LoS: 14 CFR
Title 14: Aeronautics and Space
List of Subjects revised as of January 1, 2025
- 14 CFR Part 1_Definitions and abbreviations.
- Air transportation
- 14 CFR Part 3_General requirements.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- 14 CFR Part 5_Safety management systems.
- Air carriers
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Safety
- Transportation
- 14 CFR Part 11_General rulemaking procedures.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air transportation
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 13_Investigative and enforcement procedures.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air transportation
- Aviation safety
- Hazardous materials transportation
- Investigations
- Law enforcement
- Penalties
- 14 CFR Part 14_Rules implementing the Equal Access to Justice Act of 1980.
- Claims
- Equal access to justice
- Lawyers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 15_Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act.
- Claims
- 14 CFR Part 16_Rules of practice for federally-assisted airport enforcement proceedings.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Airports
- Investigations
- 14 CFR Part 17_Procedures for protests and contract disputes.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Authority delegations (Government agencies)
- Government contracts
- 14 CFR Part 21_Certification procedures for products and articles.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Exports
- Imports
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 23_Airworthiness standards: Normal category airplanes.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Signs and symbols
- 14 CFR Part 25_Airworthiness standards: Transport category airplanes.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Incorporation by reference
- Navigation (air)
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 26_Continued airworthiness and safety improvements for transport category airplanes.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- 14 CFR Part 27_Airworthiness standards: Normal category rotorcraft.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 29_Airworthiness standards: Transport category rotorcraft.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 31_Airworthiness standards: Manned free balloons.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- 14 CFR Part 33_Airworthiness standards: Aircraft engines.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 34_Fuel venting and exhaust emission requirements for turbine engine powered airplanes.
- Air pollution control
- Aircraft
- 14 CFR Part 35_Airworthiness standards: Propellers.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- 14 CFR Part 36_Noise standards: Aircraft type and airworthiness certification.
- Agriculture
- Aircraft
- Noise control
- 14 CFR Part 38_Airplaine fuel efficiency certification
- Air pollution control
- Aircraft
- Incorporation by reference
- 14 CFR Part 39_Airworthiness directives.
- Air transportation
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Incorporation by reference
- Safety
- 14 CFR Part 43_Maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 45_Identification and registration marking.
- Aircraft
- Exports
- Signs and symbols
- 14 CFR Part 47_Aircraft registration.
- Aircraft
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 48_Registration and marking requirements for small unmanned aircraft.
- Aircraft
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Signs and symbols
- 14 CFR Part 49_Recording of aircraft titles and security documents.
- Aircraft
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 60_Flight simulation training device initial and continuing qualification and use.
- Airmen
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 61_Certification: Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors.
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Alcohol abuse
- Aviation safety
- Drug abuse
- Incorporation by reference
- Recreation and recreation areas
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Security measures
- Teachers
- 14 CFR Part 63_Certification: Flight crewmembers other than pilots.
- Aircraft
- Airman
- Alcohol abuse
- Aviation safety
- Drug abuse
- Navigation (air)
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Security measures
- 14 CFR Part 65_Certification: Airmen other than flight crewmembers.
- Air traffic controllers
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Airports
- Alcohol abuse
- Aviation safety
- Drug abuse
- Incorporation by reference
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Security measures
- 14 CFR Part 67_Medical standards and certification.
- Airmen
- Authority delegations (Government agencies)
- Health
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 68_Requirements for operating certain small aircraft without a medical certificate.
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Health
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 71_Designation of Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas; air traffic service routes; and reporting points.
- Airspace
- Incorporation by reference
- Navigation (air)
- 14 CFR Part 73_Special use airspace.
- Airspace
- Navigation (air)
- Security measures
- 14 CFR Part 77_Safe, efficient use, and preservation of the navigable airspace.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Airports
- Airspace
- Aviation safety
- Navigation (air)
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 89_Remote identification of unmanned aircraft.
- Air traffic control
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Aviation safety
- Incorporation by reference
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Security measures
- 14 CFR Part 91_General operating and flight rules.
