Order of Seizure, U.S. v. Negro Slave Ben, July 5, 1816
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Transcript in
the case of negro
No 59 ------
The U States
slave Ben
The President of the United States of America
To the Marshall of the Mississippi Territory. Greeting on his deputy –
You are hereby Commanded to Seize and into your possession take a certain Negro Slave named Ben five feet and four inches in height twenty five year of age. or there abouts – who has been brought into Said Territory from a foreign port or place, towit from Pensacola, a place of West Florida within the Dominions of Spain. And jurisdiction of Ferdinand the Seventh, King of Spain contrary to the laws of the said States - [?] and– that you cite and admonish all and every person having or pretending to have any right title interest in or to the same Negro Slave, to be and appear at the Superior Court to be holden at the Town of Mobile in Mobile County the 3rd Monday in October next to show cause if any they have can to said Court when in session why the said Slave Should not be deemed forfeited under the laws of the[se?] United States and disposed of accordingly to a Statute of Said territory in such case made and providences.
Witness the Honorable Harry [?] Toulon [?]
Esqr. a judge of Said Territory in and for the
District of Washington the fifth day of
July 1816
Issued 5th July 1816
Christopher S. Stewart
Deputy C.S. C M C
Note: Question marks represent illegible text.