Student Visits

Student Visits

Students can participate in hands-on document-based programs and visit our exhibitions.

National Archives Locations


Presidential Libraries

Please check the website of the Presidential Library you are interested in visiting below.


Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum (West Branch, IA)

Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum (Hyde Park, NY)

Harry S. Truman Library and Museum (Independence, MO)

Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum (Abilene, KS)

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (Boston, MA)

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum (Austin, TX)

Richard Nixon Library and Museum (Yorba Linda, CA)

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum (Grand Rapids, MI)

Jimmy Carter Library and Museum (Atlanta, GA)

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum (Simi Valley, CA)

George Bush Presidential Library and Museum (College Station, TX)

William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum (Little Rock, AR)
