Brochure, “Relocating a People,” February 1, 1943

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[Left Column]

How to Employ Evacuees

An offer of employment should be prepared and presented to the nearest relocation office of the War Relocation Authority, or, if more convenient, to your local United States Employment Office.

Addresses of principal relocation offices:
Cleveland, Union Commerce Building.
Chicago, 226 West Jackson Boulevard.
Kansas City, 1509 Fidelity Building.
Denver, Midland Savings Building.
Salt Lake City, 318 Atlas Building.

Information to be given in each offer:

1. Employer’s name and address.

2. Type of worker desired:
      (a) Experience desired.
      (b) Skills, knowledge, or abilities re-quired.
      (c) Sex; age; physical requirements.

3. Working conditions:
      (a) Hours and pay.
      (b) Permanency.
      (c) Union or nonunion.

4. Living accommodations:
      (a) Housing (if provided, describe it).

[Center Column]

(b) Board (if included, explain arrangement).
      (c) Trading center: Distance and transportation.
      (d) Health and educational facilities.

5. Other special features pertaining to offer.

Employers who prefer to recruit labor directly at a relocation center may apply to the project director, either in person or in writing.


[beneath image of woman using a hand-held mixer]

Major Industry Groups

Americans of Japanese ancestry, 14 years
of age and over, in California, Oregon,
and Washington; Census of 1940

        Men ------------------------------------17, 785
Retail trade (clerks, salesmen, etc.):
Wholesale trade (both sexes)---------------2,190
Domestic service (private homes):

[Right Column]

Hotels, laundries, cleaners and dryers-----3,592
Manufacturing (all kinds)-------------------1,978
Professional services-------------------------1,326
Finance, insurance, real estate----------------656
Railroading, trucking, etc----------------------686
Auto storage, rental, repair--------------------292
Other business and repair services------------119

[Image of Male Chef with Cooking Pot]

Relocating a People

[Image of Man on Tractor]

I AM glad to observe that the War Department, the Navy Department, the War Manpower Commission, the Department of Justice, and the War Relocation Authority are collaborating in a program which will assure the opportunity for all loyal Americans, including Americans of Japanese ancestry, to serve their country at a time when the fullest and wisest use of our manpower is all-important to the war effort.

February 1, 1943