Veterans Day Tribute: WWII Soldier Photographers from the U.S. Army Signal Corps Photo Collection at the National Archives
William G. McGowan Theater
Washington, DC
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U.S. Army photographers from the Signal Corps are known for their comprehensive documentation of battle during World War II. Not as well known is their work in 1945 as the war came to an end. Their photographs of the war’s impact have been compiled into a book: Aftershock: The Human Toll of War. Join us for a panel discussion as we explore these fascinating photos from the National Archives. Panelists include the book’s authors, Richard Cahan and Mark Jacob; Dr. Erik B. Villard, Historian, U.S. Army Center of Military History; Dr. Rebecca Raines, author, History of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, and Kaitlyn Crain Enriquez, Archives Specialist, National Archives Still Picture Branch.
A book sales and signing of Aftershock will follow the program.
Presented in partnership with the U.S. Army Center of Military History.

All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.