LoS: 38 CFR
Title 38: Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief
List of Subjects revised as of January 1, 2025.
- 38 CFR Part 0_Values, standards of ethical conduct, and related responsibilities.
- Conflict of interests
- Government employees
- 38 CFR Part 1_General provisions.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Archives and records
- Cemeteries
- Claims
- Courts
- Crime
- Disability benefits
- Flags
- Freedom of information
- Government contracts
- Government employees
- Government property
- Infants and children
- Inventions and patents
- Parking
- Penalties
- Pensions
- Postal Service
- Privacy
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Seals and insignia
- Security measures
- Wages
- 38 CFR Part 2_Delegations of authority.
- Authority delegations (Government agencies)
- 38 CFR Part 3_Adjudication.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 4_Schedule for rating disabilities.
- Disability benefits
- Pensions
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 5_Administrative procedures: guidance documents.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 6_United States Government life insurance.
- Disability benefits
- Life insurance
- Loan programs-veterans
- Military personnel
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 7_Soldiers' and Sailors' civil relief.
- Life insurance
- Military personnel
- 38 CFR Part 8_National Service life insurance.
- Life insurance
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 8a_Veterans Mortgage Life Insurance.
- Life insurance
- Mortgage insurance
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 9_Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance and Veterans' Group Life Insurance.
- Life insurance
- Military personnel
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 10_Adjusted compensation.
- Veterans
- Wages
- 38 CFR Part 11_Loans by banks on and payment of adjusted service certificates.
- Banks, banking
- Loan programs-veterans
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 12_Disposition of veteran's personal funds and effects.
- Estates
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 13_Fiduciary activities.
- Surety bonds
- Trusts and trustees
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 14_Legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Courts
- Foreign relations
- Government employees
- Lawyers
- Legal services
- Organization and functions (Government agencies)
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Surety bonds
- Trusts and trustees
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 15_Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Equal employment opportunity
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Individuals with disabilities
- 38 CFR Part 16_Protection of human subjects.
- Human research subjects
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Research
- 38 CFR Part 17_Medical.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Alcohol abuse
- Alcoholism
- Claims
- Colleges and universities
- Day care
- Dental health
- Drug abuse
- Education
- Foreign relations
- Government contracts
- Government employees
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Health professions
- Health records
- Home health care
- Homeless
- Incorporation by reference
- Medical and dental schools
- Medical devices
- Medical research
- Mental health programs
- Nursing homes
- Philippines
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Scholarships and fellowships
- Schools
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 18_Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs_effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- Aged
- Civil rights
- Equal educational opportunity
- Equal employment opportunity
- Individuals with disabilities
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 18a_Delegation of responsibility in connection with Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- Authority delegations (Government agencies)
- Civil rights
- 38 CFR Part 18b_Practice and procedure under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Part 18 of this chapter.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- 38 CFR Part 19_Board of Veterans' Appeals: Legacy appeals regulations.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 20_Board of Veterans' Appeals: rules of practice.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 21_Veteran readiness and employment and education.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Armed forces
- Civil rights
- Claims
- Colleges and universities
- Conflict of interests
- Education
- Employment
- Grant programs-education
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Loan programs-education
- Loan programs-veterans
- Manpower training programs
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Schools
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- Vocational education
- Vocational rehabilitation
- 38 CFR Part 23_Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance.
- Education
- Sex discrimination
- Youth organizations
- 38 CFR Part 25_Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Manufactured homes
- Relocation assistance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 38 CFR Part 26_Environmental effects of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) actions.
- Environmental impact statements
- 38 CFR Part 36_Loan guaranty.
- Condominiums
- Flood insurance
- Housing
- Indians
- Individuals with disabilities
- Loan programs-housing and community development
- Loan programs-Indians
- Loan programs-veterans
- Manufactured homes
- Mortgage insurance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 38_National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Alcohol abuse
- Alcoholism
- Cemeteries
- Claims
- Crime
- Day care
- Dental health
- Drug abuse
- Foreign relations
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Health professions
- Health records
- Homeless
- Medical and dental schools
- Medical devices
- Medical research
- Mental health programs
- Nursing homes
- Philippines
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Scholarships and fellowships
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 39_Aid for the establishment, expansion, and improvement, or operation and maintenance, of veterans cemeteries.
