe Albert Wilhelm 1917 Includes Declaration of Intentioin

Rachford Robert H. 1905 Inlcudes Certificate of Naturalizaiton

Radcliff Harriet W. 1909
Radford Osborn 1902
Ragsdale Clarence A. 1920
Rahs Robert R. 1904
Rainey Jacob A. 1910
Raley John J. 1908
Ramsey Harry Edward 1916
Ramsing Peter M. 1912
Randall Ara P. 1909
Randall Charles 1910
Randall Charles G. 1909
Randall Charles W. 1909
Randall Dean 1909
Randall Don 1910
Randall Edy 1911
Randall Frank C. 1908
Randall George F. 1911
Randall George F. 1912
Randall Henry M. 1910
Randall Kenneth E. 1928
Randall Milo M. 1909
Randalll Ira M. 1909
Randolph Alex 1913
Randolph Arthur 1906
Rank Charles M. 1910
Rankin Hugh W. 1908
Rankin Hugh W. 1912
Rankin Hugh W. 1914
Rankin Hugh W. 1914
Rankin Hugh W. 1915
Rankin WIlliam O. 1931
Ransom Margaret 1902 Includes Husband's Military Service Record

Rash lma Lee 1908
Rasher Frank 1917
Rasmussen Anna 1910 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Rasmussen Charle 1906
Rasmussen Niels 1904
Rasmussen Peter 1910 Includes Certificate of Naturalization See 10919

Rasmussen Peter 1910 Includes Certificate of Naturalization See 10920

Rasmussen Thomas D. 1912 Includes Declaration of Intention

Rasmussen Thomas D. 1915
Rathbun Philetus 1909
Rathburn Charles W. 1925
Rathburn Charles W. 1928
Rathburn Charles William 1920
Rauer Louis 1912
Ray Addison 1902
Ray Collie 1910
Ray Guy L. 1910
Ray James L. 1919
Ray James L. 1920
Ray Julius C. 1905
Ray Lawrence 1920
Ray Solomon J. 1911
Ray Solomon J. 1919
Ray Stella 1912 Includes Naturalization Record of Father

Ray William 1914
Ray William Alexander 1927
Raynes Wiliam 1905
Rea Lieuelier 1911
Rea Robert M. 1911
Rea Robert M. 1911
Reade Belle A. 1913
Reade Charles W. 1911
Reardon Burley W. 1919
Reardon Michael E. 1916
Reardon Michael E. 1917
Reason Horace B. 1902
Reasor Dulce 1906
Reasor Paul J. 1909
Reavis Harry E. 1917
Reck Ev 1909
Redding Floyd 1916
Redding Virgil C. 1916
Reddish Fred A. 1908
Reddish Howard E. 1916
Redman Charles 1900
Redman Charles D. 1911
Reece Cora 1906
Reece Thomas A. 1920
Reed Adelbert S. 1904
Reed Clarence B. 1908
Reed Frank E. 1910
Reed Fred E. 1908
Reed James T. 1909
Reed Jerome A. 1906
Reed John R. 1910
Reed John W. 1905
Reed John W. 1914
Reed Martha J. 1904
Reed Mary Rose 1904
Reed Olin J. 1919
Reed Phillip S. 1904
Reed Rea 1910
Reed Robert E. 1908
Reed Samuel P. 1912
Reed Samuel p. 1912
Reed Thomas Aaron 1919
Reed Walter C. 1902
Reed Walter C. 1904
Reeder Frank 1920
Reeder Jasper 1909
Reedy John W. 1909
Reemtsmg Amos 1907
Rees Mable H. 1901
Reese Elmer 1909
Reese James V. 1909
Reeve Byron L. 1920
Reeves Charles W. 1907
Reeves Eldred 1900
Reeves Eldred 1910
Reeves John 1912
Reeves (Tupper) Lillian 1911
Regan Alicia T. 1901
Regan Mary 1901
Regan Thomas 1902
Rehder Herbert 1905 Includese Declaration of Intentino

Rehder Julius 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Reick Amil W. 1914 \

Reid Bernard 1912 Includes Naturalization Record

Reid Edwin F. 1904
Reid James K. 1908
Reid Nathan H. 1904
Reid Patrick 1912 Includes Declaration of Intention

Reid Ransom W. 1908
Reid Thomas 1900
Reiland George 1908
Reiman Daniel W. 1909
Reimers Albert 1929
Rein Hugo 1926
Reinders Edward C. 1909
Reinertson Alfred 1902
Reinmuth Chester 1910
Reinmuth Chester 1910
Reinnecke Amanda 1908
Reisdorfer Henry J. 1917
Reisdorfer Marie A. 1909
Reitnour Fern 1911
Relden John O. 1910
Remau Claude A. 1915
Remender Emily J. 1912
Remender Fred 1907
Remender Manfred G. 1912
Remoun Orman R. 1910
Renau Henry 1916
Renault Paul James 1910
Renfrour Juna 1912
Renner Henry A. 1924
Renner Henry G. 1923
Renner John 1909
Rentfro Eli P. 1918
Rentfro Ira 1909
Rentfro Ira 1911
Rentfro William E. 1907
Replogle Clarence C. 1910
Ressell Charles M. 1918
Rew Roy R. 1909
Rey Charles King 1902
Reynolds Albert C. 1911
Reynolds Bert W. 1910
Reynolds Charles L. 1907
Reynolds George M. 1907
Reynolds Ginerva A. 1906
Reynolds Ginerva A. 1916
Reynolds Jack L. 1908
Reynolds Marion E. 1912
Reynolds Marion Estelle 1912
Reynolds Sigel F. 1914
Rhiley James 1908
Rhiley James 1910
Rhiley King R. 1912
Rhiley King R. 1913
Rhiley Nancy C. 1910
Rhoades Henry 1913
Rhoads Allen 1911
Rhodes Clyde F. 1903
Rhodes George G. 1913
Rice James H. 1914
Rice Mildred E. 1910
Rice (Gillespie) Viola 1920 See 19951

RIcedorff John W. 1908
Ricedorff Burr C. 1920
Ricedorff Burr C. 1920 See 19936

Ricedorff Burr C. 1920 See 19937

Rich Charles M. 1916
Richards Anna A. 1901
Richards Bartlett 1909
Richards Benjamin F. 1911
Richards Ida 1916
Richards Mary A. 1904
Richards Sarah A. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Richards WIlliam 1908
Richards Willford 1905
Richardsen Harry Ezra 1920
Richardson Calvin J. 1909
Richardson Charles V. 1920
Richardson Charles V. 1923
Richardson Clarissa 1910
Richardson Harry E. 1928
Richardson Hope 1911
Richardson Hope 1911 See 13256

Richardson Hope 1911 See 13257

Richardson Hoyle 1912
Richardson J. Dell 1908
Richardson John D. 1920
Richardson Mary C. 1917
Richardson Robert 1908
Richardson Robert L. 1911
Richardson Thomas B. 1913
Richardson Thomas G. 1911
Richardson Wiley 1907
Richardson Wiley 1909
Richardson Wiliam L. 1909
Richardson William E. 1916
Richardson William E. 1916
Richardson William L. 1908
Richardson William O. 1915
Richardson (Shearer) Bessie G. 1910
Richey Oscar A. 1916
Richey Paulina B. 1909
Richey Paulina B. 1910
Richmond John B. 1902
Rickabaugh Charlie 1909
Rickard Gerald H. 1920
Rickards Charles H. 1916
Rickman Adolph W. 1911 See 12927

Rickner Ernest W. 1920
Ricley Charles E. 1914
Riddile Arthur D. 1915
Riddle Edgar E. 1920
Riddle Rolland 1909 Also: Myrtle Riddle; Orville Kortz
Rider Will A. 1904
Ridge Hugh 1908
Ridge Hugh 1908
Ridge Jesse H. 1909
Ridgell William S. 1904
Ridgley Melville S. 1912
Ridgley Melville S. 1912
Riedlinger Phillip 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Rief Perry 1904
Rief Perry 1903
Riekman Adolph W. 1911 See 12926

Riekman George C. 1910
Rietz Nora Marie 1912
Rife Clyde L. 1909
Riffel Oscar E. 1910
Rigglesworth Charles E. 1913
Riggs Bennett J. 1908
Riha Joseph 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

RIley Robert L. 1907
Riley Barney 1910
Riley George W. 1909
Riley Howard 1919
Riley John 1904
Riley Mike 1911
Riley Nellie 1904
Riley Nellie 1907
Riley William 1916
Rimmer John L. 1913
Rimmer William 1910
RIng Adolph 1910
RIng Gus B. 1909
Ring August L. 1921
Ring Gus B. 1902
Ring Otto W. 1920
Ring Theodore L. 1927
Ring William H. 1921
Ringsby Burros S. 1911
Riordan (Hagerty) Marguerite 1910
Rishel Leon W. 1907
Risk WIlliam J. 1920
Risley Charles H. 1908
Ritchey George W. 1909
Ritchie Charlie D. 1909
Ritchie Frank A. 1907
Ritchie Jr. WIlilam 1907
Riter Charles 1912
Ritter F.J. 1908
Ritter Franklin J. 1910
Ritter Presley M. 1912
Ritterbush Herman G. 1918
Rivers Hattie C. 1905
Riverwood ? 1916
Rivett Ethel T. 1907
Rixler Rachel A. 1910
Roach Alva 1929
Robb William 1910
Robbins Tom M. 1909
Robbins Jr. Pitt D. 1910
Roberson Warren 1908
ROberts Elizabeth 1901 Inlcudes Declaration of Intentin

Roberts Albert 1912
Roberts Cassius C. 1910 Includes Military Discharge

Roberts David 1910
Roberts Eldon F. 1905
Roberts Ella A. 1908
Roberts Euel 1909
Roberts George W. 1916
Roberts Harry W. 1904
Roberts Lewis 1909
Roberts Lewis 1909
Roberts Philip D. 1912
Roberts Ray 1912
Roberts Rose 1917
Roberts Sarah J. 1932
Roberts Seacil 1912
Roberts Seacil 1912
Roberts Thomas D. 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

Roberts Thomas D. 1910
Roberts Thomas D. 1913
Roberts William W. 1910
Roberts (Paisley) Irene F. 1913
Robertson Robert W. 1910
Robinette Charles 1916 Indian Allotment

