Office of the Federal Register (OFR)


Proclamation 4131--Display of the flag at United States Customs ports of entry

Source: The provisions of Proclamation 4131 of May 5, 1972, appear at 37 FR 9311, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 138, unless otherwise noted.

The flag of the United States should be one of the first things seen at our Customs ports of entry, both by American citizens returning from abroad and by travelers from other countries.

As the symbol of our country and our freedoms, the national colors of the United States provide a welcome greeting of warm promise.

Many people, however, enter our country at night when the flag is not flown, because of the nearly universal custom of displaying it only from sunrise to sunset.

Authority exists to amend that custom. A Congressional joint resolution of June 22, 1942 (56 Stat. 377), as amended (36 U.S.C. 173-178), permits the flag to be displayed at night "upon special occasions when it is desired to produce a patriotic effect."

I believe it is appropriate that returning citizens and visitors from other countries be welcomed by our flag whether they arrive at their ports of entry by night or by day.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, RICHARD NIXON, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim that the flag of the United States of America shall hereafter be displayed at all times during the day and night, except when the weather is inclement, at United States Customs ports of entry which are continually open.

The rules and customs pertaining to the display of the flag, as set forth in the joint resolution of June 22, 1942, as amended, are hereby modified accordingly.