- Cemeteries
- Grant programs-veterans
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 40_Intergovernmental review of Department of Veterans Affairs programs and activities.
- Intergovernmental relations
- 38 CFR Part 42_Standards implementing the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Fraud
- Penalties
- 38 CFR Part 45_New restrictions on lobbying.
- Government contracts
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Lobbying
- Penalties
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 38 CFR Part 46_Policy regarding participation in National Practitioner Data Bank.
- Health professions
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 38 CFR Part 47_Policy regarding reporting health care professionals to State licensing boards.
- Health professions
- Intergovernmental relations
- 38 CFR Part 48_Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance).
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Drug abuse
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 38 CFR Part 50_Equal treatment for faith based organizations.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Alcohol abuse
- Alcoholism
- Day care
- Dental health
- Drug abuse
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Health professions
- Health records
- Homeless
- Mental health programs
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 51_Per diem for nursing home care of veterans in State homes.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Day care
- Dental health
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Health professions
- Health records
- Home health care
- Mental health programs
- Nursing homes
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 53_Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses at State veterans homes.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Alcohol abuse
- Alcoholism
- Claims
- Day care
- Dental health
- Drug abuse
- Foreign relations
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Health professions
- Health records
- Homeless
- Medical and dental schools
- Medical devices
- Medical research
- Mental health programs
- Nursing homes
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Scholarships and fellowships
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 59_Grants to States for construction or acquisition of State homes.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Alcohol abuse
- Alcoholism
- Claims
- Day care
- Dental health
- Drug abuse
- Foreign relations
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Health professions
- Health records
- Homeless
- Medical and dental schools
- Medical devices
- Medical research
- Mental health programs
- Nursing homes
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 60_Fisher Houses and other temporary lodging.
- Health care
- Housing
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Travel
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 61_VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Alcohol abuse
- Alcoholism
- Day care
- Dental health
- Drug abuse
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Health professions
- Health records
- Homeless
- Mental health programs
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 62_Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Day care
- Disability benefits
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-housing and community development
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Homeless
- Housing
- Indians-lands
- Individuals with disabilities
- Low and moderate income housing
- Manpower training programs
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Public assistance programs
- Public housing
- Relocation assistance
- Rent subsidies
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Rural areas
- Social security
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Unemployment compensation
- 38 CFR Part 63_Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Day care
- Disability benefits
- Government contracts
- Health care
- Homeless
- Housing and Urban Development Department
- Individuals with disabilities
- Low and moderate income housing
- Public assistance programs
- Public housing
- Relocation assistance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 64_Grants for the Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP).
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Disability benefits
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health records
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 70_Veterans transportation programs.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Alcohol abuse
- Alcoholism
- Claims
- Day care
- Dental health
- Drug abuse
- Foreign relations
- Government contracts
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Health professions
- Health records
- Homeless
- Medical and dental schools
- Medical devices
- Medical research
- Mental health programs
- Nursing homes
- Philippines
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Scholarships and fellowships
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 71_Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members of veterans.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Health professions
- Mental health programs
- Public assistance programs
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 74_Veterans small business regulations.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Privacy
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Small businesses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 75_Information security matters.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Forgery
- Fraud
- Information
- Security measures
- 38 CFR Part 76_Monthly assistance allowance for veterans in connection with the United States Paralympics.
- Day care
- Individuals with disabilities
- Sports
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 77_Grants for adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the armed forces.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Health facilities
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Travel and transportation expenses
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 78_Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Grant programs-health
- Grant programs-veterans
- Health care
- Mental health programs
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 80_Veteran and Spouse Transitional Assistance Grant Program.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Armed forces
- Employment
- Grant programs--veterans
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Veterans
- 38 CFR Part 200_Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.
- Environmental protection