Federal Records Centers

Federal Records Centers Program terminating Shredding Bin Services

July 17, 2015

Dear Valued Customer:

Effective September 30, 2015, the Federal Records Centers Program is terminating the Shredding Bin Services we have implemented in limited areas. This will allow us to focus diligently on our core services of storage and servicing our customers’ records.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but want to allow you time to secure another vendor for this service.

Our service will continue through September, and your local FRC will schedule a final pickup no later than September 28th. There will be no charge for empty bin pickup. Bins containing shred materials will be billed using the usual method. Final billing will occur no later than September 30th.

The Federal Records Center staff continues to work diligently to provide high quality, cost-effective records storage and service for our customers and we appreciate your partnership.  We look forward to continuing to be your records center provider of choice. 

If you have any concerns, please contact your Account Manager so that we may assist you. 


Director, Federal Records Centers Program

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