John White: Portrait of Black Chicago Part Three The captions are John White`s own, written some time after he took his photographs. In some cases White used virtually the same caption for several images. "Religious fervor is mirrored
on the face of a Black Muslim woman, one of some 10,000 listening to Elijah
Muhammad deliver his annual Savior`s Day message in Chicago. The city
is headquarters for the Black Muslims. Their $75 million dollar empire
includes a mosque, newspaper, university, restaurants, real estate, bank,
and variety of retail stores. Muhammad died February 25, 1975." March
1974 (NWDNS-412-DA-13792) " `The Fruit of Islam,` a special group of bodyguards
for Muslim leader Elijah Muhammad, sits at the bottom of the platform
while he delivers his annual Savior`s Day message in Chicago. The city
is headquarters for the Black Muslims. Their $75 million dollar empire
includes a mosque, newspaper, university, restaurants, real estate, bank,
and variety of retail stores. Muhammad died February 25, 1975." March
1974 (NWDNS-412-DA-13794) "The Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks on a radio broadcast
from the headquarters of Operation PUSH, [People United to Save Humanity]
at its annual convention. One of the aims of the organization is to open
the world of business to small black owned businesses. Rev. Jackson is
credited for helping to make Chicago the black banking capital in the
country. He helped persuade white companies to stop taking profits they
earned from black consumers to the white suburbs." July 1973 (NWDNS-412-DA-13800) "Artist Ron Blackburn painting an outdoor wall
mural at the corner of 33rd and Giles Streets in Chicago. He is one of
many black artists painting such art. They feel it is a means of sharing
art with the people of the ghetto who don`t go to the city`s museums."
October 1973 (NWDNS-412-DA-13776) "Artist who was helping with a wall painting
on 33rd and Giles Street in South Side Chicago. He is one of many black
artists painting outdoor murals in Chicago. They feel it is a means of
sharing art with ghetto people who don`t go to the established museums."
October 1973 (NWDNS-412-DA-13695) "Black bongo player performs at the International
Amphitheater in Chicago as part of the annual PUSH [People United to Save
Humanity] `Black Expo` in the fall of 1973. The annual event showcases
black talent, educational opportunities, stars, art, and products to provide
blacks with an awareness of their heritage and capabilities, and help
them towards a better life." October 1973 (NWDNS-412-DA-13860) "Black soul singer Isaac Hayes performs at the International Amphitheater in Chicago as part of the annual PUSH [People United to Save Humanity] `Black Expo` in the fall of 1973. The annual event showcases black talent, educational opportunities, stars, art, and products to provide blacks with an awareness of their heritage and capabilities, and help them towards a better life." October 1973 (NWDNS-412-DA-13855) National Archives and Records Administration |