Past Events
June 1 Wednesday
Grand Rapids, MI - 1:00pm
The Ironies of Watergate and Three Presidencies with Tevi Troy
The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum and the Gerald R. Ford Foundation present the legacy of Watergate fifty years on. Join Tevi Troys retrospective of the events that occurred in 1972. -
Grand Rapids, MI - 11:00am
When Watergate Changed the World with Garrett Graff
Join the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum and the Gerald R. Ford Foundation as we explore the legacy of Watergate fifty years on. Garrett Graff discusses newly released documents regarding the events occurring that led to the Watergate scandal. -
Grand Rapids, MI - 11:00am
The Ironies of Watergate and Three Presidencies with Tevi Troy
The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum and the Gerald R. Ford Foundation present the legacy of Watergate fifty years on. Join Tevi Troys retrospective of the events that occurred in 1972.
May 31 Tuesday
Grand Rapids, MI - 3:00pm
Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency, with Mark Updegrove
The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Museum and Foundation welcomed noted historian Mark Updegrove discussed his book Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency. -
Online - 3:00pm
Not by Bread Alone: Why We Need Beauty, with Jeff Polet
VIRTUAL-- - Jeff Polet, director of the Ford Leadership Forum opened the exhibit "Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition" a SEE Global exhibition. -
Grand Rapids, MI - 3:00pm
Michelangelo and the Art of Difficulty, with Henry Luttikhuizen
Henry Luttikhuizen examined Michelangelos preoccupation with difficulty and reconsider the relationship between physical exhaustion and intellectual agility in early sixteenth-century Italy. In conjunction with the exhibit Michelangelos Sistine Chapel. -
Online - 3:00pm
The Fictive Architecture of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, with Duncan Stroik
VIRTUAL-- In this lecture, Duncan Stroik took a closer look at the Sistine Chapel. How was Michelangelo influenced by the existing architecture of the chapel, and how did he add to it with the architectural elements in his frescoes? -
Grand Rapids, MI - 1:00pm
Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency, with Mark Updegrove
The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Museum and Foundation welcomed noted historian Mark Updegrove discussed his book Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency. -
Online - 1:00pm
Not by Bread Alone: Why We Need Beauty, with Jeff Polet
VIRTUAL-- - Jeff Polet, director of the Ford Leadership Forum opened the exhibit "Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition" a SEE Global exhibition. -
Grand Rapids, MI - 1:00pm
Michelangelo and the Art of Difficulty, with Henry Luttikhuizen
Henry Luttikhuizen examined Michelangelos preoccupation with difficulty and reconsider the relationship between physical exhaustion and intellectual agility in early sixteenth-century Italy. In conjunction with the exhibit Michelangelos Sistine Chapel. -
Online - 1:00pm
The Fictive Architecture of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, with Duncan Stroik
VIRTUAL-- In this lecture, Duncan Stroik took a closer look at the Sistine Chapel. How was Michelangelo influenced by the existing architecture of the chapel, and how did he add to it with the architectural elements in his frescoes? -
Grand Rapids, MI - 11:00am
Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency, with Mark Updegrove
The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Museum and Foundation welcomed noted historian Mark Updegrove discussed his book Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency. -
Online - 11:00am
Not by Bread Alone: Why We Need Beauty, with Jeff Polet
VIRTUAL-- - Jeff Polet, director of the Ford Leadership Forum opened the exhibit "Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition" a SEE Global exhibition. -
Grand Rapids, MI - 11:00am
Michelangelo and the Art of Difficulty, with Henry Luttikhuizen
Henry Luttikhuizen examined Michelangelos preoccupation with difficulty and reconsider the relationship between physical exhaustion and intellectual agility in early sixteenth-century Italy. In conjunction with the exhibit Michelangelos Sistine Chapel. -
Online - 11:00am
The Fictive Architecture of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, with Duncan Stroik
VIRTUAL-- In this lecture, Duncan Stroik took a closer look at the Sistine Chapel. How was Michelangelo influenced by the existing architecture of the chapel, and how did he add to it with the architectural elements in his frescoes?
May 30 Monday
West Branch, IA - 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Iowa Brass Concert
Patriotic music performed in the Village Green, downtown West Branch, Iowa.
May 28 Saturday
West Branch, IA - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Deliverance: America and the Famine in Soviet Russia, 1921-1923
Deliverance tells the story of one of the greatest humanitarian efforts, with Herbert Hoover and the American Relief Administration’s (ARA) providing food and medical relief during the Soviet famine of 1921.
May 26 Thursday
Online - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
May Lunch & Learn: Eisenhower's Pandemic
This monthly series is held the 4th Thursday of each month. The 2022 program theme is "Dwight Eisenhower: The Making of a Leader" and will focus on family, military, presidency, and mentorship.
May 25 Wednesday
Online - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Historic Census Bureau Sources for Filipino, Guamanian & Chamorro, American Samoan & Native Hawaiian Research
Christopher Martin, a historian with the U.S. Census Bureau, focuses on historic Census Bureau resources for Filipinos, Guamanians and Chamorros, American Samoans, and Native Hawaiians.
