Pictures of the Revolutionary War

Select Audiovisual Records

National Archives and Records Administration
Washington, DC 20408

Bunker Hill
Cover Photograph: Bunker Hill. Cropped from item 15. 148-GW-448.

The selected pictures listed below are among the audiovisual holdings of the National Archives that relate to the American Revolution. They are photographic copies of works of art. The dates and mediums of the originals and the names of the artists are given wherever it has been possible to determine them.

At the end of this leaflet, there are instructions for ordering complete sets of slides for all photographs listed in the Select Audiovisual Records leaflets. To order individual prints, negatives. or slides, write to the Still Picture Branch (NNSP) for current price lists. Many pictures related to the American Revolution are not listed in this leaflet. Separate inquiries about them should be as specific as possible listing names, dates, places, events, and other details.

Charlotte A. Palmer researched, selected, and arranged the material for this publication.

Prelude to War, 1765-75

1. Patrick Henry in the House of Burgesses. Engrav- ing from painting by PH. Rothermel. 148-GW-872. (revolutionary_war_001.jpg)

2. The bloody massacre perpetrated in King Street, Boston, on Mar. 5, 1770. Engraving by Paul Revere, 1770. 111-SC-92632. (revolutionary_war_002.jpg)

3. Boston Massacre, Mar. 5, 1770. Chomolithograph by John Bufford. 69-N-4877-C. (revolutionary_war_003.jpg)

4. The destruction of tea at Boston Harbor. Litho- graph by Sarony and Major, 1846. 148-GW-439. (revolutionary_war_004.jpg)

5. Benjamin Franklin at the Court of St. James. Engraving from painting by C. Schussele. 66-G-15-B-4. (revolutionary_war_005.jpg)

6. The able doctor, or America swallowing the bitter draught. Cartoon in line engraving by Paul Revere for the Royal American Magazine, June 1774. 208-FS-3200-3. (revolutionary_war_006.jpg)

Beginnings in New England, 1775-76

7. Paul Revere's ride, Illustration. 208-FS-3200-5. (revolutionary_war_007.jpg)

8. The first blow for liberty. Print by A.H. Ritchie. 200(S)-JH-3. (revolutionary_war_008.jpg)

9. Battle of Lexington. Drawing from engraving by Amos Doolittle, a Connecticut militiaman. 111-SC-92639. (revolutionary_war_009.jpg)

10. Retreat frnm Concord. Illustration. 66-G-5-35. (revolutionary_war_010.jpg)

11. General Putnam leaving his plow for the defense of his country. Lithograph. 148-GW-441. (revolutionary_war_011.jpg)

12. Capture of Fort Ticonderoga: Ethan Allen and Captain de Ia Place. Engraving from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 111-SC-94758. (revolutionary_war_012.jpg)

13. Battle of Bunker Hill. Engraving from painting by John Trumbull. 148-GW-454. (revolutionary_war_013.jpg)

14. Battle at Charlestown, June 17,1775. Engraving by Bernard Romans, 1775. 148-GW-477. (revolutionary_war_014.jpg)

15. The attack on Bunker Hill with the burning of Charlestown, June 17,1775. Engraving by Lodge from drawing by Millar. 148-Gw-448 (Cover photo). (revolutionary_war_015.jpg)

16. Washington taking command of the American Army at Cambridge. 1775. Engraving by C. Rogers from painting by M.A. Wageman. 148-GW-l78. (revolutionary_war_016.jpg)

17. The death of General Montgomery at Quebec. Engraving by W. Ketterlinus. 1808, from painting by John Trumbull. 148-GW-459. (revolutionary_war_017.jpg)

18. Hauling guns by ox teams from Fort Ticonderoga for the siege of Boston, 1775. Illustration. 111-SC-100815. (revolutionary_war_018.jpg)

