Federal Records Centers

FRC 02.2013: Update on Federal Records Centers Disposal Activities

September 29, 2013

FRC MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Information on Federal Records Centers operations in the event of a Federal Government shutdown

I would like to communicate with Federal Records Centers Program (FRCP) customers regarding the possible shutdown of the Federal Government after September 30, 2013, and the impact such a shutdown might have on the services the FRCP provides to agency customers.

Unlike many Federal entities, the FRCP is funded by a revolving fund, which is a permanent appropriation that is not subject to fiscal year limitations. This means that in the event of a funding hiatus resulting in a shutdown, the FRCP, within certain limitations, is capable of continuing its operations.

We have prepared this FAQ for customers to provide information on FRCP operations in the event of a government shutdown. If you have questions, please contact your local FRC director (www.archives.gov/frc/directors.html).

Will the Federal Records Centers be open at full capacity if the Federal Government shuts down after September 30, 2013? 
The Federal Records Centers will be open at full capacity on Tuesday, October 1. FRCP staff will process all work that is in the queue as of close of business on the day before the shutdown. After the first few days, we will assess on a daily basis at what level the system should remain open. If there is not enough work to sustain a particular records center, that records center will close for regular business and will likely remain closed for the duration of the government shutdown. (All FRCs will still process emergency requests--please see section on “emergency requests,” below.)

How will Federal Records Centers be secured during a shutdown?
I would like to emphasize that throughout any possible shutdown, the FRCP will continue to store and safeguard all Federal agency records in its custody. All current security procedures will remain in force during a shutdown.

How do I get an emergency request serviced?
The FRCP will provide emergency services for those requests that any agency (regardless of its operating status) believes involve the protection of human life or property. If you have an emergency request, you may directly contact the Director of the FRC (www.archives.gov/frc/directors.html) that processes your records. If your local center is closed, you can contact NARA security at 1-87-SOS- NARA1 (1-877-676-2721) 24 hours a day, and they will refer you to the FRCP official to fulfill emergency requests.

How will the FRCP communicate with customers during a government shutdown?
Since NARA web program staff will be furloughed, NARA websites will not be updated during a shutdown.

Since we realize that during a shutdown, customers may have limited access to their agency e-mail accounts, we will post urgent messages to the FRC Twitter Feed (twitter.com/NARAFRC), the FRC Facebook page (www.facebook.com/NARAFRC), and the NARA Records Express blog (https://blogs.archives.gov/records-express).

--You can access the Twitter feed in a number of ways:

  • If you have a Twitter account, log into your account, go to twitter.com/NARAFRC, click “follow,” and updates from the Federal Records Centers will automatically appear in your Twitter feed.
  • If you do not have a Twitter account, you can simply visit twitter.com/NARAFRC to read updates.
  • We have also installed a widget on the FRCP main page (www.archives.gov/frc) that will stream the information from the FRC Twitter feed.

--To access the Facebook page, visit www.facebook.com/NARAFRC. If you have a Facebook account, you can log in to your account and “like” the FRC page, and updates to the page will appear in your Facebook feed.

--To access the Records Express blog, visit https://records-express.blogs.archives.gov/.

Whom should I call if I have questions? If you have questions, please contact your local FRC director (www.archives.gov/frc/directors.html).


David M. Weinberg
Federal Records Centers Program

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