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Ike Book Talk: "Warriors Don't Cry"

"Warriors Don't Cry" is the focus of this book club chat. Find an Event

Lunch & Learn with Author James Worthen

Author James Worthen presents his new book "George Humphrey, Charles Wilson, and Eisenhower's War on Spending" during this month's Lunch & Learn session. Find an Event

Lunch & Learn: Politics on the Platform

This program is part of a series celebrating the Women's Suffrage Centennial. Find an Event

75th Anniversary - Potsdam and Atomic Bomb

Truman Library Education Director Mark Adams will tell the story of one of the most crucial decisions in history that Harry S. Truman made as President. Find an Event

Countdown 1945 with Chris Wallace

Chris Wallace, longtime journalist and anchor of Fox News Sunday, will discuss his new book, Countdown 1945: The Extraordinary Story of the Atomic Bomb and the 116 Days That Changed the World. Find an Event

19th Amendment: Past. Present. and Future.: An Online Celebration

Celebrating 100 years since the ratification of the 19th Amendment by convening luminary women leaders, historians, policymakers, and ceilingbreakers to mark this historic anniversary. Find an Event

Out of the Archives: The Atomic Bomb

Mark Adams will tell the story of one of the most crucial decisions in history that Harry S. Truman made as President. Find an Event

The Potsdam Conference: 75 Years Later

Michael Neiberg will discuss the dramatic power dynamics and negotiations of the historic Potsdam, Germany conference and reflect on its significance 75 years later. Find an Event

Defense in the Age of Covid 19: A Fireside Chat with Under Secretary Ellen Lord

Speaking with Reagan Institute Director Roger Zakheim, Ms. Lord will discuss U.S. defense policy in the era of COVID-19, the national security innovation base, and how flat defense budgets will impact the Pentagon. Find an Event

A Virtual Conversation with Former Solicitor General of the United States Theodore B. Olson

A live conversation with Mr. Olson, Solicitor General, 2001-2004. During the Reagan Administration, Mr. Olson was Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, 1981-1984.