Vietnam: Lessons Learned and Lessons Ignored
William G. McGowan Theater
Washington, DC
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What lessons have we learned—and must we learn—from the Vietnam War? How does the war continue to reverberate in our politics today? A bipartisan group of former Members of Congress join experts on the Vietnam War to examine the tumultuous Vietnam era. Many of the issues that shaped our nation in the 1960s and 1970s still play a leading role in our national dialogue: race relations, culture wars, how we treat veterans, and the erosion of trust in government. Moderating the panel will be CBS Radio News Political Analyst and American University Professor Leonard Steinhorn. Panelists include Bronze Star and Purple Hear recipient Harry Robinson III and former members of Congress Jim Jones, Chuck Hagel, and Milton Robert Carr. Presented in partnership with the U.S Association of Former Members of Congress.

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