Office of Government Information Services Annual Meeting
National Archives Building
YouTube Livestream
The federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Ombudsman's office, the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS), will host its annual public meeting in accordance with the FOIA statute.
This meeting is open to the public in accordance with FOIA provisions at 5 U.S.C. § 552(h)(6). We will post all meeting materials at You may submit written statements or comments for OGIS to consider by completing the public comment form, which will open by May 15, at will not address individual OGIS cases or specific FOIA requests. If you are interested in presenting oral statements at the meeting you must register in advance via the Eventbrite link (forthcoming). Each individual will be limited to three minutes each. For further information contact: Martha Murphy by email at or by telephone at 202.741.5770.
How to attend:
This virtual meeting is open to the public. You must register in advance through the Eventbrite link if you wish to attend, and you must include an email address so that we can send you access information. To request accommodations (e.g., a transcript), email or call 202.741.5770. Members of the media who wish to register, those who are unable to register online, and those who require special accommodations, should contact Martha Murphy (contact information listed above).

OGIS logo
All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.