Robins Benjamin 1911
Robins Bennett A. 1915
Robins Leonard 1910
Robinson Arthur 1909
Robinson Harrsion 1909
Robinson Herbert L. 1900
Robinson Horace 1912
Robinson Isaac H. 1909
Robinson Jack F. 1911
Robinson James D. 1905
Robinson Joseph T. 1911
Robinson Joseph T. 1912
Robinson Leon A. 1908
Robinson Loring C. 1914
Robinson Mary 1908
Robinson Niles 1920
Robinson Ralph E. 1909
Robinson Ray 1914
Robinson William J. 1908
Robinson William M. 1911
Robison Manervy 1910
Roby Willie W. 1917
Roche John F. 1910
Rochford Martin 1912
Rochford Willard H. 1909
Rochford (Brown) Josephine C. 1910
Rock Anthony J. 1911
Rock Ellen Marie 1909
Rock Ellen Marie 1913
Rock Peter Joseph 1909
Rockey Phillip A. 1907
Rocksey Carl H. 1920
Rockwell Marshall J. 1910
Roderick Besse G. 1931
Rodger James A. 1901 See 1908

Rodger James A. 1904 see 1907

Rodgers Albert 1915
Rodgers Albert H. 1919
Rodgers Arthur 1912
Rodgers Bert A. 1912
Rodgers Charles H. 1910
Rodgers Curtis S. 1910
Rodgers Earl D. 1915
Rodgers Eliza 1915
Rodgers James A. 1921
Rodgers James R. 1907
Rodgers John 1902
Rodgers Ora A. 1908
Rodgers Virgil C. 1920
Roe Alice 1909
Roe William D. 1910
Roffer Albert 1911
Rogers Lewis O. 1910
Rogers Robert W. 1918
Rohde Paul A. 1908
Rohde Paul D. 1912
Rohrback Jacob 1909
Rohrer Charles L. 1909
Roland Lee A. 1910
ROlfe Harry 1902
Rolke Jr. Albert 1904 Includes Naturalization Papers

Rolke Sr. Albert 1912
Roller (Bell) Evalyn 1908
Rollins Frank D. 1906
Romine Enoch W. 1909
Romine Guy D. 1908
Romine John Enoch 1909
Romine John Enoch 1909
Roney Arthur W. 1908
Roney Eliza C. 1908
Rooks Ernest J. 1908
Rooney John 1901
Rooth Benjamin J. 1906
Rosa Swan 1906
Rosa William L. 1902
Rose Corwin N. 1909
Rose Henry J. 1904
Rose Ira P. 1910
Rose Ira P. 1913
Rose William J. 1909
Rose William T. 1907
Rose William T. 1920
Roseberry Ira Leslie 1920
Rosebrough Benajah A. 1915
Rosenberger Virginia 1928
Rosenfelt James J. 1911
Rosenkrane William F. 1908
Rosfeld Philip 1904
Rosheisen Abbie A. 1909
Ross Cephas 1904
Ross Chester 1911
Ross Elmer 1916
Ross Frank 1901
Ross Gilbert 1909
Ross Grace 1913
Ross Green 1907
Ross John 1910
Ross Jonathan E. 1909
Ross Joseph C. 1911
Ross Joseph C. 1917
Ross Martha 1903 Includes Military Discharge of George W. Ross

Ross Samuel 1905
Ross (PRitchard) Elizabeth H. 1907
Rossiter George 1904
Roth Albert E. 1917
Roth Charles 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenshi[

Roth Joseph B. 1916
Rotter Barbara 1906
Roudebush Frank 1920
Roup Charles N. 1909
Roup Charles N. 1909
Rousac Frank 1911
Rouse George 1909
Rouse William M. 1910
Rouse William M. 1911
Roussule Nick Thomas 1920
Routson Jack H. 1920
Rowan Glenn T. 1917
Rowan Henry A. 1926
Rowdon Edwin Charles 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Rowe Edward W. 1920
Rowe Frank O. 1909
Rowell Ralph W. 1902
Rowen Glen T. 1917 See 18462

Rowen Glen T. 1917 See 1847

Rowland Elmer 1905
Rowland Pat 1910
Rowland Patrick 1904 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Ruble Frank A. 1924
Rubottom Vinton 1898
Ruby Clark E. 1920
Rucker Everett D. 1920
Rucker Pryer W. 1906
Rudisil George 1908
Rudisil George S. 1910
Rudisil Joseph W. 1908
Rudyard Sarah M. 1916
Ruffing Michael J. 1909
Rule Highlan N. 1910
Rulean Nicholas 1904
Ruley John 1920
Rumbaugh Ralph R. 1928
Rumsey Ira 1915
Runkle Pearle 1913
Runnels Guy A. 1909
Runner Claude A. 1915
Runyan Lottie 1907
Runyon James B. 1916
Rupert Leslie C. 1920
Rush George H. 1909
Rush Nicholas H. 1909
Rush Nicholas H. 1911
Rusher Frances 1911
Rusher Francis 1904
Rushworth Florence N. 1905
Rushworth Florence N. 1906
Rushworth Florence N. 1912
Russell Earl 1912
Russell Earl E. 1908
Russell Francis 1910
Russell Frank T. 1916
Russell Frank T. 1916
Russell George 1905
Russell Harvey Lee 1925
Russell James R. 1909
Russell Mearl 1919
Russell Owen E. 1924
Russell Theodore F. 1909
Russell Walter K. 1927
Russell William H. F. 1918 See 18567

Russell William H. F. 1918 See 18572

Rust Guy 1914
Rust Hannah F. 1903
Rustin Leora A. 1906
Ruud Gunda 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Ryan Michael 1906
Ryan Sarah A. 1911
Ryan Sarah A. 1911
Ryland A.C. 1921
Rynearson Charles N. 1905
Rystrom Raymond W. 1920
Sachtjean Pearl 1907
Safford Henry F. 1912
Safford Scott A. 1906
Safford (Broshar) Myrtle E. 1904
Sage Charles L. 1912
Sage Elmer J. 1905
Sage Harry W. 1904
Sage Nellie 1911
Sage Nellie 1911
Sage Perry W. 1909
Sagemuller Henry William 1911
Sager Don 1913
Sager Myron O. 1906
Sager Warren 1909
Sagle Barbara A. 1912 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Sailor Ralph B. 1910
Sailor Ralph B. 1911
Sailor Walter Allen 1915
Sallows Ben J. 1924
Salmon George 1899
Salvatore Miceli 1908
Salvatore Miceli 1912
Salzburg William J. 1921 See 20014

Salzburg William J. 1921 See 20015

Sample Roy E. 1919
Samples Lewis H. 1908
Sampson James C. 1900
Sampy Leonard 1909
Samsel Asa D. 1916
Samuelson John P. 1916
Sandall Francis J. 1920
Sandbridge Truman O. 1920
Sanders Frank E. 1907
Sanders Reuben 1928 See 21125

Sanders Reuben 1928 See 21152

Sandford Dilla 1911
Sandford Grace 1911
Sandford Grace 1912
Sandford Joseph L. 1912
Sandoz Alfred F. 1902 Includes Declaration of Intention

Sandoz Ami F. 1909
Sandoz Jules A. 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Sandridge George E. 1920
Sands Susan 1902
Sands Susan 1908
Sanquest Hulda Cecilia 1918
Sanquest Josephine 1920
Sanquist Albert 1916 Includes Declaration of Intention

Sappenfield Loy E. 1907
Sappington Walter B. 1907
Sargeant Sigel 1919
Sargent David J. 1910
Sargent Florence N. 1908
Sargent Ransom C. 1909
Sarles Ebenezer 1910
Sasard Arthur 1922
Sasenberry Fred 1908
Satchell Paul McBarney 1920
Satterfield Thomas R. 1908
Satterfield William L. 1908
Satterlee Anne B. 1908
Sauer Balser 1914
Saults James S. 1919 19144

Saults James S. 1919 See 19143

Saunders Daniel 1902
Saunders George H. 1909
Saunders Lewis F. 1909
Sausch Charlie 1912 Includes Certificate of Cititzenship

Saust Charles 1911
Saust Dorothee 1912
Savage Albert 1907
Savage Albert 1910
Saville William E. 1912
Sawyer Clarence O. 1910
Sawyer Clarence O. 1912
Sawyer Clarence R. 1909
Sawyer Edward M. 1908
Sax Jacob N. 1911
Saxton Hartley W. 1910
Saxton John 1912
Saxton Joseph S. 1908
Saxton Mary E. 1919
Saylor Elizabeth 1911
Sayre Ed W. 1910
Sayre Eugene W. 1912
Scalph Ora 1907
Scanlon John 1905
Scannell (Davis) Jennie V. 1900
Schaefer Fred 1909
Schaeffer Mary A. 1905
Schafer Charles F. 1916
Schafer Clarence J. 1916
Schafer Joe C. 1916
Schafer Mae C. 1916
Schafer Peter J. 1909
Schaffer Edward D. 1911
Schaffer Jacob 1916
Schaffner William 1907
Schake Clarence A. 1926
Schamel Charles 1904
Schaper Carl Robbert 1920
Schear Fred 1917
Scheck Julia E. 1903
Schick John M. 1901
Schirk John M. 1911
Schirmer Charles L. 1923
Schlaeter Edward J. 1920
Schlater Jacob C. 1920
Schlatter (Cauer) Luverna 1912
Schlensig Walter E. 1912
Schlotz William 1912
Schmabe August 1908
Schmidlin Julius 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Schmidt Peter Bernard 1928
Schmidt Rose C. 1909
Schmill Herman 1915
Schmitt Henry 1900
Schmitt Rose C. 1904
Schmoker Henry S. 1915
Schmoker John A. 1926
Schmoker Pearl 1921
Schmoker SIlas J. 1912
Schmoker Silas J. 1913 See 16026

Schmoker Silas J. 1913 See 16027

Schneider Christian 1910 See 11078

Schneider Christian 1910 See 11097

Schockley John D. 1920
Schomp Archible M. 1916
Schomp Charles W. 1911
Schomp Stewart W. 1917
Schomp Stewart W. 1917
Schomp Stewart W. 1917
Schonard John R. 1925
Schonqirt John R. 1921
Schooler Lydia L. 1914
Schooler Lydia L. 1914
Schooley Doomas D. 1911
Schooley Elmer 1911
Schooley Harvey 1908
Schooley Harvey 1911
Schooley James 1902
Schooley William H. 1912
Schooley William H. 1913
Schroeder Freidrich W. 1910
Schroeder Guy A. 1920
Schroeder Herbert A. 1911
Schroll George R. 1922
schubert John 1907 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Schuler Charles L. 1913 See 16227

Schuler Charles L. 1913 See 16229

Schulthies May 1911
Schultz Edwin M. 1918
Schultz John L. 1920
Schultz William J. 1919
Schultz Willibrod 1902 Includes Declaration of Intention

Schumacher Helena M. 1916
Schumacher John 1912
Schumacher John 1912
Schumacher Kate 1916
Schumacher Nancy 1912
Schumacher Nancy 1912
Schumacher Nancy 1912 See 14865

Schumacher Nancy 1912 See 14866

Schumacker Mary 1912
Schumaker Mary C. 1910
Schumway Grant L. 1908
Schuster Robert 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Schwabe August 1902
Schwabe August 1909
Schwaderer Fred 1913
Schwaderer George 1910
Schwander Fred 1911 Includes Naturalization Papers