May 23 Monday
Online - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Black Suffrage: Lincoln’s Last Goal
As the Civil War came to a close, Abraham Lincoln announced his support for voting rights for at least some of the newly freed enslaved people. Paul D. Escott explores the vigorous national debates on this issue. -
Online - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Young Learners Children’s Book Program: Monument Maker: Daniel Chester French and the Lincoln Memorial
Meet Linda Booth Sweeney, author of "Monument Maker: Daniel Chester French and the Lincoln Memorial," and a National Park Service Ranger.
May 20 Friday
Online - 1:15pm to 1:45pm
Voting Rights, the Constitution, & Representative Government (Grades 6–8)
Using the Constitution, constitutional amendments, and legislation, students will explore the progression of voting rights in the United States. -
Online - 11:15am to 12:00pm
The First Amendment: Five Rights in One! (Grades 3–5)
Students will explore the First Amendment freedoms from the Bill of Rights in this interactive and engaging civics program based on historical primary sources.
May 19 Thursday
Online - 11:00am to 12:00pm
National Archives Comes Alive! Young Learners Program: Meet Marian Anderson
Meet Marian Anderson, the African American contralto and civil rights activist, as portrayed by Jillian Pirtle.
May 18 Wednesday
Online - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
History of Census Records and the National Archives
Join our Historian, Jessie Kratz, as she presents the history of census records in relation to the history of the National Archives.
May 17 Tuesday
Online - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Quest for the Presidency: The Storied and Surprising History of Presidential Campaigns in America
In "Quest for the Presidency," author Bob Riel gathers in a single volume the compelling stories behind every Presidential campaign in American history, from 1789 through 2020.
May 14 Saturday
Washington, DC - 10:00am to 1:00pm
Lincoln Memorial Centennial Family Day
Engage in games, create crafts to take home, and learn something new about the Lincoln Memorial story.
May 12 Thursday
Online - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Lincoln and the Fight for Peace
Author John Avlon discusses the power of President Abraham Lincoln’s personal example in the closing days of the Civil War.
May 11 Wednesday
Online - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
From Parchments to Printouts: History of the Census from 1790 to 1950
This presentation will trace thestory of the U.S. census from 1790 to 1940, then provide the context for how the Census Bureau collected, processed, and analyzed the 1950 Census data.
May 10 Tuesday
Online - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Ike's Book Club - May 2022
Join us for Ike's Book Club where this year we will read and discuss various books about leadership. President Eisenhower was a voracious reader. We honor his love for reading with our book club. -
Online - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
When Rabbis Bless Congress: The Great American Story of Jewish Prayers on Capitol Hill
Howard Mortman’s "When Rabbis Bless Congress" examines 160 years of Jewish prayers delivered in the literal and figurative center of American democracy.
May 7 Saturday
Online - 11:30am to 12:30pm
Celebrate! with Trend N Motion - Animal Dance Kingdom
Through hip hop dance, children learn about nature with fun animal facts and follow along to get their own bodies moving in dances that emulate animal movements in this fun video program for the whole family.
May 5 Thursday
Online - 10:00am to 1:00pm
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee Meeting
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee members meet to discuss and vote on draft subcommittee recommendations.
May 4 Wednesday
Online - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Civil Rights Queen: Constance Baker Motley and the Struggle for Equality
Civil rights and legal historian Tomiko Brown-Nagin examines the life and career of Constance Baker Motley, the first Black woman to argue a case before the Supreme Court.
May 1 Sunday
Grand Rapids, MI - 3:00pm
Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency, with Mark Updegrove
The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Museum and Foundation welcomed noted historian Mark Updegrove discussed his book Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency. -
Online - 3:00pm
Not by Bread Alone: Why We Need Beauty, with Jeff Polet
VIRTUAL-- - Jeff Polet, director of the Ford Leadership Forum opened the exhibit "Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition" a SEE Global exhibition. -
Grand Rapids, MI - 3:00pm
Michelangelo and the Art of Difficulty, with Henry Luttikhuizen
Henry Luttikhuizen examined Michelangelos preoccupation with difficulty and reconsider the relationship between physical exhaustion and intellectual agility in early sixteenth-century Italy. In conjunction with the exhibit Michelangelos Sistine Chapel. -
Online - 3:00pm
The Fictive Architecture of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, with Duncan Stroik
VIRTUAL-- In this lecture, Duncan Stroik took a closer look at the Sistine Chapel. How was Michelangelo influenced by the existing architecture of the chapel, and how did he add to it with the architectural elements in his frescoes? -
Grand Rapids, MI - 1:00pm
Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency, with Mark Updegrove
The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Museum and Foundation welcomed noted historian Mark Updegrove discussed his book Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency. -
Online - 1:00pm
Not by Bread Alone: Why We Need Beauty, with Jeff Polet
VIRTUAL-- - Jeff Polet, director of the Ford Leadership Forum opened the exhibit "Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition" a SEE Global exhibition.
All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.