FRC 05.2011: How to access information on FRC Facebook and Twitter pages
September 13, 2011
FRC MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: How to Access Information on FRC Facebook and Twitter Pages
Over the last few weeks, the Federal Records Centers Program has extensively used our social media channels on Twitter and Facebook to communicate information on changes to operational status after the earthquake, hurricane, and power outages affected the Washington National Records Center. Customers tell us that these channels are very useful, so I wanted to remind all agency customers about how to access these resources.
Please note that both the Twitter feed and Facebook pages are open to the public; that is, you do NOT need an account on Twitter or Facebook to view the information on these pages. However, if you do have an account, and you “follow” the FRC on Twitter or you “like” the FRC on Facebook, FRC updates will be delivered directly into your Twitter and/or Facebook feeds.
Here are step-by-step instructions on how to access information on the FRC’s Twitter and Facebook pages:
- To simply view updates, visit The latest FRC tweet can also be viewed through the Twitter widget at the top of the FRC main page
-To have FRC Twitter updates delivered directly to your Twitter feed, log into your Twitter account, go to, and click “follow”.
- To simply view the FRC Facebook page, visit
-To have FRC Facebook updates delivered directly into your Facebook newsfeed, log into your Facebook account, go to the FRC Facebook page, and click the “like” button.
If you have any questions about the FRC’s social media channels, please contact Tara McLoughlin at or 301-837-0467.
David M. Weinberg
Director, Records Centers Program
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