Schwartz Edward 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Schwedrat Otto F. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Schwerdtman Lulu 1910
Schwieger Christopher R. 1914
Schwind William F. 1908 Includes Record of Military Service

Scofield James S. 1908 3

Scofield Mary M. 1906
Scofield William B. 1910
Scofield William M. 1909
Scofield William M. 1919
Scoggin Myrtle R. 1913
Scoggin William J. 1910
Scoggin (Cartwright) Essie 1907
Sconce (Tupper) May B. 1907
Scotharn Grace 1902
Scott Amos W. 1908
Scott Andrew J. 1911
Scott Andrew J. 1911
Scott Bert 1913 See 7177

Scott Bert 1920
Scott Bert 1924
Scott Earl C. 1910
Scott Elton H. 1905
Scott Francis Marion 1916
Scott Harry R. 1916
Scott Jennie C. 1903
Scott Jennie C. 1904
Scott John H. 1910
Scott John H. 1914
Scott John H. 1914
Scott John M. 1908
Scott John T. 1909
Scott John W. 1911
Scott Leroy M. 1911
Scott Margaret 1905
Scott Minnie Francis 1925
Scott Minnie Francis 1925
Scott Pearl J. 1908
Scott Wallace 1907
Scotts Rosell P. 1909
Scovill Ted 1910
Scoville C. W. 1908
Scoville Winifred J. 1911
Scoville Winifred J. 1911
Scribner Ira A. 1908
Scriven Clarence E. 1916
Scriven Edward 1909
Scriven Percy B. 1916
Seaman Forest L. 1927
Seamen Alice 1908
Sears William T. 1917
Seda Rudolph R. 1928
Sedoris Nathaniel 1908
See James 1909
See William 1909
See William 1910
Seegrist Winifred 1907
Segebartt Bertha 1916
Seger Chas. 1913
Sego John W. 1907
Seidler William R. 1914
Seifert Thomas R. 1913
Seiz Ray M. 1914
Seldon Waldo O. 1907
Sellars Joseph F. 1911
Sellmer Fritz E.C. 1911
Sellmer Fritz Edward Christian 1912
Semple Robert 1900
Serres Herman 1917
Serres John 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Severance Edward W. 1899
Seward Mary J. 1903
Sewell Addie 1916
Sexton Edward J. 1906
Sexton Edward J. 1908
Seybold Grover 1925
Seybold Mary O. 1911
Seybolt Andrew D. 1944
Seyler Ira H. 1908
Shackleford Margaret M. 1927
Shaefer Peter J. 1909
Shafar Walter 1910
Shaffer Charles E. 1915 Includes Military Discharge

Shaffer Edward Leonard 1928
Shaffer Fred 1909
Shaffer George W. 1920
Shaffer Harvey R. 1910
Shaffer Robert R. 1912
Shaffer William B. 1911
Shafstall William 1907
Shake James S. 1910
Shallers Guy W. 1915
Shamblin David N. 1904
Shamp James William 1918
Shanahan (Riordan) Marie L. 1908
Shanklin Bernice 1930
Shanklin WIlliam R. 1909
Shanks James Louis 1920
Shanks Perry E. 1910
Shannon Charles W. 1908
Shannon Thomas F. 1920
Sharp Alfred 1905
Sharp Benjamin F. 1902
Sharp Betty Nilson 1907
Sharp Betty Nilson 1910
Sharp Daniel A. 1913
Sharp Edward 1905
Sharp Frank L. 1910
Sharp Harry R. 1914
Sharp William P. 1920 See 19401

Sharp William P. 1920 See 19402

Shatto Edward W. 1904
Shattuck Walter M. 1929
Shaul Charles C. 1909
Shaul Harry A. 1909
Shaul Joseph A. 1917
Shaul Russell Clinton 1920
SHaw George W. 1909
Shaw Jennie 1910
Shaw Laura B. 1908
Shawver Cyrus J. 1907
Shea James D. 1910
Shear William F. 1929
Sheehan James E. 1916
SHeets George W. 1907
Sheets Clifford R. 1907
Shekell Cephus 1909
Shekell Cephus 1909
Shekell Charles F. 1908
Shekell William J. 1910
Shekell Sr. William J. 1908
Shelby George G. 1911
Sheldon Walter J. 1921
Sheller Lester 1904
Shelton O. Pearl 1916
Shepard Robert B. 1915
Shepardson Adelbert L. 1910
Sheperd Ezekiel H. 1912
Shepherd Anna 1909
Shepherd Anna 1912
Shepherd Anna 1914
Shepherd Benjamin H. 1920
Shepherd G. Harley 1907
Shepherd George H. 1912
Shepherd George H. 1923
Shepherd Jesse L. 1914
Shepherd Mary 1902
Shepherd Sylvester A. 1910
Shepherd Wilbur T. 1907
Sheppard Henry 1905
Sherard Jacob 1908
Sherfey Jospeh E. 1910
Sherick Melanthon George 1907
Sheridan Frank M. 1910
Sherler Lester 1902
Sherlock John E. 1914
Sherlock Ralph R. 1908
Sherlock William J. 1914
Sherman David 1908
Sherman Oscar 1916
Sherrill Ellery 1909
Sherrill Jesse C. 1909
Sherrill Lewis M. 1901
Sherrill Lewis M. 1905
Sherrill William A. 1905
Shetler Rolla L. 1899
Shewmake Willam J. 1908
Shields John H. 1932
Shields John T. 1920
Shields Lewis J. 1912
Shields William H. 1906
Shigley (Young) Minnie M. 1908
Shimek Henry 1904
Shimitz Joseph 1910
Shimmin Frank M. 1920 See 20486

Shimmin Frank M. 1920 See 20487

Shipe Harry E. 1900
Shipherd Neva A. 1908
Shipley William H. 1917
Shipman Emmett A. 1905
Shirk Daniel D. 1904
Shirk John D. 1907
Shirk John H. 1901
Shirk Oliver D. 1907
Shirley Oakley E. 1920
Shirley Robert 1909
Shivers William M. 1908
Shoafstall Buford H. 1920
Shockey George H. 1910 Includes Military Discharge

Shoda Marie 1904 INcludes Declaration of Intention

Shoemaker Eva 1910
Shoemaker John A. 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Shoemaker John H. 1908
Shoemaker John H. 1910
Shoemaker John H. 1910
Shoemaker Walter 1910
Shoemaker William 1909
Shoffner Robert G. 1909
Shoffner William M. 1908
Shofstall Ada M. 1909
Shofstall Ada M. 1909
Shomsher Henry G. 1930
Shook Adam 1910
Shook Charles A. 1906
Shook Charles T. 1904
Shook John H. 1904
Shook William E. 1908
Shoopman Jacob S. 1910
Shopstall Ada M. 1909
Shores James W. 1911
Shorey Edward T. 1905
Shorey Ray E. 1917
Short Charles Edward 1909
Shramek John 1901
Shreve Chester H. 1920
Shrewsbury Mae 1909
Shrewsbury Ralph B. 1909
Shrier Augustus 1911
Shriner Carrie E. 1904
Shriner William B. 1904
Shriver Milton 1912
Shrope Franklin McP. 1912
Shryer Elvie L. 1920
Shugohang Roy Allen 1920
Shull Floy 1905
Shull Harry W. 1910
Shultz Jess C. 1910
Shumway Alson J. 1910
Shumway Grant L. 1916
Shupe Martin L. 1916
Shutts Moses 1907
Shutts Moses 1908
Shutts Moses 1909
Shylock Louis 1911
Sibbersen Ingvard 1926
Sides Adam 1903
Sides Joseph M. 1904
Sieffert Albert 1898
Sights Eugene 1908
Sigurdson Halldor 1916 Includes Declaration of Intention

Sikorski Walter 1919 Includes Military Discharge

Silvey Charles W. 1909
Simmons Charles S. 1910
Simmons Helen A. 1907
Simmons Jesse 1904
Simmons Otis W. 1909
Simmons RObert G. 1915
Simmons WIlliam A. 1913
Simmons William A. 1906 Includes Declaration of Intention

Simms Alfred E. 1905
Simonian Armenag 1909
Simonian Armenag 1910
Simons Edgar John 1920
Simpson Arthur H. 1904
Simpson Calvin E. 1905
Simpson Howard Lee 1928 See 21123

Simpson Howard Lee 1928 See 21134

Simpson Ralph B. 1916
Sipe Clyde Alva 1921
Sipp Harry J. 1921
Sipp Percy D. 1918
Sipp Sylvia Lillian 1918
Sitvak Rudolph 1915
Six Ralph O. 1909
Sizemore Doyle 1930
Skaggs Russell M. 1907
Skanadore Chester Bennet 1920
Skanadore Chester Bennett 1920 See 19472

Skanadore Chester Bennett 1920 See 19473

Skellenger Charles H. 1908
Skiles Ben H. 1910
Skiles Ben H. 1910
Skiles Ben H. 1912
Skinner Dell T. 1916
Skinner Edward L. 1904
Skinner Noah D. 1909
Skinner Reuben M. 1919
Skock Charley 1909
Skoda James 1914 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Skoda Marie 1903 Includes Declaration of Intention

Skopec Charles 1910
Skopec Charles 1918
Skopec Frank 1910
Slack Fred G. 1909
Slaigt Warren H. 1912
Slattery Daniel 1906
Slattery Daniel 1909
Slattery Henry F. 1913
Slattery James 1908
Slattery William 1913
Slaughter John L. 1909
Slaughter John L. 1911
Sleeger Charles A. 1913
Sleeth John A. 1912
Slider Thaddeus S. 1910
Slider Thaddeus S. 1910
Slimm Edward W. 1908
Slingluff Catherine L. 1912
Sloan Jane 1903
Slocum Glenn H. 1918
Slocum Paul F. 1919
Smally James L. 1906
Smardon Arthur Frank 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenshi[

Smeaton Arthur 1916
Smeltzer William C. 1922 Includes Military Discharge

Smersh Cyril 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Smillie Harry E. 1907
Smillie William B. 1908 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Smith   1901
Smith Alfred H. 1925
Smith Anna 1903 Includes Declaration of Intention

Smith Annie 1912
Smith Annie J. 1913
Smith Archie F. 1920
Smith Arthur 1909
Smith Arthur 1911
Smith Asbery B. 1912
Smith Bartlett 1904
Smith Benjamin F. 1909
Smith Bessie M. 1906
Smith Charles 1924
Smith Charles A. 1904
Smith Charles F. 1904
Smith Charles H. 1901
Smith Charlie 1905
Smith Cyrus T. 1908
Smith Earnest L. 1908
Smith Edgar 1900
Smith Egbert Bennet 1916
Smith Eliza C. 1910
Smith Elmer E. 1910
Smith Elsie M. 1913
Smith Ernest H. 1907
Smith Euretta 1904
Smith Euretta 1910
Smith Frank C. 1908
Smith Frank E. 1920
Smith Frank H. 1912
Smith Frank J. 1910
Smith Frank L. 1910
Smith Frank M. 1919
Smith Fred E. 1921 See 20041

