NARA and Declassification

ISCAP Reference No. 2012-029

ISCAP Reference No.: 2012-029

Document No.: 1

Custodial Agency: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

Date of ISCAP Decision: Mar. 19, 2014

Title and Date: Information Report: Iraq, June 30, 1963

Pages: 3

Classification: Secret

ISCAP Declassification Decision: Affirmed the classification of the document in its entirety

Classification Category: E.O. 13526 §3.3(b)(1) as 50X1

Statutory Exemption(s): Some information remains withheld by the Central Intelligence Agency under the statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949,50 U.S.C. §403(g).

Agency tracking number:  Kennedy NLK-07-197c document 35

