Federal Records Centers

FRC Reopening

July 23, 2020


To Our Valued Customers:


The Federal Records Centers Program is gradually resuming Phase 1 operations on a records center by records center basis based on local conditions and specific safety criteria. Throughout, the highest priority will be the protection and health of staff. As mentioned in an earlier communication, during Phase 1, records centers will be limited to 10-20% of staff. That number increases to 25-50% in Phase 2 and to no more than 50% in Phase 3. Additionally, operations may be curtailed at any time due to ill or potentially exposed staff, and facilities may need to be closed temporarily for cleaning.

When a records center enters Phase 1, it begins implementation of new work processes and ensures the measures are sufficient in protecting staff before moving to other Phases.

As centers reopen, reference requests may be submitted in ARCIS, but please understand there will be a delay in processing and delivery as records centers get accustomed to the new work environment and staffing capabilities. There is a backlog of requests to be processed and only 10-20% of staff will be available in Phase 1. As staff adapt to the new safety measures, a realistic timeline for request fulfillment will be established. In addressing the reference backlog, FRC staff will attempt to verify an agency location is open to receive records prior to shipping. The Agency Records Officer should work with their FRCP Account Manager if there is a need to issue a blanket request to not ship previously submitted reference requests.

The approval of new transfers is ongoing, but please note, in Phases 1 through 3 the physical transfer of new records will need to be coordinated with the records center, and the shipment agreed to in advance. Upon agreement, the boxes may be mailed or arranged for delivery based on records center direction.

FRCs continue to process authorizations to destroy or accession records, but only limited physical destruction or accessioning of records is possible during the early Phases.

Follow this link https://www.archives.gov/frc/temporary-closure-faq to determine the operating status of individual FRCs and updated FAQs.

We apologize for the inconvenience during this transition period and look forward to continuing our relationship as we build on our shared commitment to Federal records management.


Stefanie Hutchins
Acting Director
Federal Records Centers Program

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