Smith Fred E. 1921 See 20043

Smith Fred F. 1918
Smith Fred V. 1909
Smith George L. 1927
Smith George L. 1927
Smith George O. 1911
Smith H. Arthur 1913
Smith Harry E. 1916
Smith Henry A. 1914
Smith Henry B. 1917
Smith Herman E. 1911
Smith Hilda C. 1912
Smith Homer C. 1913
Smith Horace B. 1903
Smith Ira M. 1919
Smith Iva A. 1918
Smith J. A. 1910
Smith James H. 1901
Smith James M. 1904
Smith Jasper 1910
Smith Jesse A. 1909
Smith John 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Smith John 1909
Smith John H. 1909
Smith John H. 1909
Smith John V. 1926
Smith John W. 1902
Smith Joseph 1916 Includes Declaration of Intention

Smith Joseph A. 1912
Smith Josephine 1909
Smith LaFayette 1907
Smith Laban 1913
Smith Lawrence P. 1909
Smith Lee O. 1911
Smith Lewis A. 1932
Smith Lewis M. 1914
Smith Lloyd R. 1910
Smith Lorenzo F. 1911
Smith Luther G. 1908
Smith Luther G. 1908
Smith Nora 1912
Smith Omer K. 1916
Smith Orrin C. 1913
Smith Orrin C. 1913
Smith Otis J. 1901
Smith Owen Lynn 1920
Smith Peter 1909
Smith Peter E. 1910
Smith Pleasant W. 1920
Smith Ralph L. 1929
Smith Ray H. 1916
Smith Refford J. 1920
Smith Roy H. 1914
Smith Roy R. 1913
Smith Roy R. 1914
Smith Russell N. 1905
Smith Sarah 1900
Smith Sarah A. 1911
Smith Sarah A. 1912
Smith Scott 1911
Smith Stoney 1913
Smith Theodore H. 1900
Smith Truman H. 1909
Smith W. Clyde F. 1914 See 16923

Smith W. Clyde F. 1914 See 16939

Smith WIlliam 1909
Smith William E. 1905
Smoot William C. 1905
Smyser David M. 1899
Snedecker John W. 1908
Snell Pleasant S. 1909
Snell Pleasant S. 1910
Snell Thomas H. 1905
Snethen Dean E. 1920
Sniggs Emil 1906
Snipes Edgar A. 1916
Snoke Jesse G. 1911
Snook John V. 1907
Snow Arthur D. 1916
Snow Arvilla W. 1904
Snow Charles A. 1909
Snow Charles A. 1909
Snow Jessie J. 1910
Snow (Frank) Mary E. 1916
Snowden William J. 1912
Snyder Anna Nac 1908
Snyder Daniel S. 1916
Snyder David 1900
Snyder Henry W. 1909
Snyder Henry W. and Kenneth M. 1917
Snyder John M. 1913
Snyder John Oliver 1907
Snyder Joseph E. 1909
Snyder Lester E. 1902
Snyder Maud 1917
Snyder Neville S. 1913
Snyder Newton O. 1915
Snyder Roy O. 1925
Snyder Warren J. 1916
Snyder William E. 1916
Sobrovskie Ludwig 1909
Soden Nellie 1911
Soder Elmer E. 1905
Soester George 1909
Soester Theodore 1905
Solace Lyman E. 1909
Sollemberger William C. 1904
Solomon Fritz 1908
Solomon Mary A. 1907
Somes Mable M. 1903 See 978

Somes Mable M. 1904 See 979

Songster Calvin A. 1904
Songster J. W. 1905
Soper Lyman 1904
Soper Sidney G. 1910
Sopher Andrew R. 1926
Sopher Andrew R. 1927
Sorenson Andrew C. 1908
Soterin Gost 1920
Sothern William 1908 Includes Final Certificate of Naturalization

Southard Fred 1907
Southern Mae 1909
Southwell William 1912
Southwell William 1916
Sowers Eli 1909
Sowers William M. 1910
Sowerwine Clarence 1908
Sowerwine Clarence G. 1908
Sowerwine Eugene L. 1909
Spacht Charles A. 1920
Spahr Anna Lee 1922
Spalding John O. 1910
Spalding Louis C. 1909
Spanogle Clyde 1904
Spanogle Mark 1910
Sparham William J. 1908
Sparks Anna 1928
Sparks Anna E. 1928
Spaulding Laura M. 1926
Spear Albert 1911
Spear Clarence T.L. 1909
Spear James A. 1907
Spearman Harry A. 1911
Speas Minta 1904
Specht Fred 1909
Speer Louis R. 1909
Speese Radford L. 1908
Spence Andrew 1909
Spence David N. 1913
Spence Leroy E. 1916
Spencer Alice 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Wiliam P. Spencer

Spencer Allen L. 1908
Spencer D. Lewis 1910
Spencer Ira E. 1908
Spencer Norris B. 1908
Spethman Ida 1928
Spethmann Elsaba 1906
Spethmann Theresa L. 1906
Spicer Archie J. 1909
Spiller Lydia 1901
Spindler Levi Z. 1910
Spon Frank J. 1915
Spoor John D. 1910
Springer William A. 1911
Spry Simon 1911
Spurrier Guy 1916
Spurrier Hazel 1916
Spurrier Vernon 1916
Spurrier William D. 1916
Sramek Fanny 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

St. John Llewellyn N. 1902
Staab Otto J. 1917
Stack Lawrence J. 1910
Stack Robert L. 1913
Stack Robert L. 1913
Stack Thomas 1910
Stafford George 1911
Stafford Lloyd W. 1907
Stagemeyer Charles 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Stanley Nelson G. 1913
Stanley Robert E. 1910
Stanton Leotta 1909
Stanton Paul E. 1912
Stantorf Walter 1913
Stantorf Walter H. 1912
Staples Albert P. 1915
Staples Albert P. 1915
Staples Albert P. 1915
Staples Arthur P. 1906
Staples David D. 1908
Staples Henry F. 1908
Staples Hollis A. 1915
Staples William E. 1908
Stapleton Gartrel 1911
Stapleton Gartrel 1911
Stapleton Gartrel 1911
Starks Charles H. 1910
Starks Charley E. 1908
Starr Clarence A. 1912
Starr Leonard 1929
Staten Jospeh 1920
Statler Newman B. 1911
Stauffer Frank F. 1907
Stauffer Frank F. 1916
Stauffer Lucy A. 1904
Steadman Joseph 1916
Stec Andrew 1919
Steele David Francis 1927
Steele George W. 1915
Steele Jeremiah 1914
Steen Clarence G. 1913
Steen John 1910
Stefanich Michael Mark 1913
Steffenameier Henry 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Steffensmeier Henry 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Steffes Henry 1904
Steffes Henry C. 1910
Steggs William 1908
Steggs (Hopkins) Nellie 1913
Steiner Eric V. 1928
Steinhofel John A. 1908
Stelle Belle C. 1902
Stenberg Andreas Peter 1920
Stepanich Mikal 1917
Stephens Thomas J. 1907
Stephenson Benjamin D. 1913
Stephenson Benjamin D. 1914
Stephenson Oakley M. 1920
Sterling Harry 1904
Sterling James R. 1916
Stern Karl J. 1908
Sterns Sterling J. 1908
Steuteville John H. 1908
Steven William D. 1904
Stevens Carl C. 1904
Stevens Carl E. 1910
Stevens Essie L. 1905
Stevens Pearl L. 1908
Stevens Pearl N. 1909
Stevens Plumb R. 1917
Stevens Plumb R. 1917
Stevens Ray 1926
Stevens Ray 1926
Stevens Reuben H. 1909
Stevens Reuben H. 1909
Stevens Roy L. 1913
Stevens Wright N. 1909
Stevenson Charles 1909
Steward Alfred J. 1909
Steward Harry J. 1916
Steward Truman A. 1909
Stewart Aaron 1909
Stewart Amy P. 1910
Stewart Belle 1910
Stewart Charles E. 1907
Stewart Charles H. 1904
Stewart Charles N. 1908
Stewart Charles Ray 1912
Stewart Charles T. 1907
Stewart Daniel L. 1914
Stewart Daniel L. 1920
Stewart Frank C. 1905
Stewart Herman G. 1905
Stewart Herman G. 1910
Stewart Inean 1909
Stewart Jackson D. 1912
Stewart John 1899
Stewart John E. 1909
Stewart Robert 1923
Stewart Rose 1912
Stewart Samuel H. 1909
Stewart Samuel H. 1909
Stewart (Gillespie) Lucy 1919 See 18723

Stewart, Jr. Thomas 1910
Stiles Eva E. 1907
Stiles Isaac N. 1907
Stiles Isaac N. 1911
Stille Henry W. 1927 Includes Township Survey

Stille Herman W. 1917
Stille Herman W. 1923
Stille Herman W. 1924
Stillwell Clara 1909
Stillwell Earl J. 1919
Stilson George W. 1914
Stindt Eilert 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Stine William E. 1907
Stinehart Frank 1907
Stiner Eliza 1901
Stines Eric V. 1928
Stinson Thomas 1910
Stocker George W. 1912
Stockwell Clarence C. 1919
Stockwell George W. 1914
Stockwell Willard A. 1909
Stoddard Albert M. 1909
Stoddart Albert M. 1911
Stoehr Mat 1904
Stoehr Mat 1910
Stoehr Matt 1902
Stoehr Matt 1910
Stolt Carl J. 1908 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Stolt Minnie 1907
Stolt Stanza L. 1908
Stone Albert 1908
Stone Elmer 1904
Stone Lucius G. 1916
Stone Lynn 1913
Stone Raymond H. 1932
Stone Russell 1907
Stonecypher Carl Z. 1909
Stonecypher Harvey 1910
Stoner Aaron E. 1910
Stoner Andrew G. 1908
Stong John F. 1914
Stooks Charles 1905
Stoops Theodore 1909
Stoops Theodore 1909
Stoops Theodore 1910
Storcer Leighton Laird 1909
Storkel Conrad 1900 INlcudes Declaration of Intention