19. Washington's first successes at Boston. Lithograph by Turgis. 148-GW-587. (revolutionary_war_019.jpg)

20. Faneuil Hall, Boston. Illustration from a steel engraving from the Massachusetts Magazine,1789. 208-PR-1OD-1. (revolutionary_war_020.jpg)

A Declaration of Determination, 1776

21. The Second Continental Congress voting inde- pendence. Painting by Robert Pine and Edward Savage. 148-CCD-35. (revolutionary_war_021.jpg)

22. The Declaration of Independence. Painting by John Trumbull. 148-GW-662. (revolutionary_war_022.jpg)

23. Reading the Declaration of Independence from the east balcony of the State House in Boston. 1776. Illustration. 148-GW-ll4I. (revolutionary_war_023.jpg)

24. Exterior view of Independence Hall. Philadelphia. Engraving. 66-G-1E-6. (revolutionary_war_024.jpg)

25. The old Tun Tavern, Philadelphia. Drawing. 127-EX-1-20. (revolutionary_war_025.jpg)

26. An east prospect of the city of Philadelphia, taken by George Heap from the Jersey shore, under thedirection of Nicholas Scull, surveyor general of the province of Pennsylvania. Engraved and published according to an act of Parliament by T. Jeffreys. near Charing Cross, 1768. 208-LU-25F-14. (revolutionary_war_026.jpg)

27. Benjamin Franklin at the Court of France. Painting by Hobens. 66-G-I5B-5. (revolutionary_war_027.jpg)

28. Spirit of '76. Painting by A.M. Willard, 1876. 148-GW-1209. (revolutionary_war_028.jpg)

Campaigns in the Northeast, 1776-77

29. Battle of Long Island. Engraving, 1874, from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 111-SC-96741. (revolutionary_war_029.jpg)

30. Retreat at Long Island. Engraving by J.C. Armytage from painting by M.A. Wageman. 148-GW-l74. (revolutionary_war_030.jpg)

31. Crossing the Delaware. Painting by Emanuel Leutze. 66-G-15D-25. (revolutionary_war_031.jpg)

32. Washington at the Battle of Trenton. Engraving by Illman Brothers. 1870, from painting by E.L. Henry. 148-GW-580. (revolutionary_war_032.jpg)

33. Surrender of the Hessian troops to General Washington after the Battle of Trenton. Lithograph by Henry Hoff, 1850. 148-GW-332. (revolutionary_war_033.jpg)

34. Washington at Princeton, Jan. 3, 1777. Lithograph by D. McLellan, 1853. 148-GW-331. (revolutionary_war_034.jpg)

35. West Point, on the Hudson River, NY. Watercolor by Maj. Pierre L'Enfant, Engineer, ca. 1780. 66-G-2lGL-4. (revolutionary_war_035.jpg)

36. Battle of Bennington. Engraving, 1874, from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 111-SC-96740. (revolutionary_war_036.jpg)

37. Surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga. Painting by John Trumbull. 16-AD-8. (revolutionary_war_037.jpg)

Activities in the Central Colonies, 1777-78

38. The first flag being made. Illustration. 148-GW-1210. (revolutionary_war_038.jpg)

39. Encounter between Capt. Allan McLane and a British dragoon at Frankfort, near Philadelphia. Painting by James Peale. 111-SC-91311. (revolutionary_war_039.jpg)

40. Germantown battle, Chew's house. Engraving by Rawdon, Wright, and Harch from drawing by Koeltner. 148-GW-94. (revolutionary_war_040.jpg)

41. Baron von Steuben at Valley Forge, 1777. Painting by Augustus G. Heaton. 111-SC-83897. (revolutionary_war_041.jpg)

42. George Washington and a Committee of Congress at Valley Forge. Engraving, 1866, from painting by W.H. Powell. 148-GW-184. (revolutionary_war_042.jpg)

43. Prayer at Valley Forge. Engraving by John McRae from painting by Henry Brueckner. 148-GW-2Ol. (revolutionary_war_043.jpg)

