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Bill of Rights Day Family Activities
Celebrate the first 10 amendments to the Constitution with family activities.
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Free family movie in the Figge Auditorium at the Hoover Museum.
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Story Time in the ReSource Room for Pre-Schoolers and Adults
This story time's theme is the Wright Brothers and their invention of the airplane.
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Exhibit Opens: Wounded War Dogs
James Mellick’s “Wounded Warrior Dogs” includes six wood-carved dogs, all wounded or rehabilitated and representing wartime service. They circle a small coffin draped in an American flag.
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Exhibit Closes: Wounded War Dogs
James Mellick’s “Wounded Warrior Dogs” includes six wood-carved dogs, all wounded or rehabilitated and representing wartime service. They circle a small coffin draped in an American flag.
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Hear from Hoover Experts
Curatorial staff will be in the Hoover galleries to talk about the Christmas panels.
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Special 15th-Anniversary Screening of National Treasure
A special showing of the 2004 movie about the Declaration of Independence follows fun activities related to the film. There's a prize for best costume!
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Story Time in the ReSource Room for Pre-Schoolers and Adults
Join us for story time for 3- to 5-year-olds. The theme for November is Thanksgiving at the White House.
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Holiday Open House and Train Opening!
Kick off the Holiday Season at the Ford Presidential Museum with holiday music, a visit with Santa and his reindeer.
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Paint a Ceramic Christmas Tree
Instructor M. Renee Vogt from Renee's Ceramics will lead a class in painting.