Document Citations

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Source:   Nixon Presidential Materials Project, White House Central Files: Subject Categories: Health (HE)
Folder Title:   EX HE 5-1 1/1/72-1/31/72
Box Number:   19

Elvis' Letter Handwritten Letter from Elvis Presley to Richard Nixon, Undated
Chapin Memo Memorandum for H.R. Haldeman from Dwight L. Chapin, 21 December 1970
Meeting Agenda Memorandum for the President, Re: Meeting with Elvis Presley, 21 December 1970
Meeting Notes Memorandum for the President's File from Egil "Bud" Krogh, Re: Meeting with Elvis Presley, 21 December 1970
Nixon's Thank You Letter Letter from Richard M. Nixon to Elvis Presley, 31 December 1970

Photograph Citations

Item Description ARC Identifier
All Photos

There are 28 Elvis-Nixon photos, shot by Nixon's chief photographer, Ollie Atkins, on December 21, 1970. They are identified as Roll 5364, frames 02 through 23, and Roll 5369, frames 12a through 17a.

  • Roll 5364 photos depict Nixon, Elvis, and Nixon staffer Egil Krogh.
  • Roll 5369 photos depict Nixon, Elvis and Elvis' bodyguards.
  • The famous photograph is item number 5364-18.
Roll 5364 Richard M. Nixon Meeting with Elvis Presley, 12/21/1970 194703
Roll 5369 President Richard M. Nixon Meeting Elvis Presley And Two of His Associates, Jerry Schilling And Sonny West, 12/21/1970 194704

Copyright Notice

The photographs included in this exhibit were taken by a White House photographer and transferred to the National Archives as part of the materials under the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act.

As the work product of a U.S. Government photographer, the National Archives considers these images to be ineligible for copyright protection, per 17 U.S.C. 105. However, the estates of Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley may claim rights in their likenesses and images, and further use of these photographs may be subject to those claims. Anyone who intends to download these images and use them commercially should first contact the appropriate representatives of former President Nixon or Mr. Presley or consult with his own legal counsel.


Nixon Library
National Archives at College Park
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