Office of Alien Property Records (RG 131)
Notice to Researchers in Records Released under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act and the Japanese Imperial Government Records Act
The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), in implementing the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act and the Japanese Imperial Government Records Act, has taken the broadest view in identifying records that may be responsive to the Acts. Information relevant to the Acts is often found among files related to other subjects. In order to preserve the archival integrity of the files, the IWG and the National Archives and Records Administration, where possible, have released entire files together, not just those items related to Nazi or Japanese war criminals, crimes, persecution, and looted assets. These records may relate to persons who are war criminals, former Axis personnel who are not war criminals, victims of war crimes or persecution, or civilian or military personnel investigating Nazi activities; the records may also include mention of, or information about, persons having no connection to these activities.
General Records of the Department of Justice (RG 60) and Records of the Office of the Pardon Attorney (RG 204)
Most of the records in Record Group 60 and Record Group 204 relate to investigations of "treasonable utterances" and requests for clemency for crimes committed during World War II.
The most famous of these cases was that of Iva Toguri d'Aquino, better known as Tokyo Rose, who was convicted of treason for making radio propaganda broadcasts for Japan.
For more information on her prosecution and conviction, see the Select Subject Files Relating to the Treasonable Utterances of Iva Toguri d'Aquino (a.k.a. Tokyo Rose) in the National Archives Catalog . RG 60, Entry A1 1082, 230/86/19/07 through 86/20/03, 18 boxes
For more information on Mrs. Aquino's requests for clemency, see the Executive Clemency Case Files of Iva Toguri d'Aquino (a.k.a. Tokyo Rose) in the National Archives Catalog. RG 204, Entry ZZ 231, 230/86/21/4, 1 box
Mark Streeter also was investigated for broadcasting propaganda for the Japanese, but he was not charged. For more information on this investigation, see Select Subject Files Relating to Investigations of Alleged Treasonable Utterances by Mark Lewis Streeter in the National Archives Catalog . RG 60, Entry A1 1083, 230/86/20/03 through 86/20/04, 12 boxes
Arthur Rudolph was a German rocket scientist brought to the United States after the war to work on the U.S. rocket program. He served the U.S. until voluntarily agreeing to leave the country and renounce his U.S. citizenship after being investigated for possible war crimes. For information relating mainly to background investigations of Rudolph during the time he worked for the U.S., see Records Relating to Arthur Rudolph in the National Archives Catalog. RG 60, Entry A1 1025, 230/903/21/7, 1 box
Aldo Icardi was accused of lying about his complicity in the murder of his commanding officer, Major William Holohan, during a mission in Italy. The charges were dismissed. For more information, see Select Subject Files Relating to Investigations of Alleged Treasonable Utterances by Aldo Icardi in the National Archives Catalog. RG 60, Entry A1 1084, 230/86/20/05 through 86/21/02, 33 boxes
Tomoya Kawakita was convicted of treason and sentenced to death for mistreating U.S. POWs, but was eventually deported. For more information on his requests for clemency, see Executive Clemency Case Files of Tomoya Kawakita in the National Archives Catalog. RG 204, Entry A1 1007, 230/86/21/2 through 86/21/3, Boxes 1-10.
The Clemency and Parole Board for War Criminals considered clemency, reduction of sentence, or parole for Japanese convicted of war crimes committed during World War II. For more information on the Board, including references to crimes thought to be too heinous for clemency or parole, see Select Documents Relating to the Clemency and Parole Board for War Criminals in the National Archives Catalog. RG 204, Entry ZZ 232, 230/86/21/4, 1 box.
All questions regarding these and other relevant records likely to be in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration should be directed to:
Records of the Office of Alien Property (Record Group 131)
Correspondence, Memoranda and Reports, 1941-1963
This series was previously titled "Miscellaneous Classified Records, 1941-1963."
Vesting Order Case Files, 1942-1963
All questions regarding these records should be directed to