Calendar of Events

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Past Events

  • November 12 Monday

    Independence, MO - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

    Mondays with McCullough

    Join the Mondays with McCullough book club to study the Pulitzer-prize winning biography “Truman” by David McCullough, one chapter at a time.
  • November 11 Sunday

    West Branch, IA - 2:00pm to 3:15pm

    Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknowns

    A special presentation on Veteran's Day by Thomas Tudor in the Figge Auditorium
  • Dallas, TX - 12:00pm to 2:00pm

    Letters to the Troops

    Come and write a letter that will then be sent to US troops.
  • Independence, MO - 11:30am to 5:00pm

    Ike Skelton Salute to Veterans

    In honor of our veterans, the Museum is open free of charge to everyone from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for a day filled with patriotic activities.
  • November 9 Friday

    Boston, MA - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

    The Midterm Elections: What Might They Mean?

    Mara Liasson, NPR political correspondent, Mark Preston, CNN director of political programming, and New York Times reporter Kate Zernike discuss the midterms with Nancy Cordes, correspondent for CBS News.
  • Little Rock, AR - 10:00am to 9:00pm

    Seeds of Peace at the Clinton Center

    For 25 years, Seeds of Peace has been a leader in person-to-person conflict resolution.
  • November 8 Thursday

    Independence, MO - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

    Jay Sexton: “A Nation Forged by Crisis”

    In partnership with the Kinder Institute for Urban Research, Jay Sexton will discuss his new book, “A Nation Forged by Crisis” which examines the crises that have determined our nation’s course from the start.
  • Washington, DC - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

    “Blood Road”

    The film follows a daughter's search for her father's crash site and final resting place 40 years after he was shot down during the Vietnam War.
  • November 6 Tuesday

    Ann Arbor, MI - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

    Tom Tudor ~ "Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier"

    "Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" ~ presentation by Tom Tudor
  • College Station, TX - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

    Bipartisanship and Foreign Policy with Dr. Madeleine Albright, 64th Secretary of State

    A discussion on Bipartisanship and Foreign Policy with Dr. Madeleine Albright, 64th Secretary of State, featuring her latest book Fascism: A Warning.
  • College Station, TX - 4:00pm to 7:30pm

    Bipartisanship and Foreign Policy with Dr. Madeleine Albright, 64th Secretary of State

    A discussion on Bipartisanship and Foreign Policy with Dr. Madeleine Albright, 64th Secretary of State, featuring her latest book Fascism: A Warning.
  • Ann Arbor, MI - 3:00pm

    Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

    Tom Tudor presented a moving and informative narrative on one of our nations most hallowed ground, and shared his personal connection with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as he recalled his time as a sentinel and relief commander standing watch over the historic site.
  • Ann Arbor, MI - 3:00pm

    Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

    Tom Tudor presented a moving and informative narrative on one of our nations most hallowed ground, and shared his personal connection with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as he recalled his time as a sentinel and relief commander standing watch over the historic site.
  • Ann Arbor, MI - 1:00pm

    Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

    Tom Tudor presented a moving and informative narrative on one of our nations most hallowed ground, and shared his personal connection with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as he recalled his time as a sentinel and relief commander standing watch over the historic site.
  • Ann Arbor, MI - 1:00pm

    Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

    Tom Tudor presented a moving and informative narrative on one of our nations most hallowed ground, and shared his personal connection with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as he recalled his time as a sentinel and relief commander standing watch over the historic site.
  • Yorba Linda, CA - 10:00am to 5:00pm

    Exhibit Closing: Vote Like Your Whole Depended Like It: The Story of the 1968 Election

    This new special exhibit at the Nixon Library will dig up a time capsule to peel back a veil on the presidential election that capped one the most divisive, colorful, and consequential years in American history.
  • Ann Arbor, MI - 11:00am

    Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

    Tom Tudor presented a moving and informative narrative on one of our nations most hallowed ground, and shared his personal connection with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as he recalled his time as a sentinel and relief commander standing watch over the historic site.
  • Ann Arbor, MI - 11:00am

    Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

    Tom Tudor presented a moving and informative narrative on one of our nations most hallowed ground, and shared his personal connection with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as he recalled his time as a sentinel and relief commander standing watch over the historic site.
  • Kansas City, MO - 6:00am to 7:00pm

    Election Day

    The National Archives is a polling site on August 7 from 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Expected additional foot traffic and limited parking.
  • November 5 Monday

    Kansas City, MO - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

    Film Screening and Discussion of Mavis!

    Film screening and discussion of Mavis! at the American Jazz Museum, 1616 E. 18th Street, Kansas City, MO.
  • Atlanta, GA - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

    Elliott J. Gorn Author Program

    Elliott J. Gorn discusses and signs his book "Let the People See: The Story of Emmett Till."
  • Hyde Park, NY - 4:00pm to 5:30pm

    "Visual Rhetoric" with Mary Stuckey

    The FDR Library and Museum will host a presentation by Penn State professor of political rhetoric and communication Mary E. Stuckey entitled VISUAL RHETORIC AND AMERICA'S WORLD WAR II POSTER ART.
  • November 1 Thursday

    Grand Rapids, MI - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

    Lecture with Brian Kilmeade

    Brian Kilmeade will discuss his book, "Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans."
  • Washington, DC - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

    Vietnam Photographers: Capturing the War on Film

    In observance of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, a panel of combat photographers who served in Vietnam will discuss their role and their work.
  • College Station, TX - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

    Aesop Storytelling Fables By Barbara Hailey

    Join Barbara Hailey, author, playwright, and master storyteller at the Bush Center on November 1 at 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m as she shares the story of an underdog who sought to bring joy to the lives of all.
  • College Station, TX - 10:30am to 11:30am

    Aesop Storytelling Fables By Barbara Hailey

    Join Barbara Hailey, author, playwright, and master storyteller at the Bush Center on November 1 at 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m as she shares the story of an underdog who sought to bring joy to the lives of all.
  • October 31 Wednesday

    Ann Arbor, MI - 3:00pm

    Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow

    Richard A. Moss, an Associate Professor at the Center for Naval Warfare Studies at the US Naval War College and author of Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow: Confidential Diplomacy and Dtente, explored the creation and evolution of President Nixon's diplomatic back channel with the Soviet Union.
  • Ann Arbor, MI - 1:00pm

    Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow

    Richard A. Moss, an Associate Professor at the Center for Naval Warfare Studies at the US Naval War College and author of Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow: Confidential Diplomacy and Dtente, explored the creation and evolution of President Nixon's diplomatic back channel with the Soviet Union.
  • Ann Arbor, MI - 11:00am

    Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow

    Richard A. Moss, an Associate Professor at the Center for Naval Warfare Studies at the US Naval War College and author of Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow: Confidential Diplomacy and Dtente, explored the creation and evolution of President Nixon's diplomatic back channel with the Soviet Union.
  • October 29 Monday

    Washington, DC - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

    Valley Forge

    Bob Drury has written an inspiring account of Valley Forge, the Continental Army winter camp where George Washington turned the tide of the American Revolution.

All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.