- Afghanistan
- Agriculture
- Air carriers
- Air taxis
- Air traffic control
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Airports
- Alaska
- Aviation safety
- Canada
- Charter flights
- Cuba
- Drug traffic control
- Ethiopia
- Freight
- Incorporation by reference
- Iran
- Iraq
- Libya
- Mexico
- Noise control
- North Korea
- Political candidates
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Security measures
- Somalia
- Syria
- Transportation
- Yemen
- Yugoslavia
- 14 CFR Part 93_Special air traffic rules.
- Air traffic control
- Airports
- Airspace
- Alaska
- Navigation (air)
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 95_IFR altitudes.
- Airspace
- Navigation (air)
- 14 CFR Part 97_Standard instrument procedures.
- Air traffic control
- Airports
- Incorporation by reference
- Navigation (air)
- Weather
- 14 CFR Part 99_Security control of air traffic.
- Air traffic control
- Airspace
- National defense
- Navigation (air)
- Security measures
- 14 CFR Part 101_Moored balloons, kites, amateur rockets, and unmanned free balloons.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 103_Ultralight vehicles.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Recreation and recreation areas
- 14 CFR Part 105_Parachute operations.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Recreation and recreation areas
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 107_Small unmanned aircraft systems.
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Aviation safety
- Recreation and recreation areas
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Security measures
- Signs and symbols
- 14 CFR Part 110_General requirements.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Charter flights
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 111_Pilot records database.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Air taxis
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Alcohol abuse
- Aviation safety
- Charter flights
- Drug abuse
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 117_Flight and duty limitations and rest requirements: flightcrew members.
- Airmen
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 119_Certification: Air carriers and commercial operators.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Charter flights
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 120_Drug and alcohol testing program.
- Air carriers
- Air traffic controllers
- Airmen
- Alcohol abuse
- Alcoholism
- Aviation safety
- Drug abuse
- Drug testing
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Safety
- Transportation
- 14 CFR Part 121_Operating requirements: Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations.
- Air carriers
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Alcohol abuse
- Aviation safety
- Charter flights
- Drug abuse
- Drug testing
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Safety
- Transportation
- 14 CFR Part 125_Certification and operations: Aircraft having a seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more; and rules governing persons on board such aircraft.
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 129_Operations: foreign air carriers and foreign operators of U.S.-registered aircraft engaged in common carriage.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Security measures
- Smoking
- 14 CFR Part 133_Rotorcraft external-load operations.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 135_Operating requirements: Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft.
- Air taxis
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Alcohol abuse
- Aviation safety
- Drug abuse
- Drug testing
- Incorporation by reference
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 136_Commercial air tours and national parks air tour management.
- Air transportation
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Aviation safety
- National parks
- Recreation and recreation areas
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 137_Agricultural aircraft operations.
- Agriculture
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 139_Certification of airports.
- Air carriers
- Airports
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Safety Management Systems (SMS)
- 14 CFR Part 141_Pilot schools.
- Airmen
- Educational facilities
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Schools
- 14 CFR Part 142_Training centers.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Airmen
- Educational facilities
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Schools
- Teachers
- 14 CFR Part 145_Repair stations.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 147_Aviation maintenance technician schools.
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Educational facilities
- Incorporation by reference
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Schools
- 14 CFR Part 150_Airport noise compatibility planning.
- Airports
- Noise control
- 14 CFR Part 151_Federal aid to airports
- Airports
- Grant programs-transportation
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 152_Airport aid program.
- Accounting
- Airports
- Civil rights
- Energy conservation
- Equal employment opportunity
- Grant programs-transportation
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 153_Airport operations.
- Airports
- Aviation safety
- 14 CFR Part 155_Release of airport property from surplus property disposal restrictions.
- Airports
- Surplus Government property
- 14 CFR Part 156_State block grant pilot program.
- Airports
- Grant programs-transportation
- 14 CFR Part 157_Notice of construction, alteration, activation, and deactivation of airports.
- Airports
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 158_Passenger facility charges (PFC's).
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Airports
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 161_Notice and approval of airport noise and access restrictions.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Aircraft
- Airports
- Noise control
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 169_Expenditure of Federal funds for nonmilitary airports or air navigation facilities thereon.