44. George Washington at Monmouth, June 28,1778. Engraving by G.R. Hall, 1858. 148-GW-95. (revolutionary_war_044.jpg)

45. Molly Pitcher at the Battle of Monmouth. Engraving by J.C. Armytage from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 148-GW-923. (revolutionary_war_045.jpg)

Campaign in the West, 1778-79

46. Col. George Rogers Clark's conference with the Indians at Cahokia. Painting by Ezra Winter. 66-G-5-108. (revolutionary_war_046.jpg)

47. Clark's march against Vincennes, across the Wabash River. through wilderness and flood. Painting by Ezra Winter. 66-G-5-1O6. (revolutionary_war_047.jpg)

48. Clark's attack on Fort Sackville. Painting by Ezra Winter. 66-G-5-107. (revolutionary_war_048.jpg)

49. Surrender of Fort Sackville by Colonel Hamilton to Clark. Painting by Ezra Winter. 66-G-5-105. (revolutionary_war_049.jpg)

Victory in the South, 1778-81

50. George Washington receiving French generals at Mount Vernon. Illustration. 19-N-1587. (revolutionary_war_050.jpg)

51. Attack on Savannah, Oct. 8,1779. Illustration by A.I. Keller. 148-GW-1120. (revolutionary_war_051.jpg)

52. Battle of Camden; Death of DeKaib. Engraving from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 148-GW-164. (revolutionary_war_052.jpg)

53. Col. William Augustine Washington at the Battle of Cowpens. Drawn and engraved for Graham's Magazine by S.H. Gimber. 148-GW-390. (revolutionary_war_053.jpg)

54. Siege of Yorktown. Engraving by O.M. Fontaine frnm painting by Conder. 148-GW-516. (revolutionary_war_054.jpg)

55. Capture of Yorktown. Lithograph by Turgis. 148-GW-565. (revolutionary_war_055.jpg)

56. Surrender of Cornwallis. Painting by John Trumbull. 16-AD-60. (revolutionary_war_056.jpg)

War at Sea

57. John Paul Jones capturing the Serapis. Engrav- ing from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 127-EX-1-19. (revolutionary_war_057.jpg)

58. Combat memorable donne le 22, 7re 1779, entre le Captaine Pearson commandant le Serapis et Paul Jones commandant le Bonhomme Richard et son escadre. Engraving from painting by Richard Paton. ca. 1779-80. 148-GW-444. (revolutionary_war_058.jpg)

59. The Lexington. Painting by F. Muller. 19-N-14171. (revolutionary_war_059.jpg)

War From British Viewpoint

60. The Bostonians paying the exciseman, or tarring and feathering. Cartoon in mezzotint, published by Sayer and Bennett, London, 1774. 148-GW-436. (revolutionary_war_060.jpg)

61. The Bostonians in distress. Cartoon in mezzotint, published by Sayer and Bennett, London, 1774. 148-GW-437. (revolutionary_war_061.jpg)

62. The alternative of Williamsburg. Cartoon in mezzotint. published by Sayer and Bennett, London, 1775. 148-GW-438. (revolutionary_war_062.jpg)

63. The landing of the British forces in the Jerseys on Nov. 20,1776, under the command of Rt. Hon. Lt. Gen. Earl Cornwallis. Watercolor by Thomas Davies, a British officer, 1776. 148-GW-365. (revolutionary_war_063.jpg)

64. The left bank of the Hudson River 3 miles above Still Water, upon which the army under the command of Lieutenant General Burgoyne took post on Sept. 20, 1777. (Showing General Frazer's funeral.) Engraving by Barlow; published by William Lane, London, 1789. 148-GW-442. (revolutionary_war_064.jpg)

65. The Phoenix and the Rose engaged by the enemy's fire ships and galleys on Aug. 16,1776. Aquatint from original picture by D. Serres from a sketch by Sir James Wallace; Published, 1778. 148-GW-476. (revolutionary_war_065.jpg)

