LoS: 41 CFR
Title 41: Public Contracts and Property Management
List of Subjects revised as of January 1, 2025.
- 41 CFR Part 50-201_General regulations.
- Child labor
- Government procurement
- Minimum wages
- Occupational safety and health
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 50-202_Minimum wage determinations.
- Government procurement
- Minimum wages
- 41 CFR Part 50-203_Rules of practice.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Child labor
- Government procurement
- Minimum wages
- Occupational safety and health
- 41 CFR Part 50-204_Safety and health standards for Federal supply contracts.
- Government procurement
- Noise control
- Occupational safety and health
- Radiation protection
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 50-205_Enforcement of safety and health standards by State officers and employees.
- Government procurement
- Intergovernmental relations
- Law enforcement
- Occupational safety and health
- 41 CFR Part 50-210_Statements of general policy and interpretation not directly related to regulations.
- Child labor
- Government procurement
- Minimum wages
- Occupational safety and health
- 41 CFR Part 51-1_General.
- Government procurement
- Individuals with disabilities
- 41 CFR Part 51-2_Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled.
- Government procurement
- Individuals with disabilities
- Organization and functions (Government agencies)
- 41 CFR Part 51-3_Central nonprofit agencies.
- Government procurement
- Individuals with disabilities
- 41 CFR Part 51-4_Nonprofit agencies.
- Government procurement
- Individuals with disabilities
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 51-5_Contracting requirements.
- Government procurement
- Individuals with disabilities
- 41 CFR Part 51-6_Procurement procedures.
- Government procurement
- Individuals with disabilities
- 41 CFR Part 51-7_Procedures for environmental analysis.
- Environmental impact statements
- 41 CFR Part 51-8_Public availability of agency materials.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Archives and records
- Confidential business information
- Freedom of information
- Privacy Act
- 41 CFR Part 51-9_Privacy Act rules.
- Privacy
- 41 CFR Part 51-10_Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Equal employment opportunity
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Individuals with disabilities
- 41 CFR Part 51-11_Production or disclosure in Federal and State proceedings.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Courts
- Freedom of information
- Government employees
- 41 CFR Part 60-1_Obligations of contractors and subcontractors.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Employment
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government contracts
- Government procurement
- Investigations
- Labor
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 60-2_Affirmative action programs.
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government procurement
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 60-3_Uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures (1978).
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Employment
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government contracts
- Government property
- Government property management
- Individuals with disabilities
- Labor
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 41 CFR Part 60-4_Construction contractors_affirmative action requirements.
- Construction industry
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government procurement
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 60-20_Descrimination on the basis of sex.
- Civil rights
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government procurement
- Labor
- Sex discrimination
- Women
- 41 CFR Part 60-30_Rules of practice for administrative proceedings to enforce equal opportunity under Executive Order 11246.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government contracts
- Government procurement
- Government property management
- Individuals with disabilities
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 41 CFR Part 60-40_Examination and copying of OFCCP documents.
- Freedom of information
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 60-50_Guidelines on discrimination because of religion or national origin.
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government procurement
- Religious discrimination
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 60-300_Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and armed forces service medal veterans.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Employment
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government contracts
- Government procurement
- Individuals with disabilities
- Investigations
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 41 CFR Part 60-741_Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding individuals with disabilities.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Employment
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government contracts
- Government procurement
- Individuals with disabilities
- Investigations
- Labor
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 41 CFR Part 60-742_Procedures for complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Equal employment opportunity
- Government contracts
- Individuals with disabilities
- 41 CFR Part 60-999_OMB control numbers for OFCCP information collection requirements.
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 61-300_Annual report from Federal contractors.
- Government contracts
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 101-1_Introduction.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-3_Annual real property inventories.
- Government property management
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 101-4_Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance.
- Education
- Sex discrimination
- Youth organizations
- 41 CFR Part 101-5_Centralized services in Federal buildings and complexes.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Health care
- 41 CFR Part 101-6_Miscellaneous regulations.
- Carpools
- Civil rights
- Government property management
- Intergovernmental relations
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Transportation
- 41 CFR Part 101-8_Nondiscrimination in programs receiving Federal financial assistance.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Aged
- Civil rights
- Government property management
- Individuals with disabilities
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 101-9_Federal mail management.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-11_Federal records and standard and optional forms.
- Archives and records
- Computer technology
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-17_Assignment and utilization of space.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Aviation safety
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-18_Acquisition of real property.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 101-19_Construction and alteration of public buildings.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Individuals with disabilities
- 41 CFR Part 101-20_Management of buildings and grounds.
- Blind
- Concessions
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Occupational safety and health
- Parking
- Security measures
- Smoking
- 41 CFR Part 101-21_Federal Buildings Fund.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-25_General.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-26_Procurement sources and programs.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-27_Inventory management.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-28_Storage and distribution.
- Government property management
- Warehouses
- 41 CFR Part 101-29_Federal product descriptions.
- Government property management
- Metric system
- 41 CFR Part 101-30_Federal Catalog System.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-31_Inspection and quality control.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-33_Public utilities.