- Airports
- Navigation (air)
- 14 CFR Part 170_Establishment and discontinuance criteria for air traffic control services and navigational facilities.
- Air traffic control
- Airports
- 14 CFR Part 171_Non-Federal navigation facilities.
- Air traffic control
- Navigation (air)
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 183_Representatives of the Administrator.
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- Authority delegations (Government agencies)
- Health professions
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 185_Testimony by employees and production of records in legal proceedings, and service of legal process and pleadings.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Authority delegations (Government agencies)
- Courts
- Government employees
- 14 CFR Part 187_Fees.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air transportation
- 14 CFR Part 189_Use of Federal Aviation Administration communications system.
- Air transportation
- Telecommunications
- 14 CFR Part 193_Protection of voluntarily submitted information.
- Air transportation
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Security measures
- 14 CFR Part 198_Aviation insurance.
- Aircraft
- Freight
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- War risk insurance
- 14 CFR Part 200_Definitions and instructions.
- Air transportation
- 14 CFR Part 201_Air carrier authority under Subtitle VII of Title 49 of United States Code_[Amended].
- Air carriers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 203_Waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses.
- Air carriers
- Air transportation
- Foreign relations
- Insurance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 204_Data to support fitness determinations.
- Air carriers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 205_Aircraft accident liability insurance.
- Air carriers
- Freight
- Insurance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 206_Certificates of public convenience and necessity: special authorizations and exemptions.
- Air carriers
- Emergency medical services
- News media
- 14 CFR Part 211_Applications for permits to foreign air carriers.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Pacific Islands Trust Territory
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 212_Charter rules for U.S. and foreign direct air carriers.
- Charter flights
- Confidential business information
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Surety bonds
- 14 CFR Part 213_Terms, conditions, and limitations of foreign air carrier permits.
- Air carriers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 214_Terms, conditions, and limitations of foreign air carrier permits authorizing charter transportation only.
- Air carriers
- Charter flights
- 14 CFR Part 215_Use and change of names of air carriers, foreign air carriers, and commuter air carriers.
- Air carriers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Trade names
- 14 CFR Part 216_Commingling of blind sector traffic by foreign air carriers.
- Air carriers
- 14 CFR Part 217_Reporting traffic statistics by foreign air carriers in civilian scheduled, charter, and nonscheduled services.
- Air carriers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 218_Lease by foreign air carrier or other foreign person of aircraft with crew.
- Air carriers
- Aircraft
- Airmen
- 14 CFR Part 221_Tariffs.
- Air rates and fares
- Freight
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 222_Intermodal cargo services by foreign air carriers.
- Air carriers
- Freight
- Intermodal transportation
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 223_Free and reduced-rate transportation.
- Air rates and fares
- Government employees
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 234_Airline service quality performance reports.
- Air carriers
- Air rates and fares
- Consumer protection
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 235_Reports by air carriers on incidents involving animals during air transportation.
- Air carriers
- Animals
- Consumer protection
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 240_Inspection of accounts and property.
- Air carriers
- Uniform System of Accounts
- 14 CFR Part 241_Uniform system of accounts and reports for large certificated air carriers.
- Air carriers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Uniform System of Accounts
- 14 CFR Part 243_Passenger manifest information.
- Air carriers
- Aircraft
- Charter flights
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 244_Reporting tarmac delay data.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Airports
- Consumer protection
- 14 CFR Part 247_Direct airport-to-airport mileage records.
- Air carriers
- Airports
- 14 CFR Part 248_Submission of audit reports.
- Air carriers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Uniform System of Accounts
- 14 CFR Part 249_Preservation of air carrier records.
- Air carriers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Truth in lending
- Uniform System of Accounts
- 14 CFR Part 250_Oversales.
- Air carriers
- Consumer protection
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 251_Carriage of musical instruments.
- Air carriers
- Consumer protection
- 14 CFR Part 252_Smoking aboard aircraft.
- Air carriers
- Aircraft
- Consumer protection
- Smoking
- 14 CFR Part 253_Notice of terms of contract of carriage.
- Air carriers
- Consumer protection
- 14 CFR Part 254_Domestic baggage liability.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Consumer protection
- Freight
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 256_Electronic Airline Information Systems.