66. The unfortunate death of Major Andre, Oct. 2, 1780. Engraving by Goldar, 1783, from drawing by Hamilton. 208-LU-25K-7. (revolutionary_war_066.jpg)

67. British cartoon criticizing the King's use of Indians in the war, ca. 1780. 111-SC-92711. (revolutionary_war_067.jpg)

After the Revolution, 1783

68. Triumph of patriotism-Washington entering New York, Nov. 25,1783. Engraving by A.H. Ritchie. 148-GW-334. (revolutionary_war_068.jpg)

69. Washington's farewell to his officers. Engraving by Phillibrown from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 148-GW-179. (revolutionary_war_069.jpg)

70. The Peace BalI. Painting by Jennie Brownscombe. 148-GW-396. (revolutionary_war_070.jpg)

71. Washington resigning his commission at Annapolis, Dec. 23, 1783. Painting by John Trumbull. 16-AD-61. (revolutionary_war_071.jpg)

72. A chart of battles, leaders, and congresses during the Revolutionary War. 148-GW-378. (revolutionary_war_072.jpg)

Portraits of Colonial Patriots

73. Adams, John. Painting (bust) by C.W. Peale. 148-CD-4-11. (revolutionary_war_073.jpg)

74. Adams, Samuel. Painting (bust) by John S. Copley. 148-CD-4-20. (revolutionary_war_074.jpg)

75. Barry, John. Engraving (full length) from paint- ing by Alonzo Chappel. 148-GW-146. (revolutionary_war_075.jpg)

76. Dickinson, John. Painting (bust) by C.W. Peale. 148-CCD-59. (revolutionary_war_076.jpg)

77. Dwight, Timothy. Engraving (bust) by D.C. Hinman from painting by John Trumbull. 111-SC-92819. (revolutionary_war_077.jpg)

78. Franklin, Benjamin. Painting (bust) by Joseph Duplessis. 148-CD-14-20. (revolutionary_war_078.jpg)

79. Gates, Horatio. Mezzotint (¾ length) published by John Morris, London, 1778. 148-GW-472. (revolutionary_war_079.jpg)

80. Greene, Nathanael. Mezzotint (full length) by V. Green from painting by C.W. Peale. 148-CW-474. (revolutionary_war_080.jpg)

81. Hamilton, Alexander. Painting (bust) by John Trumbull. 148-CP-6. (revolutionary_war_081.jpg)

82. Hamilton, Mrs. Alexander. Engraving (seated pose) from painting by Ralph Earl, 1781. 148-GW-933. (revolutionary_war_082.jpg)

83. Hancock, John. Painting (½ length) by John S. Copley. 148-CD-4-23. (revolutionary_war_083.jpg)

84. Hanson, John. Etching (bust) by H.B. Hall, 1871, from painting by C.W. Peale. 59-LP-39. (revolutionary_war_084.jpg)

85. Hopkins, Esek. Mezzotint (3/4 length) published by Thomas Hart, London, 1776. 148-GW-461. (revolutionary_war_085.jpg)

86. Jay, John. Painting (3/4 length) by Gilbert Stuart. 148-GW-735a. (revolutionary_war_086.jpg)

87. Jay, Mrs. John. Engraving (¾-length profile) from painting by R.E. Pine. 148-GW-9l8. (revolutionary_war_087.jpg)

88. Jefferson, Thomas. Charcoal drawing (bust). 59-PP-3. (revolutionary_war_088.jpg)

89. Jones, John Paul. Engraving (bust) by J.B. Fosseyeux, 1781, from drawing by J.M. Moreau, Jr., 1780. 19-N-12445. (revolutionary_war_089.jpg)

90. Jones, Paul, the Pirate. Engraving (full-length caricature) published by A. Park, London. 208-LU-25K-14. (revolutionary_war_090.jpg)

