NARA and Declassification

Agenda Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Public Interest Declassification Board

Location: Teleconference
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Executive Session

I. Welcome and Opening Remarks
(Acting Chair Martin Faga)

  1:00 -1:05
II. Approval of the July 8, 2009 Meeting Minutes
(Martin Faga)

  1:05 -1:10
III. Introduction of General Hayden and other Board Members
(Martin Faga)

  1:10 -1:20
IV. Status Update on the Revision to the Executive Order
(Jay Bosanko)

  1:20 -1:25
V. Discussion of "Vision for the Future" Work Plan
(Martin Faga)

  1. Brainstorm ideas for direction and for an overarching vision
  2. Develop possible components of the vision
  3. Brainstorm possible speakers for each component
  1:25 -2:30
VI. December 14, 2009 PIDB Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation
(John Powers)
  1. Goals of the conversation
  2. Logistics
  2:30 -2:45
VII. Discuss possible visits to the Presidential Libraries
(John Powers)
  1. Goals of the visits
  2. Logistics - information needed for GovTrip
  2:45 -3:00
VII. Adjournment
(Martin Faga)

