Record Group 118: Records of U.S. Attorneys.
Series Title List
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern Judicial District of Missouri. 1870-
Series: Precedent Case Files, 1923-1970, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5916622
Series: Grand Jury Minutes, 1876-1918, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5916716
Series: Copies of Letters Sent, 1853-1889, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5916718
Series: Grand Jury Dockets, 1887-1932, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5916719
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Judicial District of Kansas. 1870-
Series: Attorney's Criminal Docket, 1878-1879, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5897692
Series: Attorneys’ Oath of Office, 1885-1893, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5897674
Series: Attorney's Record of Witnesses, 1875-1894, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5897693
Series: Attorney's Reports to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, 1897-1902, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5897683
Series: Attorney's Reports to the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 1896-1902, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5897680
Series: Attorney's Reports to the Department of Justice, 1898-1901, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5897685
Series: Attorney's Reports to the Solicitor of the Treasury, ca. 1870-1902, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5897687
Series: Bankruptcy Docket for the Act of 1867, 1869-1880, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5897678
Series: Clerk's Report, 1876-1876, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5897689
Series: Document Register, 1873-1873, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5897677
Series: Federal Grand Jury Records, 1951-1966, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5730965
Series: Grand Jury Dockets, 1881-1897, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5897691
Series: Indian Territory Grand Jury Dockets, 1883-1892, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5897679
Series: Letters Received by Assistant U.S. Attorney, 1886-1913, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5891478
Series: Letters Received by the U.S. Attorney, 1865-1910, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5891476
Series: Precedent Case Files, 1917-1976, Textual, Artifacts, and Photographs
National Archives Identifier: 5891449
Series: Press Copies of Letters Sent by the U.S. Attorney, 1873-1925, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5891482
Series: Press Copies of Reports Sent by the U.S. Attorney, 1899-1921, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5891475
Series: Records of the Winnipeg, Salina, and Gulf Railway Company, 1908-1912, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5923137
Series: U.S. Attorney's Dockets, 1871-1896, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5897690
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Judicial District of Kansas. Wichita Office. ca. 1917-ca. 1968
Series: Precedent Case Files, 1917-1968, Textual, Artifacts, and Photographs
National Archives Identifier: 5897675
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Judicial District of Minnesota. 7/1/1870-
Series: Account File for Non-Partisan League, 1917-1917, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5923151
Series: Case Records, ca. 1888-ca. 1915, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5923160
Series: Civil Dockets, 1869-1897, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5819515
Series: Copies of Letters Sent Relating to Naturalization Matters, 1898-1907, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5735994
Series: Criminal Dockets, 1883-1903, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5821550
Series: Daily Journals, 1891-1930, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5821564
Series: Equity Docket, 1895-1905, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5821560
Series: General Correspondence, 1911-1914, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5819422
Series: Grand Jury Dockets, 1896-1922, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5821718
Series: Grand Jury Minutes, 1898-1912, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5821810
Series: Land Condemnation Case Files, 1902-ca. 1907, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5927484
Series: Letters Received, 1874-1910, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5734404
Series: Letters Sent, 1884-1915, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5732656
Series: Newspaper Clippings, 1900-1900, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5821695
Series: Precedent Case Files 1899-1951, Textual and Photographs
National Archives Identifier: 5821705
Series: Raw Data Notebooks and Indexes Prepared by Examiners and Investigators, 1906-1916, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5927486
Series: Records Relating to a Court Martial, 1918-1918, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5923159
Series: Records Relating to a Survey of the White Earth Indian Reservation, 1871-1909, Textual and Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917212
Series: Register of Actions, 1886-1920, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5819429
Series: Register of Complaints, 1897-1899, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5819432
Series: Monthly Reports, 1914-1921, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5821562
Series: Report of Fraudulent Claim or Entry, 1885-1885, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5923161
Series: Reports of Special Agents, 1917-1918, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5923162
Series: Reports of Violations of Internal Revenue Law, 1890-1890, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5821699
Series: Reports on Aliens, 1917-1919, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5821666
Series: Roll of Chippewa Indians with Allotments within the White Earth Reservation, 1917-1917, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917210
Series: Schedules of Allotments, 1900-1910, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917211
Series: Special Assistant's Reference Files, 1910-1922, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5927489
Series: Tentative Settlement Agreements for Cases Involving White Earth Reservation Lands, 1917-1920, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917215
