will Congress find a resting place?--they have led a kind of vagrant
life ever since 1774 . . . . Every place they have taken to reside
has been too hot to hold them; . . . We pity the poor congress-men,
thus kicked around and cuffed about from post to pillar--Where can
they find a home?
York Daily Advertiser, January
27, 1791
Between 1774
and 1790 Congress resided in eight places: Philadelphia, Lancaster,
and York, Pennsylvania; Princeton and Trenton, New Jersey; Baltimore
and Annapolis, Maryland; and New York, New York. In 1790 Congress
passed a bill locating the capital along the banks of the Potomac
River. Selection of the specific site for a Federal district of
up to one hundred square miles was left to President George Washington
who chose an area which included Alexandria, Virginia, and Georgetown,
Maryland. As part of the compromise, which ensured the bills
passage, the Government would reside in Philadelphia for ten years
before occupying its permanent capital. In 1799, the new city in
the Federal district was named after Washington.
The transfer
of the Government to its new capital took place in the summer of
1800. Ships and wagons carried government papers and the personal
belongings of the Federal establishment to the city of Washington
which was little than a village at the time. Most of the new residents
were struck by the citys unfinished look. One congressman
described it as "both melancholy and ludicrous . . . a city
in ruins." Only one wing of the Capitol was useable and Congress
met there for the first time in November.