FRCP Reentry Letter
March 25, 2022
To Our Valued Customer:
Due to the declining COVID-19 cases nationwide and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated reports on declining community risk levels, the National Archives and Records Administration will recall all remaining staff back to the Federal Records Centers on March 28, 2022. We appreciate your continued support and patience during this post pandemic transition.
While adhering to safety protocols to prevent illness, recalled staff will first focus on eliminating reference backlogs, delayed refiles, pending transfers, and past due disposal. Our goal is to return all centers to pre-pandemic operations as quickly as possible, and restore the full range of services defined in the interagency agreements.
For your convenience, we have updated our FAQs to help you determine what services will be available in the coming weeks. We will publish and update these as the situation changes.
We thank you for your patience over the past two years as we balanced the needs of our customers with the health of our staff. If you have questions, please contact your FRC Account Manager.
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