The Bill of Rights as an Inspiration to the World
William G. McGowan Theater
Washington, DC
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Join us for a special Bill of Rights Day program celebrating the U.S. Bill of Rights as an inspiration to the world. A panel of scholars and authors will explore the unique history of these first 10 amendments to the Constitution and the ways in which they have influenced national constitutions around the world from 1791 to today. Moderated by Pulitzer Prize–winning historian and professor of history at Stanford University, Jack Rakove, panelists include David O. Stewart, attorney and author of Madison’s Gift: Five Partnerships That Built America; Constitutional scholar Linda R. Monk, author of The Bill of Rights: A User’s Guide; and John D. Bessler, professor of law, University of Baltimore School of Law and adjunct professor, Georgetown University Law Center.
A book signing of The Bill of Rights: A User’s Guide will follow the program.
Presented in partnership with The Constitutional Sources Project (ConSource).

All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.