Storm (Boyer) Bertha J. 1910
Story Oscar W. 1900
Story Samuel S. 1905
Stott Hiram W. 1924
Stott James F. 1919
Stover Bertrand J. 1904
Stover Leighton L. 1910
Stowell Lyle F. 1912
Stowell Ransford B. 1910
Strahl George C. 1903
Strahl George C. 1904
Stralow Emma 1911
Strand Charles S.P. 1910
Strasack Frances 1895
Strasburger Frederica P. 1911
Strasburger John B. 1908
Strassburger Edward 1908
Stratton Erianna 1908
Stratton George R. 1907
Stratton James 1905
Stratton, Jr. John L. 1911
Straw George W. 1909
Straw Richard C. 1927
Strayer Frank J. 1908
Street Charles L. 1911
Streight Mark 1910
Strick Andrew 1908
Strom Steven P. 1911 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Strong Adolphus M. 1912
Strong Allen A. 1909
Strong David A. 1909
Strong Delbert S. 1904
Strong Delbert S. 1910
Strong Herman 1924
Strong John F. 1915
Strong Joseph R. 1910
Strong Robert 1932
Strong Robert E. 1910
Strong Robert E. 1910
Stroud Grace 1909
Stroud Walter S. 1920
Stroup Everett D. 1928
Stuart Robert Lee 1932
Stuber Joseph 1911 Inlcudes Declaration of Intention

Stuckey Frances E. 1911
Stuckey John A. 1908
Stuckey Lizzie C. 1908
Studebaker Joseph C. 1909
Studebaker Joseph C. 1917 See 18175

Studebaker Joseph C. 1917 See 18194

Studebecker Joseph C. 1909
Stuiber Joe 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Stull William 1906
Stults Hal L. 1920
Sturgeon Dwight L. 1911
Sturgeon John M. 1904
Sturgeon Philo C. 1917
Sturgeon Pleasant 1910
Sturgeon Samuel O. 1904
Sturm Frederick R. 1917
Stutzman Michael 1910
Sudgen Ethel 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Sudman Clyde H. 1920
Sugden David 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

Sullivan Henry 1916
Sullivan John M. 1909
Sullivan John M. 1916
Sullivan Timothy 1908
Summers Albert B. 1927
Summers Peter N. 1907
Summers Peter N. 1911
Summerson Acie I. 1910
Summerson Curtis B. 1912
Summerson Curtis B. 1912
Summerson Curtis B. 1912
Sumner James T. 1903 See 7749

Sumner James T. 1905 See 7748+

Sundall Charlie A. 1910 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Suratt Albert Charles 1922
Surber Elsa 1910
Surber Erial 1907
Surber Henry 1911
Surber Johanna 1915
Surber Marie 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Surprise Dora 1901
Surprise Dora 1910
Surratt Thomas 1909
Surratt Thomas 1909
Surratt Thomas 1909
Sutherland Allen Jennings 1920
Sutherland Norman 1904
Sutherland Thomas D. 1900
Sutter Joe 1908
Sutton Grover C. 1904
Sutton Grover C. 1904
Sutton Grover C. 1913
Sutton Harry E. 1908
Sutton Harry E. 1909
Sutton Harry E. 1910
Sutton John 1905
Sutton Minnie J. 1912
Sutton Ralph Y. 1911
Sutton Walter W. 1905
Sutton Zina M. 1913
Suverkrubbe Frank J. 1911
Svadlenka Marie 1904 Certif. of Nat. of John Suranek and dec. of Intention of Marie Svadlenka

Svoboda Adolf 1928
Swain John F. 1909
Swan Frederica P.H 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Swan Margaret 1905
Swan Mary Jane 1906
Swan Michael J. 1899 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Swan Thomas 1909
Swan Thomas 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Swan Veronica 1906
Swanson Ben 1908
Swanson Benjamin 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Swanson Benjamin 1909
Swanson Benjamin 1911 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Swanson Carl 1924
Swanson Frank E. 1903
Swanson Frank E. 1905
Swanson Gilbert E. 1912
Swanson Henry 1908
Swanson Henry 1904
Swanson Henry 1908
Swanson Jasper S. 1928
Swanson John H. 1908 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Swanson Mckinley J. 1921
Swanson Swan E. 1907 Includes Declartion of Intention

Swartz John 1909
Swedberg Ernest J. 1916
Sweeden Fred Pearl 1926
Sweem Joseph 1908 Includes Military Discharge

Sweem Joseph 1909
Sweem Robert B. 1909
Sween Earl Barr 1913
Sween Robert B. 1908
Sweeney James P. 1898
Sweeney Persis R. 1899 Includes Military Discharge of Francis M. French

Sweet Harry B. 1928
Swenson William 1909
Swenson William 1909
Swern Abbie W. 1909
Swern Abbie W. 1909
Swift Oka A. 1913
Swimbank John 1908
Swinbank Samuel 1909
Swinbank Samuel 1917
Swinbank Samuel 1919
Swindell Earl 1909
Swindell Earl 1911
Switzer Andrew 1910
Switzer Joseph H. 1915
Symans Mary J. 1904 Includes Declaration of INtention

Syrovy Katie 1902 Includes Declaration of Intention

Tabor Arthur 1920
Tabot Rollie J. 1906
Tacing Paul 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Tackett Elizabeth 1912
Taggart James R. 1908
Talbot James L. 1907
Talcott William Hubbard 1909
Taple Amanda 1912
Taplin Charles R. 1912
Taplin Ellen A. 1911
Taplin Ellen A. 1912
Taplin George F. 1907
Tarbox Jay M. 1906
Tarkington Lester B. 1907
Tarkington (Adams) Luella M. 1909
Tarr Wiley F. 1913
Tart Edward N. 1913
Tart Gerald A. 1913
Tash Charles C. 1920
Taylor Albert W. 1927
Taylor Alfred D. 1907
Taylor Alfred D. 1909
Taylor Carl W. 1920
Taylor Darwin E. 1916
Taylor Ella G. 1901
Taylor Frank 1912
Taylor Fred 1915
Taylor George O. 1919
Taylor Harlan L. 1914
Taylor Harry W. 1910
Taylor Horace W. 1910
Taylor James E. 1917
Taylor Jesse R. 1906
Taylor John H. 1909
Taylor Lee 1910
Taylor Lonze E. 1909
Taylor Mabel 1909
Taylor Ross V. 1916
Taylor Scott 1908
Taylor Walter H. 1911
Taylor Walter H. 1913
Taylor William 1928
Taylor William C. 1899
Taylor William H. 1889
Tayman Harry J. 1924
Teasley James E. 1908
Tedd Eugene W. 1920
Temple Paul 1920
Templeton Elmer 1909
Templeton Harry W. 1908
Terry Roy Owen 1909
Thacker Jr. Charles C. 1910
Thanel William 1928
Tharp Erwin 1914
Thayer Homer D. 1909
Thayer Robert B. 1911
Theimer Madeline 1912
Thiessen Charles A. 1926
Thiessen Charles A. 1926
Thomas Albert G. 1911
Thomas Ben A. 1910
Thomas Charles A. 1916
Thomas Elizabeth 1908 Includes Record of Naturalization

Thomas Elizabeth 1912
Thomas Elmer E. 1909
Thomas Erwin D. 1908
Thomas Frank B. 1909
Thomas Frank P. 1904
Thomas George 1908
Thomas Godfrey 1916
Thomas Harry Earl 1927
Thomas Harvold S. 1920
Thomas Jacob D. 1910
Thomas Jacob P. 1910
Thomas John A. 1904
Thomas John C. 1909
Thomas Joseph 1915
Thomas Joseph C. 1906
Thomas Joseph C. 1910
Thomas Lloyd 1916
Thomas Merle 1902
Thomas Theodore 1911
Thomas Valentine 1904
Thomas Wilhelm 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Thomas Will E. 1903
Thomas William A. 1920
THompson Thomas R. 1912
Thompson Andrew R. 1909
Thompson Carrie 1905
Thompson Cecilia 1903
Thompson Charles E. 1905
Thompson Charles G. 1920
Thompson Charles M. 1909
Thompson D. Clyde 1907
Thompson Daniel F. 1913
Thompson Dell 1908
Thompson Eugene E. 1910
Thompson Florence V. 1916
Thompson George A. 1911
Thompson George Ezra 1929
Thompson George N. 1900
Thompson George W. 1908
Thompson Harvey J. 1899
Thompson James Ellus M. 1920
Thompson John F. 1908 See 2619

Thompson John M. 1913
Thompson Joseph 1908
Thompson Louis J. 1907
Thompson Peter M. 1910
Thompson Robert O. 1911
Thompson Sherman D. 1920
Thompson Theodore J. 1905 see 190

Thompson Theodore J. 1908
Thompson Theodore J. 1908 See 191

Thompson Thomas 1905
Thompson Thomas B. 1907
Thompson Thomas R. 1912
Thompson William 1905
Thomson Andrew M. 1910
Thomson Bazil C. 1911
Thomson John F. 1905 Includes Naturalization Papers See 2620

Thorlton Henry 1908
Thorne James W. 1908
Thornton Albert H. 1908
Thornton Benjamin A. 1903
Thornton Frederick 1904
Thornton Frederick 1920
Thornton Freeman C. 1908
Thornton Freeman C. 1913
Thornton Paul S. 1907
Thornton Thomas M. 1908
Thornton Walter J. 1907
Thornton Walter J. 1911
Thorp Harriet R. 1903
Thorp Jay E. 1908
Thrall Albert L. 1907
Throneson Carrie 1909
Throneson Melvin Edward 1906
Thronson Peter 1913
Thule Adolph F. 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Thurman Courtland 1909
Thurman Courtland 1909
Thurman Courtland 1910
Thurman Jafe 1914
Thurman Jake 1909
Thurman Willie 1904
Thurstonson Ole 1910
Thurstonson Ole 1917
Tice Loyd 1905
Tice Walter E. 1910
Tierman Patrick J. 1901 Includes Declaration of Intention

Tiernan Alice 1908
Tiernan James 1913
Tiernan John 1904
Tiernan Patrick 1903 Includes Declaration of Intention and Certificate of Final Naturalization

Tifft Charles A. 1913
Tignor George B. 1907
Tilden Samuel J. 1916
Tiley Lewis Harley 1920
Tilgner Irving 1920
Tillett Samuel G. 1904
Tillotson Merton R. 1901
Timblin George E. 1928
Timm Wilber E. 1920
Tingley Levi T. 1908
Tingley Washington I. 1910
Tintor Jake 1919 Includes Declaration of Intention

