National Archives at New York City Finding Family Series
National Archives at New York City 3rd floor Learning Center
New York, NY
Reserve a Seat
City Directories: The Solution to Finding Family Members In-Between Federal Census Ten-Year Gaps
Guest lecturer Terry Koch-Bostic will discuss how City directories can establish where your ancestor lived, worked, married, went to church and their surname variants. Think of them as pre-1935 "people finders."
Terry Koch-Bostic is a professional genealogist and currently the National Genealogical Society (NGS) vice president, APG-NY Chapter Representative, and contributing author and reviewer for NYG&B's NY Family History Research Guide and Gazetteer. Today, as a professional genealogist, she pursues her passion full time and specializes in New York City, Long Island, and Irish and German-American research.
Register via email at or call 866-840-1752.

Detail of a 1913 map of New York City (National Archives Identifier 26335547)
All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.