Interagency Working Group (IWG)

Records of the Office of Strategic Services (RG 226)

Notice to Researchers in Records Released under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act and the Japanese Imperial Government Records Act

The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), in implementing the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act and the Japanese Imperial Government Records Act, has taken the broadest view in identifying records that may be responsive to the Acts. Information relevant to the Acts is often found among files related to other subjects. In order to preserve the archival integrity of the files, the IWG and the National Archives and Records Administration, where possible, have released entire files together, not just those items related to Nazi or Japanese war criminals, crimes, persecution, and looted assets. These records may relate to persons who are war criminals, former Axis personnel who are not war criminals, victims of war crimes or persecution, or civilian or military personnel investigating Nazi activities; the records may also include mention of, or information about, persons having no connection to these activities.

Records of the Office of Strategic Services 1940-1946
(Record Group 226)

Records relating to Personnel

The OSS records include a large number of records relating to personnel. These include "201" personnel type files on individuals, and other records such as strength reports, morning reports, personnel rosters, travel orders, and medical and dental records. For more information see the specific links below.

OSS Personnel Files Scope and Content Note in the National Archives Catalog. (Entry A1-224) [Location: 230/86/26/3]

This series includes approximately 23,978 OSS personnel names. NARA compiled the names in the accompanying database list from the original record folders. NARA retained the separation of any medical files and has not opened them for research. The personnel files were retained by the CIA after World War II as the successor agency to the OSS. Prior to the transfer of the files to NARA, select pages were destroyed by the CIA that they considered disposable or non-record.


Records of the Office of Personnel, 1942-1946 (Entry UD-WX 1569) Boxes 1, 2, 89 - 97. [Location: 230/902/67/4]
Folder list

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment Personnel Records, 1941-1947 (Entry UD-WX 1567) [Location: 230/902/68/5]
Folder list

Communication Branch Records Relating to Personnel, 1941-1946 (Entry UD-WX 1583) [Location: 230/902/68/1]
Folder list

Records of the Personnel Procurement Branch, 1941-1946 (Entry UD-WX 1584) [Location: 230/902/68/1]
Folder list

Medical Records: Physical Exams, Emergency Room "Sick Cards," and Dental Records, 1943-1946 (Entry UD-WX 1578) [Location: 230/902/66/6]

The medical records are not open for general research. Access to specific folders may only be granted in response to a Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) request for a specific name(s).

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