Tippett John F. 1907
Tippetts Bert 1909
Tippetts Polly 1910
Tippie Fleet F. 1908
Tipple Roscoe L. 1920
Tipton Newman L. 1919
Tissington William G. 1910
Tobey Willis S. 1916
Tobias John M. 1910
Tobias John M. 1911
Tobin John 1901
Todd A. B. 1904
Todd A.B. 1902
Todd Emery W. 1914
Todd James M. 1909
Todd William R. 1909
Tolifer Lewis 1901
Tolle Eva M. 1908
Tolle Joseph 1908
Tolle Rector P. 1910
Tollman Fred L. 1907
Tomas W. Irvy 1907
Tomlin Harrison B. 1910
Tompkins Albert E. 1909
Tompkins Bertha E. 1909
Tompkins Bertha E. 1909
Tompkins Clarence R. 1908
Tompkins Clarence R. 1911
Tompkins Clarence R. 1915
Tompkins Clarence R. 1918
Tompkins Marion A. 1908
Tompkins Ray A. 1911
Tompsett Isaac G. 1914
Tompsett Ruth R. 1915
Tone Ithiel Hubbard 1908
Tonner Edward John 1929
Tonnert Caroline 1907
Topham George 1916
Tople Amanda 1914
Tople Ernest 1913
Torrance Earl H. 1910
Torrance William A. 1916
Townsend George R. 1913
Townsend R. S. 1915
Townsend William L. 1916
Townson Henry A. 1904
Townson Henry A. 1909
Townson Henry A. 1909
Trabert Herman A. 1918
Trabert Herman A. 1918 See 18506

Trabert Herman A. 1918 See 18511

Trabert Raymond L. 1910
Trabert William F. 1918
Trachter Maude E. 1908
Tracy Alice 1912
Tracy John 1917
Tracy Mary L. 1911
Tracy William H. 1910
Tracy William H. 1910
Tracy William H. 1910
Tracy William H. 1912
Tracy William H. 1912
Trappe Adolph 1907 Includes Declaration of Intention

Trautman Walter W. 1911
Travis George W. 1914
Travis George W. 1919
Traxler Herbert W. 1907
Trenkle, Jr. Ferdinand 1913
Treverton Allen 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Trier Hattie 1908
Trier Philip J. 1909
Trille Leo L. 1918
Trimmer Donald M. 1929
Trinnier Richard 1905
Triplett Bessie 1917
Triplett Charles F. 1904
Triplett Earnest 1908
Triplett Earnest 1909
Tripp Ark 1910
Trotter John E. 1909
Trousdale Thomas F. 1913
Trout Orville C. 1916
Trowsbridge Albert F. 1909
Troy Asa S. 1917
Trudo Mayam 1913
Trueax Albert 1911
Trueman Ezra T. 1905
Truitt Charles E. 1906
Trumbull Aarnon B. 1905
Trumbull Delilah L. 1910
Tryon Bert H. 1913
Tubbs Edgar S. 1911
Tucker Josephine F. 1910
Tull Ernest M. 1929
Tuller Leveret E. 1908
Tuller Leveret E. 1909
Tulley Charles H. 1900
Tully Charles H. 1904
Tully Thomas M. 1909
Tully Thomas M. 1912
Tuma Ferd A. 1916
Tunison Lloyd E. 1907
Turcott Gilbert 1912
Turechek Anton F. 1910
Turechek Anton F. 1913
Turechek P. Chester 1910
Turks Myrtle H. 1907
Turman Alvin 1917
Turman James L. 1905
Turman 1 of 2 James L. 1908
Turman 2 of 2 James L. 1908
Turner Ervin A. 1915
Turner Forest D. 1917
Turner Harry G. 1926
Turner Margaret A. 1915
Turner Margaret B. 1905
Turner Sarah A. 1909
Turner William L. 1910
TUttle Myron 1912 INcludes Military Discharge

Tuttle Arthur 1905
Tuttle Earl O. 1908
Tuttle Siles 1916
Tuttle Urban M. 1913
Tuttle Ursula 1910
Twigg (Daniel) Lucy J. 1908
Twist Joseph 1909
Twist Joseph 1909
Twist Joseph 1910
Twitchell Leonard M. 1910
Twitchell Myron A. 1910
Twombley Earl U. 1908
Twombley Earl U. 1908
Tykwart Frank M. 1908
Tyler Clair A. 1920
Tyler Jo. O. 1902
Tyler Ralph L. 1907
Tyler Walter H. 1912
Tyree Edward W. 1911
Tyson Charles 1907
Tyson Joseph 1907
Tyson Mayme P. 1909
ubanks Robert A. 1902
Ufford Byron L. 1912
Ullery Ada M. 1912
Ummel Arthur E. 1917
Umphenour Alva E. 1922
Umphenour George M. 1907
Umphres Frank D. 1921
Uncapher Anna M. 1909
Underwood Clell M. 1909
Underwood John M. 1909
unsaker John B. 1908
Unthauk Oliver B. 1904
Upton Ruluff A. 1918
Urbach Bertha 1904
urray James M. 1912
Utter Daniel 1902
Utter Daniel L. 1911
Utter Jessie E. 1905
Utter Lucinda 1906
Utterman Magdalena 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Vahle William G. 1915
Vail Nester C. 1910
Valentine C. M. 1922
Valentine C. M. 1924
Valentine C. M. 1926
Valentine Chauncey M. 1911
Valentine Chauncey M. 1914
Valentine H. Roy 1906
Valentine William O. 1911
Valley Edward K. 1909
Valter Joseph 1915 Includes Naturalization Record

Van Ausdeln John I. 1919 See 19161

Van Ausdeln John I. 1919 See 19162

Van Buskirk Grover 1917
Van Buskirk Seymour J. 1914
Van Camp Elizabeth 1913
Van Camp Elizabeth 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Van Horn Cornelius 1913
Van Horn Robert Lee 1917
Van Kirk Earl 1916
Van Loon Carrie M. 1912
Van Loon Carrie M. 1913
Van Matre George H. 1924
Van Oyen Dennis H. 1909
Van Pelt Alonzo J. 1914
Van Pelt Lew E. 1914
Van Pelt Lotta J. 1913
Van Pelt Lotta J. 1913
Van Pelt Lotta J. 1914
Van Sickle Frank H. 1909 ]

Van Sickle Lorenzo D. 1910
Van Trump Ray William 1911
Van Vlack John 1913
Van Vleck Deforest 1904
Van Vleck LeRoy 1913
Van Winkle Seth 1920
Vanausen John L. 1919
Vance Jay H. 1920
Vandel Thomas V. 1917
Vandeman Harry M. 1916
Vandeman Omer F. 1916
Vandenberg Mari Anna 1909
Vandewarker William F. 1929
Vandivort Milo 1917
Vandoris Fred 1909
Vandorn Homer E. 1909 \

Vandusen Thomas 1908
Vargasen James I. 1908
Vargesen Henry C. 1909
Vase Leonard O. 1920
Vaughan Joseph Claud 1909
Vaughn Joseph C. 1906
Vaughn Joseph Claude 1910
Vaughn Joseph H. 1906
Vaughn Joseph W. 1909
Vaughn Lottie D. 1917
Vaughn Lottie D. 1921
Vaughn Mary L. 1921 See 20069

Vaughn Mary L. 1921 See 20070

Vaughn Black Eugene Vaughn 1920
Vavrina Joe 1908 Includes Certificate of Naturalization of Father

Veach Shelby C. 1911
Vendle Norstrum Frank Vendle 1923 See 20604

Vendle Norstrum Frank Vendle 1923 See 20605

Vermilyea Emily A. 1908
Vermuel John 1917
Vermuelen Jean Cyriel 1910
Verner James 1910
Verner John R. 1909
Verner John R. 1909 See 8951

Verner John R. 1909 See 8955

Verner Mary 1910
Vernon Earl L. 1911
Vernon Earl l. 1911
Vernon John N. 1916
Verona Dewey R. 1920
Vertrees Sarah 1905
Vest Thomas 1908
Vetter Jacob 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Vian Norman Guy 1918
Vickery Lonnie R. 1919
Vilda Antone 1905
Vincent August 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Vincent Joseph 1909
Vincent Marion S. 1914
Vincent Odiel 1916 Includes Declaration of Intention

Vincent Duer Eugene Vincent 1911
Vincent McCue James Vincent 1917
Vinge Sam O. 1911
Virtue Edwin E. 1906
Vodicka Joseph 1908
Vollentine Thomas W. 1920
Volmer Jacob 1911
Volmer Jacob 1916
Von Forell Charles 1915
Von Forell Ernst Von 1915
Vonderfecht Henry E. 1916
Vorhes George B. 1922
Vroman Edward B. 1911
Vurn Richter J. Vurn 1916
Waddell Mollie S. 1912
Waddell Pearl 1912
Waddill (Heard) Louella 1907
Wade John O. 1908
Wade Perry Plumb 1928
Wade Peter C. 1909
Wadum Laura 1904 See 7585

Wadum Laura 1904 See 7586

Wagar Harry A. 1926
Waggerby Lars 1912
Waggerby Lars 1916
Waggoner Daniel B. 1917
Waggoner Edith J. 1909
Waggoner Frank T. 1928
Waggy Adam D. 1910
Waggy Adam D. 1910
Waggy Adam D. 1911
Waggy Adam D. 1914
Wagner Albert 1908
Wagner Antonia 1905
Wagner Charles L. 1910
Wagner Frederick 1910
Wagner Frederick 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Wagner James E. 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Wagner Lercy 1920
Wagner Loyd E. 1912
Wagner Loyd E. 1912
Wagner Monroe 1909
Wagner Samuel E. 1909
Wagner Theodor 1904 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Wagner William M. 1909
Wagoner Samuel L. 1911
Wahlmuth Joseph 1910 Includes Declaration of Intention

Wait Cecil 1915
Waite Frank 1908
Waite Frank 1914
Waitman Lavinia 1908
Waitman (Fletcher) Maud 1909 \

Wakeman Coney P. 1910
Walberg Emil A. 1916
Walbridge Catherine 1913
Walcott Edward B. 1916
Walcott John C. 1917
Walcott Phillip Doixon 1912 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Waldecker Joseph 1909
Walden Dora F. 1908
Wales Harold E. 1909
Walford Roy Herbert 1910
Walgreen Anna W. 1908
Walker Basil E. C. 1909 Includes Declaration of Intention

Walker Basil E.C. 1909
Walker Charles P. 1902 Includes Certificate of Naturalization of one Tom Charleston

Walker Frank 1916
Walker Harry Harrison 1920
Walker Ira I. 1908
Walker Ira L. 1908 \

Walker Morris G. 1910
Walker Richard W. 1920
Walker Robert J. 1913
Walker Robert S. 1909
Walker Robert S. 1911
Walker Robert S. 1911
Walker William B. 1909
Walker William F. 1909
Walker William G. 1913
Wallace George O. 1920
Wallace John W. 1914 Includes 3 Maps See 21506

