Lady Bird Johnson: Hiding in Plain Sight
National Archives Museum
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Author Julia Sweig will discuss Lady Bird Johnson’s complex and captivating role—as a political partner to her husband, as a vital yet underappreciated presence in the White House, and as a critical adviser and strategist in the new biography, Lady Bird Johnson: Hiding in Plain Sight. The story is told in Lady Bird’s own words through the largely unknown and overlooked audio diaries that she kept during her years in the White House. Sweig unveils a new view of Lady Bird’s power within the Johnson Presidency and presents a surprisingly modern and influential American First Lady.
Joining Sweig in conversation will be Claudia Anderson, former supervisory archivist at the LBJ Presidential Library, and Jeff Shesol, author of the forthcoming Mercury Rising: John Glenn, John Kennedy, and the New Battleground of the Cold War.
Presented in partnership with the LBJ Presidential Library.
Signed, bookplated copies of Lady Bird Johnson: Hiding in Plain Sight are available for pre-order from The Store at LBJ and will be mailed out shortly after the March 16 publication. Use discount code CLAUDIA for 10 percent off Julia Sweig’s book and any other purchases you make from The Store at LBJ, March 1–31.
All events listed in the calendar are free unless noted.