Federal Records Centers

FRC 02.2010: Information on Federal Records Centers services for electronic media

May 14, 2010

FRC MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Information on Federal Records Centers services for electronic media

I am writing to share some information on two new services for electronic media now being offered by NARA's Federal Records Centers (FRCs):

Electronic Media Storage
FRCs now offer secure storage of records saved to electronic media in Electronic Records Vaults (ERVs). These ERVs are climate-controlled and comply with all regulations governing the storage of Federal records aved to electronic media. The ERVs are designed to store a variety of information including vital records and backup tapes.

Electronic Media Destruction
FRCs also offer destruction services for records stored on hard drives and removable media (such as CDs, DVDs, videotapes, diskettes, magnetic tapes, cartridges, and microfilm). The FRCs can securely destroy these media and provide you with a certificate of disposal. Our equipment includes media shredders, degaussers, and hard drive crushers.

The Federal Records Centers offer these new services at competitive rates. In addition, the acquisitions process is easy--you can establish these services with us through an interagency agreement (or similar instrument) or you can use an existing national agreement.

For a detailed overview of these new services, including policies, procedures, references to applicable regulations, and a Frequently Asked Questions section please review the electronic media storage FAQ booklet and the electronic media destruction FAQ booklet.

For more information on these services, please contact emedia@nara.gov or call 314-801-9300.

David M. Weinberg
NARA Federal Records Centers Program

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