Office of the Federal Register (OFR)

LoS: 26 CFR

Title 26: Internal Revenue

List of Subjects revised as of January 1, 2025.

26 CFR Part 1_Income taxes.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 2_Maritime construction reserve fund.
Income taxes
Maritime carriers
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 3_Capital construction fund.
Income taxes
Maritime carriers
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 4_Temporary income tax regulations under Section 954 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 5_Temporary income tax regulations under the Revenue Act of 1978.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 5c_Temporary income tax regulations under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 5e_Temporary income tax regulations, travel expenses of members of Congress.
Income taxes
Travel and transportation expenses
26 CFR Part 5f_Temporary income tax regulations under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 6a_Temporary regulations under Title II of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 7_Temporary income tax regulations under the Tax Reform Act of 1976.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 8_Temporary income tax regulations under Section 3 of the Act of October 26, 1974 (Public Law 93-483).
Income taxes
Trusts and trustees
26 CFR Part 9_Temporary income tax regulations under the Tax Reduction Act of 1975.
Income taxes
26 CFR Part 11_Temporary income tax regulations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 12_Temporary income tax regulations under the Revenue Act of 1971.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 13_Temporary income tax regulations under the Tax Reform Act of 1969.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 15_Temporary income tax regulations relating to exploration expenditures in the case of mining.
Income taxes
26 CFR Part 15a_Temporary income tax regulations under the Installment Sales Revision Act.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 16_Temporary regulations under the Revenue Act of 1962.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Trusts and trustees
U.S. investments abroad
26 CFR Part 16A_Temporary income tax regulations relating to the partial exclusion for certain conservation cost sharing payments.
Environment protection
Income taxes
Natural resources
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 18_Temporary income tax regulations under the Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 19_Temporary regulations under the Revenue Act of 1964.
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping
26 CFR Part 20_Estate tax; estates of decedents dying after August 16, 1954.
Estate taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 22_Temporary estate tax regulations under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981.
Estate taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 25_Gift tax; gifts made after December 31, 1954.
Gift taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 26_Generation-skipping transfer tax regulations under the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
Estate taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 31_Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source.
Employment taxes
Fishing vessels
Income taxes
Railroad retirement
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Social security
Unemployment compensation
26 CFR Part 32_Temporary employment tax regulations under the Act of December 29, 1981 (Pub. L. 97-123).
Railroad retirement
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Social security
26 CFR Part 35_Employment tax and collection of income tax at source regulations under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982.
Employment taxes
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 35a_Temporary employment tax regulations under the Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983.
Employment taxes
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 36_Contract coverage of employees of foreign subsidiaries.
Employment taxes
Foreign relations
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Social security
26 CFR Part 40_Excise tax procedural regulations.
Excise taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 41_Excise tax on use of certain highway motor vehicles.
Excise taxes
Motor vehicles
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 43_Excise tax on transportation by water.
Excise taxes
Passenger vessels
26 CFR Part 44_Taxes on wagering; effective January 1, 1955.
Excise taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 46_Excise tax on policies issued by foreign insurers and obligations not in registered form.
Excise taxes
Insurance companies
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 47_Designated drugs excise tax regulations.
Excise taxes
26 CFR Part 48_Manufacturers and retailers excise taxes.
Excise taxes
Motor vehicles
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Rubber and rubber products
26 CFR Part 49_Facilities and services excise taxes.
Excise taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 50_Regulations relating to the tax imposed with respect to certain hydraulic mining.
Excise taxes
26 CFR Part 51_Branded prescription drug fee.
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 52_Environmental taxes.
Environmental protection
Excise taxes
Hazardous waste
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 53_Foundation and similar excise taxes.
Excise taxes
Nonprofit organizations
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Trusts and trustees
26 CFR Part 54_Pension excise taxes.
Excise taxes
Health care
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 55_Excise tax on real estate investment trusts and regulated investment companies.
Excise taxes
Investment companies
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Trusts and trustees
26 CFR Part 56_Public charity excise taxes.
Excise taxes
Nonprofit organizations
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 57_Health insurance providers fee.
Health insurance
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 58_Stock repurchase excise tax.
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 141_Temporary excise tax regulations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
Excise taxes
26 CFR Part 143_Temporary excise tax regulations under the Tax Reform Act of 1969.
Excise taxes
26 CFR Part 145_Temporary excise tax regulations under the Highway Revenue Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-424).
Excise taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 156_Excise tax on greenmail.
Excise taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 157_Excise tax on structured settlement factoring transactions.
Excise taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 300_User fees.
Estate taxes
Excise taxes
Gift taxes
Income taxes
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 301_Procedure and administration.
Administrative practice and procedure
Child support
Continental shelf
Employment taxes
Estate taxes
Excise taxes
Gift taxes
Income taxes
Law enforcement
Oil pollution
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Seals and insignia
26 CFR Part 302_Taxes under the International Claims Settlement Act, as amended August 9, 1955.
Alien property
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 303_Taxes under the Trading With the Enemy Act.
Alien property
26 CFR Part 305_Temporary procedural and administrative tax regulations under the Indian Tribal Governmental Tax Status Act of 1982.
Indians-tribal government
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 400_Temporary regulations under the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966.
26 CFR Part 403_Disposition of seized personal property.
Administrative practice and procedure
Alcohol and alcoholic beverages
Seizures and forfeitures
Surplus Government property
26 CFR Part 404_Temporary regulations on procedure and administration under the Tax Reform Act of 1976.
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Trusts and trustees
26 CFR Part 420_Temporary regulations on procedure and administration under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 509_Switzerland.
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Tax treaties
26 CFR Part 513_Ireland.
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Tax treaties
26 CFR Part 514_France.
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
Tax treaties
26 CFR Part 521_Denmark.
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 601_Statement of procedural rules.
Administrative practice and procedure
Alcohol and alcoholic beverages
Arms and munitions
Cigars and cigarettes
Employment taxes
Freedom of information
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 602_OMB control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
26 CFR Part 701_Presidential Election Campaign Fund.
Campaign funds
26 CFR Part 702_Presidential Primary Matching Payment Account.
Campaign funds
26 CFR Part 801_Balanced system for measuring organizational and employee performance within the Internal Revenue Service.
Government employees
Organization and functions (Government agencies)

