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National Archives Comes Alive! Young Learners Program: Meet James Monroe
Meet James Monroe, lawyer, U.S. diplomat, and Founding Father, best known for drafting the “Monroe Doctrine,” which is the U.S. policy toward the Western Hemisphere and turns 200 this year.
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The Kay R. Pace School of the Arts Holiday Concert
Saturday, December 9, 2024
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National History Day in Missouri theme webinar
Want to learn more about the National History Day theme? Join us for a virtual NHD workshop that focuses on this year’s theme: Turning Points in History.
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“Civics for All of US” Teacher Workshop - Teaching the 14th Amendment
This interactive workshop for educators will feature a seminar discussion of the revolutionary qualities of the 14th Amendment.
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Make Your Voice Count: Learning About the First Amendment (Grades K–2)
During this interactive civics program, students will explore the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights using primary historical sources to learn about the importance of rights and how to exercise their freedoms.
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The First Amendment: Five Rights in One (Grades 3–5)
Students will explore the First Amendment freedoms from the Bill of Rights in this interactive and engaging civics program based on historical primary sources.
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The Bill of Rights Protects You (Grades 6–12)
During this interactive program, students will explore the Bill of Rights and how it outlines both limits on government and the rights of the people.
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Make Your Voice Count: Learning About the First Amendment (Grades K–2)
During this interactive civics program, students will explore the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights using primary historical sources to learn about the importance of rights and how to exercise their freedoms.
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The First Amendment: Five Rights in One (Grades 3–5)
Students will explore the First Amendment freedoms from the Bill of Rights in this interactive and engaging civics program based on historical primary sources.
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The Constitution and Our Community (Grades 3–5)
Students will explore the idea of community, hone their primary source analysis skills by examining government records, and connect the Constitution to their own lives.