91. Knox, Henry. Painting (¾ length) by Gilbert Stuart. 148-GW-800. (revolutionary_war_091.jpg)

92. Laurens, Henry Painting (bust) by John S. Copley, 1781. 148-CP-213. (revolutionary_war_092.jpg)

93. Lee, Henry (Lighthorse Harry). Engraving (full length). 148-GW-142. (revolutionary_war_093.jpg)

94. Lee, Richard Henry. Painting (bust profile) by W. Peale. 148-CP-199. (revolutionary_war_094.jpg)

95. Lincoln, Benjamin. Painting (3/4 length) by Henry Sargent. 111-SC-92618. (revolutionary_war_095.jpg)

96. Madison, James. Painting (bust) by Gilbert Stuart. 148-CC-13-9. (revolutionary_war_096.jpg)

97. Madison, Mrs. James (Dolley). Engraving (¾ length) from painting by Gilbert Stuart. 148-GW-936. (revolutionary_war_097.jpg)

98. Mifflin, Thomas. Painting (bust) by Rembrandt Peale from painting by C. W. Peale. 148-CP-4. (revolutionary_war_098.jpg)

99. Montgomery, Richard. Engraving (full length) by G. R. Hall from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 148-GW-135. (revolutionary_war_099.jpg)

100. Morgan, Daniel. Engraving (full length) from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 148-GW-444. (revolutionary_war_100.jpg)

101. Morris, Robert. Painting (bust) by C. W. Peale. 148-CD-14-39. (revolutionary_war_101.jpg)

102. Morris, Mrs. Robert. Engraving (¾ length) from painting by C. W. Peale. 148-GW-935. (revolutionary_war_102.jpg)

103. Moultrie, William. Engraving (full length) from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 148-GW-133. (revolutionary_war_103.jpg)

104. Paine, Thomas. Engraving (bust) from painting by Romney. 111-BA-1073. (revolutionary_war_104.jpg)

105. Pickering, Timothy. Painting (bust) by Rice from painting by Gilbert Stuart. 111-SC-69058. (revolutionary_war_105.jpg)

106. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth. Painting (¾ length) by Gilbert Stuart and Charles Fraser. 148-CC-42-6. (revolutionary_war_106.jpg)

107. Putnam, Israel. Engraving (full length). 148-GW-141. (revolutionary_war_107.jpg)

108. Randolph, Peyton. Painting (bust) by C. W. Peale. 148-GW-731b. (revolutionary_war_108.jpg)

109. Rush, Benjamin. Painting (¾ length) attributed to John Neagle from painting by Thomas Sully. 148-CP-200. (revolutionary_war_109.jpg)

110. St. Clair, Arthur. Painting (bust) by C. W. Peale. l48-CCD-43. (revolutionary_war_110.jpg)

111. Salomon, Haym. Sketch (bust) by C. Noar. 148-GW-1124. (revolutionary_war_111.jpg)

112. Schuyler, Phillip. Engraving (bust) by Hall from painting by John Trumbull, 1792. 111-SC-94762. (revolutionary_war_112.jpg)

113. Stark, John. Engraving (full length) from painting by Alonzo Chappel. 148-GW-137. (revolutionary_war_113.jpg)

114. Washington, George, the Virginia Colonel. Painting (¾ length) by C. W. Peale, 1772. 148-GW-46. (revolutionary_war_114.jpg)

115. Washington, George, at Dorchester Heights. Painting (full length) by Gilbert Stuart. 148-GW-2. (revolutionary_war_115.jpg)

116. Washington, Mrs. George (Martha). Engraving (bust). 66-G-15D-61. (revolutionary_war_116.jpg)

117. Wayne, Anthony. Painting (bust) by E. Savage; published in 1796. 148-GW-468. (revolutionary_war_117.jpg)

118. Webster. Noah. Painting (bust) attributed to James Sharpies, Sr. 111-SC-93172. (revolutionary_war_118.jpg)

Portraits of Foreign Allies 119. Estaing, Count d'. Engraving (bust) by H. B. Hail's Sons. 111-SC-96269. (revolutionary_war_119.jpg)