- Air carriers
- Air rates and fares
- Antitrust
- 14 CFR Part 257_Disclosure of code-sharing arrangements and long-term wet leases.
- Air carriers
- Air rates and fares
- Consumer protection
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Uniform System of Accounts
- 14 CFR Part 258_Disclosure of change-of-gauge services.
- Air carriers
- Consumer protection
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 259_Enhanced protections for airline passengers.
- Air carriers
- Aviation safety
- Consumer protection
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Transportation
- 14 CFR Part 260_Refunds for airline fare and ancillary service fees.
- Air carriers
- Air rates and fares
- Consumer protection
- 14 CFR Part 262_Travel credits or vouchers due to a serious communicable disease.
- Air carriers
- Air rates and fares
- Consumer protection
- 14 CFR Part 271_Guidelines for subsidizing air carriers providing essential air transportation.
- Air carriers
- Grant programs-transportation
- 14 CFR Part 291_Cargo operations in interstate air transportation.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Freight
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 292_International cargo transportation.
- Air carriers
- Freight
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 293_International passenger transportation.
- Air carriers
- Air rates and fares
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 294_Canadian charter air taxi operators.
- Air taxis
- Canada
- Charter flights
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 295_Air charter brokers.
- Air carriers
- 14 CFR Part 296_Indirect air transportation of property.
- Air carriers
- Freight forwarders
- Research
- 14 CFR Part 297_Foreign air freight forwarders and foreign cooperative shippers associations.
- Air carriers
- Freight forwarders
- 14 CFR Part 298_Exemptions for air taxi and commuter air carrier operations.
- Air taxis
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 300_Rules of conduct in DOT proceedings under this chapter.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Conflicts of interests
- 14 CFR Part 302_Rules of practice in proceedings.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Airports
- Postal Service
- 14 CFR Part 303_Review of air carrier agreements.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Antitrust
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 305_Rules of practice in informal nonpublic investigations.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Investigations
- 14 CFR Part 313_Implementation of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.
- Air carriers
- Energy conservation
- 14 CFR Part 323_Terminations, suspensions, and reductions of service.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 325_Essential air service procedures.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air transportation
- Intergovernmental relations
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 372_Overseas military personnel charters.
- Charter flights
- Military air transportation
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Surety bonds
- 14 CFR Part 374_Implementation of the Consumer Credit Protection Act with respect to air carriers and foreign air carriers.
- Air carriers
- Consumer protection
- Credit
- 14 CFR Part 374a_Extension of credit by airlines to Federal political candidates.
- Air carriers
- Credit
- Political candidates
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 375_Navigation of foreign civil aircraft within the United States.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Aircraft
- Foreign relations
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 377_Continuance of expired authorizations by operation of law pending final determination of applications for renewal thereof.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- 14 CFR Part 380_Public charters.
- Charter flights
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Surety bonds
- 14 CFR Part 381_Special event tours.
- Charter flights
- Consumer protection
- 14 CFR Part 382_Nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in air travel.
- Air carriers
- Civil rights
- Consumer protection
- Individuals with disabilities
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 383_Civil penalties.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Penalties
- Transportation
- 14 CFR Part 385_Staff assignments and review of action under assignments.
- Organization and functions (Government agencies)
- 14 CFR Part 389_Fees and charges for special services.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 398_Guidelines for individual determinations of basic essential air service.
- Air transportation
- 14 CFR Part 399_Statements of general policy.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air carriers
- Air rates and fares
- Air taxis
- Consumer protection
- Law enforcement
- Small businesses
- 14 CFR Part 400_Basis and scope.
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 401_Organization and definitions.
- Organization and functions (Government agencies)
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 404_Petition and rulemaking procedures.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 405_Compliance and enforcement.
- Investigations
- Penalties
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 406_Investigations, enforcement, and administrative review.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Confidential business information
- Investigations
- Law enforcement
- Penalties
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 413_License application procedures.
- Confidential business information
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 414_Safety element approvals.
- Airspace
- Aviation safety
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 417_Launch safety.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 420_License to operate a launch site.
- Environmental protection
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 433_License to operate a reentry site.