Wallace John W. 1915 Includes 3 Maps See 21505

Wallace Laura I. 1907
Wallace Robert 1909
Wallace Robert 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Wallace Robert 1917
Wallers Tillman 1909
Wallin Ernest A. 1911
Wallin Prince L. 1909
Wallinford Horace G. 1922
Walling Lionel C. 1907
Walls Asa E. 1909
Walsh Henry 1919
Walsh John 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Walsh John J. 1909
Walsh John P. 1911
Walsh Joseph 1914
Walsh Robert 1910
Walsh (Moore) Elizabeth 1905
Walsh (Moore) Elizabeth 1909
Walsworth Henry J. 1918
Walten Joseph H. 1910
Walter Harry P. 1908
Walter John L. 1904
Walters Charlie O. 1916
Walters Homer Earl 1916
Walters Joseph A. 1908
Walters Robert Hayes 1909
Walthall Danel B. 1908
Walton Alfred 1908
Walton George Wright 1907
Walts Earl 1904
Walts Lee 1904
Walts Lee 1910
Walworth Floyd W. 1920
Wambaugh F. Foster 1928
Wambaugh Thomas Foster 1920
Wampler Elmer G. 1909
Wamser Joseph G. 1912
Wanek Henry F. 1920
Ward Bert L. 1908
Ward Charles E. 1920
Ward George H. 1914
Ward George L. 1919
Ward Harold 190
Ward Harold 1909
Ward Harold 1909
Ward Hugh J. 1909
Ward John P. 1911
Ward Sharlotte 1910
Ward Thomas J. 1906
Ward William 1908 Includes Naturalization Papers

Ware Lucy 1930
Wareham George Q. 1910
Warick Fred 1916
Warnack Sarah 1908
Warner Dewey C. 1906
Warner Harley R. 1920
Warner Isaiah F. 1905 See 741

Warner Isaiah F. 1908
Warner Isaiah F. 1908 See 740

Warner Isaiah F. 1909
Warner Margaret 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Nicholas Warner

Warnock John C. 1912 Includes Military Discharge

Warrell Everett 1908
Warren Arthur L. 1910
Warren Charles H. 1904
Warren Harry M. 1908
Warren Harry V. 1904
Warren William E. 1911
Warrick John Wesley 1920
Warrick John Wesley 1922
Warring Harold E. 1932
Warton Ira E. 1907
Was Frank J. 1916
Washburn Angelus M. 1909
Washburn Elza 1909 See 9695

Washburn Elza 1909 See 9696

Washburn Frank B. 1900
Washburn Leonard A. 1911
Washburn Mattie E. 1904
Washington George 1902
Washington William 1908
Wassenberg Cora V. 1909
Wassenberg Frank 1904 Includes Naturalization Certificate

Wassenburger Herbert J. 1913
Wasserberger Christie 1903
Wasserburger Anna F. 1909
Wasserburger Christ 1909
Wasserburger Christ 1910
Wasserburger Christie 1904
Wasserburger Edward H. 1920
Wasserburger H.H. 1909
Wasserburger Herbert John 1919
Wasserburger Joseph C. 1905
Wasserburger Katie 1913 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Wasserburger Wilford D. 1922
Wassom Clark C. 1905
Wassom Harry H. 1908
Waterman William 1909
Waterman William 1910
Wathen Earl E. 1912
Wathen Earl E. 1916
Wathen Henry J. 1912
Watkins Harry O. 1920
Watson Albert S. 1908
Watson Arthur 1903
Watson Frederick T. 1909
Watson Frederick T. 1909
Watson George E. 1910
Watson Ira E. 1908
Watson John B. 1900
Watson John P. 1907
Watson John T. 1914
Watson Leuse M. 1909
Watson Louis 1908
Watson Lucian C. 1920
Watson Raymond 1912
Watson Raymond 1913
Watson Silas E. 1911
Watson (Noble) Ida B. 1908
Watt John C. 1917
Watts Cleve L. 1928
Watts Emmett E. 1913
Watts Ernest R. 1910
Watts Henry 1902
Watts Sadie 1901
Watts William H. 1910
Watts Winnie J. 1904
Waugh Edwing Jennings 1920
Waugh John Bishop 1907 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Wayman Joseph 1919
Wear Elizabeth 1909
Wear Elizabeth 1909
Wear Ellen E. 1904
Wear Emma J. 1906
Wear John D. 1904
Wear Joseph 1914
Wear Joseph C. 1913
Wear Mary V. 1904
Wear (Hubbard) Hazel E. 1919
Weare Burney 1905
Weare Florence 1907
Weathers Charlie W. 1909
Weatherwax Virgil 1920
Weaver Harris E. 1908
Weaver Ivan A. 1928
Weaver John O. 1908
Weaver Martin B. 1910
Weaver Martin B. 1910
Weaver Rhoada 1908
Webb James E. 1913
Webb Qincy S. 1914
Webber Della 1901
Webber William B. 1925
Weber George C. 1905 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Weber Jean E. 1904
Weber Louis F. 1902
Webster Cedric S. 1912
Webster Cedric S. 1912
Webster Cedric S. 1924
Webster Elizabeth 1904
Webster Elizabeth 1904
Webster Ida M. 1912
Webster John Potter 1917
Weddle Oscar E. 1913
Weddle Oscar E. 1913
Weed Alvero H. 1908
Weeks Adelbert W. 1902
Wehn John W. 1910
Wehn John W. 1910 See 10943

Wehn John W. 1912 See 10942

Wehr John L. 1913
Weibling Mabel 1911
Weidenfeld Marie A. 1897
Weiderhold Joseph 1910
Weikel Relonzo R. 1910
Weil Harold L. 1907
Weiland William O. 1911
Weingartner Fritz 1905 Includes Declaration of Intention

Weir Lawrence J. 1910
Weir Lawrence J. 1911 See 13649

Weir Lawrence J. 1911 See 13650

Weir Thomas 1908
Weise Fred 1905
Welch Anna 1911
Welch Elizabeth B. 1912
Welch Patrick 1908
Welch Patrick 1911
Welch William 1911 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Weldon James M. 1916
Welker Harold A. 1920
Weller Guy E. 1916
Weller Nelson 1908
Welliver Merle Irene 1914
Wells Alma 1905
Wells Charles A. 1910
Wells Charles D. 1915
Wells Devilla H. 1899
Wells Elihu 1911
Wells Ernest 1906
Wells Farley E. 1902
Wells Farley E. 1915
Wells Jerry A. 1907
Wells Joseph 1912
Wells Levi P. 1901
Wells Lora W. 1907
Wells Lora W. 1908
Wells Newman G. 1914
Wells Nora A. 1911
Wells Ray C. 1905
Wells William H. 1911
Wells William H. 1912
Welsh Ai. M. 1902
Welton Albert Alvin 1908
Welton Arthur W. 1908
Welton Frank T. 1901
Welton Winfield S. 1912
Welton Winfield S. 1912
Wend John H. 1909
Wendling Vestie F. 1909
Wendt Frederick W. 1912
Wentz John R. 1914
Wermuth George H. 1908
Werst Elizabeth H. 1904
Wesley Robert W. 1910
Weslh Michael 1908
Wessel Fred 1910
West Albert R. 1911
West George B. 1906
West James K. 1910
West Margaret C. 1908
West Orville Rex 1918
West Robert J. 1904
Westerburg Benjamin F. 1912
Westergreen Edward 1907
Westervelt Lawrence E. 1928
Westley Robert 1907
Weston Charles 1910
Weston Charles 1910
Weston Rachael D. 1917
Westover Burton L. 1909
Westover Charles A. 1907
Westover Frank E. 1909
Westover Raymond A. 1911
Westover Robert J. 1911
Westover William H. 1905
Wetherell Charles A. 1908
Wetherell Charles S. 1908
Wettler Jackson 1904
Wetzel Dallas P. 1902
Wetzel William Howard 1909
Wetzel William Howard 1909
Whaley Isadore D. 1913
Whaley Milton H. 1909
Whaley Twitty 1920
Wheatley Jack E. 1918
Wheeler Francis M. 1909
Wheeler Fred L. 1913
Wheeler Grace E. 1901
Wheeler Martha E. 1902
Wheeler Mary E. 1908 Includes Pension Certificate (Military) for Husband

Wheeler William E. 1908
Whelan Frank 1916
Whetstine Sherman 1916
Whetstone Carl F. 1909
Whipple Mollie 1907
Whitaker Asbury 1908
Whitaker James 1904
Whitaker John D. 1909 Includes Military Discharge

Whitaker Martin L. 1912
Whitaker Nora F. 1911
Whitaker Samuel C. 1911
Whitcomb George J. 1928
Whitcomb George J. 1929
Whitcomb Sylvester J. 1929
Whitcoomb Cleo G. 1916
WHite William 1906
White Alfred 1911 Includes Declaration of Intention

White Charley C. 1909
White Elmer 1909
White George 1905
White George D. 1904
White Harry C. 1912
White James B. 1906
White James B. 1910
White James T. 1903
White Jennie E. 1908
White Jennie K. 1909 \

White John W. 1901
White Lucian E. 1904
White Oscar B. 1901
White Ruth D. 1916
White Tilghman O. 1928
White Tilghman O. 1929
White William J. 1907
Whitecoat George 1929
Whited Frank 1905
Whitehead Benjamin W. 1908
Whitehead James T. 1908
Whitehead James T. 1909
Whitehead Peleg J. 1908
Whitesel John W. 1905
Whiting Charles L. 1907 Inlcudes Certificate of Citizenship

Whiting Henry 1909
Whitlam Charles F. 1908
Whitlam Ralph 1908
Whitlock James H. 1905
Whitman Charles A. 1908
Whitman Edward B. 1908
Whitman Edward E. 1909
Whitman Grace 1908
Whitman Guy F. 1910
Whitman Nina P. 1908
Whitman Nina P. 1909
Whitmant Edward E. 1908
Wible Herman E. 1917
Wichersham Howard 1910
Wickard Charles 1917
Wickersham Fayth 1910
Wickersham Fayth 1910
Wickersham George 1909
Wickersham Howard 1909
Wickersham Olin B. 1908
Wickersham Olin B. 1910
WIckham Calvin 1908
Wicks Arthur A. 1909
Wicks John N. 1916
Widdle William M. 1913
Wiedenfeld Margaret 1907 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Wieland Edwin K. 1913
Wieland William O. 1910
Wieland William O. 1912
Wier Elmer E. 1911
Wier Walter L. 1906
Wier William 1907
Wiese Hans 1916 Includes Certificate of Naturalization

Wiese Henry J. 1904 INlcudes Declaration of Intention

Wiese Henry J. 1904 Includes Declaration of Intention

Wiesz Henry 1918
Wieters John F. 1916
Wiggins Harriett H. 1915
Wiggins Wallace S. 1906
Wiker John T. 1904
Wilber Charles H. 1905
Wilcox Elizabeth 1902 Includes Military Discharge of Levi Wilcox

Wilcox Fred L. 1909
Wilcox Isaac N. 1910
Wilcox Myron C. 1908
WIlder Raliegh A. 1908
Wilder Millard J. 1907
Wilder Raleigh A. 1909
Wilder Raleigh A. 1909
Wilder Raleigh A. 1910
Wildman Earl 1915
Wildmann Frances 1918
Wilds Richard L. 1906
Wilds Richard L. 1908
Wiles Louis E. 1909
Wilhelm Matilda 1908
Wilhite Alasco W. 1909
Wilkins Carl 1908
Wilkinson C. Calvert 1904
Wilkinson Edgar 1906
Wilkinson H.N. 1909
Wilkinson Natalie I. 1904
Wilkinson Sarah E. 1929
Wilkinson Wilbur H. 1909
Wilkinson William N. 1912 \

