“Remembering Vietnam” Exhibition Opening: Helicopters in Vietnam
William G. McGowan Theater
Washington, DC
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In conjunction with this weekend’s display of Vietnam War–era helicopters on the National Archives grounds, we present a discussion with members of the North Carolina Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association. The discussion will be moderated by Dwayne Williams, a decorated Vietnam War helicopter pilot and former chief pilot at Bell Helicopter.
Presented in part by the Lawrence F. O’Brien Family, Pritzker Military Museum & Library, AARP, FedEx Corporation, and the National Archives Foundation. Additional support provided by the Maris S. Cuneo Foundation, The Eliasberg Family Foundation, Inc., and HISTORYⓇ.
The Opening Weekend Celebration is presented in part by L3 Technologies, Inc., and Bell Helicopter.

All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.