- Government property management
- Utilities
- 41 CFR Part 101-37_Government aviation administration and coordination.
- Accounting
- Aircraft
- Government employees
- Government property management
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 101-38_Motor vehicle management.
- Energy conservation
- Government property management
- Motor vehicles
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 101-39_Interagency fleet management systems.
- Claims
- Government property management
- Motor vehicles
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Safety
- 41 CFR Part 101-40_Transportation and traffic management.
- Freight
- Government property management
- Moving of household goods
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Transportation
- 41 CFR Part 101-41_Transportation documentation and audit.
- Accounting
- Claims
- Government property management
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Transportation
- 41 CFR Part 101-42_Disposition of personal property with special handling requirements.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-43_Utilization of personal property.
- Government property management
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 101-44_Donation of surplus personal property.
- Government property management
- Homeless
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 101-45_Sale, abandonment, or destruction of personal property.
- Government property management
- Metals
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 101-46_Replacement of personal property pursuant to the exchange/sale authority
- Government property management
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 101-47_Utilization and disposal of real property.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Government property management
- Homeless
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 101-48_Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 101-49_Utilization, donation, and disposal of foreign gifts and decorations.
- Conflict of interests
- Decorations
- Foreign relations
- Government property
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 102-2_Federal Management Regulation system.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 102-3_Federal Advisory Committee Management.
- Advisory committees
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 102-5_Home-to-work transportation.
- Government property management
- Transportation
- 41 CFR Part 102-33_Management of Government aircraft.
- Accounting
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 102-34_Motor vehicle management.
- Energy conservation
- Government property management
- Motor vehicles
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 102-35_Disposition of personal property.
- Government employees
- 41 CFR Part 102-36_Disposition of excess personal property.
- Government property management
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 102-37_Donation of surplus personal property.
- Government property management
- Homeless
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 102-38_Sale of personal property.
- Government property management
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 102-39_Replacement of personal property pursuant to the exchange/sale authority.
- Government property management
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 102-40_Utilization and disposition of personal property with special handling requirements.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 102-41_Disposition of seized, forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, and unclaimed personal property.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 102-42_Utilization, donation, and disposal of foreign gifts and decorations.
- Conflict of interests
- Decorations
- Foreign relations
- Government property
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 102-71_General.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property
- Government property management
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 102-72_Delegation of authority.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Organization and functions (Government agencies)
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 102-73_Real estate acquisition.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Real property acquisition
- 41 CFR Part 102-74_Facility management.
- Blind
- Concessions
- Energy conservation
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Fire prevention
- Government property management
- Parking
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 102-75_Real property disposal.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Rates and fares
- Surplus Government property
- 41 CFR Part 102-76_Design and construction.
- Energy conservation
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Individuals with disabilities
- Real property acquisition
- Security measures
- 41 CFR Part 102-77_Art-in-architecture.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 102-78_Historic preservation.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Historic preservation
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 102-79_Assignment and utilization of space.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 102-80_Safety and environmental management.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Fire prevention
- Government property management
- Occupational safety and health
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 102-81_Physical Security.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Rates and fares
- Security measures
- 41 CFR Part 102-82_Utility services.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Rates and fares
- Utilities
- 41 CFR Part 102-83_Location of space.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 102-85_Pricing policy for occupancy in GSA space.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Rates and fares
- 41 CFR Part 102-117_Transportation management.
- Freight
- Government property management
- Moving of household goods
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Transportation
- 41 CFR Part 102-118_Transportation payment and audit.
- Accounting
- Claims
- Government property management
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Transportation
- 41 CFR Part 102-192_Mail management.
- Government property management
- Organization and functions (Government agencies)
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Security measures
- 41 CFR Part 102-193_Creation, maintenance, and use of records.
- Archives and records
- Computer technology
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 102-194_Standard and Optional Forms Management Program.
- Archives and records
- Computer technology
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 105-1_Introduction.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 105-8_Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by General Services Administration.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Equal employment opportunity
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government property management
- Individuals with disabilities
- 41 CFR Part 105-50_Provision of special or technical services to State and local units of Government.
- Government property management
- Intergovernmental relations
- 41 CFR Part 105-51_Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Manufactured homes
- Rates and fares
- Relocation assistance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 105-53_Statement of organization and functions.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Organization and functions (Government agencies)
- 41 CFR Part 105-54_Advisory committee management.
- Advisory committees
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 105-55_Collection of claims owed the United States.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Antitrust
- Claims
- Fraud
- Taxes
- 41 CFR Part 105-56_Salary offset for indebtedness of Federal employees to the United States.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Government employees
- Wages
- 41 CFR Part 105-57_Administration wage garnishment.
- Claims
- Government property management
- Income taxes
- Wages
- 41 CFR Part 105-60_Public availability of agency records and informational materials.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Confidential business information
- Fees
- Freedom of information
- Information
- Privacy Act
- 41 CFR Part 105-62_Document security and declassification.
- Classified information
- 41 CFR Part 105-64_GSA Privacy Act rules.
- Privacy
- 41 CFR Part 105-67_Sale of personal property.
