Records Management Services (RMS) Program - FAQ
What is a Component?
A component is a piece of software that provides a service or function within a computing environment, and is defined by the interfaces it has with entities around it. It is inherently modular and portable, designed to be useable by many applications requiring similar services. An example of a software service component is the system clock embedded in many computer operating systems that provides time and date services to all the applications running in association with the operating system.
What is a Records Management Services Component (RMS)?
A Records Management service component is a piece of software that provides services that support the creation, management, transfer, and destruction of electronic records within a computing environment.
What are the benefits of having RMS?
An RMS would allow the management of records to begin much earlier in the business or mission process. Current solutions, such as records management applications currently on the market, are usually implemented at the end of the business or mission process. Records management services would be available to users within the agency's enterprise architecture from their point of creation or receipt and possibly within their native applications. This will allow more efficient and effective management of records throughout their lifecycle.