Series: Timber Trespass Docket, 1878-1880, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5821561
Series: White Earth Allotment, Enrollment, and Correspondence Indexes, 1909-1916, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5927488
Series: White Earth Civil Dockets, 1910-1922, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917206
Series: White Earth Equity Case Files, 1910-1922, Textual and Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917213
Series: White Earth General Correspondence, 1914-1915, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917204
Series: White Earth Indian Cases Transcripts of Proceedings before Special Master, 1913-1915, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917214
Series: White Earth Subject Correspondence Files, 1909-1922, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917203
Series: Witness Dockets, 1897-1925, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5821819
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Judicial District of Nebraska. 1870-
Series: Press Copies of Letters Sent, 1905-1921, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917193
Series: Correspondence of the U.S. Attorney, 1916-1949, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917189
Series: Correspondence Relating to Enemy Alien and Espionage Act Violations, 1917-1919, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917191
Series: Record of Complaints, 1927-1948, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917192
Series: Precedent Case Files, 1917-1971, Textual and Photographs
National Archives Identifier: 5916741
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Judicial District of Nebraska. Chadron Office. ca. 1929-ca. 1930
Series: Precedent Case Files, ca. 1929-1930, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5927463
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Judicial District of Nebraska. Lincoln Office. ca. 1945-ca. 1964
Series: Precedent Case Files, ca. 1945-ca. 1964, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5927464
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Judicial District of Nebraska. Norfolk Office. ca. 1954-ca. 1963
Series: Precedent Case Files, ca. 1954-ca. 1963, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5927465
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Judicial District of North Dakota. 4/26/1890-
Series: Precedent Case Files, 1918-1959, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5716586
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Judicial District of South Dakota. 2/22/1889-
Series: Precedent Case Files, 1948-1953, Textual and Photographs
National Archives Identifier: 5716579
Series: Register of Complaints, 1896-1918, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5716576
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Northern Judicial District of Iowa. 7/20/1882-
Series: All Divisions Criminal Docket, 1920-1922, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 1065460
Series: All Divisions Criminal Docket, 1897-1900, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5716593
Series: Cedars Rapids Division Criminal Docket, 1923-1930, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 1065463
Series: Criminal Docket for the Eastern Division in Dubuque, Iowa, 1922-1929, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 1065464
Series: Criminal Dockets for the Western Division in Sioux City, Iowa, 1922-1927, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 1065454
Series: Grand Jury Dockets, 1913-1925, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 1055770
Series: Precedent Case Files, 1942-1967, Textual and Photographs
National Archives Identifier: 5716591
Series: Register of Complaints and Attorney's Actions, 1923-1929, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 1065443
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern Judicial District of Iowa. 7/20/1882-
Series: Precedent Case Files, 1949-1968, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5716594
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Western Judicial District of Missouri. 1870-
Series: Attorney's Register, 1871-1889, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5916731
Series: Cash Books, 1879-1883, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5916734
Series: Precedent Case Files, 1942-1971, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 1772550
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Marshal for the District of Kansas. 7/1/1870-12/23/1956
Series: Alien Application Permits, 1917-1918, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917758
Series: Deputy Marshal's Fee Book, 1889-1894, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917219
Series: Enemy Alien Registration Affidavits, 1917-1921, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 286181
Series: Letters Received by the U.S. Marshal, 1888-1913, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917752
Series: List of Jurors, 1877-1877, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917753
Series: Lists of Permits Issued to Enemy Aliens, 1918-1918, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917760
Series: Marshal's Civil Dockets, 1874-1888, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917224
Series: Marshal's Criminal and Forfeiture Dockets, 1874-1888, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917227
Series: Marshal's Dockets, 1874-1908, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917220
Series: Marshal's Execution Docket, 1870-1880, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917229
Series: Marshal's Record of Witnesses and Jurors, 1875-1885, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917226
Series: Marshal's Witness Book, 1889-1892, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5917228
Series: Press Copies of Official Letters Sent by the U.S. Marshal, 1901-1912, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5891480
Series: Records Relating to Appointments of Marshals and Deputies, 1867-1894, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917757
Series: Support of Prisoners Report 1874-1908, Textual
National Archives Identifier: 5917756
Department of Justice. Office of the U.S. Marshal for the District of South Dakota. 11/2/1889-12/17/1956
Series: Copies of Letters Sent, 1948-1953, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5716580
Series: Copies of General Letters Sent, 1893-1906, Volume
National Archives Identifier: 5716582