- Government contracts
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 105-68_Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement).
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Government property management
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 105-69_New restrictions on lobbying.
- Government contracts
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Lobbying
- Penalties
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 105-70_Implementation of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Fraud
- Penalties
- 41 CFR Part 105-71_Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements with State and local governments.
- Accounting
- Government property management
- Grant programs
- Indians
- Intergovernmental relations
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 105-72_Uniform administrative requirements for grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations.
- Accounting
- Colleges and universities
- Grant programs
- Hospitals
- Nonprofit organizations
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 105-74_Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance).
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Drug abuse
- Government property management
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 109-1_Introduction.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-6_Miscellaneous regulations.
- Government property management
- Motor vehicles
- 41 CFR Part 109-25_General.
- Government property management
- Laboratories
- 41 CFR Part 109-26_Procurement sources and programs.
- Government property management
- Motor vehicles
- 41 CFR Part 109-27_Inventory management.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-28_Storage and distribution.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-30_Federal Catalog System.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-38_Motor equipment management.
- Energy conservation
- 41 CFR Part 109-39_Interagency fleet management systems.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-40_Transportation and traffic management.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-42_Utilization and disposal of hazardous materials and certain categories of property.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-43_Utilization of personal property.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-44_Donation of personal property.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-45_Sale, abandonment, or destruction of personal property.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-46_Utilization and disposal of personal property pursuant to exchange/sale authority.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-48_Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 109-50_Special DOE disposal authorities.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 114-51_Government furnished quarters.
- Government property management
- Housing
- 41 CFR Part 115-1_Introduction.
- Government property management
- 41 CFR Part 128-1_Introduction.
- Government property management
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Seismic safety
- 41 CFR Part 128-18_Acquisition of real property.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Manufactured homes
- Rates and fares
- Relocation assistance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 41 CFR Part 128-48_Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property.
- Claims
- Government property management
- Seizures and forfeitures
- 41 CFR Part 128-50_Seized personal property.
- Government property management
- Seizures and forfeitures
- 41 CFR Part 201_Federal acquisition supply chain security.
- Classified information
- Computer technology
- Government technology
- Freedom of information
- Information technology
- Security measures
- Strategic and critical materials
- Science and technology
- 41 CFR Part 300-1_The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR).
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 300-2_How to use the FTR.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 300-3_Glossary of terms.
- Government employees
- Income taxes
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 300-70_Agency reporting requirements.
- Government employees
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 300-80_Relocation expenses test programs.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-1_Applicability.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-2_General rules.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-10_Transportation expenses.
- Common carriers
- Government employees
- Government property
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-11_Per diem expenses.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-12_Miscellaneous expenses.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-13_Travel of an employee with special needs.
- Government employees
- Individuals with disabilities
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-30_Emergency travel.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-31_Threatened law enforcement/investigative employees.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-50_Arranging for travel services.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-51_Paying travel expenses.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-52_Claiming reimbursement.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-53_Using promotional materials and frequent traveler programs.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-54_Collection of undisputed delinquent amounts owed to the contractor issuing the individually billed travel charge card.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-70_Internal policy and procedure requirements.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Common carriers
- Government contracts
- Government employees
- Individuals with disabilities
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-71_Agency travel accountability requirements.
- Accounting
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-72_Agency responsibilities related to common carrier transportation.
- Common carriers
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-73_Travel programs.
- Government contracts
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-74_Conference planning.
- Government employees
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-75_Pre-employment interview travel.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 301-76_Collection of undisputed delinquent amounts owed to the contractor issuing the individually billed travel charge card.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-1_General rules.
- Government employees
- Income taxes
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-2_Employee eligibility requirements.
- Government employees
- Income taxes
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-3_Relocation allowance by specific type.
- Government employees
- Income taxes
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-4_Allowances for subsistence and transportation.
- Government employees
- Income taxes
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-5_Allowance for househunting trip expenses.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-6_Allowance for temporary quarters subsistence expenses.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-7_Transportation and temporary storage of household goods, professional books, papers, and equipment (PBP&E) and baggage allowance.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-8_Allowances for extended storage of household goods (HHG).
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-9_Allowances for transportation and emergency or temporary storage of a privately owned vehicle.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-10_Allowances for transportation of mobile homes and boats used as a primary residence.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-11_Allowances for expenses incurred in connection with residence transactions.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-12_Use of a relocation services company.
- Government employees
- Income taxes
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-14_Home marketing incentive payments.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-15_Allowance for property management services.
- Government employees
- Income taxes
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-16_Allowance for miscellaneous expenses.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 302-17_Taxes on relocation expenses.
- Government employees
- Income taxes
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 303-70_Agency requirements for payment of expenses connected with the death of certain employees and family.
- Claims
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 304-1_Authority.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 304-2_Definitions.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 304-3_Employee responsibility.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 304-4_Authority.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 304-5_Agency responsibilities.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 304-6_Payment guidelines.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 304-7_Authority/Applicability.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 304-8_Definitions.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses
- 41 CFR Part 304-9_Contributions and awards.
- Government employees
- Travel and transportation expenses