- Aviation safety
- Environmental protection
- Investigations
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 437_Experimental permits.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 440_Financial responsibility.
- Indemnity payments
- Insurance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 450_Launch and reentry license requirements.
- Aircraft
- Aviation safety
- Environmental protection
- Investigations
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 460_ Human space flight requirements.
- Aircraft
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 1201_Statement of organization and general information.
- Organization and functions (Government agencies)
- 14 CFR Part 1203_Information Security Program.
- Classified information
- Foreign relations
- 14 CFR Part 1203a_NASA security areas.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Security measures
- 14 CFR Part 1203b_Security programs; arrest authority and use of force by NASA security force personnel.
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Security measures
- 14 CFR Part 1204_Administrative authority and policy.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Airports
- Authority delegations (Government agencies)
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Government contracts
- Government procurement
- Intergovernmental relations
- Security measures
- Small businesses
- 14 CFR Part 1206_Procedures for disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Freedom of information
- Privacy
- 14 CFR Part 1207_Standards of conduct.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Conflicts of interests
- 14 CFR Part 1208_Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Air rates and fares
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Manufactured homes
- Relocation assistance
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 1209_Boards and committees.
- Organization and functions (Government agencies)
- 14 CFR Part 1212_Privacy Act_NASA regulations.
- Privacy
- 14 CFR Part 1213_Release of information to news and information media.
- News media
- 14 CFR Part 1214_Space flight.
- Government employees
- Government procurement
- Security measures
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 1215_Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS).
- Satellites
- 14 CFR Part 1216_Environmental quality.
- Environmental impact statements
- Flood plains
- Foreign relations
- 14 CFR Part 1217_Duty-free entry of space articles.
- Customs duties and inspection
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 1221_The NASA seal and other devices, and the Congressional Space Medal of Honor.
- Decorations, medals, awards
- Flags
- Seals and insignia
- 14 CFR Part 1230_Protection of human subjects.
- Human research subjects
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Research
- 14 CFR Part 1232_Care and use of animals in the conduct of NASA activities.
- Animal welfare
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Research
- 14 CFR Part 1240_Inventions and contributions.
- Decorations, medals, awards
- Government contracts
- Government employees
- Inventions and patents
- 14 CFR Part 1241_To research, evaluate assess, and treat (TREAT) astronauts.
- Claims
- Health care
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 1245_Patents and other intellectual property rights.
- Claims
- Inventions and patents
- 14 CFR Part 1250_Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of NASA_effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- Civil rights
- 14 CFR Part 1251_Nondiscrimination on basis of disability.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Civil rights
- Equal employment opportunity
- Federal buildings and facilities
- Individuals with disabilities
- 14 CFR Part 1252_Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance.
- Aged
- Civil rights
- Education
- 14 CFR Part 1253_Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance.
- Sex discrimination
- 14 CFR Part 1259_National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.
- Colleges and universities
- Grant programs-science and technology
- Scholarships and fellowships
- Science and technology
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 1261_Processing of monetary claims (general).
- Claims
- Government employees
- Wages
- 14 CFR Part 1262_Equal Access to Justice Act in agency proceedings.
- Claims
- Equal access to justice
- Lawyer
- 14 CFR Part 1263_Demand for information or testimony served on agency employees; procedures.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Courts
- Government employees
- 14 CFR Part 1264_Implementation of the Program Fraud Civil Penalties Act of 1986.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Claims
- Fraud
- Lobbying
- Penalties
- 14 CFR Part 1266_Cross-waiver of liability.
- Space transportation and exploration
- 14 CFR Part 1271_New restrictions on lobbying.
- Claims
- Government contracts
- Government employees
- Grant programs
- Loan programs
- Lobbying
- Penalties
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 1275_Research misconduct.
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Grant programs
- Investigations
- Science and technology
- Scientists
- 14 CFR Part 1300_Aviation disaster relief_air carrier guarantee loan program.
- Air carriers
- Disaster assistance
- Loan programs-transportation
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- 14 CFR Part 1310_Air carrier guarantee loan program administrative regulations and amendment or waiver of a term or condition of guaranteed loan.
- Air carriers
- Disaster assistance
- Loan programs
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements