Certificate, U.S. v. Slaves of the Syrena, May 12, 1820
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St. Augustine of East Florida
The citizens of this province, certify that we have Seen & examined some new African negroes, whose names & Sexes are herein enumerated, viz: Abraham, Andres, July, Siro, Monday, Will, Tomany, Hetty (sp), Mahia, Celler, Sorrow [?], Elizabeth, Mary, Tom, May, Harry, Moussa , Joe, Menty, Mary, Amey, Sally, Siller, Billos, Diver [?]. Julia, June, Jacob, Zadock, Louisa, Lucy, Coekar [?] Charlotte, Scissio [?], Lewis, Nell, Bobb, Frank. & that by the appearance & other circumstance known to all that We are convinced that they are the same new African negroes, introduced in the port of Savannah on the Vesseles, Palatina & Sinena, who have been introduced in this province in the beginning of last April by Mr. Paul Dupou [?].
Signed / Bernardo Segui Bartolome de Castro y Ferreira
Leport Durande Pedro Miranda
Before me, Fernado de la Maza Arredondo first
alcade, have personally appeared the citizens
Note: Question marks represent illegible text.