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National Archives Comes Alive! Young Learners Program: Meet Washington Irving
Neill Hartley portrays Washington Irving, sharing Irving’s life and excerpts from his short stories, including "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."
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National History Day in Missouri Webinar Part Two
National History Day in Missouri: Researching with Primary Sources
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National History Day in Missouri Webinar Part One
Explore the National History Day 2022 contest theme "Debate and Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences."
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The Constitution and Our Community for Grades 3-5
Students will explore the idea of community, hone their primary source analysis skills by examining government records, and connect the Constitution to their own lives.
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The Constitution and Our Community for Grades 3-5
Students will explore the idea of community, hone their primary source analysis skills by examining government records, and connect the Constitution to their own lives.
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The Constitution Rules! For Grades K–2
Students will explore the idea of different responsibilities in their community and analyze images that highlight the jobs of the three branches of government as outlined in the Constitution.
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The Constitution Rules! For Grades K–2
Students will explore the idea of different responsibilities in their community and analyze images that highlight the jobs of the three branches of government as outlined in the Constitution.
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Virtual Pajama Party Program with Winifred Conkling and Sylvia Mendez
This Virtual Pajama Party for kids aged 8–12 will focus on the book "Sylvia and Aki," a fictional account of the World War II friendship between Sylvia Mendez and Aki Munemitsu.
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National Archives Comes Alive! Young Learners Program: Meet James Madison
Meet James Madison, the fourth President and “Father of the Constitution,” as portrayed by actor John Douglas Hall!
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Young Learners Program: Meet Ida B. Wells
In this National Archives Comes Alive! program, meet Ida B. Wells, portrayed by Marti Gobel.