Will George B.M. 1909
Will Sarah H. 1910
Willard Chaney 1902
Willard William M. 1913
Willett Joseph 1910
WIlley James H. 1904
Williams Alexander 1914
Williams Alfred V. 1918
Williams Arthur S. 1912
Williams Bert W. 1909
Williams Bert W. 1910
Williams Bert W. 1913
Williams Caleb E. 1910
Williams Caleb E. 1910
Williams Charles C. 1912
Williams David F. 1913
Williams Ed 1910
Williams Edward J. 1910
Williams Edwin I. 1911
Williams Gertrude 1911
Williams Harry 1907
Williams Harry M. 1911
Williams Harvey C. 1912
Williams Ira 1919
Williams James F. 1908
Williams John 1920
Williams John W. 1912
Williams Joseph C. 1924
Williams Lee 1920
Williams Lillie 1914
Williams Otto 1910
Williams Robert 1916
Williams Samuel F. 1910
Williams (Christensen) Parma 1914
Williamson Orson 1910
Williken George F. 1917
Willis Blanch 1899
Willis Blanche A. 1908
Willis James M. 1907
Willis John R. 1907
Willis John T. 1907
Willis Oren E. 1931
Willis Peter J. 1906
Willis Peter J. 1908
Willmore James O. 1913
Wills Charles R. 1911
Wills Charles R. 1914
Wills Charles R. 1914
Wills Henry 1906
Wills Henry L. 1921
Wilmert George V. 1911
Wilser Charles B. 1904
Wilser John Louis 1904
WIlson Edgar W. 1904
WIlson Elizabeth 1917
WIlson George H. 1902
Wilson A. Wayne 1914
Wilson Arthur e. 1907
Wilson Carl E. 1907
Wilson Cavette 1911
Wilson Cecil C. 1908
Wilson Charles W. 1909
Wilson Chestley 1920
Wilson Clair E. 1909
Wilson Claude E. 1909
Wilson Curtis L. 1909
Wilson Earl 1931
Wilson Elizabeth 1908
Wilson Eva T. 1902
Wilson Frank 1899
Wilson Frank E. 1898
Wilson Frank E. 1916
Wilson Fred O. 1902
Wilson General Sherman 1925
Wilson Harry 1907
Wilson Harry A. 1913
Wilson Harry A. 1915
Wilson Hugh Carter 1928
Wilson Hughie 1920
Wilson James C. 1913
Wilson James P. 1908
Wilson John H. 1919
Wilson John M. 1901
Wilson John M. 1909 See 8917

Wilson John M. 1909 See 8919

Wilson John Manson 1907
Wilson Lemuel H. 1910
Wilson Mary A. 1914
Wilson Nawn 1901
Wilson Press L. 1911
Wilson Samuel H. 1907
Wilson Samuel O. 1907
Wilson Sarah E. 1911
Wilson Sherman W. 1910
Wilson Thomas 1910
Wilson Vincent 1910
Wilson Walter 1932
Wilson Willard J. 1920
Wilson William 1909
Wilson William 1911
Wilson William E. 1905
Wilson William E. 1909
Wilson William O. 1911
Wilson William W. 1908
Wilson (Kendall) Clive V. 1910
Wiltrout John Ray 1923
Wiltsey John L. 1910
Winchell John W. 1907
Winchell John W. 1916
Winchell' Myrtle 1907
Wine Mary P. 1909
Wines James W. K. 1908
Wineteer Howard 1915
Wineteer Howard 1928
Wineteer Solomon E. 1919
WIng Elmer 1923
Wingert Irvin S.S. 1910
Winings Naomi May 1921
Winkler Ollie J. 1911
WInn George S. 1904
Winship Eliza 1908
Winstanley John J. 1911
Winstanley John Thomas 1912
WInston William 1900
Winston Annie E. 1905
WInter William T. 1904
Wintermute William 1918
Wirtz Augy G. 1919
Wisdom Sarah 1904
WIse Charles H. 1909
Wise Charles H. 1908
Wise Colonel H. 1907
WIseman Elbert A. 1907
Wiseman Okie E. 1909
Wiseman Okie E. 1909
Wismiller George 1913
Wisner Roy A. 1913
Wisner William M. 1909
Wissing William 1905
Witt Albert W. 1917
Witt Carl 1910
Witten Ben 1920
Wittenburg John C. 1909
Witters John L. 1916
Wittieried Clem 1904
Wochner Urva Samuel 1926
Wofford Dennis 1913
Wohlers Minnie 1903
Wohlheter Louis 1909
Wolf Chauncey M. 1912
Wolfe Herbert 1906
Wolfe Samuel V. 1916
Wolfenden Cyrus R. 1921
Wolff Chauncy 1907
Wollam Elzie 1908
Wolvington Frank J. 1909
Wood Amanda 1916
Wood Charles C. 1909
Wood Emma 1905
Wood Eunice L. 1903
Wood George C. 1920
Wood George W. 1911
Wood Harry 1910
Wood Hayden H. 1909
Wood Henry C. 1913
Wood Jay 1914
Wood Jay N. 1911
Wood John 1904
Wood John M. 1909
Wood Joseph E. 1928
Wood Lemuel D. 1907
Wood Mary A. 1902
Wood Mildred L. 1916
Wood Preston D. 1908
Wood Roy A. 1909
Wood (Lee) Maud A. 1913 Includes Declaration of Intention

Woodbridge Sands F. 1932
Wooden David S. 1905
Woodhrust Sherwood 1920
Woodings William A. 1922
Woodruff Walter B. 1909
Woods Etta O. 1912
Woods Loy H. 1912
Woods Tommy E. 1914
Woods William 1928
Woods William L. 1919
Woodsworth George H. 1921
Woodward Edwin A. 1909
Woodward Guy E. 1909
Woodward Lillie M. 1912
Woodward William H. 1911
Woodworth George F. 1919
Woodworth George F. 1919
Woolridge Daniel B. 1911
Woolridge Daniel B. 1911
Woolsey Emma 1909
Wooten Will 1907
Wootton Samuel J. 1908
Workman Martha A. 1916
Workman Peter R. 1913
Worley Harvey J. 1916
Worley Izola D. 1912
Worner Francis M. 1907
Woten, Sr. John 1913
Wray Armand Louis 1922
Wray Charles W. 1907
Wray Thomas F. 1928
Wray Thomas F. 1928
Wrede Christ F. 1910
Wright Albert M. 1903
Wright Bert 1904
Wright Chandler W. 1909
Wright Claude W. 1916
Wright Dan 1908
Wright Daniel 1906
Wright Fred J. 1928
Wright George B. 1913
Wright George B. 1914
Wright George B. 1919
Wright Jackson F. 1906
Wright Lewis H. 1910
Wright Oscar 1908
Wright Sherman G. 1931
Wrighton Jesse E. 1909
Wrighton Jesse E. 1909
Wurzburger Milton 1916
Wuthier Paul E. 1911
Wyatt Clyde O. 1909
Wyatt Harvey L. 1910
Wyckoff Jesse F. 1908
Wyckoff William F. 1920
Wykniet Henry 1921 See 20088

Wykniet Henry 1921 See 20093

Wykoff Charles E. 1904
Wyland Harold M. 1924
Wyland Russell R. 1922 See 20190

Wyland Russell R. 1922 See 20191

Wyman Osgood B. 1904
Wymore Clarence 1920
Wymore William C. 1914
Wynne Florence W. 1915
Yakeley Emanuel 1909
Yancey John F. 1920
Yardley Henry J. 1917
Yarington George W. 1908
Yarrey Victoria 1909
Yates Frances H. 1909
Yates Marcus W. 1908
Yates Marcus W. 1909
Yates W.G. 1910
Yeager Christian Carl 1908
Yeast Perry A. 1909
Yeast Perry A. 1910
Yeo George 1913
Yoakum William L. 1906
Yockey Charles H. 108
Yockey Charley F. 1908
Yockey James 1908
Yoey Clarence M. 1910
Yoey Clarence M. 1910
York Frank C. 1909
Yost Howard 1920
Youmans Charales Devere 1916
Young Amy 1900
Young Andrew J. 1916
Young Arthur Farley 1920
Young Aubrey C. 1920
Young Charlie A. 1908
Young Edvinna J. 1908
Young Edward C. 1908
Young Everett 1918
Young George M. 1912
Young Irvie H. 1919
Young James F. 1904 INcludes Certificate of Citizenship

Young James L. 1920
Young James M. 1910
Young James T. 1909
Young John 1912
Young John 1914
Young Laura E. 1910
Young Leo Bradford 1916
Young Leo Bradford 1919
Young Leo Bradford 1919
Young Noel Crawford 1920
Young Olive M. 1917
Young Oliver S. 1908
Young Salathiel 1913
Young Samuel Grove 1910
Young Wilber E. 1904
Young William A. 1910
Younglove Electa M. 1908
Yount James G. 1908
Yount Newton D. 1910
Yount Newton D. 1913
Yount Orlando J. 1901
Yount Orlando J. 1908
Yount Peter S. 1902 See 3268, 3269

Yount Peter S. 1904 See 3267, 3269

Yount Peter S. 1909 See 3267, 3268

Younts Mamie 1917
Zach William P. 1916
Zack Anna 1912
Zack Frank 1912
Zajic Aloizie 1909
Zediker Urban R. 1910
Zediker Wayne D. 1906
Zehner Ernest 1917
Zehr Herman 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Zeigler Clyde 1931
Zeller George F. 1910
Zerbe Harvey E. 1909
Zerbe Mabel L. 1910
Zerbst Paul 1910 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Ziegenhain Charla A. 1917
Zike Samuel M. 1910
Zimmer Peter 1916
Zimmerman Annie Elizabeth Miller 1902
Zimmerman Cleve G. 1910
Zimmerman Clyde E. 1912
Zimmerman Jesse F. 1908
Zimmerman John 1909
Zimmerman SImon D. 1909
Zimprich Anthony 1929
Zinser Conrad H. 1909
Zinsmaster Charles F. 1911
Zion Charley H. 1907
Zlatnik Julia 1908 Includes Declaration of Intention

Zonn Casper 1905
Zook Irvin E. 1908
Zorn William H. 1909
Zurawski Joe A. 1931
Zurcher Charles L. 1904
Zurcher Clara M. 1904
Zurcher John G. 1908
Zurcher William 1901 Includes Certificate of Citizenship

Zurm Clarence W. 1909
Zurn Theresia M. 1903
Zweibel Louis John 1908
Zwink Lydia 1904