120. Grasse, Count de. Engraving (bust) by Lemercier from painting by A. Maurin, 1837. l9-N-1141. (revolutionary_war_120.jpg)

121. Kosciusko, Thadeusz. Engraving (bust) by H. B. Hall. 148-GW-611. (revolutionary_war_121.jpg)

122. Lafayette, Marquis de. Engraving (bust) by George E. Perine. 19-N-4581. (revolutionary_war_122.jpg)

123. Lafayette, Marquis de; conclusion de Ia campagne de 1781 en Virginie. Engraving (full length) by Noel Le Mire from painting by J. B. LePaon, 19-N-1583. (revolutionary_war_123.jpg)

124. Lafayette, Madame de. Etching (¾ length) by Albert Rosenthal, 1894. 148-GW-522. (revolutionary_war_124.jpg)

125. Pulaski, Count Casimir. Engraving (bust) by H.B. Hall, 1871. 111-SC-92025. (revolutionary_war_125.jpg)

126. Rochambeau, Count de Engraving (¾ length) by T. D. Booth from painting by J. D. Court. 19-N-1579. (revolutionary_war_126.jpg)

127. Steuben, Baron von. Painting (¾ length) by Ralph Earl. 148-GW-76a. (revolutionary_war_127.jpg)

Portraits of British Leaders and Allies

128. Brant, Joseph (Thayendanegea). Drawing (¾ length) from painting by Romney, 1774. 111-SC-92608. (revolutionary_war_128.jpg)

129. Burgoyne, John. Engraving (bust) by S. Hollyer. 148-GW-616. (revolutionary_war_129.jpg)

130. Cornwallis, Marquis. Engraving (full length) by J. Ward from painting by Sir W. Beechey; published in 1799. 148-GW-463. (revolutionary_war_130.jpg)

131. Gage, Thomas. Engraving (bust). 111-SC-94745. (revolutionary_war_131.jpg)

132. George III, King of England. Mezzotint (¾ length) by E. Fisher from painting by Benjamin West; published in 1778. 148-GW-473. (revolutionary_war_132.jpg)

133. Phillips, William. Engraving (bust). 111-SC-92594. (revolutionary_war_133.jpg)

134. Riedesel, Baron Friedrich. Painting (bust) by Schroeder. 111-SC-92607. (revolutionary_war_134.jpg)

135. Riedesel, Baroness. Painting (½ length) by Tischbein. 111-SC-92568. (revolutionary_war_135.jpg)

136. St. Leger, Barry. Engraving (bust) from miniature by R. Casway 111-SC-92625. (revolutionary_war_136.jpg)

137. Tarleton, Banastre. Painting (full length) by Sir Joshua Reynolds, ca. 1782. 148-GW619. (revolutionary_war_137.jpg)

Portraits of Colonial Traitors and Tories

138. Arnold, Benedict. Engraving (bust profile) by H. B. Hall, 1879. 148-GW-617. (revolutionary_war_138.jpg)

139. Lee, Charles. Engraving (½ length) by G. R. Hall. 148-GW-632. (revolutionary_war_139.jpg)

140. Shippen, Peggy (Mrs. Benedict Arnold) and child (seated pose). Painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence. 111-SC-92575. (revolutionary_war_140.jpg)

How to Order
Individual Photographs For information on ordering individual images from this select list or other individual prints, negatives, or slides from our holdings, see Ordering Still Picture Reproductions or contact the Still Picture Reference Team, Special Media Archives Services Division (NWCS-Stills), Room 5360, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. Telephone 301-837-0561. Facsimile: 301-837-3621. E-mail:

Complete Slide Sets

You may order this and other slide sets from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone: 703-605-6000. Facsimile: 703-605-6900.

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Unless otherwise noted, the slide set consists only of black and white images

Pictures of the Revolutionary War

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147 Slides

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